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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 2. 196. By BETTY DEAN and Mrs. Corwin e of Vaughn, Mrs. Edith , Waldo Chase and Otis Teig had Thanksgiving dinner and Mrs. Harry Hess and lucky hunters were Rollie and Bill Timm, both got dear on the last day Sunday. ;or a spike near Allyn and a three point at the Ham- dinner guests at Mrs. Leo P'earee's were, Mrs. Robert Pearce and Jill of Olympia, Mr. and l~ank Dean, Mr. and Mrs. ' Dflworth, Mr. and Mrs. Max Lad family and Mr. and Mrs. and girls all of Union. Hood Canal Improvement meet Tuesday evening at Community hall. dinner guests at Mrs. Paul Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bueehel and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ster- ling and family of Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and daughter Billie Lou of Nordland spent Saturday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen. Billie came to tell her grandparents goodbye as she left Monday evening from Seattle for Alabama where she starts her training for the WACS. She signed np for three years. MR. AND MRS. Perry Dilworth returned recently from a two months business and pleasure trip to Winfield, Ken. On their return home they went by way of Con- cord- Calif. where they spent a few days visiting with their daugh- ter and family, Mr, and Mrs. John Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mawson had Thanksgiving dinner in Olym- pia with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keyes. Mrs. Gladyce Sherman had Education Classes Start Wed., Thurs. s; Basketball Schedules Are Announced Additional classes will be eight adults would sign high school, students or may attend. Each student for his own materials. schedule is: and Thursday: Miss instructor: Bookkeeping Education classes will be-Peening will be used to make 1 and 2. There will be trays. The etching with acids in per week, Wednesday aluminum, copper and brass. Floc- for nine weeks. A king and painting will be included. $10 per class will be Handicrafts would be specifical- No grades will be given, ly leatherwork covering all phases will be required by the of this field. 8:30 p.m, ~rris instructor: typing, 8:30 p.m. lay only: Mr. Brown, in- hobby electt'orlics, 7:30 only: Mr. Brown, in- art metal, 8:30 p.m. Brown, instructor, home 7:30 p.m. Sell; instructor, arts and 7:30 p.m. be the intent of the book- course to give to people ; elements of bookkeeping t be useful whether they to take job in an office, family finances in shape, to further study. 'material covered will In- taethods of keeping records best use; knowledge of in- and expense as related and loss; the relation of kinds of transactions as to the income tax pic- the preparation of bal- and profit and loss Tooling, carving, beveling and dyeing.• Art section would stress water colors, design various meth- ods of art, such as: printing, mos- aic, mobiles. Also could include some oil. The Home Economics course will involve some new learning, review, .tips, and clues for easier sewing. All projects will be able to be ae- complished on a straight stitch machine. We will process fabrics, have a tearing session, key, lockstitcil understiteh, bound buttonholes facings, and hemming by mactfine, e~. (This will be based on the Bishop Method). THE TRI-COUNT¥ Junior High and high school girls' basketball schedule for 1965 is as follows: Jan. 5 Mary M. Knight vs. North River; Quinault vs. Wishkah Jan. 12--Wishkah vs. North Ri- ver; Quinault vs. Mary M. Knight. nault; Wishkah vs. Mary M. Knight. Feb. 2--Wishkah vs. North Ri- ver; Quinault vs. Mary M. Knight, Feb. 9--North River vs. Qul- nault; Wishkah vs. Mary M. Knight. The Junior I-Itgh games begin at 6 p.m. the girls' games begin at 7 p.m. Prices are: students 25 cents, and adults 50 cents. The Tri-County Tournament at typewriting will in- Wishkah Friday and Saturday mastery and aim- nights, Dec. 3 and 4, will begin of typewritten materia~ ,|,th~,bji~ketball season. A schedule tabulation. Ten minUt~ [ ~t e~ames is as follows: ! ~ d~o~i~t" g~nes---capital- Electronics course with Basic Electronics learning how to assemble kit. This may be a amplifier, volt-ohm meter, walkie-talkie, etc. M.etal course will .in- copper "and aluminum. raised metaLpecptes ' ckumacber Gets ip In AAGP William H. Schumacher, Fourth Street, has been to active membership in Academy of General a association of doctors. member of the AAGP, Dr. will be required to 150 hours of postgradu- Ileal study every three Program, unique among 'associations, is designed member physicians keep of the latest scientific de- ars 'in medicine. ir[ 1947; the AAGP is second largest na- ~ssoeiation. izations denotes league game's. Dec. 10--Rainier* Dec. ll--Green Hill Dec. 14-vPeEll Dec. 21--Green Hill* Dec: .28--North Mason Jan. 4--Rainier 3an.