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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SITELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ--- Published in "Ghr{sfmasfown, U.S.A.", SheIton, Washington Thursday, December 3 -- For Sale FoR SALE --- Several good used freezers reconditioned and guaran- teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration, 127 South Second. W~ 7/1 tfn ELECROLI/X SALES, servJee and supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108, after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn YOU CAN PUMP more water and longer with Fatrbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co,, 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn LAM. BERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for i sale or lease. Liberal terms to right party. Route I Box 225, Shelton. Phone 426-8768. 9/28 tfn HOMEMADE CANDIES by AI, Peanut brittle, a specialty. Many others available. Order now! Phone 426- 9267. E 5/20 tfn Sell Articles And Never Used Make Some Cash ! For Sale [ Miscellaneous I WOOD -- $20 per load, delivered. Well [ CARD OF A,PPRECIATION over a cord, Specify length. Phone [ The kindness and sympathy of neigh- Hoodsport 877-5520. P 12/2-16 [hers and friends in the loss of our [ fatl~er, Daniel Gephart, will always ACCORDION -- Enrico Rosslli, 120 i remain with us aa a precious memory. base, $185. Phone I Our sincere thanks and gratitude for 426"8945Mc-- 12/2-16 all these comfo,'ting acts. Mr. and Mrs. William Gephart AMPLIFIER, Magnatone guitar ac- and Christine cordion, two 12-inch speakers, $185. Phone 426-8945. Mc 12/2-16 ' ' Personal USED BIKES -- $5 and up. Rcpah's and sales. Clinton's Bike and Ski ARE YOU HAVING an alcoholic prub- Shop, 223 Cots St. 12/2-16 lem? C.all Alcoholics Anonymous, , 426-4088, L 12/2 tfn ALTO SAX FOR SALE --- Excellent condition. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8690. o 10/7 tfn ..... Used Cars "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber 1956 CHEV. -- 2-door hardtop. Six cyl- stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.50 lnder, stick shift, $350. :Radio, heater. each. 227 West, Cot~, ...... 12/1 tfn Phone 426-6539. P 9/16 tfn SEVERAL USED house trailers, large rO_R~....~S2~_L~^ --_~G°°dj,_2ffectiv? and 2467. ' H 6/10 tfn ~--- CHRISTMAS CANDLE SALE --- Frl- FOR SALE -- Used steel plates nine day, 520 Franklin, Bar-Dins, the shop pulleys and shafts. ~1 types ~sal-' of 1000 hand-made,s. B 11/18 tfn vage" Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn LOVELY, old walnut buffet. ~50. Oil heater with fan, 200-gallon oll drum FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- and o11, $60. 426-6739. M 11/18 12/2 conditioned ranges, refrigerators, we.shots, dryers, Eells & Valley Ap- FOR SALE --- Spagnum pea~ moss. xou pnance uenter. 6/5 tfn haul or we haul. C~II 42~-6760. F 9/16 tfn DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- stery cleaned by Cleaning Services FOR SALE --- Three good oil heaters. Company, phone 426-4376 or 42~. :_8138, Exceptional eonditiom $30, $25 and ~/7 un $20. Phone 8T/-5521. /d: 11/25 12/9 NEW MOON mobile homes! Nation's ~-----'--'-T-E~~ best se!ler,_your best buy. DeT ray:s Lovely Christmas articles. Mrs. A. O. mum,c ~omes, 1~1 tones ~oaa, C~arlson 817 Cota 426-6129 Olympia. Phone 352-2907, D 10/15 tfn ' ' 11/25 12/16 ~R~~I , nn~tin~r Gnndg Many thousands of items to choose ] poxung ~oous zrom. Large discounts. We pay ] ........ freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- [10 FT PRAM new, unfinished All crest. M 8/8 tfnI metai shower plus fixtures. 15hone ~-M~~[ 426-4195. C 11111 tfn $6.50: Sherman .Clay, 205 W e_StIBOATS' MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- Filth, olympia, WaSh. £~none 362- ~t o+ ~l+'= '~r~.lnn .q.n,~tv nn o, ~. ~/~ ~L~ beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn ."-2 ' Phone 426-2116. Call after 7 p,m. able prices, dresses 50c up; skate out- , 1AvesEocK fits $1.00; pajamas 75c. Many more. , Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216. FOR SALE -- 2~-yr-old Shetland S 9/16 tfn gelding. Phone 426-6910. S 11/18 12/2 BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack cameras. Fully automatic from $59,95. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. Z 7/1 tfn FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- onstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room- size rugs. Custe)m-madc draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free esti- mates, Y()u're always welt'ohiO at Cleon Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426- 4702. O 11/18 tfn SIIOPSMITII MARK V -- This power tool is a (~omp]eh'. workshop which perferms sawing, drilling, lathe, shaping and phming. Includes a jointcr and nearly new band-saw, plus numerous other accessories. Ph. 426-2244, T 12/2 tfn :MAGIC CHEF gas oven and surface unit, coppertone, to be installed, brand new. $125 for both. Phone 426-8171 evenings. L 12/2-16 ~IFE! ]]UY YOUR IIUSBAND a Christmas present. One used Bradley Manure spreader, $65. 877-52-t8. B 12/2-9 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE -- About 600, six feet to eight feet. Pi~, 426-4064, K 12/2-16 SEVERAL CHESTS of drawers, $5 to $/5. Frigidaire refrigerator, $25. KeN vinator large electric range, $25. Sih'crtone 21" TV, OK, $30, Maple desk, $17. Maple vanity, $22. Maple 40" spool bedstead, $8. One-drawer girl's vanity and shah', $13. Chronm dinette table with four damaged chairs, $16, or set $13 with smaller table. Two occasional chairs, $4, $6. Large, strong bhmde mahoga.y cock- tail table, bottom shelf, stainless top. $15. 40" mattress, springs, damaged bedstead, all three $10. 24" American Flyer bieycle, everything on it, $/5. Round maple coffee table, 30". $4, Several clean full-size mattresses, $5 to $13 for Bcautyrest. Apartment l electric range, fail', $12. Large, good] old square dining table, has five l fat round legs, $20. Late model West- ] tnghouse vacumn cleaner $13. Good] Thomas electric organ, console 1nod- ~ el, consider piano, record stereo or some trade-in. Will deliver any item for extra charge. Phone 426-6953. D 12/2 ~PINET CONSOLE PIANO ~o picked up and sold. Will sacritice to responsible party in this area. Also clectrk: organ. Cash or terms. Write er phone 916-922-9880, Adjustor, Kohler & Campbell Pianos, 1615 Del Paso Blvd., No. Sacramento. Calif. T 12/2-9 FOR SALE -- 28 ft. house trailer, Sleeps four, two doors. Fully elcc- trio. gas stove and radiant hect. Licensed, excellent condition, $750. 426-6871. L 12/2 i, i I Wanted WANTED -- Saddle in good condition. Call 426-3651. H 12/2 Top prices paid. Interested in Large quantities. Collectors write Box MP, e/o The J°urnal{0/7-21 11/4-18 12/2-16 or psrt-tlme work in shop. Phone 426-4840. B 12/2 tfn SI~'WINI;, ALTERATIONS and ironing, Apt. 503, Edgcwood Apts. 426-8584. Mornings only. . I! 11111 tin TWO PUPPIES to give away. Small breed. 426-4910. T 12/2 WANTED -- Good homes for three outdoor cats. Excellent hunters, part Burlncsc, Will deliver. 426-6731. D 12/2 Needed At Oncell 3 or 4 Bedroom Homes under $13,000 • "Fixer-upper" homes under $5,000 CALL NOW - 426-3369 Himlie KRESKY AUTOMATIC 26" firebox, brick-lined, automatic thermostat & circulating fan $159.95 No Down Payment $8 per month Free Parking Free Delivery FURNITURE 4th & Cota 426-4702 L : , Excellent Quality Used Furniture 1---Full Size Mattress & Box Spring ........ 1--Full Size Foam Rubber Mattre~s~ Box, Frame &, Headboard $~:~0 Davenport & Chair, wood knuckle arm .... 2---Davenos, Good Condition Your Choice ............ 1---Love Seat Daveno ................... 