December 2, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 2, 1965 |
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wer~ college room ates]
...... "~ ........ kept ~n touch.
........... THE GARY COLE fa~y and[ Mr and Mrs A O Schuffen-
_ ., _ _, _: ..... ..._,,., ~ '", . Mrs. Leqna,~'~oleof I hauer dined on Thursday with the
NOTICE OF ml see, rlty amen{~ents ox t.,o M, snd "'' " " " ' "
nlea, n ~ yOU lll~il(I ,your a~.*~$,,~ Shelton wer ' ' " ~ e
V C ,.,,,~^ t~= ........ ,'~ .-~aa,, in the e 'I/h~t~}~,~ying Day [ L e SClUlffenhauer family in Shel-
I1 • ~ ' am guests ot mr and Mrs ton
CIV , SER I E EXAMINATION ....... ..................... dinner .........
existing social security progr , ...... :. .' .... "[ •
• ,1, ,,,,, t, .... +~ ~,,~,,,,--~ n*'o- ,varren wnliams ana Lines. l.,at-] Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and
................ d'--e"ts for fi .... Mr. ~n.d ~.r~. ~f,~el w~o]f~p}lty had holtd~ty dinner w~th
OR DEPUT Y SHERIFFS ,. ..... ..... ,., ...... ha "' ....... " ............... .... ....
..... ~,~,~ ,,~,, oaa~+i~,~.] "rAdt~ q'hev ] d enjoyed dinner with his par-1 Mrs. Alma Baker.
':.":'~::'P ~,"~ ~".':'~',~:'C =7_'_--ol-:r(lents, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Cuzick of/ Mr and Mrs L B Pharris had
om tnls uy ao3usung LnU U u - ,. ..... • ....
The Mason nt Civl Service co p~ ssipn w I ¢o0duct an ....... x'-*in- "ret SSe lr::h.a~r ~Wenh~lvitL°St LaKe aroppea in i all their children home sometinle
op#n competitive examination on December 13th, ~g65 at ?:30 .... • ..... " " " '
P.M. (sharp)in the Court Room of the Mason County court- ",denYtVehtter--C-------, -;----_-_.,-__a.,_ .._._. __.i_, ___.____
-nd' h'" aaisin~1 panted the Norman 'Lick "family to| holiday dinner in the Island Lake
house in 8helton, Washington, surance program, a ,v " ~ ~.. . - . ~=
: ...... nt Of ealnin-s/OwmPia wnere mey visited an/home og fl~e George Valleys
tne maximum amou " ~ ' Ar " ' .... "
...... "-- ~-ntributions ~re/ so]an horse ranch | Pim !-Isis Lund family spent
The purpose of this ¢~aminatioo i~ to establisl7 an employ- on wulcu unese .... ' ....
..~..., ¢,.,,,~, ~ ~" onn ,,~ *a 600 T~''~ | / th.e 'holidRy with Mr and l~rs
ment list of 'eligible men *or the. position of,qlar Deputy p~ ........ ~.~.ov, w ~ ...... earnin / - Marvin' L~nd:'' Bayshole" "
8he¢iff. A good chance for employment aropno january ~st, new rateswill apply to gs/m ce Pr0gr~m has .been kept s p-| Mrs I~ A "~'odd called
1966 exists, ' .... for years after ~9B5. . / arat~ ~l"om that q~ the alre~ly ex-] ,,n'~'e At F, ais,,,:~ =-- ~,.G,..
The rat6 f6r the existing old-/isflhg 's~hial security pr0gram.t ~'t_ . ~*', .t.'.~ ....... ,;~,y,
isablht in Mr ~.llq ta]s Law1:ence ~amont
An applicant ~ust be a citizen 0f the Ur/jSed Sta~es, an eleo- age sfirvivors, and d' " '.Y ' -, This was done by est~tblishjng 'a] _, ',_" ._ .._'~" .. ". ,
' ' 6" em lo ee • • ' , , an~l ner 1nether mrs ~,ouise May-
tot of the county in which he resides and able to r6ad and write suranceprogram r T ,' P Y s 1 separate contributionschedule| --t 0- -- : ' - '
~t ,0I bansing Mlch who IS
and employers will be adjusted to]with the funds raised ~r01n~g pto/, -. .. s : •' ., "
the English language. 3.85 percent b~ginning . ./a Separate trust fund .""• | ..... " "
In 1966 ~" ~penamg tim winter with them
This rate is le~ than the rate set[ Employees, employers, an~] ~pJf| ~"}~ t~ls mother, Mrs. Ethel La-
ment, Shelton were Thanksgiving
Applicants mu~ be in sound health with no physical handi- in previous law ~or 1966, 4,125/emi)lo~,ed peonle wih all ndv the| ", '
caps and must never have been conyl,cted .Of a gross mlsde-- .... nt wht-h wa= founcl to bel~.~L%:.,~ ,*,..[*~.,~ ~.,.,-.;+o'~ ~ ur/dinner guests of Mr and Mrs
n~ea'noF'or a'f~lony and hdve a H~gh"Sc~ooi e~ucati0n or equiva- v ............. • ' hat' " ,~, ...................... , . v ....ins.. "" unver .... l-'ett' .... of Kamilche
lent. L ' IN 1967 the contributmn rate| in 1966, the rate will be .35 per-} Mrs. Allen Tibbits, Bill
more than reqmred at t .t~Tne. ~ ance program. Initially, sta~tmg| M " ~ "
) reases and Kelth motored to R,t mend
for this program will g(to 3.9| cent for all three gronps. In, ~| . ' ' ~ " Y
Applicat on blanks for this examination may be obtained at percent and the law provides for] in this rate are scheduled to in-] ~p,d had holiday dinner with ~/~r.
the Mason County Sheriff's office or from the Civil 8ervic9 Corn- two additional ra!ses, to 4.4 per-| surc continued p~-oper financing.| andMrs. 3. C~ TibbittS and fa~0i]y.
mission sec)'etary, Jordan ciap~er of 'RoNt'e 1 Box 3(~.Sh~ltor~ cent beginning in 1969, and to/The rate goe~ ~o 5 percent in 1967,[ Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert v~-
(Phbne 426-2503). Bla~lks must be returned to the cdh~nipsion
secretary, also the ~l?pltcaOt must be jnterv ewed by the s~gre" ~.~5 per,ce in 1973. | .~5 p~rcent in i9,~3, .~ pc~cnILt inl ~ ~9 ~okomish Valley on SUp-
tary not later than 'noon,' December 13th, 1965 to b, eligible for Self-employed persons will con- 1~76, '.7 percent il~ 1980, and to .81 d~ty afternoon in the Chester Val-
tribute based on a rate of 5.8]percent in 1987. | ley home where a number of the
thts examination• ' ' percent starting ir~ ~966 for tl~e I If you have any questions about[ family meu~bers ,w~re present for
old-age, shrvi~,0rsl and disability I yohr~{'ights or responsibilities un-I a reunion.-
MASON COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMI881,ON insurance program. The rate will [ der the social Sec)/tity'A, tl ~/ri~¢~ • Mr, aPd l~'s. Hans Lend arid
go to 5.9 percent in 1967, to ~,61phone," or visit ti)e ~oc~al" security] Darlene called on the Jack
by L. A. CARLSON 12/2 it percent i~ 1969 a~d to 7 p~rcent offih~, 1007 S6~utll"Wash~ng, l~on SL.,] ~i'amln faintly of Union on S.tin-
in 1973.' ' ' ' ]'Ofympia ' " ] day.
Financing of the hospital insur- "