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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 2, 1965 SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5--Published tn "Ch istmastown, U.S.-A.", ShelEon, Washington P'KGE ON FUEL Cut with Shears and Tack On FL£X.0-GLASS is the only material that carries a 2 The name FLEX-0- ~rinted on the edge for iltsfdware & Lure bet Store= Everywhere Plastic Sine! 1924 NEW CLUB STUDIES DOG OBEDIENCE Members of a new 4-H Club are studying dog obedience. Meetings are held the first and third Fri- days of each month at the home of Mrs. Alan Ford, the leader right after school. Anyone inter- ested in joining can call Mrs. Ford at 426-6152 or Rebecca Leamons at 426-8171. Officers elected at the first meeting are: President, Rebecca Leamons; vice president, Peggy Cummings; secretary-treasurer, Peggy Smith; and reporter, Gale Leamons. All members were plac- ed on committees. --Gale Leamons, reporter * * * IVY SPROUTS The first meeting of the Ivy Sprouts 4-HClub was held in Oc- tober in the home of Mrs. Nut,. The group meets once a month with Mrs. Nut, and Mrs. Thom- ason as leaders.. Officers elected were: Presi- dent, Pauline Thomason; vice president, Bill Barton; secretary, Mike Nutt; reporter, Judy Shef- field. The name of the club was de- cided on during the business ses- sion which was followed by re- freshments. --Judy Sheffield, reporter OUT COLD, IN HEAT, 40 onfu61 • Iq.F.XIBLI! 8HATTER PROOIF • lASTS FOR YEARII " ~;' wide Jusi Cut and Ta~ __ HAVE GENUINE FLEX-O-GLASS-- Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as: Windows • Storm Doors Storm Window Kits • Weather-Stripping :REST PHONE 426-4522 Junior High Girls' League Ends Quarter The first quarter of Girls' League activities at Shelton Jun- ior High school have come to a close with plans already being made for the first meeting of the second quarter to bc held in De- celnber. Mrs. Norman Remmc is advisor for the group. The first meeting of the year was held October 20 with Shari Gruvcr presiding as 18 girls were installed in various offices and in- formed of their duties. Elected officers for the school year are Robin Bakke, president, Patsy Miltenberger, vice presi- dent; and Margaret Surratt, sec- retary. Two vocal duets were sung by Cynthia Rice and Jan Hillier. The guest s p e a k e r, Mrs. Clyde Brown, spoke to the girls about their personal appearance, their attitudes and ambitions. Following this assembly the guests enjoyed a social hour in the library with coffee,punch and cookies being served. October 23 a delegation of 57 girls from SJHS attended a con- ference at Miller Junior High in Aberdeen. The theme for this year is "Lights". Shelton girls pre- sented a skit on "Sunlight". Mar- ilyn Okano, of Shelton, is vice president of the conference. A regular meeting of the Shel- ton league was held November 18 with the new officers presiding. Seasonal decorations enhanced the setting. Patsy Wolfe, Senior High Girls' Club president, was guest speaker. She encouraged the girls to con- tinue with their education so they would be qualified for selfsuffi- cient work. Entertainment was furnished by Kathy Hamilton. Robin Bain and Merridee Anderson. The skit giv- en at the confercncc was also pre- sented. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. William Kronquist entertained with a turkey dinner Saturday for Mrs. Kronquist's son, Carl Wykoff, and his family of South Bend. Also attending were Mrs. John Nordstrom and Frank and Alexis Kuhr, all of Shelton. THANKSGIVING GUESTS Thanksgiving guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuller were Mrs. Bessie Stuller, Mrs. John G~ Nordstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drebis, Jr. and son, a.ll of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson of Lakcwood. SALVATION ARMY TRUCK The Salvation Army truck will be in town next Tuesday. Articles may be left on the porch at 325 No. 5th street or for pickup call 426-2405 or 426-6564. BILL ARCHER Taking a breather from sports school he is active in the Baptist until spring is Shelton High school three-year football letterman Bill Archer. A senior, Bill played quar- terback on the Highclimber foot- ball team. In track season l~e will turn out for the high jump, an event he lettered in last year. In his role as a senator at SHS he is instrumental in helping to form a new school government Which is being set up this year by the students, with the coopera- tion and approval, of course, of factflly advisors and the principal. The new government, which will probably not be completed until next year, gives tim students more self-governing power. Bill is a member of "S" Club and German Club. Outside of Youth Fellowship. He plans to major in Christian education in college and hopes to attend Biola college near Los An- geles after high school gradua- tion. Subjects he is carrying this year include music, theory, civics, phys- ics, literature and physiology. Bill was born here in Shelton Jan. 13, 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archer. He has an older bro- ther, Steve, who graduated from SHS and is now a freshman in col- lege, and two sisters. Julee, 12, and Jodie, 9. Piano and organ, hiking, and, of course, sports are hobbies of this week's five foot 11-inch, 160- pounder who has green eyes and dark hair. m Today, Thursday, Dec. 2 World War I Veterans and Aux- iliary potluck luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Navy Mothers' Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Yacht Club business meeting, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Toastmasters' Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers' restaurant. