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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAG 4 JOURI AL--Publi ed in "O r ef.mast'o n, U.S.A.", 9helton, Washington Thursday, Decembe More .... Impress.ire Punishment In this news medium's "'County Record" column you've noted occasionally of late that Justice Glenn Correa has been assessing fines on persons arraigned before him on charges of "litterbugging". This we are most pleased to observe. Our lovely road- sides are far too beautiful to be decorated with ugly litter. Those who scatter debris, whether thoughtlessly or pur- posely, need to be taught with indelible lessons that Wash- ington must be kept clean as well as green. It is not easy to app 0hend "litterbugs". But when they are caught by ti e 10ng arm Of, law the lesson needs to be implarffed firmly that this is a misdemeanor the public will not tolerate. To make punishment of such a vivid nature that litter- bug repeaters will be few, if any, Mrs. Shirley ttansen has a s.uggestion l or Judge Correa which we heartily concur: in place of hitting them in the pocketbook with fines, why not efitence each litterbug to'a fe v hours, on their off-work time, of collecting litter along the roadsides ? We venture to forecast His Honor would see those So sentenced tn his ourt aga;n On the same charge. We are pleased to join in hop o;ring those who " OT.kyd for the passage of the Civil Service System Bud salute, the citizens of this state for their good sens in its ena?tment. If squeamish,'• Don't Rea# , Over the Thanksgiving holidays I read Grant W glfl ill s graphic account of his 15-mont.h captivity- ia Lao . '(Reported To Be Alive" is no book fOP yOUng people or those lth weak stomachs, Yet it should be read by every Amerioan en0ugb to have some comprehension of the evil forces Our mil t 'ry LOGISTICS GRAD --- Pvt. E-2 Gary E. Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dillon of Shelton, was honor graduate of the Quarter'- master Space SPATS CSC 66-6 (Supt. Sues. Dept. QM School) at Fort Lee, Virginia recently. He is now on special assignment at Logistics C,3mmand in Thai- land. Gary ,s a 1958 graduate ef Shelton high school, attend- ed Olympic Junior College in Bremerton and worked for the Simpson Timber" Company prior to his enlistment in the Army. r l A Salute To Civil Se wee Week Governor Daniel !. Evans appropriately has called upon the citizens of Washington tO observ the f!f h anuiversarjr Union City Lodge of the enactment •o fthe State Civil Service Law next week, Dec. 6 - 12. .... F. & A. M. The people themselves enacte4 the Civil Service System through passage of Initiative 207 in the 1960 general elec- :No. 27 tion. As Guy. Evans sal4 in his proclamation of State CIvil FORMEDmPlaying for their first tar; George Wagner, electric piano; Duane Kidd, / Service Week, the Civil Service System has resulted in t!le ,ool Nuotare Saturday night will be lead guitar. Not pictured are Tom Wingard, sex- ~ Stated Communications increase Of professionalism has f0stered |0yaRy, eciui y own);~n~ "~siCian'Sband. Calllng%Vh'0themselveshave re cently,,The has°l~h°ne;been'andtogetherBill D0wtY,aboutSec0nda month.guitar'FourTheof grouPthem ( Lodge Opens 7:30 p.m. and fairness in empl0yment fpr'stat0 wo k¢ s.V - Town Kryers", the " group " is Composed of, left to are students at Shelton High School. ( Visitors Welcome More important , the, Oivil Service System richt, Larry Bell, drums; Keith Russell, base gut- .... (. James Reeder, W. M. has removed' evils' the pstr .a ,e method of ..... • ............... . ........ ...... ? Gordon E. Stolz, Secretary employment, bringing c~t'rl.u't, o' $1¢,[Is ajla exp'. If" e _O mr .~i'~ e re Inc .... REAL ESTATE ~ 2nd Thursday Monthly rience to the state service corresponding eco- ' . _ . nomlo adv a tagea {o the CitiZen; axp y.r arid era- , I I }, I$l)S , P103/ alike, ..... NEW yORK (Special) -- In A major factor in the growth of ~ason County_, in contrast to the home ownership has been the gen- s~u!~tio~ in ~some communities, eral improvement in the economy. ~'t' fai~ilies 'own the homes in I A greater proportion of the peo- [ple have been attaining the finan- wh!i£h thley'"liy¢, ' I cial position necessary for the pur- ' L~all~: home owners outnum- I chase of a home. b,e~ 'rente~ by a considerable mar- ] Also, average incomes have been g~. ...... .... ]rising to such an extent that a ] family, without increasing the per- ApI~rox, iv~ately 74.2 percent of] centage it has been spending for ~ll dw~ili~ units in the countY lhousing, can now afford to buy. ~i~e nOW 0~ed by their occupants,[ Another important factor has ~c¢ord~ing~ 'to the• latest findings.] been the assistance given by the It s~ts an all-time record. Federal government to prospective personnel are fighting