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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 3' 1964 , .... SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL._- Published in ,C!wistma; ow 7., U.S:A.", Shelton, Washington ..... : P_AGE3 I iI ' I Want Ads Pay Journal Wad Ads Pay llber Leader J trthur Pnaulx llles I[ l lregon . pod, Th, ...... -- --- -- • or ,n t,,o forost. H o, .... ,o o,1 i zear/o Mall I:arly |1 A foremost spokesman for f o Let manners .... e '" I was a eonzkmnt oz several O • g ~1 I ~ .... [[ estry, conservation and the lumber I ganized the tree planting pro- [ and Washington goveznmrs. He [ Early mailing of Christmas I ] [[ industry on the West Coast for gram by school children in the|persuaded former President Her-|c,lrds 'rod Dack'lges is especially I| [ ] ~ 1 r j [ I[ 23 yeaz's, Arthur VV. Priaulx, 61, I Willamook Burn, and was a Career bert Hoover to speak in Eugene ill imuort/~nL t]his v~'t~" i:or 'Shclto;- ] E1 . ! . ,t , le" • ,, died of cancer last Friday, in a JDav speaker at innumerable high,1938, ]none of his first public aP-,iaz~s because" of"t'::~ crowded con-J' ' 1 I and |1 flfilllgrfl llfillr JJl0IllP.r Klnrlnp.. . I1 PorUand hospital. / sc] ools. ]pe,ranee, after his defeat for re-|ditions'w ici, gove,:n the t m o,'-II ACROSS FROM THE JOURNA- I! 111 :j ......... ,,,,=.~ I/ During that time he served as] For the ln59 Oregon Contort-]election !n .1929.. .. ~. ]a.ry quarters of the Shelton post|] #l,, T,,,I,, Th.,,.kll:,,! !11^,. I/director of public relations for the [nial Expos]iron, Mr. Priaulx was [ ~. Mr. Pt'mulx acquired tile ~uge]le Loffice assistant postmaster How- I I 1 II|P. ||11|11 /lll]UllJl//.l Illa]] I~ west Coast Lumbermen's associ-~ the chief figure in creation o[[uauy l~ews an¢l !~anc ..t=om!tY/ard Yule pointed out yesterday, tl GIFTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD I u.v a~v.~ --,,v**~..**v, wu~ |] at]on. His fi:'sL major assignment [ the Forest Products pavilion a [ Shopper in 1938, ariel sore the Kin- / "mh,. l~hh. .... d ~h- service win- [ I/ was to promote the Keep Green [ high-flaring hyperbolic paraboloid J ~ath operations, World/ dow'"are'[" m~mh' more yes- tl MODELS --: TOYS -- GAMES Ii • L----o..:xL IL ............. " ]/ and tree farm. porgrams, and / in wood. He promoted the largest l war Lt s()l(1/t;~ie ~-;ugene./ tricted this year " he said "so it. I] I~lU fl~r WITU fl~E ¥1gll-~ ~W~ --_L. |[ these have spread from small be-j Pacific Logging Gongress in his-/papors ~o the ~eg~'~er-~uara/,,,.,,~ ~ ....... ~t' h.h~¢.] ~",~r ~m, J l I - I/ginnings in Washington 'tnd Ore-/tory held iz~ Portland two years Ithere, and joined the lumber as-~.~"~'~ ......... .~1 ..... rth'(n~"to ~;v/I ARTISTS SUPPLIES -- CRAFTS I ~- .~ -- --;* -- ' • ' " ' O 1 who l'nll" llse ~ ' 8 O0 gon Lo nearly every state. He was ago. / see,]at]on staff, J ~'o' ~"et in earlv a;zd :,void Crowdin~/I famll, Grown Pill ~ ". I]a founder and president of the/ His unique flair for promotional| OTHER AFFILIATIONS roveall,heii~mited ,';'ca"' -/I FLAT CHRISTMAS WRAP 3 for 37¢ J I = . ~'"' '°~ I/Keel, Oregon Green associa{ion. /ideas and writing blossomed dur-Ibis divc,'sity ,)i interests. He l~ead-tt ............... = ..................... /I #'~ ; I/ Mr. Priaulx wrote hundreds of] ing the first 21 years of his career, ] ed the University of Oregon Dads ...... /I STYROFOAM ART .--- SLOT CARS ] _ & "~" ~. I] articles on forestry and the lum-/when he owned and edited six dif-|club in 1952, and the Oregon Free ly papers a~: r~amey ann l~rowns-/I DAVID FAMILY CR~'~'~ mM Jl~ ~.. r~,~ J -- ' I/ Der i,mustry for national and/ ferent Oregon newspa'pers. In the[ Lance Writer.~ in 1957. He was [vi]le. He attended Ro~burg H.O. TRAINS AND ACCESSORIES Ii ,~......... " ........ - " "-- " ' I/regional publications, and was a / late 1920s he owned weekly papers ] serving on advisory committees I school, University oz uregozL an~ ]1 I~,o story ot tier L,~O ~@~]~~.~t,~t~ -- || frequent speaker in this field. In | at Drain Oakridge, and Creswell / for Portland State and Reed col- uregon ~[ate couege. At the w. oz 1| I ,-ere ,fly..o and so beaufi{ully ~.~~J~ || his last foul' months he had near-~ and was honored as the youngest/ leges, and on the mayor's corn-}O, where he attame(~ ms neg~'ee, ~| -.-SHOP HOMETOWN STORES-- I tach child~ simulafed ~1~ ~ ~ ~,~'~_~/ || ly completed a history of Nqrth- | "chain" publisher. [ mittee for a new forestry build- I he was editor oz tne uregm.~ ~m- [| atone a, a ie~el in her crown, " ~ || west lumber. ' ] HE ESTABLISHED the Chile-~ ing, and was secretary of, the/erald and the uregana year,ooK. II SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS I I - "' ~ . .~" ~ || FOR WCLA HE developed fea-] quin Review and Malin Enter-/ board for the White Shield Home, I In 1930 he married K. Dealtry || ~--o~.~-~~ 1 || ture services distributed to sever- | prise, and operated them for 13 | He was a member of St. :Michael / Bean of Milton-Freewaler. They I I ..... I I/al thousand newspapers, tonga-| years. At Chiloquin he also built/and All Angels church, Columbia|have resided at3215 N. E. Dunck- I Helen Greenwalt Has Won a $25.00 I | || zincs, l~iadioland television stations, | up a large specialty job printing| Edgewater Country club Hilla]ley street for 22 years. The faro- | | || descri g umber in modern uses. J business in defiance of the depres-|Temple, York RiLe'Shy]nets, Ore-lily includes Mrs. Priaulx; daugh- | Merchandise Order From Ii || He had been named a~uistant to| sion, served as justice of the/gon Hi§tdrical. SocieLy, Delta Up-]ters, JoAnn Bonawitz, Kailua, | O| V ' || the president of WCLA last Aug-[ peace, and was master of 'the lo-~ silon, Sigma. Delta Chi and Alpha JHa.waii; Yvonne Werttemberger. | I U| / I[ ust. | cal Grange. J Delta Si'gma. | Phoenix, Ariz.; and Sheila Mar-|| Our Opening Drawing I ~klin t~.n¢.. Phone 426 3283 l| "Litterbug" and "woods heel]-/ In 1935 and 1936 he served two ] Born May 12, 1903 at Pasadena, ] shall, Bays]de, N. Y.; son, A, AI- | I ....... " || gan" were among expressions he| terms as chairman of the Repub-| Calif., he was son of William A./lan Priaulx, Concord,~ N. H.; and I| -" coined while campaigning for bet-" lican state central committee; he" Priaulx, who later operated week- seven grandchildren. '! '" / Note tilting mirror / Basi " Ilil Ill I II I I II e L i One of the most outstanding modern groups we've ever offered! In new Flintlock walnut, with an unusually vide selectmn of pieces to choose from. Ideal for the homemaker with expensive tastes and a limited budget. Notice the interesting details, such as the deep grained 0val overlays on the top drawers, and the custom-styled drawer pulls. Tilting mirrors of Pittsburgh plate glass, Permasheen drawer in- teriors, and DuPont "Dulux" protective finish throughout. By Bassett, world's largest manu- facturer of wood furniture. Double dresser, chest and bed- ! $109 $1795o Only $20.00 down & $15.00 per month OPEN MeN. & FRI. EVENINGS 'TILL 8:30 • SEE OUR LIFE SIZE SANTA, tIE'LL WELCOME YOU ~,, i ii| GIFT SUGGESTIONS 30-60-90 or Monthly Accounts Open ery Day 8:30 to 5:30 Cola II They're the famous TV STRATOLOUN6ER Reclinino C hairs ' featured on TV ! I e~ This elegant Transitional Style looks just ' right with modern or Traditional furni- ture. Durable fabric covering. Pillow back. Nationally advertised I ~=o,.w== II o==~o~3o I :~, Just $10.00 & $10.00 per mo. BUYS ANY RECLINER See Santa in our doorway. He'll wave" to you. You're ahvays welcome. A b eaut!ful En.glisb W!ng Back.Style. Blends timely wzth Colonial or Tradztlonal Style Furniture. :Famous quality con- struction. Reversible, seat cushion. JUST $1 I