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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~ m I I I ' ' I I r ~, ,,, .i, )., ,, - ........... .... i,~-~ "rrt" ' I I I I I ' I ),,'"., ,) . ............. .................................. .... !Pas=0." Play T0 ee /n- Hunt w,.,,. ,,,,. ,,, N()w ,nb(:r M((.I, .%h\ 1" . G vea Aheldeen : . • A I ~ r for whom semch , ollege SKIR' LH.~i:2D Oll :1. tOI1P Of the Orient via ~/ |~'~--~" ~ ~ 0 -- ~ tile P'tssi H1 PILl" s&id to be thelel[O''t's t]au ueun sial'Led in tile iV ~' • " a ' ~ ' 1 (,,')(~l/~ mr,eUn~ held in the home of O,ane f.~.%u.~,~l -- -- -- 111h Ill lIBl . i]I Abt~Ydc:e,, at the Mille" JuIiJo,) Fe.L:FJ'Ie .' l~at~.e\vo0(, 1,olne ,,.,,,::: of .i..h on n ...... o" f, om Chi- n::l 7. it Is under th. sp,,nso,'ship .. 'me,...., ,. ...... ' By R > l Olsen nit, J:]pan, Korea and the Phillip- /~'////// ~ of the I,:}wani~ Club of Aberdeen, nee ,,~ .......,,y~ ...... ~^,,,~,,-:-y p:u,>;; w,!re t,u~trd and (liscus:~ed."////~ with procecds going toward theirthat C la.~'ez)ee.~omcz'; ,,)v, ~at~e- and SWEATERS 'i lie toila] (:il((:Ls created by the -/~ scholaFshin fllnd woocI, ll,:~u IIflL rcl.urrletl llOlne ll'Onl \VISIT YOU use of zlativ,,~ hlstrllli-i(:nt,? alld the . • r , a hunting trip to the MaLlock area. in Holiday Pastels This version otig, inated at Ober- Kohier left home Saturday and " mmergau, Baval'ia, and was pre- was tro have reported to wo/k sented as early as 1634 by the Monday mot ning' but did not show SKIRTS vill!.tgers, assisted by the clergy, up. as a revezent religious vow. Gzad- THE SHERIFF'S office alerted SWEATERS ...................................... from $6,00 tO ually, it was taken over entirely Simpson who had its workers in by the people of the village---the the Camp Grisdale area on the BETTY BARCLAY WOOL KNIT CASUALS pentatonic sc',Oe provld:,d a most i;~i.,:,.resting (:ont)'ast to the more Qtm:llaP 5< o ~.: h d '~ c.rcated by the IZI1)!:;!c:ll inzt,)'L!ll'lellL3 of the west- n:']! wo:'ld, l!Ix('.e:'pts frolll all old Jap~tilese Noh theater prodl.lction I))'cu/ht lliD:ed reactions from the li:;[(Fders. ~fhe records, loaned to the (dub t,V Mrs, H. W. McClary, have been collected by her during her travels in the Or:cnL. A report on the bake sale held recently indicia.ted a profit of $16 which will be prc,~ented by C:tthy Neth, preside"~t, to Mr, Williams, h;gh school ehoh' dlreetoP, as the Pizzh.:aLo Club's contribution to the :rlL~'~*i()l' ChOh' tOLIT' fund, The I)e(:ember meeting ef the (:]Lib w;ll be art every-nlenlber par- tlc. pation ai'fah' in which Christ- I:lfl;~ est, l'OlS fll'fiLlld ~t~o wo,'i(] ~v;ll be featured. Also at this meeting club lncrnber:; will parLicipu.te ~n the National Federation of Music Clubs' annual observance of the C(N;;LD C! ~ I & b:'(:: ~ L' yOtlP d ~",:or- ;¢,t. ~11:;, ,H:;he}llc O' 151OO/I '} Mm~y l:/~ople v;ould Him h) enliven their inte,-ior>; with a flesh rle~¥ Ioo':, bttt feel',. a )naj(,c rcpln ,qel~lent possible. parts traditionally handed out by lookout for his cat-. Also keeping and SUITS sizes 5 to 15 ........................ fronl the committee to those besL fitted !