1---5-piece Chrome $~ =750 Dinette - ALL FOR .... 4, 8---Oil Heaters, all sizes. Guaran- teed to be in operating condi- tion. Your Choice, Cash & Carry .......... N ew Fu, ni Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs .................... 4--Dirnette (3hairs .................. each 3/3 Bed, Complete .................... Maple Desk, $6995 Formica Top Maple Desk, Birch Top ................ NO MONEY DOWN --- EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS fr 1st & Grove 426-4702 Wise People Will Not Compromise On Their They Will INSIST on Johns Manville It will withstand hurricane winds, and It cost= no more at the SOUND MILLWORK CO. Y~ Mile South of 8helton on Hlway 101 ~-IERE THE SMART PEOPLE BUY THEIR BUILDING MATEttIAI~ II I , I I I Wanted -- For Rent I WISH TO BABY SIT in my home or I FOR RENT --- Unfurnished two bed- yours, from 9-9 week days. Phone I room modern, new apartments on 426-6418. i~ 10/28 tfn I Mt. 'View. Wall-to-wall carpeting, ~V~] draperies, laundry facilities, appli- w~ ~ -- xromng In my nome, 9uc | ances, private parking and private an hour. Phone 426-6420. L 11/12 tfn ] locked storage space, Heated swim- [ ruing peel. $99.50 month. Contact ~. - J~t~ a~ my ome ! manager Phone 426-3100 E 11/26 tfn or yours. ~ay or night. 426-2594. i ....... ~ ....................... H 6/17 tfn ]LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for sale or lease, Liberal terms to right _~ -.J~ _wuzt~, carpen~y, party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton, cement ann Prick worK, roo~ing. Us- Phone 426-8768, 9/23 tfn borne General Contracting. Phone ...... 426-6241. O 4/1 tfn FOR RENT -- Mr. View Community Club House, anytime. For informa- WANTED --- Cedar logs, Versapanel, tion call 426-3,959 or '426-2406. Port of Shelton Industrial Park. M 6/18 tfn John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426 .... J 2/18 tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED AUTO PAINTING $40 and up. Als-o one bedroom apartments, two blocks house trailers, boats, etc. Phone from bank, shopping center. Appli-! 426-4822. Inquire 1202 Cota St.antes, heat, hot water, garbage ser- R 4/9 tfn vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-door BACK HOE SERVICE --- Light grad- hardtop. Excellent condition, Extrem- ins, back filling, sewage systems. ely low mileage. 426-2442. N 10/7 tfn Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, ph. 426-6893. 7/22 tfn FOR SALE -- '59 Pontiac. Phone 426- i 41145. S 9/~6 tin WANTED -- Alder saw-logs, top pric- es paid. Any length. Phone days FOR SALE --- 1952 V-8 Ford 1-tonChehalis 748-8800, evenings 748-3530, truck. Directional signals, all steel C 2/11 tfn dump box, good motor and rubber,WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK Call 426-2278. M 10/21 tfn Rubber Store, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn 1959 FORD Fairlane 500 convertible, new top, rebuilt engine $525, full tune-up your sewing machine? In price. Phone 426-8122. H 11/18 tfn your home for only $3.75. Any make or model. Singer Sewing Center. Ph. Olympia 357-7586. 4/1 tfn hdtp. coupe, good shape. Call 426- 8747. V 11/25 12/2 W-~~ reach? Call Cleaning Services Co., tlon, reasonable" Phone Hoodsport ,phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn 877-5852. Real clean. P 11/25 tfn 19~~ Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tin gins, custom cab, radio-heater, wide WANTED -- Christmas tree stumpage. box, heavy-duty rear springs andChristmastown Tree Co. Call 42,6- bumper. Three-speed trans., two ex-i 8163. 