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Even though the NBA lockout has been declared over,
doesn't mean local high school games should be ignored.
The Mary M. Knight basketball season begins on Sat-
urday for the boys' and girls' teams.
For the boys' team, head coach Tim Diggle said senior
Sean Sexton and juniors Kyle Willey and Nick Dierkop
are all players to watch.
"They're three of my top players," Diggle said. "There
~ are a lot of young ones pushing them this ~::
year. We've got some young talent."
For the girls' team, head coach Lance
Valley was hesitant to choose two or
three Lady Owls as players to watch. ~.~:
"Last year, it seemed like one girl
stepped up and the next game, a differ-
ent girl would," Vance stated. "I'm doing
Sean a team building this year, so I'd say the Nick
Sexton whole team are players to watch." Dierkop
The Lady Owls are scheduled to play
their first game at 6 p.m. on Saturday,
Dec. 3 at home with the Knight Owls set
to play at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 3 at home.
Both teams will face off against Faith
Christian in a non-league game.
The teams are scheduled to play at
home against Ocosta with the Lady Owls
starting at 6:30 p.m. and the Knight Owls
at 8 p.m.
As a Cougar fan working with a bunch
of Husky supporters, it was a little annoy-
ing to come into the office this past Mon-
For the third year
in a row, Washington
State University lost
to the University of
Washington and a lit-
tle piece of my pride in
bleeding Crimson and
Gray died.
When I was a stu-
Alex Brink as
The one year
dent at WSU - from fall
2004 through spring
2008 - the Cougars won
three of four years with
the starting quarterback.
we lost was by just three
The last time the Cougars won the Ap-
ple Cup, in fall 2008, was also by a mar-
gin of three points and then the drought line? Haven't they been coached to pro- way down.
started, tect their quarterback, on whom all plays Wulff, with a record of 9-40, has the
UW hired Steve Sarkisian and he led rely? lowest winning percentage of all Washing-
the horrible Huskies to a 30-0 victory at Both teams earned 21 first downs and ton State head football coaches and three
home. Last season, those dreaded Dawgs yet the Cougars were only able to rush for of the nine wins are against FCS teams.
won 35-28 in Pullman and now they've 38 yards, compared to the Husky's 143Wulff played for WSU as an offensive
won 38-21. Those last three losses have all yards. WSU out-passed UW 344 yards tolineman from 1986 to 1989. During those
been under the watch of Paul Wulff. 291 and even had possession of the ball four years, much like his coaching time at
Thanks to Wulffs failure to bring for five minutes longer than UW, and yet WSU, he was on only one winning Apple
home the Cup this season, the Cougars the Cougars could not find the endzone Cup team.
are even further back in the standings in the first or fourth quarters. What hap- I've got to say, I expected more from a
against the Huskies, winning just 31 of pened? coach who played under Mike Price, who
104 games. The two teams have tied six Both teams were responsible for sevenwas head of the program from 1989 to
times throughout the rivalry, penalties, with WSU losing 42 yards while 2002 and left with a record of 83-78, three
Cougar students, alumni and fans are UW lost 90 yards but whereas the Hus-10-win seasons and five bowl appearances.
calling for Wulfffs job. kies had zero fumbles, the Cougars fum- Apparently he didn't learn how to coach
Having to work and lacking a TiVo, I bled four times. Why couldn't they hold on from his coach.
only got to watch the last four minutes of to the ball? The Apple Cup returns to Pullman next
the game, but I wasn't impressed. Dur- I'm by no means saying the entire loss November. Since Wulffwas fired on Tues-
ing that brief period of time, quarterback is Wulffs fault, but the leadership - and day, Nov. 29, here's hoping Athletic Direc-
Marshall Lobbestael was sacked on one therefore success - of any team starts at tor Bill Moos can find a coach who knows
of seven times. Where was the offensive the head coaching position and works its how to win.
Harriers invite all to annual MissileToe Mile foot race downtown
The Shelton Harriers are hosting the MissileToe Mile on Railroad Avenue. The women's road mile starts at 4 p.m., followed by the
Saturday, Dec. 3. All participants must register on race day between 2:15 men's road mile. Awards follow the men's race.
The one-mile foot race offers a $50 cash prize to both over- and 3:15 p.m. near the new fire station on Franklin Street Stay and enjoy the annual holiday parade in downtown
all men and women's winners. Prizes will also be awarded in downtown Shelton. Shelton.
to overall masters and overall youth winners. Entry fees are $5, free for 14 and under participants. En- Shelton Harriers is a nonprofit running club in Shelton.
The race course uses Franklin Street, 10th Avenue and try fees will be doanted to Kristmastown Kiwanis. More information is at
Nick Dierkop, MMK junior, holds junior Cody Thompson off while dribbling the ball
during practice on Friday, Nov. 18.
Journal Dnolo by Em y hanson
Advance Glass
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"Next to Super Kleen Car Wash"
(most models)426-0985
Marvin V. Singson
Pictures With Santa
& Your Dog
Adopt-a-pet will have Santa at the kennels
Saturday, Dec. 3 from noon until 4 pm, at 940 E.
Jensen Road, off Brockdale Rd, Shelton. For a
donation of $10 you will receive a 4x6 picture of
you and you oet with Santa or just your pet, All
money donated goes to the care of the dogs at the
no-kill adoot-a-Pet Kennels. Call 360-432-3091 or
e-mail for more information.
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