in A si$. . .... F.or a number of years, there home owners by making it easier Brace yourself for so e hard jolts. Mr. W )lIKil! ana bay been a strong urge apparent for them to obtain mortgagefi at his literary collaborator, 3eiZry Rose, inject just about every iA0,r/g •families 'in the local area reasonable rates. four-letter word yo.u've ever h ard, "plus some longer ones, who were in rented quarters to According to the Michigan Uni- ~Equirehom¢s of their own. versity survey, well over 3/4the of into an earthy, fasaina ing,horx:[fying, highly realistic docu' back to 1950 and to the the families that purchase homes Going zl6ti0.Ral Census of Housing taken nowadays, incur mortgage debt or ment of 20th century barbarism which It¢ nately freezes tha~ "yesr home ownership in N/a- borrow money in some other form your spine and boils your blood. ' " son Cou~nty amounted to 70.6 per- for the purpose. It is a vivid revelation of the ignorance, sadistic cruel- ty, and burning hatred which rips apart the Asiatic peoples @nd makes the war in Southeast Asig a fantastic thro ¢back to the days of savages. ....... "Reported To Be Alive" ayailable now at the 8helton Library- I" recommend it-- f y6u're not adverse to strong language, The Gag Was Long In Coming It appears that the public• fs beginning to gag on the steady sociological diet of excusing the conduct of teenage hoodlums because "society has failed them". Communities racked by senseless riots and citizens who cannot venture from their homes without being assaulted and beaten are getting fed up with pampered andinsolent youth gangs. Some courts are taking a more realistic approach in handling those involved in these outbreaks. New laws pro- viding stiffer penalties are being enacted in a few places. We can only hope that a41t 10rities everywhere will follow this trend. For several years the increasing volume of criminal acts by young people--spurred on by the lenient treatment recei, ed Cpotlrt--- has presented a clear barometric reading of what we are now wit. nessing. 1960 thrpugh 1964 (a, ccoz ing to records) percentage of young ag,¢-g{'bup art@sis 'for major crim s and auto thefts has o.ri thal doubled the population ih- crease percentage of the saree r£up.. ..... Tile questiOn puzz!in g mos people is what causea tl e principles and mol:a of ol le 0f 'oi]r ydl th to degener .te l#,y L , Pgui lu problem comes much an its solution. Of a gtl e fax:tor, involved, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover believe the taost damaging is the false teaching which tends t'p all - tra ions, vo,es, inconveniences, re l pr ed Upo)on ouryoung people, r .... " ....... I '' ....... ~ ' ' Tile tg rs and ,their parents have been subjected, says Mr. Hoover,'. t0 a fo91h r ;h, thom- w hich conddnes rebel- lious conduct against authority, ord r, and any reg- ulatory measures which' restrict 'wishe , and activities. This ast0nishin 'h lf l ha Sliced' into the schoolroom, the living room, the eourt .an qp- the streets of' our n ttion in the for 4 unken brawls. • ................. So ciRt has failed aur yxmth., no doubt, but not in the way so many seem to think, T lictig , rSthcT, has been in failure to teach them the of i d p]iii¢, straint, self-respect, and respect for &nd O devafid the rights of others. Consequentl_y, the less0n p.#i.nful costly. On The Pumpkin--Streets, Too When the frost is on the pumpkin it most likely will be found on street and highway too. There has been only the 'gentlest of hints so far this fall that this condition he"a• motbri §t'lb 6]51 , but by this time in almost any other year you can remem 'er'It'has been long before this date. We can't expect it to last thismuch longer, so it is timely to suggest that, when the te nperatures drop, you start your trip, whether cross-town o,r cross-state, a'little earlier. A speed considered safe for a d y, or even rain-wet, surface is extremely dangerous when { treets or highways are made slippery by frost or ice. Slow down[ Lengthen the distance betweep your car and the one ahead, and give yourself plenty of room tO stop, If you have not already done so, have your car winter- ized now. Get your car in safe-driving condition and you will avoid getting caught unprepared when the cold season sets in for earnest. A prepared driver is a defensive driver Cent. Ii~ THE FOLLOWING 10 years, it rbpd tb 73.0 perceht, as shown t~y. the I960 census. Now, in line w~th gains in home ownersblr~ that halze taken place generally sinbe then. it has rcachec~ an esq,- mated 74.2 percent locally. By way of comparison in the ~nited States as a whole, the average is 64.1 percent and, in f~!