--and the dialogue clmnged from an eye ouL for the vehicle we:,; i Latin to Low German the Game Department, Forest Set'- LADLES DRESSES, SUITS 12 - 20 The Christus of to,its.y, and the vice and Department of Natural Resources people in the area and half sizes 14} to 22- head of ti~e playms, is Val Bal- the State Patrol as well as some "AFTER FIVE" DRESSES sizes 7 to 20 four, who represents the fourth generation of this family to play search effort by the Shetiff's of- rice. COATS, Velvet Silks & t Length Casual in Biblical dramas, lie has madeA plane, piloted by Joe Town- JR. TERRY PETITE DRESSES You don't have to start all over a fine translation of the simple send, Shelton, flew over the area to e.rc;att: a IlCW look and at- ~Bi.blieal dia!oguc into English anq about an hour Tuesday afternoon mo::ohere. Details can alter a ........ , ~S mood o,' create a style. Take is director as well as taking the attempting to spot the vehicle. Era Footwear the st:'[king Spanish style. One leading role. The Sheriff's Office was notified . f!ne piece, like a Ioveiy chest The whole plsy covers the pc- in a telephone call frqm Kohler's GOLD & SILVER FLATS with hnnd-earved dora's, ca,~ set riod of the last seven days Christ home TuesdaY evening that he AFTER SKI BOOTS ............................ from the tone. Pick it up and expand was on earth, had returned home about 5 p.m. it ,¢¢[kh a deft detail of wrought ~ ~ Ann Kelley Balfour who plays The Sheriff's office wa,s told that HIGH LEATHER BOOTS h'on here, a Spanish or Mexican Mary Magdalene, has in the pastKotzler had become stuck on a log- . artifact played moat of the chief women'sging road while hunting and had Spe there. SHOP IN CONFIDEN, birthday of Edward roles in the play. had difficulty getting out. . cial - Assorted Sweaters MacDowell by paying tribute to The~e will be four reserved seat ........................... WithResuIt?a few m~,~m~ the nlusic of the famed American performances, A Sunday matinee PIII BETA KAPPA OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 piece:;, and composer, at 2:30, and Sunday, Monday and Gerald B. Parks, Shelton, was at small Other plans for the month in- Tuesday evenings at 8:15. Re- one of the students at the Uni- expense, "~ chide tile making o£ musical served seal tickets are available versiLy of Washington recently THE LITTLE &BIG contempo- Christmas tray favors for the local at the Passion Play Headquart- elected to Phi Beta Kappa, na, rary room nursing home and a Christmas ers, 106 South "H" St., Aberdeen, tional scholastic honorary. Parks 122 West Cota Phone will ~uddenly caroling tour and party, and at the box office preceeding is a junior at UW' majoring in t'tl~e on the The Oriental theme of the No- the individual performances. Mail Classics. atmosphere of a castle in Spain!vember meeting was emphasized at and phone orders accepted, iLE2- You e.a.n suggest an Oriental the refreshment table by a color- 1898). There will be special stud- flavor in your roorn setting in ful.