9/30 tfn tra wheels. $1695. Phone 898-2311, Union. S 11/25 12/9 CONSIGNMENT SALES -- We'll sell anything you have on consignment. Such as: lawn mowers, boat and pet, $10. Phone 426-8597. D 11/25 12/9 house trailers, cement mixers, cars 1957 FORD V8 4-door. Two new tires, and trucks, wood saws, tractors, wood Good condition, $350. Phone 426-4087. and oil stoves, plumbing supplies, 0 12/2 tools, power saws, outboard motors, etc. Come see us. Hlllcrest Hdwr. & 1948 FORD PICKUP~ Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Hwy. or best offer. Pi~one 426-8788. S~26-8163. 10/14 tfn J 12/2 tfn ADULT WILL baby-sit day or night ~~ in your home or mine. Phone 426- 21" Admiral TV; twin size bed. Ph. 4304. S 9/2 tfn 426-6510. B 12/2 tfn WANT TO RENT -- Two or three PeR SALE -- '59 Chev. Impala, 2-dr.. bedroom furnished house in Shelton automatic, power brakes and power area. Call collect Essex 7-4101 any- steering. Phone 426-2427. D 12/2 time after 5 p,m. W 11/18 12/9 1953 DODGE Dump truck, 8:25 tires, CtIRISTMAS TREES WANTED--Mall 5-speed with 2-speed axle. Three-four your price lists to Hi-Way Market, yard dump. Ph. 426-8731 after 6 p.m, Route 3, Box 143, Port Angeles, W 11/25 12/2 Wash, 11/35 12/9 WANTED -- HANDYMA.N for resort. ,, 'Write Box F, c/o Shelton-Mason YOU'LL PLENTY ON ONE OF THESE USED CARS '62 RAMBLER 400 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio - Heater - P, Steering Auto.- Real Clean '61 BUICK INVICTA 4 DOOR HARDTOP Radio - Heater - P. Steering P. Brakes - Dynaflow Trans. '60 VALIANT V-200 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio. Heater - Auto, '59 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4 DOOR STATION WAGON 6 Cyl. - Heater - Auto. '58 DODGE D-500 4 DOOR HARDTOP Radio - Heater - Auto. P. Steering - P. Brake= HI _----,-___ '62 INTERNATIONAL ; -6TO N PICKUP Cyl. - 4 Speed Wide Box - Clean =,, '59 INTERNATIONAL TON PICKUP 6 Cyl. - 3 Speed Air Conditioning '58 CHEV SEDAN DELIVERY 6 Cyl. - 3 Speed '54 INT'L. 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS Dua~ Wheels - 6 Cyl. EVENINGS CALL J. Kimbel --- 426-8124 Le= LaBissoniere --- 898-2292 LOCAL FINANCING WITH THE NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY DON;T MISS THIS GREAT tubs. showers. Ample storage. Quiet, clean, attractive ,~urroundings. Also bachelor units for single persons, electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. Three laundry rooms, automatic wa- shers dryer. Abundance hot water and heat. Good beds, of course! Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine, Shown by appointment, Phone 426-2121. L 12/10 tfn downtown area. Water and heat fur- nished. Adults. 119 E, Cedar. 426- 4895. or 426-44~1. G 11/18 tfn Classified Service SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 75~gal., 1000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tfn LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248. B 11/8 tfn Jim Pauley Inc., 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn WE BUY SCRAP iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tin FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallatlons, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shel- 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn ton, Wash. 11/11-12/2 GRACE PIANO SERVICE -- Tuner tRAINEES AND cxpcr~ence¢l help[ and technician. "l~egular Care Pre- fer new Mobi e Homes Faeiory. Go()d vents uostly trepan"'. Uall ulympm wages and steady work. Apply Siml-. 943-3712 or 357-6622, or ShcIton 426- ton Mobile Homes, Shcltot~ Airport. [ 8267. G 3/12 tfn • 11/18 tfn I~ ~--------------~I TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. ::RONING DONE--fast, efficient scrv-[ Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- ice. 90e per imur. Call Mrs. William 4823. 2/13 tfh Landis 426-4593. L 11/11 tfn SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY is seeking qualified candidates for interesting permanent posi- tions in Shelton. Requires high stenographic skills and previous office experience. Apply imme- diately to Mr. Johnson, Person- nel Office, 4th & Franklin, Shel- ton. 12/2 Used Cars CARPETS DIRTY? Company coming? call Cleaning Services Company, Ph. 426-4876 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, 426-2278. 