December 2, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 2, 1965 |
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2i: i
rning Sounds
~'dy blastof 3 to 5 minutes
Z~ana probable attack
~:~°- blasts for 3 minutes
in Shelton . , .
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--IAtblisl ed in "ehr ebma town, U,B., ,", Sl e1£on. Washin ¢on
=~,~, i , Ilil' ~. I III I I III I I , ,,,, , I , ,
s Trip Down "he C)ast
. l
By LIZ ALLISON Gordon Simmons during our ab- home for an indefinite stay in
HARSTINE -- "Travels With sence. Please call Gret. 426-6730 the Everett Simons home on Sun-
Charley" that delicious book by witll news and your notices to be set Hill.
John Steinbeck is a favorite with noticed. Mr. and Mrs,. Lee Carlson had
many on Harstine, inclnding my- Pursuant to our visit (reported a big time Thanksgiving Day with
self. The book inspired us to talcc two weeks ago in this column) some of their children, grandchild-
a trip down the west coast, ofwith Congress woman Julia Butler ren and great-grandchildren home
the U.S. and Mexico in a Stein- Hans,n, we visited the County for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Udell
beck manner. Commissioners in session Nov. 22. of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Just to jog along to visit places, The bridge committee of the Har- Callahan and the Charles CaN
things, and people, we were al- stine Social Commm~ity Club had lahans of Bainbridge Island, mak-
ways too hurried to see before, indicated they would attend also, ing 10 grown-ups and two small
twork,Ar on a two weeks vacation. Hopebut were no{ there. Grange was great grandchildren.
l'l=l! types anticipation is not going to prove represented by C. W. Strecken- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Glaser and
ink - oils - water greater than realization, or like bach. It was learned tim* our Corn- family celebrated a week ago
Steinbeclk° found out, "My journey missioner Martin Auseth, is follow- Sunday when they made a trip to
t, colors started ong before I leftl and was ing the Congresswoman's suggest- Hoquiam to visit Donette's family
over before I returned." ion in writing a letter for Mrs. the Donald Eddys. First time vis-
I~,t~ painted for One thing I know for sure, right Hansen to refer to the proper iting the parents since last July.
~horne & industry nOrW onz departure, Steinbeek's Federal agency regarding Federal Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Glaser spent
~Uttrations la]~gee led blue poodle., named Funds for a Bridge to Harstine.Thanksgiving with son and fam-
~trt00ns C 1 y, must have been a perfect Several statistics must be incorp- ily the Joe Glasers in Bremerton,
'~ la companion. He couldn't talk back. orated in the letter. When compiled Joe Glasers have recently moved
F youts My Travels with Charley, are and letter written Auseth will from Port Orchard to Bremerton.
~tCrheads & business with" my husband Charley, you send a copy to Harstine Grange Our mail man, Gene Townsend
k ~| 10rm inn w rev ~ ~' ,d~ w it an, wommunity Clubs for their re-
~ s des = ed kno , G .., H~.r~. Anj o , . .. . . and ferry Captain Martyn Goetsch
• ~k lettering' took a bit of doing to get ready sp.ecuve files. Money spent on took a week's vacation the end
:m0W ~..~o for this winter jaunt! Luckily we iet,y so lar thiS year anct tne ma- of elk hunting season and went
~ ~,,,_ ""'."° have wonderful neighbors so were .]or repair to take place ~)crore up past Matlock and Camp Gris-
]7=t~ra cone able to easily ~'et house burro, April 1 1966 were discussed. Itdale. Both reported they had a
..... duck and plant s~tters! Going down u:as agreed by all that it is de- good time, got plenty wet, saw lots
ranntc Art the coast, plan to see all our Ha)'- our mason t~ounty tax of hunters, but no elk. Elk are
] r • .' n ,me money is oein pourea into re-
...... stme flmnds wh.. cannot c ... . g smart! They did not come down
] ~tU~|O here in winter. Will be seeing the pa,r'.mg thin part of .the County to the lower altitudes until the
~ICK PROFESSIONAL Bacons in Petaluma, Elmores ofIx.,act .system wnen.jt..cou.m Deday after hunting season.
