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PAGE 5a COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.8.A.', Shelton, Washington Thm'sday, December
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i 17 :::
Don Joe Dave Steve
', ) ' SATYt i
,,y M,,,,: ISBEI.L thedivision .fr, mlOSpoun 's °mp titi°nreaches the up Highclimber football game an
probably won't be available to
Coach Larry Weir may aceu- per
mulate a few gray hairs before up. wrestle at all this season.
this wrestling season is over, due
to the fact that: the Highclimbers
find themselves weak in the he'av-
ier divisions.
During the two meets wlfich
open the season this week--this
afternoon at 4 p.m. against North
Mason in Lincoln gym and Sat-
urday night against Olympia in
Shelton gym---Coach Weir expects
the scoring to favor Shelton until
That hardy breed of sportsmen
-.-they stand frozen feet, driving
rain, river duckings, what-not to
enjoy their avocation--the steel-
header is all tooled up and stand-
Combined for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and
I, 50 rain., later and_ plua 3.0 ft.
Friday, Dec. 3
High .............. 0:52 a.m. 7.8 ft.
Low .............. 6:11 a.m. 4.2 ft.
High .............. 12:56 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Low ............... 7:54 p.m. 2.8 ft.
Saturday, Dec.4
High .............. 2:07 a.m. 8.6 ft.
Low .............. 7:09 a.m. 5.0 ft.
High .............. 1:24 p.m. 1].6 ft.
Low .............. 8:27 p.m. ] .6 ft.
Sund~y, De(;. 5
High .............. 3:08 a.m. 9.5 ft.
Low .............. g:04 a.m. 5.8 ft.
High .............. 1:50 p.m. 11.6 ft.
Low .............. 9:01 p.m. 0.4 ft.
Monday, Dee. 6
High .............. 3:59 a.m. 10.5 ft.
Low .............. 8:56! a.m. 6.5 ft.
High .............. 2:16 p.m. 11.6 ft.
Low .............. 9:34 p.m. -0.8 ft.
Tuesday, Dee.7
High .............. 4:45 a.m. 11.4 ft.
Low .............. 9:45 a.m. 7.0 ft.
High .............. 2:47 p.m. 11.6 ft.
Low .............. 10:09 p.m. -1.8 ft.
Wednesda,y, Dec. 8
High .............. 5:30 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low .............. 10:33 a.m. 7.5 ft.
High .............. 3:20 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Low .............. /0:48 p.m. -2.5 ft.
Thursday, Dee.9
High .............. 6:15 a.m. 12.7 ft.
Low .............. 11:23 a.m. 7.8 ft.
High .............. 3:59 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Low .............. 11:29 p.m. -3.0 ft.
three pins in Lhi.~: area is entirely
too strong for Weir's peace of
mind and could upset the Shelton
applecart. The situation would be
immeasureably improved if Dave
GunLer was fit to handle the hea-
vyweight division in which he had
outstanding success last year as
a sophomore. But Davo suffered
a serious knee injury in the final
ing by for the opening of the win-
ter season next Sunday.
Conditions, generally, should be
pretty good in the waters normal-
ly most productive in the early go-
ing-the Hamma Hamma, Ducks-
bush, Goldsborough, Satsop, Wy-
nooche. The mild fall with below
normal rain has kept rivers gen-
erally low enough that the recent
wet spells, which in themselves
haven't been excessive, won't kick
ttle waters out of shape by Sun-
day, short of cloudburst.
Even the Skokomish, usually a
late-comer, looks exceptionally en-
ticing for this year's opening. It
remains to be seen whether this is
an illusion or a bona fide excep-
tion to most years.
Tom .Coleman and Don An-
drews, a pair of Shelton addicts
of the bow-and-arrow, each killed
a cow elk in the Queets area as
the special season for that unique
phase of the big game hunting
season opened last weekend.
But: there wear no reports what-
ever of deer hunters getting any
resul£s in i.his area in the two
days of extended deer hunting
Saturday and Sunday.
Shelton's entry in the Ever-
green Junior Traveling" League
played the perfect host role too
well Sunday at the Timber Bowl.