8/1 tfn HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work gP, aranteed. Bennett Plainting Co. Phone d26-3248. 5/10 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrcst. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- 8552. 9/12 tfn DAV~'S BULLDOZING --- Land clear- lng, road building, excavating, grad- ing, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick, 426-4860, Shelton. D 4/15 tfn NEED A BABY-SITTING and house- keeping job. Call 426-2470 anytime between noon and 5 p.m. W 12/2 tin FOR A REALLY PERSONAL Christ- mas card, .send a photo greeting from your negauve" Zlegler's Camera Shop~ 426-6163. /1/19 12/9 I J I I BOOTH '64 Volvo, 2-dr. Sedan Construction & '64 Rambler Wagon Lane House Moving '63 Fairlane Wagon I~OUSES RAISED, FUNDA- '63 Country Sedan '63 Ford, V8, St!ok '62 Mercury Monterey '61 Mercury Meteor '60 Ford Galaxle VS, At. '60 Ford V8, At. '59 Olds Dynamic 88 Prompt - t]ustemteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY $178. l=t 426-4553 '63 International V= Ton, 4 cyl. • mau"h÷er;n- Umt" '63 Ford V~ Ton, 4-Wh. Drive Cooling, eutt|ng '61 Dodge Y2 ton 6 Cyl. I.emke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst '56 Int. ~-ton Olympia 352-2255' '55 Ford Vz-ton, V-8, A.T. 11/21 t~ '54 Ford ~.-ton, V-8, 4 spd. TIOI~S & BULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4/22 if. '53 Ford ~-ton, 6-cyl. Bill -- Bob- Bus--- Dick 5th & Railroad 426.8231 Mason Phone 426-8729 If no answer call 426-2250 Sizes and Rates 707 S. 1ST. 426-3433 500 gal. tank .............................................................................. $20.00* 750 gal. tank .............................................................................. 27.50* 1000 gal. tank .............................................................................. 35.00" Reasonable and courteous service. No extra charge on Sunday's * All prices plus tax 11/18-12/9 @ Fo_..£ FOR RENT -- One bedroom house, at- tached garage, stoves~refrigerator furnished. Island Lake Drive. 426- 466L S 11/18 12/2 FOR RENT -- Two bedroom fm'nlshed house. Inquire 629 Cots Street Ph 426-6663. No children. C 11/18 tfn age. Phone 426-3397 or 426-4}t20. G 11/4 tfn furnished. Large rooms, lots of clos- ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month. References -equired. Phone 426-8584. ------~------~~tf"S 3/18 NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment, one bedroom, furnished. Inquire 718 North Sixth St. D 8/26 tfn WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, location, clean, dry storage. Phone 426-8211. L 3/4= tfn two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities supplied. 426-2081, B 5/27 tfn FURNISHED two-bedroom house trail- or for rent or for sale, Call 426-4420. O 11/11 tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426.4426, M 10/8 tfn 2317 JEFFERSON STREET -- New 1 and 2 bedroom apartm(nts. W/W carpet in" liv/ng room, dining ell, hall and bedrooms. Large bath with vanity and shower. Kitchen with new appliances. Large elosets plus added storage area. Completely insulated with soundi)roofing between all apartments. Drapes. One story with all untie at ground level. You'll en- joy living in these apartments. Man- ager Apt. 7. 12/2 12/16 12/30 3t FOR RENT -- One bedroom down- stairs aparlnlent, downtown. Phone 426-3011 Carlon Apts. H 12/2 tfn ONE BEDROOM trailer house for rent. Vacant in about two weeks. Phone 426-3169, B 12/2 tfn ~ce from soil is--~e carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre, Rent electric shampooer, $1, Coast- to-Coast Store. 