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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
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Percy M. PioBookbinding Co. 6017 S. E. 86th Portland, Ore. 97216 City Approves Of St reel For Pageant Tbc Sbclton City Ccmmh~sion Tuc's:!ay night appr¢,ved the use of one bh~ck of l~,;titroafi Ave. the .vening of Dec• 2;] for the presen- tation of the Catholic Youth Or- ganization Nativ{1,~, Pageant• Charlenc Smith, advisor to the CYO, appeared at the conlmission m,.~eting to request permis:~ion for the use of the street for the pro- gr;~m. SHS im _. Club Sends 'to donate to a worthy by the Air Force. =OyS TItE LAST FLIGHT in the air- Th Baskets was started here last lift project, .hicll is available to se,v,na books to send to in Viet Nam after organizations only, from McCord For the 14th consecutive year, i~ans~lwingthere'wrote leaves. Slmday, so books must be the Boys Club at Shclton Higl~ ',were almost non-exis- brought in by Friday afternoon School sponsored its Thanksglv- in order to allow time for them ing basket program. er Came from M/Sgt. to be packed and taken to the Last Wednesdny, the day before ~btree to his wife who air base. Thanksgiving, 15 baskets "of food, Shelton, The American A box has been placed in The each containing a turkey, wcrc Xiliary has taken over !Journal office where books can be tin'ned over to the I.)cp'u'Ln]ent of : 0f!,paeking the hr.)ks 'left. The books will he picked up Public Assistance for dist|ibution ~av¢. been collectedand here Friday afternoon for prep- to needy families. ~rn~retdy.,~ev.shipment. ax~i0n for the trip, .............................. ................... :'.' ts willb~ taken to Me- "S~'crabtree is serving with Ease rJremo was general cha~-, man of the basket project. Byron Force Base by Legion the first Cavalry Division. Arttl- Debban is president ()f the Boys n~ r l where'they will lery Headquarters in Viet Club. """ ----'----- His wife and leight children The food which went into the 'k 0 moved to Shelton in August when baskets was collected a.nd packed he was ordered overseas. Wednesda.y morning in preparation . The family plans to settle here for tm'ning the baskets over to when Sgt. Crabtree completes his the Department of Public Assist- Gets Loin" of duty in Viet Nam and ance. after which he will be discharged from the serviee. 79th YEAR--No. 48 Published in "Chr{stmc town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 20 Pages -- 3 Sections ThllrSday, Decelllber 2, 1965 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 98584 under Act of March 8, 1879. Pul lishcd we.ekly at 327 West Cola J-0 C, ents Per Copy Chamber To About Animal damage to forest pro- ducts and the efforts to control it will be the subject of the pro- She told the cmnmission that gram for the monthly member- the mercbants of the Evergreen ~hilP ol;e~io~m°:ztche DSeh:lt;n Cham- Square Association had agreed to • " " • .. . The event will start off w,th allow the group tne use ot part a 7' p.m. dinner followed by the of the parking lot for the program, 1 program at 8 p.m. in the Timbers re;d. would have no objection to Restaurant. [Railroad Ave. from Third to Speaker for the program will [ Fourlh Streets being closed for the I be Wendell Dodge, research biolo- program, gist with the Bureau of Sports I MISS ~MITH TOI,D the corn- Fisheries and Wildlife a.t its re- !mission the street woukt have to search field station near Tumwa- i be blncked off for about an hour, ter. i starting a~ound 6 30 pin The Dodge will tell about the work i prop;ram will start at 7 p.m. being done at the research station . Police Chief Richard Camper on .controLj~,'-~ anln~al damage to I told thecommission he had been zores~: prouuct_.ts, will b Dr ~¥ H [ contacted abont the proposal and I - Also speamng ....... eJ.i,: 7~;e.. [could see no problems which could: bawrence, ~i2~o,?g~o at"it:r~" Tlaf " ernaeu e , " ',not be taken care of. • tic at .......... thai, time of the evening is ligl,t,' ~1~C.enn~::itsS't~y awto~t~nn~a'l~" ~h~ he said, so should not present too ~ ........ ~: :- --,..F., .~..,, much of a problem I rieto oz res~tr~n m ~t,.,.c~, ,,,~,,," i " '. . . age control in forest products. I Bob Turner of S~mpson Tmtber ___ Company appeared at the com-] mission meeting to advise the i #~ conlmis.