]8low,t-= a-r Shelton in Suisuin, O'Briens in going ms, a substanum Dr]age. It WItAT A DAY! Mr. and Mrs.
,~k",';;'~,';'~ ~. .... Kentfield, Carsons in Oakland, and I had been rumored our ferry will Ted Ness left their home in Ana-
t Nt,~,~t.,- r-n,~,=o Alvin Anderson in Santa Barbara. I have major repairs in January. cortes at 5 a.m. last Saturday.
]' ~ow - Office 426-6826 Will report back through this col- J.C. Bridger County Engineer, They arrived in time for the sec-
~ten by--Mrs. I who attended the meeting, stated ond trip of Ferry to Island at 8
~[the Coast Guard gave the County a.m. Visited their Marina talked
il ~ -- l until April 1 to make the repairs, with the watchman and reSin-ned
~i~AIIAIPRP This was stated when the Coast to mainland on 12:30 p.m. ferry.
•/#4U~IP_| :Guard inspected the ferry this fall, We met them in Shelton. They
iEARINI when it was ill Tacoma Dry Dock. were all dressed up and after a
WATER SUPPLY As far as is known now, the fer- bite to eat were continuing to Ta-
ry will not be off in January. coma for the 40th wedding ann*-
AID IS NO BETTER Time for dry dock will probably versary celebration of one of their
. , depend on how Harstine II holds relatives. Plans were to spend the
.Ill|:, ] up this winter and early spring, night with son Glenn and family
Believe this all goes to prove: in Tacoma and then go back to
meeting in little groups accomp- Anacortes.
.0u are hard of hearing, we invite your in- lishes nothing, that is if everyone Saturday coming home on the
does not speck up. Otherwise looks 4 p.m. trip, we met Mrs. Wilbert
igations of our qualifications to fit your nkc every taxpayer for himself. Jacobsonbringing her mother-in-
I ring Wish it was back in the days law, Marie Crouch, home to Is-
""oU havel°SSyour'and tOseltone.SUstainoneServiCeservicefOryouaS longmay when all the Islanders visited the land after her week's holiday visit
commissioners every Monday un- in Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Jacobson vis-
now --- FREE and without obligation --- til they got ferry service. We *ted on the Island for the weekend
will never get a bridge until we and returned to Oregon Sunday.
electronic analysis of your hearing, work each day and week forward, The new sectional float going
]"I|:!-==" Come to see our representativeI toward same, and together. The out to dock at ferry landing Island
Commissioners need our help and side is now in place. A beautiful
suggestions in working out this sturdyjob! Cedar logs planks, ~"
I Mr. Harry Bodenschatz problem. They need us every Mon- railing and held together by
day, as group representatives or chains. A necessity, for the old
Eells individually as tax payers,deal was about to sink and the
. , ~1111 I =,,~ I I]1111 I I J ,,
ferry crew were about walking on
_ . The best news we have heard is water to get out to ferry at cer-
helt n" that Capt. Gortz is back at home thin tides.' However, it cost a pret-
sen 1O a.m. & 12 n00n F . Dec. 3, 1965 on Ha,'st,ne. He has been in the
~i'][. U.S. Marine Hospital in Seattle Ly penny, I believe about $1,000,
[Wdl be glad to explain to you all the ways two ye op%, at:on ; Now which Could have been invested
in something substantial like a
........... w .... ~ ................... i bridge.
Meh we can serve your hearing needs with see the sea. :Must take care, rest
J~)lle. and make more trips to the eye
~1 :doctor, but in six weeks hopes to weekend, the last of the deer hun,
--I" n= "'"n==,..,.= HEARING AIDS ,ha e normal IN vision. HARSTINE School ers ting came scason, over TWOon loads the of 7:30 strang- a.m.
ferry Saturday morning. We were
l Daniel E Bruner are happy to have a new first surprised, for we thought the hunt-
/~ " , grader. She is Janette Ursini of ers killed all the deer on the Is-
4th Ave. O] ~'-)ia 357 3521 seattle who with he,' sister, two- land during the first period of the
~t~;_ ~ ~Y~=I " lyear-old Barbara, and the mother sea#on. It is sad for us,that~ the,
~~ [Mary Helen Simons willb6 at twin fawns now about young dee*"
. :~!~. ...... ~::~. ..... . ,,, ~ , ' size, are still enjoying our land,
but their mother does not appear.