12/2 LARGE -- Two bedroom house for rent. Semi-furnished, fenced yard. school. Phone 426-2387. N 12/2 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE At the beautiful new HOLIDAY HOUSE 1 bedroom garden court apartment. Bparkllng new, carpets, drape% Westinghouse appliances, off- street parking. Drive by 7th & Cedar Street. Just a few steps from complete shopping Sorry, No Petsl $89.50 per month. Also, furnished apt. available ........ See THE MANAGER APT. NO. I I 426-2549 Mt. View Elwood Manor 20- Unfurnished 2 Bedroom Units NOW OFFERING: • Electricity • Master Television Hook-up • Water-Garbage Service • Wall-Wall Carpeting • Swimming Pool • Drapes • Appliances • Laundry Facilities • Prviate Storage • Private Parking Close and Convenient to Schools', Churches and Shopping Children Welcome Contact Manager Apt. 201 - Ph. 426-3100 12-2/tfn Real Estate HOOD CANAL Westside New Holiday Beach 2 bedroom home, 2 lots, garage and work- shop. Will take trailer house in trade. $14,000. Beach lots with access to club house, dock and float. $1400 and up. Low down payment, easy terms. Hoodsport 2 bedroom home, panoramic view of Hoodsport and Canal $6,- 950. 283 ft. beach front and tide- lands, right in town. $28,500. Southside 4 bedrooms, 155 ft. of beach, large workshop and garage and additional building site $37,500. Executive type beach home, more than 1800 sq. ft. 106 ft. on the beach, cxcel/ent moorage in Hood Canal's exclusive area, $65,. 000, For Rent Two bedroom home on Indian Beach. $65. 3 bedrooms ~-- on the beach, fur- nished ~ until June 1, 1966 -- $90 per month. 3 bedrooms, 17 acres, lease $65 per month. (References required on rentals) HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Union 877-5211 898-2155 I1| _ Real Estate ACREAGE~A~ for sale. Call evenings. 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn 10 ACRES logged off land, all fenced and cross fenced. 2 bedroom house, water, lights. Some other outbuild- ings. 4Vz miles out Arcadia road. Route 3, Box 394. S 11/11 - 2/10 FOR SALE -- One 60 x 120 ft. lot on Hlllcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East Cascade. Terms available. Phone 426- 3361. H 6/24 tfn FOR SALE --- Three bedroom 1~,6 bath home by Mt. View school. Will FHA for $450 down. 426-652~. 8/9 tfn AT UNION overlooking Hood Canal-- 3 or 4 bedroom house. Large living room and kitchen, fireplace, garage and workshop. $5,750. Terms. Call Bil.__ll Pearson 426-2471~ P 7/15 tfn WANT TO INVEST in rental property? Call evenings 426-8113, B 11/11 tfn DO YOUR FLOORS LOOK DINGY no matter what you do? Cleaning Serv- ices Co., phone 426-4376, 426-8138. 1/7 tfn TWO. LEVEL cleared canyon edge building lots. Inside city on Capitol Hill. $350 each. Your terms. Phone 426-8536. N 6/10 tfn year rom d living, 115 ft. of water- front suitable for one or two fam- ilies' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 any- time. L 7/16 tfn[ ONE BEDROOM HOUSE for sale. Day- ton area, $1,000 down payment. Call evenings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn room home, 1325 ft. floor space, fire- place, hardwood floors, plastered, six years old, double carport, built-in range, Fenced back yard. Located on 110 x 140 ft. lot on Mt. View. Phone 42,6-8431. M 9/9 t.fn dar Street. Make offer. Phone 426- 8361. H 6/24 tfn Excellent for building site, close in on Cole Road. Phone 426-8004. O 12/2-9 plianccs. Middle Skokomish Valley, half acre. Phone 426-6091. R 12/2 tfn LARGE HOME at Union for sale, Over- looks water and, mountains. Three bedrooms, den, large garage, and double carport, Fenced yard, wood- shed. Carpets throughout. Phone Union 898-2133. D 12/2 tfn MUST SELL Immediately, 5~/z Iots Hood Canal view property. Omy those extremely interested need, write. Box 50, c/o Journal, P.O. Box 430. 12/'2.