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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ Percy M Pio 6017 S.E. 86th Ave Portland, Ore 48 December 3, 1964 @ Masons from widely se- in Shel- ! lturday to observe the of the found- Morish Lodge No. 11. Lodge was host at attended by more than headed by Grand Mas- Peel of Orttng. ~lversary celebration was ~e Temple chambers fol- dinner, with Supreme Matt Hill as principal Hill keyed his talk to interest in education and strive through educa- hate, bigotry and ig- nlen. that, contrary to the lresaion of today, men equal at all, but ~entitled to equal oppor- opportunity can only through education, he the tendency of to avoid the role and wondered Would find any Nathan Reveres, and Patrick say they 'don't want to in the controver- of today, cven to the ere they do nothing to victims of robberies, rapes and murders happening be fn-.~ ¢~-~,, eveq." Judge Hill pointe out. "The only way we can suc. ~J~tuny comsat tne ruffians o hate, bigotry and ignorance w, meet on the paths of ligc i' through education." "In looking back on your 101 years as a Masonic lodge here you must be conscious of your ob ligation to the present and th, fllture," he concluded. Another highly interesting tall on the centennial program wa given by Bernhard Winiecki, Pas Master of Mt. Moriah, in corn ments about his experiences ant findings while researching the his tory of the lodge. He was th( nrincipal author of a ll4-pag( book covering this history whic was given each person attend(hi the centennial program. Morton Gregory, Past Gran, Master who laid the cornerstone o the present Mt. Moriah Mason9 Temple in 1925, attended the cele brat(on and spoke briefly. Worshipful Master Lawrenc Fisher, the 100th Master of Mt Moriah Lodge, presided over th, program. Over 20 Past Master.~ of Mr. Moriah Lodge were present including the oldest living one Gene Taylor, who has been a Ma. son for nearly 50 years. Christmas Message Entered as second class matter vl th,, post office ~|, She|lien. Was(lint'ton. under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota. Published in "'C£ristnla:down, b.S.A. , Shelton, Washington InLives H0I JOtiN M. ltADLEY like dropping a drop of ink into Community Church a glass of water. The whole bc- I comes contaminated ROOM FOR HIM ~, IN THE INN NO ROdM FOR CItRIST ~,- , -~ , , '.1IN TIlE HEARTS OF TIlE ~:'t "Ano sne orougnt I UNSAVED 'firstborn .8on;and she ' . , , I This is true whether In tile nl u. sx_addltno cloth_,,, 1111 in n rnnn~er hOOnllg~[CIlrlstnlas season or throughout o ;:[m'In"f'~r~tht~n~i,'l"il'ae[the year. The unsaved love the n ....................... " . ] Christmas season but not the or a~,,1 ,,,~, hm,,, i,, hi Christ of Christmas. They love eaus ..... ~- ~ .... o--Ithe Chrmtmas season for the 1 ~)- e ||lPl.|[ ll~.~.l IlL/ |'U Ill in their materialistic]hey that they make and the par- 1 was too t~ nn ~-ith t ties they (enjoy). There is no of thi~-~,la .... " ~-~,~,:~| happiness that the Saviour of the ~o the. Ben df God was1 World was. born aL thin tmle, that in Bethlehem. He came rote the world to save had heralded ttis the sinncrs because they know the) shepherds. Yet the Came unnoticed and Ilia- by most because they Poking for the Messiah Man was busy with so that a tax could be the people. Not only no reran for Chz'is~ ing down the hill, ranmu?d into the 1)el)or vehicle. Both I)ePoe and Mi]d~(,ls(m \\'ere treated for minor nljuries a/ Shelt~n General Itos- )ital. TIlE A(!Cll)ENT was invesli-. ;'ated by Shelton Polio.e, assisted by the Mason County Sheriff's De- )artmenl. Dislrict Scout Meeting Planned The aluulal meeting of the Ma- son DistrieA of the Boy Scouts ol America will be held from 7:30 to S:30 p.m. today at Mr. View school. Commil 1'resident Chueli l)e\'ine will be on hand to install new of- fleers. Unit le'tders, committeemen, conllYtissioners anti others illterest- ed ill the Boy Scout program are Invited to attend the meeth~g. abuttment on the Mt. View Hid on Highway 101. It was struck loroadsidc by the car on the right, driven by Melvin Mikkelsen, Shelton. The DePoe, car had ended up across the oncoming traffic lane aftcr hitting the abuttment. Mr. Pinckney was taken to Shel- ton General Hospital where he died a short time later. Ho was boll1 Jan. 8, 1924 in St. Hetel~s, Ore., and had li\,ed here the pasl year after his retirement from the U.S. Air ti'oree. IJc at- tended Shelhm High School. tPlmera] services were held al Be(storm lihmeral Home ;it 1 p.m. Monday with burial in Shellon Veteran's Cemet('ry. Chaplain Mit- chell of MeChord Air Force Base offici't|ed wilh the Air l¢oree iu eharge of military graveside rites. Survivol'S inchlde two sods, ,1(i]111 and Janes, Porthlnd, O'e., five daughters, Sandy, Kathy, Dcbbic, Barbara and Bolmie Pinckney, aH 10i~ Portland; one brother, Robert, San Jose, Calif., and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jolm J. Pinckney Sr,, Shclton. RCA VICTOR COLOR TV Eclls & Vallcy Appliance Center Second & Cota 426-4663 OYSTER DINNER St. David's Episcopal Church will h~ve thcir special oyster dinner December 4th, Friday from 5:30 to 7:30. The menu, be- sides oysters, will consist of cole slaw or gelatin salad, home- made rolls, coffee and dessert. For timse who do not wish oysters, there will be a hot meat dish. Price of the dinner will be Adults $1.50 and children 12 and under 75¢. There also will be available for holiday shoppers, an apron, gourmet and gift b,~oth, for which the church will be open at 2:00 P.M. In the gourmet booth will be featured the famous Oregon whole walnut Italves at $1.35 per pound. NATIONAL BANK of MASON GOUNTY Member F.D.I.C.