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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 2, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 WEATHER -- High Low Preclp. .............. 45 33 .10 ............. 49 40 .02 .............. 51 39 .16 .............. 45 40 .56 ............. 47 40 .03 50 33 .01 43 33 .28 50 42 .21 are for a 24-hour per- at 8 a.m. as reported Inc. weather sta- Moriah Lodge F. & A. M. No. 11 December 4 Communications Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Loul O. Larson, W.M. L. Cheney, Secretary am TU am Artist Who Was Former Resident Taken By Death Bert E. Wood, frowner Shelton resident and well-known realistic artist, died November 24 in Ven- tura, Calif. where hc had been a resident the past eight years, mov- ing there from Shelton. He was born July 12, 1902 in England. Mr.1 Wood was especially noted for h's beautiful seascapes and had received several awards for his paintings in the Santa Barbara Art Festival, the Ventura Arts and Crafts Festival and others• In 19- 61 he received an exceptionally high honor when the city of Ven- tura purchased his painting "Ven- tura Coast"• A member of the Realistic Painters Club, he was at one time an art instructor. He was a Navy veteran of World War II where he served as Lt. Commander in 2-pc. SETS 1 - 4, 3 - 6x from ................ $2.98 TODDLER STRETCH PANTS ........................ $2.98 GIRLS' ANGEL BLOUSE and PANTS ................ $4.00 BOYS' JUMP SUIT and T-SH I RT .............. $5.00 3 - 8 FOREVER PRESSED SLACKS ........ $4.00 PORT SWEATERS 3 - 14 ................ $3.00 to $8.00 T-SHIRTS sizes 2-14, $2.00 & $3.00 Toddlers to 14, HOLIDAY DRESSES from .......................................................... $3.00 - $7.98 [CIAL INFANT DRESSES .................................. $2.00 TA'BLE ITEMS .............................. ALL $1.00 FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 LITTLE & BiG West Cots Phone 426-4226 charge of his own ship. He is survived by his wife, Eve- lyn V~rood (sister of Mrs. Pete Bloomfield, former Shelton resi- dent now living in Bellingham); a son, William E. Wood, of Seattle; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara Mil- brandt, of Seattle; two brothers, Frank Wood, of Seattle, and Rob- err Wood, of Bishop, Calif.; and a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Moore, Eng- land. Walter A. King Rites Saturday Walter A. King, 71, died at his home, 225 So. 7th St., Tuesday. He was a retired farmer and had moved here from Puyatlup two years ago. Mr. King was born June 14, 1894 in Rochelle, Ill. Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Friday in the Batstone Funeral Home with Mass being read in St. Edward's Catholic church at 9 a.m. Saturday. Rev. Gabriel Don- ohue will conduct the rites. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice King, Shelton; three sons, Walter 5. King, of Shelton, Ar- thur D. King, of Portland, and Paul L. King, of Puyallup; six daughters, Mrs. Rosalie Russell, of Shelton, Mrs. Margaret Shuck- hart and Mrs. Frances Olin, both of Tacoma, Mrs. Evelyn Howell, of Auburn, Mrs. Marie Boushey, of Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. Alice Soule, of Seattle; 20 grand- children and four great grandchil- dren. Graveside Rite For A. Johnson A graves(de service for Andrew Gust Johnson, 87, was held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Shelton Memorial Park, under the direction of the Batstone Funeral Home. Rev. Charles Wigton officiated. Mr. Johnson passed away last Friday in the Allyn House Nurs- ing Home. He was born March 31, 1878 in Graeborg, Sweden and had ~een a Mason County resident the past 44 years. He is survived by one daughter, Anna Sheidler, Central(a, and one brother, Eric Datum, of Sweden. MANN REAL ESTATE Where the action is ! LeRoy's Jewelers • "The Store That Confidence Built" ! :!ii:~:i:3i:i~:i:!~ :i:i:i:i ::::::::::::::: IDNIGHT CLIPPER- uSged as oil outdoors. ,.7 Jewels, Self.winding, waterproof*, Shock- resistant, Luminous 'ands and dial. $II9.9$ 1%KYLARK Custom Clock.Radio :).music control auto- turns radio on at • I toted time. Precision. starting electrP, tyled, .read numerals. 