~don of progress in plans ~krD~ for a log scalir~g sta.t.ion for which. ~,,.w.. ~impson wants to lease city prop- e~ty ahmg Highway 3 east of the V0] T,rner s,,id p,'elhnin ry plans made a preliminary check with on the State Patrol. Tile State Patrol i:i had no objections he said. Skokomish members ,ill decide TIlE COMMISSION' on the whether to approve five amend- me nts to the Tribe's constitution Ill recommendation of City Supervi- sor Pat Byrne, accepted the bid of at an election Dec. 11 in the Res- FOR DRIVE--Mrs. Martin Crab- be packed and sent to M/ogt. Martio Crabtree and Pacific Stat,es Cast Iron Pipe Co., e~vation Commlmity Hall. Voting hree of her eight children prepare to drop his fellow soldiers serving with the First Cavalry oqks in the, collection box at The Journal Division in Viet Nam. Left to right are Susan, 2'/2, Seattle, for a carload of water hours will be from 9 a.m. to 7 books donated by local residents will Evelyn, 11/2, Mrs. Crabtree and Martin Jr., 4. pills and fittings for the city we- p.m. ter department. The most important amendment have any books you be air-lifted to their destinatio~ The Pacific States bid of $10,- affects tribal membership. It will • allow children of ~ or more Sko- of ,the correct Jarrell's Cove State ins Island has been through the effbr s of Any kind of books, either hard cover or paperback, wi,l be wel- come in the book drive. Grange. marine park wasdes- Is. Arrested. the State Park Com- ;Was mistakenly given • . Gerald's Cove State In Califorma tt is located on took on a project James J. Green, Shelton, who ;spelling' of th~ name has been sought by po]ice on for- ',. to coincide with-the gery charges, has been arrested ' in Bakersfield, Calif., on.a War- rant from here, Police Chief Ri" notified recent- chard Camper said.. ' - name l~ad ~ow been Green is accused "of forging 10 ed, axed, that a new checks of $25 each to local bus- p with the prop- been sent to the inesses... Camper said he would leave probably Friday morning, to go "HITCHCOCK was to Bakersfield to return Green project for the here to face the charges against prgcess, a great him- into the:~historyThe warrant for Green was i:~ dOne. signed in Mason County Superior : .: • ~ was named for Phil- Court on information pl:esented by !, the first white we- Prosecuting Attorney Byron Mc- Island. Her grave Clanahan last week. The warrant Cemetery with was sent to Bakersfield where of- ,Clearly. legible on the ricers had been informed Green was. original Jarrell home I Bakersfield authorities arrested ivy covered on the Green Sunday and notified police on the eove. I here. OFFICIAL ENTRY helton-Mason County Chamber Of Commerce CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST .............. f. ............................................................................ ................................................... :...: ........................................ "" .......... Retun~ to Cham]odl' of Cominerce, P. O. Box 666, Shelton, Wash. 98584 before December 9. amy Checking Accounts 10¢ Per Check tNAL BANK Member F.D.I.C. * The lights will go on on the giant live Christnms Tree o]1 the Post Office lawn Friday night to signal the start of Christmas sea- son activities in Shelton. Santa will also make hi'~ first appearance in Shell,on Friday night when he will be at Ihc Mem- orial Building f~om 7-8::q0 pan. to greet the youngsters and pass out treats. Santa will be back again Dec. :IO from 7-8:30 p.m., Dec. 11 2:30-4 p.m.; Dec. 17, 7-8:30, and Dec. 18, 2:30-4 p.m. Stores will be open until 8:30 p.m. Friday night and next week wi.ll be open Monday and Friday nights until the later closing hour. BEGININING DEC. 13, stores will be open late each night Mon- i day through Friday until Christ- ~ve. 0 F First Contributions Come In! CHRISTMAS: ' FUflDI Off we go on another 40 & 8--Journal Christmas basket project, folks To Mr. and Mrs. Merrill W. McKinstry go the honor of being the first to contribute to the 1955 fund. This Seattle couple, who spend their summers at their Grape- view home, put the fund $12 on its way to its ultimate goal of $1,000 with a check which arrived Monday. Mason County V.F.W. Post 1694 Auxiliary sent it another $10 along the route, and The Journal tossed its annual $25 contribution into the kitty. So the fund has taken its first 47 steps of the thousand which is its, goal by Christmas. As has been their arrangement since the Christmas project was begun in 1946, Voiture 135 of the 40 & 8 and the Journal again will couple efforts in seeing that Christmas baskets of food and toys reach deserving, needy Mason County families. The Journal's responsibility in this arrangement is raising the money, so contributions should be sent or brought to The Journal office for acknowledgement in these columns. If any donors prefer to remain anony- mous that wish will be guaranteed. The 40 & 8 handles all the physical work connected with the project---gathering, sorting, boxing and deliv- ering the food and toys a day or two before Christmas. Jay Umphenour, past Chef de Gare of the 40 & 8, is chairman of the project this year, a responsibility with which he is familiar following previous service in that capacity. Retired Shelton School Superin- tendent Rudy Oltman was back at the head of the Shelton School District Wetdnesday morning. The School Board at a special meeting Friday night named Oft, man to the position on a~ inter- im basis until July 1 when it ex- pects to have a new superintend- ent hired. The board had set the special meeting for Friday night after accepting the resignation of Rob- ert