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. High school wrestling, Shelton vs. North Mason, 4 p.m., Lincoln gym. 40&8 Voiture 135 December Pro- menade, dinner 7 p.m. at Shelton Hotel, prom 8 p.m. at 40&8 Club. Friday, Dec. 3 VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memor- ial Hall. WCTU Christmas party, 1 p.m., home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Many Friends And Relatives Attend Anniversary Fete About 200 friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley attended an open house November 21 in the Skokomish Community hall to congratulate them on their 50th wedding anniversary. iI Present to help greet guests ~were four of the Barkley's chil- dren, Blair Barkley, of Edmonds, Gayle Korthik, of Bellevue, Jan Patterson, of Seattle, and Carol Hunter, of Skokomish. Their oth- er son, Lee Barkley, of Minne- apolis, was unable to attend. Pouring for the occasion were Mrs. Ruth Hoffman, Mrs. Lois Smith and Mrs. Beverly Barkley The cake was served by Mrs. Jac- queline Smith and Mrs. Don Bark- ley Blair Barkley, Don Patter- son and Ed Kortnik were in charge of the punch bowl. Peggy Sauer and Barbara Ma- berry sang two numbers for en- tertainment, as did Sandy Boling- er and Linda Coffey. After the reception 40 relatives gathered at the Bill Hunter beach home for a buffet dinner. Golf Club Women Slate Yule Party The Shelton Bays~ore Golf Club Women's Division will hold its an- nual Christmas party at 8 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Don- ald Daniels, 310 Highland Drive. All women members of the Golf Club are invited to attend. Mrs. Richard Brewer is chair- man of the event with Mesdames James Hartley, H. O. Rowe and Gerald Thompson acting as hos- tesses. A silver offering will be taken to be donated to the 40&8-Journal Christmas fund. FOR Hundreds of New Style Pierced Earrings from $1.00 Fashion Pendant Watches ...................... from $10.95 Special Christmas Pins & Earrings from $1.00 Pearls- Pearls. Pearls Pins- Necklaces- Earrings Bracelets - Rings ........ from $2.00 THE - NEST ENGAGEMENT RING $200.00 ENGAGEMENT RING $300.00 Wedding Ring $29.75 ENGAGEMENT RING $237.50 Wedding Ring $38.50 THE FIT Famous Silverplate by h ternational Only Each m :Now yoll (?an have the larger dJanlan(l, the lovely styling of a. Starfire ilia- mend Iting, Our low prices and easy eredit terms, pills permanent reglstra- I,ion, anti diamond protection make Starfirc a great diamond buy. EASY (',ILEDIT TEitMS Styles strewn ca~ be made in any price range. tC OCOGO@ O FIRST LADY "h" JET CLIPPER "T" aashion's new A handsome 17 Jewel pered pear-shape watch. Waterproof.* set with Sparkling Self-winding, Shock. solitaire diamond, resistant. Luminous. 17 jewels, Yellow or white, Yellow or white, $B0,9§ $39.e5 Come in nowl Our Watch Experts will show you why every Bulova is precious jewelry that tells perfect tlme, why it's a gift you can be proud to give, to OWn. Credit Terms Shelton's Finest Jewelry Store i Saturday, Dec. 4 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Shel-Toa Ovthopedic Guild bake sale, 10 a.m., Sears Catalog office. High school wrestling, Shelton vs. Olympia, Shelton gym. B squads 6:30 p.m., varsities 7:30 p.m. Sunday, De(,. 5 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, Dee. 6 PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD commission room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. SRA card party, 8 p.m., Mem- orial Hall. Tuesday, l)ex'. 7 Welcome Chapter No. 40, DES, Social Club luncheon, 12:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Gera.ld Samples. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Lions Club dinner, 7 p.m., Shel- ton Hotel. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma- sonic Temple. Salvation Army truck in town. Phone 426-6564 for pickups or leave at 325 No. 5th Street. Shelton Jaycee dinner, 6:30 p.m., airport clubhouse. Pioneer PTO, 8 p.m., at the school. High school basketball, Shel- ton vs. St. Martins, in St. Mar- tins gym, Lacey. B teams 6 p.m., varsities 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 8 Soroptimist Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD commission room. WSCS executive committee meeting, noon, little chapel; reg- ular meeting, 1:30 p.m. D~'ivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Thursday, Dec. 9 Girl Scout leaders' meeting, 9:30 a.m., St. David's Episcopal church. Golden Age Club potluck, noon, Memorial Hall. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Toastmasters' Club, 6:45 a.m. Timbers restaurant. Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce monthly membership dinner meeting, Shelton Hotel dinner 7 p.m., program 8 p.m. MANN REAL ESTATE Where the action is: to fix-up, prepare for winter, pay bills, meet other fall needs, It's fall again! Make our of- fice your convenient headquar- ters for FALL CASHI Use your good credit to get the money you need here ,now --to pay up bills or monthly in- stallments and keep your credit good'=or to pay for some tm- pin,ant fall 'purChases for your family. Repay on monthly texans to fit your budget. That way, you'll have 'a carefree fall-- with' all the cash you needl To arrange for your cash for fall--drop in, write or phone us soon..Our service is fast, cour- teous and private. Why not do it NOW? Currgntly Paying 4.8% 303 North 4th Street Serving all residents of Mason County except Simpson Employees MASON COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT MagniIicent! You., in We can't think of two better reasons than this giant paisley print pullover with its extra-long 10" back zipper. Wear it with SPORTEMPOS classic all-wool, fully lined dual contoured pant. After all, nobody makes a pant for women with the exacting details SPORTEMPOS includes... Lamb's Wool/Fur Blend/Nylon print pullover $13.95 100% Wool Pants, sizes 8 - 16, $13.95 409 Raih'oad Ave. 426-6432 Open Friday & Monday 'Til 8:30 P.M.