4" Alnico L%*. daS- $13.97 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LA PETITE-Inimitable beautyl 23 Jewels. 14K sold. 8 diamonds. Shock.resistant, Adjustable oxpsnsl~ bracelet, $13§.0Q ii!il}iii~}}i{iiCil}!{ MISS AMERICA-Youth and beauty captursd in GLIPPER-A • fine 17 jewel shoCk- resistant watch. handsome watch he'll wear with pride. 17 Expansion bracelet. Jewels. Waterproof*. $35.1~ ~elf.w ndlng. Shock. resistant, kum nous hands and dial. $49,SS *When case, c~stal sad crown ore Inta~, i: :! ;!;;!:! i~!:i?iCi~ i ~i[::~+i::'z~:::z::i::~?~::~:~:~-:.:=Zi'.i)=.!•::!=~i:=i:~'i;!;ii:::i! The LAUREL YG703 Deluxe Table Radio New modern design in non-breakable plastic cabinet• Convenient f ngertlp controls easy- to-read dial. Admtra .p oneered copper. bonded prec s on circuitry; 4" Alnico cone- type speaker. Ermins White, $9.97 Free Engraving All Items-- D. Bracelets, Watches, allets, Rings, Lighters, Luggage, Jewel Boxes TREE COMES DOWN--Dropping a 50-foot Doug- las fir Christmas tree without breaking any of the branche• takes a lot of care, but, a crew from the Olympia Chri•tma• Tree Co. here got this one down without any damage last Friday. Former Residenl Sees Garnet Pass 1 CF UCK THOB?$O!] Gene Durand, a former Shelton • esidcnt now living in San Berna- '(no, Calif., was one of those who lighted the Ikeya-Seki comet /hen it passed over the northern :eta(sphere the last week in OC- Jber. Durand reported he saw the comet four mornings in a row, )ct. 25, 26, 27 and 28. The first morning the comet caught his eye ts he was on his way to work as an engineer for Convair Gener- al Dynamics Cm~. at Norton Air Force Base. He said he then looked for the comet and sighted it both .:he mornings of Oct. 26 and 27 and saw it from his home Oct. 28. An article on Durand's sight- ing the comet appea.fed in the Oct. 28 issue of the San Berna- dine Sun-Telegram. A clipping of the article was sent to his father, Henry Durand, Shelton. Too Late To Classify ANYONE INTERESTED in a good 1959 Pontiac Bonneville--Call 426- 2174 after 8 p,m. L 12/2 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, wall-to-wall carpeting• Heat, water, garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin St., Apt. 5. Phone 426-6496. B 12/2 tin FOR SALE -- Complete 30 volume Americana Encyclopedia. Excellent condition. 1959 edition, Supplements available, originally, $400. $250 or best offer. Phone 426-4410 after 6 p.m. W 12/2 FOR SALE -- Large wall mirror, gold frame, ornate, excellent condition, $75; Student lamp, $5; used type- writer, $15; boys red blazer, size 18, worn twice, $25 (Fredrick & Nel son's). Phone 426-4410 after 6 p.m. W 12/2 lear SALE -- G.E. Two-heat dryer. F, xcellent condition. $35. Phone 426- 8775. E 12/2 tfn 360 THUNDERBIRD -- Excellent con- dillon, good tires, low mileage, must sell tnmmdiately. Phone 11oodsport 877-5426, P 12/2-9 Joslin Insurance .............. 23 :* Merv's Tirecap ................ 20 :12 Beckwith Jewelry ............ 19 13 Eagles Aerie 2079 ............ 17 15 ~ Te-~]broff Agency ............ 16 16 V.F.W ................................... 7 25 l-dgh games -- Sonja Ahlquist 161, Chuck Thompson 222 High series ...... Sonja Ah]quist 473, Chuck Thompson 601 Chuck Thompson chucked the first 600 series this season in the Junior bowling league Saturday at the Timber Bowl during a day of goose-egg verdicts. His 601, on games of 206-173- 222, moved Merv's Tirecap to vic- tory over V.F.W. (Shelby Rice 404). Other victors were Eagles (Ray Barrington 550) over league leading Joslin Insurance (Rocky Robinson 541) and Beckwith Jew- elry (A1 Glover 553) over Hem- broff Agency (Dale White 333). JOHNNY'S MUSIC BOX 205 Cota 426-4302 The magic of the Orient c pt red in ONTO THE TRAILER--After the tree was down, portation to its destination, Santa Mariar Calif., the next •tep was to load it on a trailer for trans- near Vandenberg Air Force Ba•e. = A 50-foot Douglas Fir Christ- the Olympic Christmas Tree Co. • a,,,,,nl V..l.~l:~.~4-:...--,.