~u'range}nent of Japanesc.t~m: ent matinees at 4:00, Monday and the same way with just a few DreltaS. t'~atie Anmnsen a sszs~e~ Tuesday afternoons,' with tickets light touches~ 'or change a pc- the hostess, avadable at the headquarters of- ~ r • ' S -O-- rii)d setting into something dif- - .......................... =-~ ......... flee, box office. No reserved sect. ferent by addnlg contemporary .~=nt= T~ Vl~.d ~t for these matinees, and reduced toil(files. ,~em~w IW ,l.lml~ Irl~ prices, students 75 cents, and ad- For that special piece of f,,rni- Girl $cou| Dinner To ..... ults, --- OR ANY IER -- HOLIDAY MEALS would not be complete for Aiteen ~cnroeaers ~ ,, lure that ean do so ranch to ~ me mm • R • family without Steamed Cranberry Pudding. In the above Jour- give new beauty, elegance and ~(~ 11181111 in urmnon nal photo, ....... AHeen IS holding one of her pr,ze tax)dermy spec,mens, II 41 • I Ready monev is alwavs available at Sound Finance Co. for Holiday needs style to your deem" come in and ...... --'- "" ........ - a hobby she has become qulte adept at., i Rew/irrlvals " " " b~:owse [hrough ot'zr fine furni- Quilcene ~enior Girl Scouts Ot ;~ ..... ture disDlavs featurinE names Troop 119 and Brinnon Cadettes of This week's recipe is not foz Sanee Shelton General Hospital worthwhile purpose--Call on Us for Fast, Friendly, Confidential Loan Servi famous "for: quality an~d value. Troop 16 pb}n to create .a Santa- You're always wel(~ome at Olsen mnu atmosphere zor tne~r unrzs~-Owl Soup as the above picture Melt together: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deyette, 320 .... Furnitnre -' " mas dinner scheduled this Satur-~l~ghto s;ggel,~tn, obUtxh2yleeme;nSsl)~i~). 1/c;~(ppSbtg~:~z or margarine oP?Z~kbaSt?lirb~;m:2;ye pazent,~ ~ i~t ~uN.r~ ~i~ ....... ' day from 4-8 p.m, in the Brinnon "k in " : V W ',' 1U~ Nailroacl ,=,venue rels, pheasants, and the h e -,~ |~'~.~| ~ .... l!lil'~i school gym located in Brinnon their freezer feathers, h:r and~ cup czeam A bab C]bln/c w~:;I)~o~rrn to :Mr|)=~:~| =~" INANCE II e t o e OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY community on Hood Canal. Ham and turkey will be on the menu. all. Aileen Schroeder does. J"" '"" Y Y-- • "o . " r Sh I on H t I Building /'Snr~ rxe h~,- hnhhlo~, [anp inof ] ± tsp. vanma and Mrs. Tim lxisnel, 16~9 Riage L ~~ V ~ " NIGHTS 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Special guests betwen 5-7 p.m. "~ .............................. t' "1 will be Mr. and Mrs. Santa and ~..~, ...... + o~o~ .,.h ,~ mnn,, I Heat. Pour over pud¢ mg whl e hot. Road on Nov. 24. ~- wonlen) IS taxidermy. Once she [ ~~_.---_--~ , ' ..... ~ -~- their elves, Santa's bake shop will # • : .............. ~ ~ ..................................... -~ .................................. ~-'~---------~=---- ............ - jP be opened for the evening. Swags, starts work on a bird or animal] i~~~l'/~-~k~~k~~~--~~~j~, ' ' ~~ ~~ I I ~" candles and kntck-lcnacks will also she has to work fasL as the skin ~l~i F • • "---b--ff ¢ I1." I ! ~lr]'~.