~.e pacific States, 61.7 percent. The figures are from officla] Go~,ernn~ent J.eports updated to reflect changes since 1960. The changes, on a national basis, are indicated in recent studies made ~y' the University of Michigan and by others. MANN REAL ESTATE Where the action Is! As to the cost of maintaining a house, its figures show that an average of $220 a year is being spent, nationally, for additions and repairs. Assuming that this average rate is applicable locally, approximately $1,157,000 is being spent in ]Via- son County annually for the re- pair and improvement of its dwel- ling units. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you wll-bout a doctor's prescription, out' product called Od- rinex. You lllust lose llgly fat or your money back, Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. GeL rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this ~4"uarantee; If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: EVER(;REEN DRUG CENTER 305 Railroad Avenue Mail Orders Filled. GIBSON FREEZER LE Sale Pr!ces. !nclude Delivery, Warranty (parts & serv- ice) and a Food Protection Insurance on Each Model. UPRIGHTS 12 Cu. Ft. w/super freeze-fie shelves ................ $199.95 18 Cu. Ft. 630 Ibs. capacity .................................. $269.95 31 Cu. Ft. 1,078 Ibs. capacity ................................ $379.95 12 Cu. Ft. Frost-Clear (small freight; damage) $50 OFF ................ $229.95 14 Cu. Ft. Frost-Clear Coppertone '65 Model .......................................................... $269.95 19 Cu. Ft. w/Flash-Defrost sYstem ui k st defrgsting system ever .................. $289.95 17 Cu,. Ft. w/Guardian Light ................................. $239.95 TERMSto SUIT EVERY BUDGET Lem Warren Re[rigeration 2nd & Cote 426.2445 and has the right attituc]¢ to the hi h. , y acctdent t0il. " " .... ,¢ . • !,:i:~~ ~ :: ~i: . • %,, S HOPP DAYS People walking past DEAN'S have been scared OUL Pre-Christmas wits during the past two works when seen signs Hke "9 more portraits ~hoppin~ days till "This limited number of shopping d~ys," c×plained Dea~ based on the fact that it takes time to create a f;ne we have not been scheduling sittings during production week. Howcver, the response to our limited shopping days great that NOW we can extend the deadline to the Oecembcr." Give the gift that only you can give --- a Portrait from DEAN'S. Phone 426-3272 NOW. A,~3.98 TO SC.98 O~/y COM PAGABLE VALUE YOUR CHOICE-MONAURAL OR 3FEREO ALL THIS GREAT U$|C Oh Holy Night • It Came Upon A Midnight Clear * 'Caroling, Caroling * Jolly Old St. Nicholas • Little Drummer Boy • Star Carol • We Three Kings of Orient Are • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Angels We Have Heard On High • Silent Night (English and French) • The Lord's Prayer • Sleigh Ride • The Twelve Days of Christmas • Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, Lo Flow A Rose E'er Blooming • Some Children See Him • Oh Come, All Ye Faithful • The First Noel • Silver Bells • Jingle Bells • It's Christmas Time All Over The World, NOTHING ELSE TO BUY. :: COME IN TODAY/ ALL THESE GREAT ARTISTS AndyWilliams.Andre Kostelanetz. Anna Maria Alber- 8hetti • Eugene Ormandy • Richard Tucker * Maurice Chevalier • Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme • Dinah Shore • Diahann Carroll • Danny Kaye • Doris Day * Sammy Davis, Jr. ANOTHER BIG HOLIDAY BUY! • With extra-mileage TUFSYN rubber and 3-T Nylon cordl • 190 tractor-type cleats-built deep to bite deep to pull you throughl Second tire when you buy first tire at price listed. NO TRADE'IN NEEDED Black Tubeless Size 1st Tire Pdce * 2nd Tire Price* 6.00x13 6.50x13 Sl6IS S 807 7.50 x 14 , 7.75 x 14 s2oos SlOOa 8.00x14 8.25x14 S22OO ' SlIDe 8:50x 14 8.55 x 14 s24ss Sl2a7 6.70x 15 7.75 x 15 s2OOS SlOe2 7.60x 15 8.45 x 15 s24as SI227 8.00 x 15 8.20 x 15 s27ss Sl3S2 tAil prices plus taxSpecial offer good on whitewalls, too. NO TRADE NEEDED• BUILT DEEP BITE DEEP! NO MONEY D OWN I 60 FREE MOUNTING! "0 E£R "No Limlt"•Guarantee ! GOODYEAR NATION-WIDE"NO LIMIT" GUARANTEE-NO limit on months • No limit on miles • No limit as to roads • No limit as to speed • For the entire life of the tread. • ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against defects in work- ! manship and materials and normal road hazards, except repairable punctures. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of more than 80,000 Goodyear dealers in the United States and Canada will make allowance on a new tire based on original tread depth remaining and Goodyear's printed "Exchange Price" current at the time of adjustment, not on the higher "No Trade-in Price." BALANCING @ Front & Grove 19th & Pac. Ave. 5th & E Main SH ELTON TACOMA PUYALLU P SERVING NORTHWEST MOTORISTS FOR 45 YEARS RECAPPIF seer!~" D BE SURE TO SEENCAA COLLEGE FOOTBALL SATURDAY and NFL PRO FOOTBALL SUNDAY, ..... BROUGH YOU BY GOODYEAR-_CHECK YOUR PAPER FOR TIME and STATIOI ......