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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 1, 2011
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Shelton-Mason County Journal By EMILY HANSON throughoui the season." time. I think we'll be able to beat a lot Varsity challenge matches were held of the competitors we haven't been able Climbers faced off against Climbers in six weight classes. At 132 pounds, to." during the annual Challenge Night last Hunter Core defeated Erik Smith This is Conklin's first year making weekend, while Jakeob Garrick took down Devyn the varsity team and he said he is very On Saturday, Nov. 26, Shelton wres- Graden at 138 pounds, Malachi Conklin excited. tlers grappled with each other for varsi- defeated Adam Coffman at 145 pounds, "That was a tough match and I'm ty spots during Challenge Night Under Dylan Corey won over Shelby Salisbury happy I earned varsity," he added. "It's the Lights, an annual tournament held at 152 pOunds, Colby Barber defeated going to be a great season." to get match experience in before the Levi Goodburn at 170 pounds and Ri- Two other big wins came at the official start of the season and to deter- cardo Franco beat Blake Gentry at 182 195-pound and 118-pound weight class- mine the varsity team. pounds, es. At 195 pounds, Johnathen Dennis "Challenge Night was incredibly suc- "The match of the night would bepinned Betsaid Garcia while Kaitlin cessful," Chris Lacy, head coach, said: Malachi Conklin versus Adam Coff- Woods pinned Kayla Edwards at 118 "I would like to give special thanks to man," Lacy said. pounds. Bill Corbett, our announcer, and Brett Conldin, a junior, said he thought the The Highclimbers' first match of the Corbett, our official, for donating their night was going great, season is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Sat- time. Their professionalism and person- "Everyone's showing how hard urday, Dec. 3 at Timberline High School. ality add a lot to the event. Our parents, they've been working on the mat," Conk- "The team is ready for a great show- families and fans were a great support lin said. "I think this is going to be the ing at the Timberline tournament," Lacy and we look forward to that continuing best our team has been for a really long said. Journal photos by Emily Hanson Shelton's Kaitlin Woods, right, stands ready for her match at 118 pounds against teammate Kayla Edwards, left, to begin during the Chal- lenge Night in the Mini Dome on Saturday, Nov. 26. Woods won the match by pin. Journal photos by Emily Hanson Shelton's Caitlyn Borys swings back to send her ball down the lane during Shelton's home match against Yelm on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at West Side Lanes in Olympia. Shelton bowlers knockdown Central Shelton's Danielle Ewart releases a ball on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at West Side Lanes in Olympia. By EMILY HANSON Cox said she thinks the sea- son is going well so far, especially The Lady Highclimberssince the Lady Highclimbers had knocked down another league op- only lost one match. ponent last week. "The girls are doing kind of as On Tuesday, Nov, 22, Shelton's I expected," Snyder said. "They're bowling team defeated Central bowling well but I expect them to Kitsap at All-Star Lanes in Sil- do well." verdale 5-2. Despite how well the Lady "They did extremely well for Highclimbers are doing so far, bowling at All-Star Lanes, where Snyder said that any team can be we don't necessarily bowl well," beaten any day, no matter what Curt Snyder, head coach, said. the statistics say. "Danielle Ewart was the top scor- According to the Narrows er again." League stats as of Thursday, Nov. Ewart led the team with scores 24, Danielle Ewart was leading of 164 and 233 while her sister the 4A bowlers with an average Mishawn Ewart followed closely score of 185 in 10 games. Mishawn behind with 174 and 188. Ewart is fifth in the league with Caitlyn Borys was the highest an average of 173 in 10 games. scorer of the first game, with 201 As a team, Shelton is leading points, but dropped down to 137 the league with a total of 9,649 for the second game. points, an average of 160, a baker Brittany Smith was consistent game average of 164 and a series for both games with 126 and 124 average of B00. and Lindsey Cox improved from As of press time, the Shel- l13 in game one to 141 in game ton had not yet played at home two. against Yelm on Tuesday, Nov. "I felt we tried hard but really 29. didn't do as well as we should ' The Lady Highclimbers' next have because the lanes were re- scheduled match is 3 p.m. on ally oily and we weren't used to Thursday, Dec. 1 against Lincoln it," Cox said. "We would get really High School at Pacific Lanes in down about it, too." Tacoma: Shelton-Mason County Journal - Senior bailer dedicated to !helping others By EMILY HANSON For the last decade, Jor- danne Krumpols has been dedicated to playing basket- ball. Krumpols, a senior and third-yearvarsity point guard for the Lady High- climbers, said she began playing through the youth recreation Jordanne league in I~umpols Shelton. "Bas- ketball sounded like fun and it's a second sport for me to get in shape for my main sport," she said. "I stuck with it to stay in shape. It's also fun and I like being really ag- gressive and getting after the ball." Head girls' basketball coach Aaron Leth said Krumpols has been show- ing great leadership on the team. "She's been varsity for the last three years and she's dedicated to grades, her family, her team and her church," he said. Krumpols' main sport, she said, is fastpitch- which she's played for the last ten years as well. "I started playing fast- pitch through the league Shelton used to have and continued through the se- lect league," Krumpols said. "I like being able to play, get down and dirty, go at it hard and take girls out because I'm the catcher." Along with being a two-sport varsity athlete, Krumpols maintains a 3.4 to 3.6 GPA, is enrolled in honors classes and is also a member of the honor soci- ety. "I'm looking at Central Washington University, South Puget Sound and Western Oregon for school next year," Krumpols said. "All of them have firefight- ing programs and have fast- pitch. I want to find a mix- ture of the both of them." She said her goal is to be- come a firefighter and para- medic. "I like the medical stuffso I thought paramedic would be a good choice for me," Krumpols explained. "I've also been doing a recruit- ment class through [Mason County] Fire District 5." Outside of school and sports, Krumpols ~said her family is her number one priority and that she enjoys See Athlete on page C-3 Thursday, December 1,2011, Page C-1