~l,l.?l.l~ ~ be on sale. )ocessed m f I I/~t,S slu'hlks quickly if not p' . ." /1~1 YOUR BEST HOLID-'" f '"'~':~" ~' -- --- --• .... "---- - " - ! I Proceeds from the dinner and properls. Itenee the animals intl,| Ar - fllE2 ig ir'l ('b - T-''~'a~-*_a. I shops will help finance a cadette T ~~I~II trip- to Victoria-, B. C. andamoun- the freezer. If she doesn't have~irb'Mi ~ 1 1 l~...~'~,l~...~ V ~,,~lli.,4. Y -..~,,~,rv,.- the time available to ,,orl¢ on it/l~I INVESTMENT: ~~\,t #' f~:~ ; _1~ // ....... "I" lain back-pack outing', as well as she keeps it frozen in its natural |i~----x]l " . .. RINGS THE BELL FOR EASY -- f~k~ ~" a ,iserdor ski weekend and voca- ~'~ 4th & Cots tional and campus tours, slate until she knows she will t)e//~"~'~ _ ~ ~w ~,,\,~ N, Th,. ~.: .......... ai}le to complcLe the job 0ncc sheil~| A PRETTY DRESS... "~"~r::4 ~. " CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! -.~ ~,,s-,~,-,~,.'~ Phone 426-4702 ~/2g;i h~ii; i;;~;h: starts, l/HI ~~_ , ,,1,, ,~ ~ .... . warm, soft-as-down , Where theta('tioll ls i Aileen got started with taxider-|[_~ .] ~:' , ~, :,.'~'~i .... ~ " v ¢ ~" rt~,,~. ..... ' OR Two,I ....... ' ' " 4~ : ~ ,,~ ...... ' InIoveb color. 'my When her son, Roy, ,,'as in||~ _,.:22.:.. ..~0~ __ ............. lhe Boy Seout.s and chose it for ',/~.~)~ I P ~]~~J"":"!:'"'fi';" !~ :$~.. ~.o ~.'.~ "~,%~,,he, ...... ~,, : a project. Roy now liw~,s in Ger-II~'~ , " -- ° ,, lU. 9 Mon~ is still "stuffing birds",iN Textured cotton knit iacket |I~I~B~ "Im~. g'~,~p " / < ~Jli~ Russell's only child but when he [|-~"~.4 and skirt takes an- __ . iff i was in ,hmior High school he more /[~ # -~ ~ ~ L--~It~ ~"~i~,~',~mm*~~,.':'.7~~ ~ L< ~f or less adopted his best friend /~--~ ..... ~ ~ ~'~K.~~Ly .,;~ [J~'-~ ~~ Dick Lee. Dick lived the rest of s,zuanon In easy, ,Itt his '~chool years with them with /~ ~., "~"%" ~]~'. ~i.."'iE!k " '~/ ~~ ll:)I¢ORAT|NG ~o result he, and now his wife.]|~--~ fash]onab[estr]de 12/18 i~/'/' ..''- - ~,~"~ '~ ".~~ L nda, are like another son and |~=:~ " i t~ / / "" ~ I ~' -- ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ,daughter-in-law to them. Thoirl)N ,J SmlI~tE~C~LS,~~ iinv baby, Deanne, might be the .A AA ~[2"f -- :1~.~ - !l ~" :~ " ,~'~ll Scl~roeder's own grandchild een-I|~ /11 UU t[~ll~'.d]~2~ I;/~a,'-~.i ~ ~J sidering how proud they are of ' "Jl'V'~l~J .|~'~|X~ - l i ,2#. I(L:~.II~ Taxidermy is only one of Ai- , ~, l~~'~" ' .~" .~~ '~'I~: "~ . ~)~[:~ Indoor Lights- leen's hobbies. She does all Idnds .-~. ~}~ 4~,', '' "~. "'V.~. jfi~|l~ String of Seven Lights of craft work and has given clas- ,,/j\,, N,,.~~ ~: .... . "~,'~ ":~\. ~[~ sea and talks on flower arrange- " : ~:'~{~ ~~I;.;:" ' ~: :'-'~ ' ~it~ IndoorIndoorStringReg. $4.39Reg. $1.19 L|ghts --Ligh,$of 25 ............................... .................................. Lights._. SPECIALSPECIAL's(,,.) ments and bird study Bird feed- ;-"r( I "S -- . Strhlg of 15 $! I difficulty'Jn;ling'so;nethh~g'~o I , in ive package] :, ..... .,^.:, ..... half-slipswith ddJ Reg. $2.29 ................................ SPECIAL I, but rather enough time Lo do all t.~ ..