After winning the opening game
by two pins they obligingly lost
the last two by slender margins
and wound up with a 3-1 defeat at
the hands of Aberdeen, which
benefitted from a 244 game by one
of its members. Joe Thompson's
502 topped Shclton efforts. Sonja
Ahlquist had 492, Rocky Robin-
son 479, Gary Robinson 472 and
Chuck Thompson 457.
Weir has split his big turnout
into three squads which he intends
to ma,nipulate according to the
strength of rival squads as they
come up on the ambitious mat
schedule the Highclimbezs face
this year.
TIlE VARSITY A squad will
go against the strongest oppon-
ents, the Varsity B squad against
weaker rivals, with the third
squad handling the second team
preliminaries. There will be some
inter-changing of the two varsity
groups as uituations come up and
to beef up vacancies arising from
injury, illness, tneligibilities, etc,
For example, Rob Mills, normal-
ly No. 1 man in the 103 pound div-
ision, will wrestle, in the ll2-1b.
division against Olympia Satur-
day night but brother Steve Mills
will handle the ll2-1b, spot against
North Mason this afternoon, while
sophomore David Ro~ works in
the 103-lb. spot in both meets.
HERI~'S THE WAY ~reir ex-
pects tO mend his troops against
toda.y'g ice-breather with North
Mason, which is just getting star-
ted with its wrestling program.
103 lbs.--David Rose (So.)
112 lbs.--Steve Mills (Sr.)
120 lbs.--Chuck Thompson (So.)
1271bs.--SLeve Steinburg (Jr.)
1331bs.--Tom Adams (Jr.), or
Stan Cowles (Jr.)
.138 lbs.---Warren Jagnow (St.)
145 lbs.--John Cole (Jr.)
154 lbs.---Dave Frank (So.)
165 lbs.---Doug Caesar (Jr.)
]75 lbs.---Don Armstrong (Jr.)
191 lbs.--undccided.
Unlimited--Jim Borst i Jr.)
For Saturday night's varsity in-
augural with Olympia, Weir will
go to this lineup for his A team:
103--David Rose
ll2--Rob Mills (Sr.)
120--Joe Thompson (Sr.)
. 127--Ron Elson (Jr.).
133--Don Noll (Jr.)
138--Dave Dethlefs (St.)
145--Chris Thompson (So.) or
Merv Kinna,n (Sr.)
154---Steve Daugherty (Sr.)
175--Dan Barrom (St.)
191---Dale Downing (Sr.)
Unlimited--John Vonhof (Sr.)
Weir wasn't sure at this writ-
ing just how he would line up his
second team for the junmr varsity
matches against Olympia. The pre-
!liminaries start at 6:30 with the
i varsity matches following about
an hour later,
One interesting grappler on the
junior varsity squad is Shelton's
exchange student from Italy,
I Mario Lodi, who will represent the
Climbers in the 145-1b. division.
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HONORED BAZERS--Scott Puhn (left) an0 Chris Close maybe
are sending thought waves through that football separating their
heads. Scott was voted the Blazer football team inspirational
award and Chris was elected its honorary captain for the 1965
season aL a post-season dinner party hosted by Coach Bill Brick-
i sea:~on preparations to build a
;team are just about finished for
tlighclimber baskcLba.ll athletes.
Tomoirow they march out to
meet the enemy.
It won't he anything more than
a sparring match, this Friday
night jamboree in the Central Kit-
sap gym, not a full fledged battle.
hacl:ing out a. si.a~t:ing" lineup has
|'ea.chcd its zenith and barring ae-
eictents at the last minute Coach
Jack Wright expects to present
as his maiden startinK linmlp in
Highclimber livery Se,.)tt Swisher
~.nd Y1ob Miller al forwards, Bra-
!dy Whitener at center, Ed Keenan
and ReJd Preppernau aL guards
against whichever foe anmng the
other three camps hi:~ Shelton Jr-
go aL each other soon after that.