~ 7--V¢ISHKAH Jan. 14--NORTH RIVER* Jan. 18 or 25--Quilcene Jan. 21--QUINAULT* Jan. 28--WISHKAH* Jan. 29--North Mason* Feb. 4--NORTH RIVER Feb. ll--QUINAULT Feb. 12--Quilcene* * * $ The 5th and 6th football team has won every game it has played. M.M.K.-Kamllehe, 36-18 M.M.K.-Lower Skokomish, 36-12 M.M.K.-Lower Skokomish, 48-6 M.M.K.-Southstde, 24-17. $ • • Grade cards were handed out Nov. 24. Those on the honor roll are: Seniors--Loretta Beerbower; Junlor--Rene' Perkins; FreshmaB --Judi Springer, Sandi Perkins, Cynthia Iverson, Dan Chappell and Jeff Brown; 8th Grade--Teresa Trimble, Kathy Stodden, Dabble Brehmeyer, 7th grade---Sharon Massey, and Tina Brown. EELTON--MA30N CO Y JOURNAL-- Published in "Oh.r sfmas w ghelton sF0rT Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cottrell and family in Shelton. Spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jack t3ishol) were, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Shadle of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gard- ner and family, and Bruce Gard- ner of Yakima. Mrs. Ray Vrahnos and family were hoppy to have her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burdiek of Orange, Calif., with them for a wcek.~, Mrs. Vranhos was thrilled when they ]eft tlmir '64 station wagon for her to drive. She drove them to Olympia Mon- day where they caught a train home. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hezeth and girls of P'ortland, Ore., were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nesseth. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. att(i Mrs. Larry Sheel were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blancher and son from Jovita. MR. AND MRS. John Rebman spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Barney Loitz in Shelton. Mrs. Rebnlan's 85-year-old moth- cr was able to come from the Shclton Manor Nursing home to be with them, Thanksgiving. dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timms were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olson and fam- ily of Bremcrton. Mr. and Mrs. George ,qteelman of Union, Mrs. Hihta Isaacson of South Dakota and John Selvela of Portland were Thanksgiving din- net" guests at Mr. and Mrs. AI Cowans. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ball drove to Othello for Thanksgiving leav- ing here Wednesday evening'. They spent the night in Ellensburg, then on to ~Othelo wlmre they had din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc- Cann. A family gathering at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walters Thursday brought together Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kimball and family of Shcl- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanfill and family of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Crawford, Don Craw- ford of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Allen and family and Mr. md Mrs. Rollie Walter and daugh- tel" Diane of here. The Rollie Wel- ters left early to spend the eve- sing with Mr. and Mrs. Don Deig- ler in Olympia. Mrs. Phillis P, esett's son-in-law, Don Deigler, of Olympia came Tilurs(iay to pick her up to come spend the Thanksgiving holiday with the family in Olympia. Harry Morris drove to Burley 'Phursday to imve dinner with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Lh)yd Coot{. had their niece, Judy lq~rmon, a grad- uate student ~t the University of Washington with them for dinner Thanksgiving. Pauline Wyatt and Bud \Vyatt were dinner guests Thanksgiving day at Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Kellers. 