~,T ~L, ) I1 --~,vuv=.,=,ttvuo= , . .. " :~:r she \,'mild 1;~e to Sh, s al~ aetive II =/ ~ ) ~ . ~ ~,~ ~ ,.,;,h^,,. .. ......,,,. ..,.. ^,. .... lace trim.., ~le~ber of the DzrL Dobber Garden /~,= 4 ~ ) r- , , ' ' 3. Tree Ornaments -- *iie ,,'s recipe for Steamed ~~Mill~ ) 99¢ pair ] we haveyummies and goodies from 99 cent= Box of 12 Cranberry Pudding is holiday tra- 'l ltliill v ) 4 all th,, .,=..., ,,-,. nn ---) Re 98c SPECIAIL dition with her family and she ~!~1/~ I..,~,*.~-,,~ ........ ,~.,~,,,,~,~,~ "" """'"J~"i~ ......... I~'Ur~¢' -- thought others miaht enjoy it., }~~i Ik ,,v,~a too ,~ ~.m ~ y Tree Ornaments-- Steamed Cranberry Pu(hling ff/Bi i'l Pl AMP| AIP Large Fill a one-cup measuring cup ~ 7~'~-~" 11iv~i~L ........ ~ IIZ" ~i!! i~1, Jp~i Ill~ W SPECIAL- half f, fll of mola.~:ses. Finish filling~_~ I~l .~.,(~;~a~ it with hot water and pout' into I ~~ . ' Reg, $1.19 ............. ...................... j a bowl ~ ~~. on all our ~'~~ Christmas Wrap-- Aid :t sP' baki'ng sOda ~. ~i/~ M | r'~i| ~ll( r'WC l D I ~H"~'~" ~-4~*~' !~1 Reg, 980 1 1 cup flour ~ " ' '= SPECIAL .................................... 4 ROLLS t 1 tsfi baking powder hit I/IK, 3WI'R 1t lL gq i,l l ~ tsp. salt ~, ...... ~~/~il Jumbo Foil -- cup freely' ehopped, cranberries ..... '~ Sizes 3 - 6X Sizes 7 , 14 -- , PouI into well oiled mold Steam ~ ' ~~7""~'~5~/~):~'| w/Gay Blade ( 2~& hours. Serve with warm sauce, li ~'1~ ~P II I~:l~ ~C~,' ~i~'!'~'~ Reg. $1.4' .................................. SPECIAL ~ (If yml do not have a mold a one- ~ BLC, ... BL, v ... .3e,,e~~l~l pound coffee can is just the right / / I ! ~#rlt,~ll~ -~|~r~/ IJH~ Foil Wrap --- .ize.) ' ~ $1.49 • $2.29 $1,49 • 92,2~ ~~~~[.{{~ 8 ROLLS ,t,e dresses .... Reg. $2.00 ............................ SPECIAL • all turned on for junior Cameo Wrapping -- petite and junior sizes { 4 ROLLS -- w/6 matchings bows LEADEItSpLACECtIANGEDMEETING $2.29 • .99 orgeous.............. sweaters, pant Reg. $1,98 ............................ SPECIAL • ScoutThe leadersnextmeetingwillbe held°f theat 9:30Girl 5.99 to 8.99 91.49 • 9:~,~9 • • • topsi shells, tank tops! Sno E|ok Kit- a.m. next Thursday in St. David's * * , Reg. $4.49 $4 p seopal eh.reh. 3.99 to 10.99 Films will be shown on Junior L and Brownie Troop government. ~ • ................... ~ SPECIA .................................................. • Sno Flok SOC,AL CLU. SLATES $1.49 • 9: ,Z9 JACKETS 1 Refill 151 CO A '2:30 p.m. hlncheon will be * * * $8.99 up i held next Tuesday at the home of . • • • Mrs. Gerald Samples, 223 West Kiddies Kiddies SKIRTS SPECIAL ................................................... -|~l "G" St., for members of Welcome DRESSES ROBES Chapter No. 4:0, DES, Social Club. $3.49 up 399 $2.29 • 92.99 RAINCOATS ! Transportation will leave Mrs. - ' , Hack's at noon. $10.99 up ~ , , * 1 [EE'rS NEXT TUESDAY [ 3/4 COATS The next regular meeting of Elegant newhandbags, I DRESS COATS deluxe travel ' Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31. will beautifully decorated L ! be held at 8 p.m. next Tuesday . $14,99 to $65 ..... .............. • 99¢set in the Memorial Hall. There will Evergreen Square • Phone 426.8.293 be regular order of business plus 2 99 and 4 99 Evergreen Square -- 426-4456 or 426.3456 membership drive and plans for . ".. _ .. • ! ~ , the Christmas party.