Probably in, somebody's locker by
, ..........
2 PTOToHeet
On Dec. 6
SOUTHSIDE -- P.T.O. meeting
i will be held Dec. 6, James Cronk
and the teachers of Southside are
going to give the program on in-
side of the new math.
Actions 4-H Club members met
Nov. 23 at the Southside School.
Barbara DeMciro called the meet-
ing to order, Lora Maynard led
the flag salute and 4-H pledge;
Kerr* Kimmerly read the min-
utes of last meeting and that part
of the meeting was closed. Then
4-H members worked on their
projects and chose the rest of
their projects. Club members de-
cided to have a Christmas party
Dec. 14 and that will also be their
t.. VANITY IIG'E" ne t meeting at the Southside
~cnooL reported Susan Swayze.
IPORTABLE CHRISTMAS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. David
-'- TRIC KNIFE Hurdle and family for Thanksgiv-
1)1 Da were MI a
~&~r~, ttlnlHs steel blades with ' g 'Y ". nd Mrs. Lowell
r:~i~41~h~ idgee. Balanced ac- | Solid State design glw= Instan! Capture the t~uo holiday glowt Hardic and family, Mr..and Mrs.
~l~,~t~ly ~uc~d switch, de- | record or play-back. Easy push- Fits any ceiling outlet. Simply Bill Marcy of Skookum, Mr. and
/~Ms | foet cord, Two to, ed I buttm opemtlo,. Eorphone for ,crew Into ,ocket like a I~lbl Mrs. Robert Marcy, Mr. and Mrs.
IJ fflwte li.~ming, (MF0700-9) (EA6529-7), ' andR°bertMrs.PUrVisphil and Mr.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Saeger and family for Thanks-
,~ giving Day were Roy. and Mrs.
" l~ason Youngland and family,
Libby Saegcr and Vina Umphen-
#19~ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller spent
Thanksgiving in Eastern Wasl~-
ington with Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Miller of Prosscr and also visit-
cd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rollins of
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stuck were Mr. and Mrs.
J ~" by Idattel | Includes four exciting eperte Richard Klein and family of AI-
L CH / Borble is wl~ movable | cars, track, crew, men, fence, dcrwood Manor, Mr. and Mrs.
nlpu|a~ | head and jointed arms and legs. | banner, bridge support., lop. Lonnie Stuck and family of *A1-
designs, | Ro~ted hair in choice of color | counter and instruction manual, derwood Manor, :Mr. and Mrs.
attle, Mr. and Mrs. James MeCord
and family of Taconm, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Stuck of Itoqulam,
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Stueg ~nd
son of Hoquiam, Mr .and Mrs, AI
,N=OO. _. ASk*son and f~tmily of Hoquism,
Mr. Dick McCaulcy Max*he and
family of Hoquiam, ~'r. and Mrs.
, Vernon Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Rtls-
sell Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Slim.line barre|, easy 2-way lever
cocking actione 40 shot copocity,
7 Light
Assorted colors. Candelabra
base. Each lamp bums indepen-
dently. (TF0260-3)
Open Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p,m.
RAy PROUTY, Owner • 123 S. 2nd • Phone 426-3111
Hall.Way, Ernest Stuck, Mr. and
Mrs. Jolm Hubbard and family of
Fort Lewis and Clarence ttubbard
of Seattle.
Guests of Mr .and Mrs. L. L.
Putviu spending Thursday and
Friday were Rev. and h[r.~. L~Roy
Kellerman and daughter of Oak
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
VIiller Sunday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Jacobs.
The U. S. exported 638,000,000
bushels of wheat in 1963.
of i
.including *
Fur Tr,mmed and
.o fashion|
All Coats are Newe,
es and Fabrics t
Exa nple
Reg. '~35.00
: r l'
""" " :I
Subsld,ary of P.N. Hirsch & Co.
Free Parking at Evergreen Square
Open Man. & Fri. 'Til 9 p.m.
Participating Member iof
Evergreen Square Association
, , , HII