6 to S tb, Average IIII I I I I Iii II II IIII I IIIIII I ill IIIII ...... : III1|1 ~ T NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason Ceunty Savings& Lean Assodution TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING U,S,D.A; Choice ( OUBE ST& ,b 98* RUMp tOAd, ................ ,, : IJ .q.r~,A' ~holne Cut Choice UotSt'oDt~ARCh°ice Boneless "Sirloin T~; or U.s.O.A" " ound FULL cUT OVEN ROAST .................. ,b. 89, enr,,o.,.C .... " ..................... ,b. 69¢ S usa,e, "o'o,na, ChOiCe MII.O OHEESE ...................... ,b. 53¢ F,r Shady .- ~t~tk Din: ' lb. 43* ,b. $9,¢ oello, o;r ,.* = • net " "-., - V~ lb. I • Flavor~u' _.'~' OnlY z~ County Fair GRADE "AA" Bumble Bee Chunk Style Tins' Big Roll White or Assorted Del Monte lb. bag 200 Ct. Roils 3O3 Tins Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will travel ' to Olympia's Capital Theatre Fri- day to see Pinochle. , Standby 3 Sieve Cut dr Sliced Jumbo - 30¢ off label StXtwothOUsand,dollars four andhtmdredeighty-fivethir" Green==un"--n" .....: ................................................... Tins3°3 $,, All Detergent .......... .................................................. umbo:..Size S4 JL 98 ty cents and a total of 3,840 houi's has been allotted to Mary M. Standby Cream Style or Whole Kernel Garden , TomalOes ............................................................... 4 T,n 1 Knight for the Neighborhood Oorn ...............:i .............................. : ............................... 6T,n,3° $ Youth Corps program. About 17 students are participating and are doing v~rlous Jobs, such aS teach- I ~tandby 3 Sieve ' ~ 303 $4 Tradewell Dutch Crunch Bread ................................................................ 3 oafs 79' oz ¢ era aid, cafeteria aid custodian, Weel PeaS ............................................................ v Tins aid, playground aid, coaches' aid, library aid, and clerical aid. Remember-Christmas comes every ear. So start now to save for next , Christmas, Join the Seafirst Christmas Club. Put aside a little cash each week. By this time next year. you'll have all You need for all your presents. Try It. You'll like it, eattle.FirSt. National Bank Tradewell Pancake & Waffle Syrup 3 oz Sl .......................................................................... BUs. Confiders Sanitary Napkins ,8or $1 ................................................ Pkg. Snoboy Frozen Reg. or Crinkle Cut French Fries or Petate Puffs 4 ,-,b. $1 ...................................................... pkgs. Tradewell Hamburger Buns Set. 31 .................................................. pkg. Doxsee Clam Chowder 4 Sl .................................................... Tins Doxsee Minced Clams ................................. : .................. 4 .o.z.T,ns Sl U.S. No. 1 - Size A Netted Gems L B ONIONS Yellow 5¢ Medium .................. lb. CARROTS 1 lb. cello 2/19c Colgate - Family Size 59¢ TOOTHPASTE ' .......................... Size 49¢ Suave - Normal, Dry, Hard-to-Hold HAIR SPRAY ,3 oz ............................ Size Waldorf Assorted Colors BATHROOM TISSUE 'PackR°" Scotties - White or Assort~Kl~2 ply FACIAL TISSUE 4 or. Sl ........ Pkgs. Soft Weve . Assorted BATHROOM TISSUE .. 2 .o,, $1 Pkgs. Swift's AIIsweet - 2¢ off label MARGARINE 4 ,.,b. $ .......................... Pkgs. 1 Standby: Blackberry, Plnecot, Raspberry, Strawberry PRESERVES ,o oz. 89* • ............................... Size Tradewell Instant POWDERED MILK ,, =t. ............... Pkg, Llbby's Unsweetened Pink GRAPEFRUIT JUIOE.. 3 "GTins°" Standby Pineapple-Grapefruit 46 oz 4Ti,, I[ FRUIT DRINK ..................... Standby Gravenstein 303 APPLESAUGE ......................... 6 T,n, 1 Snoboy Frozen Florida - 3 12 oz. Tins $1 ORANGE JUIOE .................... 6 Lst SNOBOY HOLIDAY BAKING HEADQUARTERS 8noboy Diced 1o o,. 27* Dates .............................................................. Snoboy Unpitted Whole - lb. pkg. 87¢ Dates oz. .............................................................. pkg. Snoboy Cooking - l-lb. pkg. 57¢ Dates 8 oz .............................................................. 27* Snoboy Raisins 47* .......................................................... pkg. Sungirl Unpitted Whole Dates ,b 57 ¢ .................................................................. pkg. Prices effective thru Sat., Dec. 4. No sale to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.