~ 'mas tree from Mason County is here last Friday marnln,~ er,~ J~t~a L U~IIt~ilPVlLUlZ~ on its way to Santa Maria Calif .... ~,. ." ~:-~., *'~," wheze i" 11" the center of that a tree zarm nortn oz ~neJton. It NOTICE OF CLI)SIN(; .' t WZ De • , d coratmns was loaded on a tzaflez to be tak OF IH']GISTRATION B()OKS city's Christmas e " . " " " NOTICE is hereby given that tlw mh, +,~ ;o ~;~, =oat h,, ,h~ en to Seattle where it will be Registration Beck for Tahuya Precl~(L ~. --. ~ ~'~•~ "~ ~'"'~ ....."~, ~"" in Mason County will be "eh)sed' f¢" ~oemg Co. to Boeing off(clam attransported by Los Angeles-Seat- ORIGINAL Registrations "on ~unday, Vandenberg Air Force Base near tle Motor Express to Santa Maria I Decembcr 12, 1965 until the day fol- San(~ ~" .............. in ...... - ' " /=t XVI~[ lltWHO n~ve LIII II f I lowing a Special I~ond Else, lion to be ..... ' , .......... The tree is being presented as b Tahu o nonated At ~o tne cat ~t wm rosa held y ya Sclmol District N. Y* an expression of the Christmas ]20, on Tuesday, January 11. 1965. be accompanied by fern" 16-foot Snirit by the Boeing" Manar, ement HOWEVER Registration B(mks will Chl.iSt~oo ¢ ..... ¢~1"~ooin~ em -" • :'"• " ° "*'" ~'~ •- • -e ' .. '~" ......... ~ ' . - ..=o ~.~.o .,,"-" " ~ " Associationinrecognition O]: tne remainop.n mr TIiANSFE~I50Il~Y, l0 ees ..... • tllrough Tuesday, January .o5, 1966. p y • al: vanoenoerg, lift' n annlversa!" "v., of Be_...voin~r ~_.nnarn Said Transters covering, only tim vat-. . The ties'_ ........ was cut and loaded by tion¢. ~at ........... V~dov~'horo'~. ere mOVlBg from some other Precinct to Tahuya Prceinct, DATED this 30th day of Novelnber, 1965. RUTH E. BOYSEN Auditor & Registrar for Mason County, Washington. __ ------ 12/2 It CALL FOR BIDS Under the provisions of RCW 36.82.- 130, sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Mason County Commis- si0Ber$ until 11:30 a.m. December 13, 1965, for furnishing Mason County with the following: OBe (1) Four-wheel Drive Fully Enclosed Vehicle Specifications and bid form may be obtained at tne Office of the Mason County Assessor, Shelton, Washington, The County reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids or to aeeept Ibc bid deemed most advantageous to the County. Mason County Commissionc/'s By RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE O~" f2ANDONED VEHICLES NOTI,C HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, .the 20th day of December 1965, atthe nour of 10:00 a.m. Shelton Auto ~'arts, Shelton, Washington, I will sell the following described ve- hicles, to-wit: ~erlal No, License Description S 1951 Oldsmobile Tudor, 8C9639 KSV 249 1959 Fora roroor, HgRS130836 AVK270 1950 DeSoto Fordor, S1455803'JJP 755 1953 Ford Tudor. 83BG 101709: DAS 116 1957 Chevrolet35~ . Pannel, 3A57Bl10275, P- 1953 Buick Fordor. None, 114831 195s Fo,'dor, 6 A201M, 6A9.. Line Auto _Wrecking, Bells(r, Wash, Tune 11:00 A.M, cr, 1952 Chew'Glee Fordor. None, 2B3 2'Jo parry Stoner Route :-'----~--Masml County Tinm I:00 P.M. 1954 Dodge PU, 82349320, 3R3 615 Doran Wrecking, 2005 Olympic High- way N. Time 2:00 P.M. 1952 studebakel~" Sed~_~I_L None, XAD 647 John's Richfield Ser. SU.' ton, Wash. Time 3:00 P.M. 1959 Volvo Tudor, 107680, ANH725 D. S. CLARI(, SI]eriff Mason County, Wa,,lhingt,nl By Mildred Conklin, D,'I)Uly 12/2 It TO ATTEND Three Mason County students will take part in a liberal arts seminar sponsored by the Univer- sity of Washington fit Seabeck on Hood Canal Dec. 0-5. Those at- tending from here will be Cynthia Lou Willard, Shelton High, School, and Nancy Dreher and I~ rank J. M/ller, NotCh Mason High School. "BANGKOK" Comty Slippers $7,00 _ Operated & Managed i (1~1~ by Christensen's for Shoe•, Bremerton SHOE Open Man. & Fri. 'Til 9 P.M, itj i Modsl DW-DMJ • Washes really clean with powerful Multi-Jet Revolving Spray Arm. • No hand rinsing! Efficient wash and rinse cycles do it for you. • Easy front-loading! Roll- To-You Racks simplify loading problems, = Generous capacity-holds 12 full table settings (NEMA). • Tough Spill-Saver Top with attractive Melamine surface. Frost-Proof Bottom Freezer Reg. $399.95 .................................... FPDA-14BJ Even I I'~luC Full Width Freezer R eg. $219.95 .................................... D-12-64 II Electric Clean Oven Reg. $339.95 R D E-38J II Deluxe Model - Glass Door Sq ! Reg, $239.95 .................................... R O G-38J I ~u "Building Mason County" Of Shelion & Pine 426-4393