Quiggle as superintendent ef- fective Dec. 1. Quiggle came to the district July 1, 1964 as super- intendent to take over when Olt- man retired after 20 years as sup- erintendent. Quiggle submitted his resigna- tion after several months of din- agreement between himself and the board. OLT~N WILL continue to hold the position of secretary-mart- ager of the Chamber of Commerce to which he was named Sept, 1. His wife, Ada will handle the Chaxnber office duties and will keep the Chamber office open on its office hour schedule. In a statement read at the School Board meeting Fl:iday night, Quiggle said, in part 'Ex- cept for my own personal state of being, I have strong feelings of satisfaction regarding t.hc pro- fessional accomplishments of the staff in School District 309 dur- ing the past 17 months. This dist- rict has had deep seated problems, and these problems are either solved or are well on their way to being soh, ed, provided the ad- ntinistrative objectives continue to be sound and in keeping with the )est' that is known in the field." The school board has started )reliminary steps in its effort to !ind a new superintendent for the 730.20 was low in bids opened last komish blood whose parents are week. members to qualify for member- A letter from Alma Burke was ship even though their parents received asking that something be were not reservation residents done to improve the condition of iwhen the children were, .b°rn' The From The Mm," district, Birch St., between First and Third i present constitution excluoes these ..... -- Streets. She stated that the street children. The same amendment will ~ j ~ { 0eu n h. T0 Ghe0k was .sed by school busses and also make it possible the Tri- n • some tr||cks" and was in need of ba1 Council to correct the roll at •|Bll |1111 11% House M/'- | i ..... - .... ~ N ,a mmHiI FNHiamH~ impl'ovement. ]any t,me w,tn the approval o, tne ,,,,,,r, --,r, na had been scheduled for ].965, but, ' i ing someone to .make a plan of ,~:cef;_Departmen~t nor would they :i! :: " "" i' :house and Chart it 'on a panel be in 1966: ' board. The commission authorized the Tl~e commission: ~¢ti0n came up use of city funds for Police Chief after several ~fh~': offices were Richard Camper to go to Bakers- without elect~(~wer for their field, Calif., to return a man want-~~i~ ~~XeaVtLi~i!!!iii!~~i ~~:~i~~!~ office machin~!i'~en a fuse was ed here for forgery. The forgery blown ou~::Mo~ay mo~ing. Some suspect was arrested in Bakers- :~e ela~ before the blown fuse field Sunday on a warrant from ~u!d b~.~!~ated. . Mason Coun'ty Superior Court. :The: ~mmission authorized the construction of an additional room toirmertdC~nPacSs°~f t~be;I ~:;u°:~:l°~h~ ~uildlnsegSseh°~cP)~l~Soandhhs(:m:cl x~e The infant was~oYbe called Jesus, to the civil defense office to be because he would save. Jesus is used as an operations room. Cost review. Each of the amendments will be voted on separately. An information pamphlet was sent to all eligible voters Nov. 1. i It contains the text and an ex- planation of each amendment, a sample ballot~ instructions for vot- ing by'absentee ballot, and elec- tion rules' set up as reqlfired by federal regulations. A list of eligible vote~ has been posted at various locations on and adjacent to the reserva- tion. John Miller, Tribal Coun- cil Chairman, urges every mem- ber to vote because in'less at least 50 percent of the eligible voters cast a ballot, the election will not bc valid. This will require at least 75 votes. Information about the election: can be secured from Election Board members Mrs. Doris Miller or Mrs. Grace Gouley, or from the Westel~ Washington Agency in Eveett. AIM' AOTIViTY :are mortgaging the future of our grandchildren by our tremendous expenditures for war. A bankrupt world has not yet learned the lesson. The terrible toll of manpower has been felt in the most remote villages. Millions have been killed; more millions have been wounded; milions have been horriby muti- lated and crippled; homes have been disrupted; cities and cram- tries have been devasted; children have been tossed upon a tortured society to suffer and starve, lYar is hellish! It would seem that there is no end to this terrible thing. Has God created us to de- :stroy ourselves? Man found ~no solution---what has God to say ? TItE PROPIIET Isaiah offers hope. The prophetic vision of Is- aiah concerning the mountain of the Lord's house offers a dvaxnatic picture of the future. It shows what the world would be like if all men would seek the Lord and follow Him. It is a picture of what Heaven will be like for those who do folh)w after God and keep his commandntents. Isaiah pictures all the nations streaming to tl~e celestial city. He does not refer to a literal migration of ail peoples First step in a program to make i She]ton's vohmteer fire depart- to the limited confines of Jerusa- ment into a vital comm/mity body]lem' but he sees a. time coming was undertaken this week when when