The night's third encounter will
pit losers of the first two strng-
gles against each other, and in
the final encounter the opening
winners vie for the jamboree
Three minute overtimes will de-
cide any deadlocks whics may OC-
Coach Wright's basketball style
is tough on guards so Keenan and
Preppernau are sure to be relieved
at the first sign of fatigue.
Dick Knautz, Ton] Marshall and
Rick McComb are on call first and
will see plenty of action.
Big Mark Schmidt, the squad's
loftiest and heftiest player, is an-
other Wright tabs for consider-
lay draws.
Tha.t draw, lo 1)e conducted by
the yell lea(!ers of the four ,~:ehools
involve.d--- ShelL(m, Fast Bremer-
ton, gouth Kilsap and hostYng
Central Kilsap -will take place at
7:30. The first two opponents
err at his home recently. The honors were announced at the Blaz- square off on the maple hoard
er football assembly last week, when varsity letters were awarded. ~ren,~ at 8:00 o'clock for a 10-min-
Bill Dave Dave Brady
Offense Offense Defense Offense
tlonor'able Menlion: E -Clarence
Coleman PA, I.)ave Roline PA,
Keith Gnndelfinger E, Dale Down-
ing S. T---Steve Okoniewski CK,
Bill l~en'.lenhall S, Allan Parker
CK, Lee Tomren E. G---Dan Twet-
er PA, Bill Todd NK, George Crit-
tenden l.q, Jim Morton CK. LB ....
Me1 SokolowsRy E, Harold Goak-
ey CK, Ron Ness SK, Bill Hughes
PA, Mario Zuarri NK. HB--Morrie
Miller E, Dick Frcnder CK, Marty
Mm'phy NK, l)ave Morgan CK,
Dave Sayers E, Jim VanDerSys
NK. Safety--Bruce "Welling E,
Mike Carper S, Denny Jones CK.
Highclimber athletes: claimed
seven of 22 spots on the O'ympic
League AA All-Star lineups chos-
en by the BremerLon Sun last
Seven honorable mentions also
were given Shelton players.
Bob Miller, bruiMng Climber
fnllback and linehacker, was one
of only two playmsnamed to both
)ffensive and defensive lineups.
East Bremerton's Cal Pharr was
:he other.
Dale Downing, Shclton offensive
center and defensive end, was giv-
en honorable mention aL both posi-
tions. Since no second Learn line-
ups were chosen honorahle men-
tion was equivalent to it.
back Bill Archer was one of three
repeaters from the 1964 All-Star
selections. Pharr and his East
teammate, A1 Kravitz, were the
others. Kravitz was an offensive
halfback in 1964, returned as a
defensive tackle this year.
Along with Miller on i.he all-
star defensive lineup were his
teammates Scott Swisher at half-
back and Dave Gunter at tackle.
With Miller and Archer on offense"
were Brady Whitener at end and
Dave Mendenhall at tackle. Gunter
and Mendenhall aye both juniors.
Shelton, East and Central Kit-
sap players were placed in 23. of,
the 22 ::pots on the two lineups.
Only gu;:rd Bill I~[ughes of Port
Ange!cs, on defense, was not from
tho,~e three teams.
MILLER'S FEAT in winning
.)oth offensive and defensive hon-
ors was particularly noteworthy
in view of the outstanding full-
back competition the Olympic
league offered this year with such
stalwarts as Clarence Coleman of
Port Angeles, Joe Mount of East,
Rick Berg of Central, and Mario
Zuarri of North plus such excellent
linebackers as Mel Sokolowsky of
East, Harold Goakey of Central,
Ron Ness of South and Mount and
Zuarri. Mount was named as the
other linebacker with Miller.
The S,m's selections will raise
some arguments, naturally, among
Sbelton followers, such as the
complete omission of end Jon Arm-
strong from any mention on the
defensive unit and the underesti-
mating of Downing's defensive
txlay at end.
Here are the full Sun all-star
E-:Cal Pharr, EB, 195 St.
E--]~,andy pl~,im, CK, 180 St.
T--A1 KraviLz, EB, 195 Jr.
E---K. Gundelfinger, E, 177 Jr.