-~ %CREAGE FOR SALE -- Ten acres hillside. Ten acres with stream. Call 426-3031 evenings. S 12/2 tin NICE five-bedroom home on Arcadia Road. Country living, yet 1~ miles fronL downtown. Five acres. F.H.A. approved,~I~er~ available. Phone 426-2442. ~ "~ ~ 10/28 tfn CHOICE WATERFRONT --100 ft., low-bank bulkheaded, gravel beach, with two story older four bedroom home adjoining. Walker Park. Call 426-2078. A 11/4 tfn THREE BEDROO12[ house near school, stores and churches. FHA appraised. $11,950. Phone 426-4791. F 9/16 tfn FOR SALE -- Rental property. One 3- bedroom, one 2-bedroom, and one 1-bedroom house. Good condition close to school and business district. 2328 Adams St., phone 426-4238. P 7/16 tfn FOR SALE by owner. Three bedroom newly redecorated inside and out. Wall furnace, l()ta of built-ins, dou- ble garage. Just outside city limits on acre of ground, $8,500. 426-2386. D 12/2-9 OLYMPIC VIEW ( H illcrest) FOR SALE BY OWNER Two Bedroom House, Attached Garage, Fenced Back Yard. 426-8184 Days D 11/18 tfn USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Real HOME IN COU drilled well, new septic bedrooms down, 3443. BIG ENOUGH TO 'F' TROOP And strategically center of town on a 4 bedrooms, extra larg~ ing room, a real roomy kitchen, full basement a¢ more features to make thli standing buy at $11,200, down on FHA, only the costs. Better call today. YOU ASKED F:OR IT And here it is! A trim n¢~ room home with large Y~ arate garage and workslt can purchase the own~ and take advantage of hill monthly payments. Full $8,500 and it's availabl~ mediate possession. IF YOU'D RATHER i SWITCH THAN FIGHTi Then one of t h e s e eX~ brahd new 3 bedroom ~i the. perfect answer for yo to FHA specifications s0 offer excellent terms of ~1 and the $95 per month taxes and insurance. Full $13,500. Shop early and decorator colors of you FOR THE YOUNG AT Use this as a stepping home you eventually charming 2 bedroom ,on a hill, is priced at DOUBLE YOUR DOUBLE YOUR FUN With this spacious 3 family home. ,Party-sized living room, attractive dining room and a big de, ily room. Excellent good terms available at IT'S ~OT THE "BIG ~/ALLEY" :~t" i~;. is a chunk of fact, about 4~2 acres witlt 3 bedroom, 1 level hence on Cole Road less than from town. Price has to $11,000 and terms ranged. Call us today, IT'S'PRACTICALLY /~ HOLLYWOOD PALACg At least it has that mac The downstairs is an finished home---you ad way for a gain of 3 rooms and a 2rid 000 so see us today, i "WHERE THE Call 426-6592 MANN REAL 121 Railroad Ave. 8HELTON EVENINGS CALl. DICK TO N I KURT |1 I OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE (1) (2) Just listed, (a mode~-a 11 room farm home with 5 and 3 bathrooms. 53 acres with about 30 good bar~s. This is a beauty. A real buy, one mile from highway, just 2 roll downtown Shelton. An exceptional small rounded by 5 acres of the finest garden soil Full price $8,500.00. (3) A gentle sloping 50 foot waterfront lot With low nice gravel beach about 6 miles from town. at the low price of only $3,750.00 (4) Do you want to raise beef cattle? Here's your :117 acres in beautiful Shelton Val/ey. 75 acres room older fern1 house, big barn, almost new some kids, cattle and a bit of work. (5) Attractive 3 bedroom house on :Mt. View with Lots of garden space. Full price of $8,500.00. (6) :Make an offer on this cute 2 bedroom home o]1 Large garage, fenced in yard, closed in back to school and shopping. (7) Do you have a large family and want to get out Here's 42 acres on the upper Skokomish with 4 and numerous other buildings at only $17,500.00. will love this. (8) (9) 26 acres of timberland, $11,000.00. Approxinlately of timberland at $135.00 per acre. A beautiful waterfront view lot on Hunters available, (10) We sp.ecialize in waterfront and acreage of you don't Be9 what you want here, give us a may have exactly what you're looking for. Open Saturdays 'Til 5 p.m. On Sundays or E~ Jack OIsen --- 426-6654 Walter George w 426-3530