in loving loyalty and obed- ience all nlcn's hearts will flow to Christ and His church. This is a beautifu idea.1. We are all too conscions of the fact that it has not yet been realized• The~e wonld be no occasion for war if all men were of good will and trustwm'thy. The gospel brings men togethc,' in love and peace, I:~ai~h also pro- phcsies that the people who were dwelling in dmkness and despair were Lo see a great light. In the Bible 1Lght symbolizes wisdom purity, and splendor; Darkness smybolizes ignorance, wickedness, and degradation. Those who lack the gospel walk in darkness. When the gospel comes to any soul, light conies. Deliverance, writes Isaiah, is to mine through spiritual means. It will not be as the blood and car- the Christ, the Messiah, the An-'of the project is estimated at lc~ orated, ttte Lord, the Son of God. than $300. A petition fl'om the Belfair area Chlm nation had been attempted for what would be Mason County's on at least one system, bnt to first water district has been pre- be effective, it mfist be under rigid sented to the Mason County Com- mission, surveilance. The petition, containing 133 sig- In spite of improvements made natures, was presented to the by the systems or attentpts for commission by Gary Plews and new water sources, the original Wayne Brisbane of the Thurston- Mason County Health Department. The o)mmission turned the pe- tition over to the County Auditor to have the signatfires checked against voter registration books. When the commission gets a report from the Auditor, a public hearing on the water district for- mation will be held. The proposed water district would include Belfair proper from the Union River bridge to Rose Point along the South Shore and to the raih'oad over pass on the Allyn Road. The plan is to lease water from an artesian well located at the . PUD 3 site, with the further pos- sibility of purchasing water rights on other wells in the vicinity. The petition was signed by vat'- imps ntentbers of the four local water districts located in and around Belfair. For several years the Health Department has not been too hap- py with the water systems in this area and has urged the residents to take some action to solve their problems, recommending the ac- tion presenUy under, ray. The main concern was nsc of am'face water and tl~c possibility of contamination of watersheds. problems remain, therefore, those circulating the petitions felt this lwas their only recourse. The County Commissioners will set up an electio~ which needs a simple majority to pass and a thre~man board will also be on the ballot for terms nmning two, four and six years. The three ~ill be chosen from candidates Charles Kovack, Gordon Squire, Milton Byerly, Larry Drake, VVtlliant De- metro and Bob Bixea~man. t I I JOB'S SALE Saturday, Dec, 4- Tradewell 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. of Member F.D.I.C. q: r * The entry blank for the Resi- dential Christmas Lightin/,y Con- test. sponsored by the Chamber of Comnterce, is being printed again this week for those wire want; to cnter the contest. The entry blank must be filled oul and relurncd t(, the Chamber office before Dec. 9 to be eligible. Entries will be in lhree classif- ies tions-/religio~ m, non-religious, and variety. They will be judged on originality, beauty and conl- p°siti°nn , Judgi g will be done between 6-10 p.m. Dec. 13 by a committee Of judges from local garden chlbS. Lights on the tree in the Post Office lawn Were strung over the pa,st weekend by a highclimber with the Shelton'Jaycees assisting in getting the l~hta up, it was formally organized and elected officers. Jack Wright, a Shelton post- man who has been a member of the fire department for 15 years, became the depmtment's first of- ficial president. Vernon Burknlan was elected vice president, Vines Bostwick sec- retary- treasurer. It will be the object of the fire- men's organization to plan and carry out regular functions in which the public can have a part and to become in other ways a vahmblc civic asset to this com- munity, reports Shelton Fire Clfief Allan Nevitt. Assistant Shelton Firc Chief George Hunter is attending a. spec- ial fire prevcntion school in Van- couver, Wash., this week, Cound/ The annual meeting of the TUnl- waLer Area Boy Scout Council will be held at 5 p.m. Slmday in Turn- water High School. . Two Silver Beaver award win- ners will be announced and prc- senlcd with their awards. Speaker for the program will bc James Dolliver, ::~u~i~tant to Gov. Daniel Evam , New Den|ist Reopens Dr, Morrissey's Office I)r. Ronald R. Bechtold, D.D.S., formerly of Bellevue, itas taken over the pzaetice of the late Dr. James T. Morrissey. Dr. Bechtold gradnated from the University of Washiugton den- tistry school in 1983, after which he started his own practice in Bellcvue. He and his wife Stlaron have a two-year-old son, Craig. His dental office is at 333 Grove Street in Shelt~t; Dr. Bec~told will be taking all gea.