E--Brady Whitener, S, 180 Sr.
T---S. Okoniewski, CK, 218 Jr.
T---D. Mendenhall, S, 190 Jr.
G--Jim Morton. CK, 173 Sr.
G--Ray Magerstaedt, E, 173 Sr.
C---Rocky Hughe.% E, 154 St'.
QB---.Bill Archer, S, 150 Sr.
HB--Morrie Miller, E, 160 Jr.
HB--Cal Pharr, E, ].95 Sr.
FB--.Bob Miller, S, 190 Sr.
Honor:d)ie Mention: E--Dave
Roline PA, Steve Sehenck NK,
Curt Higgs CK, Greg Stock SK,
Randy Plum CK. T---Larry Love
E, Bill Hughes PA, Lee Tomren E,
Bill Todd NK, Allan Parker CK.
G---Dave Cox S, Dan Barrom S,
Both Offense Defense
able active duty, in
been in the thick of
lineup scramble but an
jury has hobbled his
past week. Bob Johnson
and Chief Clayton
fingered by Coach
trouble-shooting stints.
Friday's two periods
will be a warm-up for
climbers first full-fled
action of the
day over in St.
booth gym.
Wright will drill his
the ML. View grade
next Monday afternoon
fort to give them a
cramped quarters they
perience at St. Martins.
his squad has shown so
! cognizant that it must
more, Wright is
:i the chances of Hii
i eess in the St. Ma~tins
i feels the Preps are an
for his green and m
ton lineup and that the
} be close and evenly
A B-team preliminary
will precede the varsity
which should get
around 7:30 o'clock.
The St. Martins ga.m~
busy week for the
get two more nights of
ore next week is out,
Centralia Friday night,
home Saturday for
gym inaugural for the
against Chehalis. More
next week, and more
Climbers, too, about
fans will know much
[ tomorrow's jamboree
day's action at Lacey.
Highclimber honorable mentions T.----Dave Gunter, S, 230 Jr. Dennis Simpson SK, Russ
inch~ded Bill Mendcnhall at tackleG- Bill Hughes, PA, 205 Jr.
and Mike Carper at safety on the G---Larry Love, EB, 200 Sr.
defensive unit, Dave Cox and Dan LB--Bob Miller, S, ]90 Sr.
Barrom, both guards, and l~tike Ll3--,Ioe !~ount, EB, 187 Sr.
Jolm:mn, v,,bo played only two ITl] Y;ill Strom, EB, 157 Sr.
g;:mes, at halt)aek on tim offensive HB-.--.Scott Swisher, S, 170 St.
lii-lit, S---Mike K(ndall, CK, 177 Sr.
CK. C--Dale Downin~ S, Tom El-
lis B Biff Strom E Mike Ken-
,. Q ...... , .,
dall CK. HB---Mike Johnson S.
Dan Tweter PA, Bob Avery CK,
Al Kravitz E, John Dearing E.
FB -Clarence Coleman PA, Joe
Mount E, Rick Berg CK.
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~~f~f~ and Maple L
~~(7~. TWO Feet I:)1
~~~~ Luxurious
~~~ Fleece from
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In Green Nylon
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Nylon Velvet with
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WALKERS--In what is believed to be the first
walking competition ever held in this community,
this group of junior high physical education stu-
dents earned ribbons last Saturday after four laps
around Loop Field, a distance of one mile. The
seventh grade ribbon winners are on the left. From
top to bottom they are Bill Byrd, first, In 11:00
flat; Brian 6und, aeoond; Bruoe Gole~ third, Eighth
gradc winners in the middle row are (top to b0t.
tom) Mary Roush, first, in 10:12; Randy Lewis,
second; and Phil Krogh, third. Ninth grade win-
nets, at the right, are (top to bottom) Brad Wilson,
first, in 9:31; Scott Puhn, second; and Pat Weaver,
third. The competition was instigated by Jerry
Plowman, new 6helton track ooaon and P,E, In.
Operated & Managed by
Christensen's for Shoes, Bremcrton
Open Mon. & Fri. 'Til 9 P.M.