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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 BHELTON--MABON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in e'Chrlstmastown, U.,g.A.", helton, Washin on Thur. day, December: " Card Party, Potluck Planned Houn]ain View Tl~e Mountain View Club will hold a card It'sA Date ,,.m. ,, h(mse. The public is Holders of the high Today, Thurs., Dee. 3 the last pa~ty were P~otI{l'y Chll0 ]llll(~heoll, noon, and P|Ii] AlldersoD. Ming Tree Cale. were Inalee Densley and 'l'uastmast~rr_-" Cluh, 6:.15 a.m., Griffith. Inale.e Densley Timbm'~ rest:mrm~t. tin Longan won double ~' Yacht Club b~isine,ns meeting, h The club will hold its pro.. cbd)hotu;e, potluelt dinner at 6:30 , MemorialNaVy Mot be,'SHatl. Club, 7:30 p.m. al4'holMenlhersdish and aretlle asked Hood Canal Garden Club, 11 barn will be furnished. ; : a.m., Potlatch ehlbhmlse. .... .i~ be a. short meeting ~* :::: Shelto~ General Hospital Aux- ~i taimntmt and the CI for • H~ /' :. ..... ili u'y Cou ~Iry SL,)re 10 ~ m. 1.o : :i to follow. ...... ...... 5p ~ PIH) ~ ~it~wi~ n I~ ~i : : ;:~i ,,helton ; vette" 8 p a~ home --L..I -- ,--.. II-! // /'. =,~ ...... ;,::.:..; ~ :: !':= L~ l1 ni 1' lig'~ )S{el.b, 1, ShelL)n :J !i The JOURI Franklin Center Phone 426-3327 /I , .... ,, t " II ~[~ ,]:;;: '~~ 40 & 8 Voiture 135 December I :l i II [] I $ad~';TR ~{@ Prernenade, dilmer 7 00 p m :="q'. '~~,:!?:!' Prorn 800 pro. " "' I~ II~ NO1 ':: ................. ; .................. : ..................................................................... .................. {If i Friday, Dec 4 ~i~ . :~:~:i ~ ....... .... ...... r ~ ,. • Jeanne Saeger, Shelton, is visit- I ~ 'i~ I le' ~.]CTU(,InAn'::; l,l(.~hl~)~Lmi~STTle;~: ing with relatives and friends -- in the Shelton area prior to re- ~~i!:;:~[ ----, I flllll RIFT FOg Yflll ! iI =..: ,..o,. .roe0 ..,c. ,o • V~Ili~iI~, ~IIIM I I ~l~eI [] VV • lIg ~-~M i Sale In a m Sears C'~*:,~ ...... ¢¢;-,continue her work as a mission- ~~:~! I'II .,;'.:!~.,(,~5~ = ~'~/',r,e:::!;:,>:i?~,~,~, .............. s ..... e. ary. Miss Saeger plans to fly ~iJ IIE • II ~ ~ ~~,'~ Saturday Dee 5 from the Seattle-Tacoma airport [~~ RI~ I =- i~ s i R ii i I i I~... ~a'. I~l~ll~ll~l~I Drivers license examiner, 10 I Ikraa IkO l l I~LF~IIIRI I THANKSGIVING BASKETS -- Jim Hedgers baskets were turned over to the Department of am -5 om police station around Dec. 3 and will arrive I I I v_~ I .=.fl~lGl_. __~L~..._.._,.IIIGIMGI=n • chairman of the Shelton High Sch,~ol Boys ClubPubhc Assistance office here whmh dmtributed 'De ,ee'of'~Ionm, " Christina ....... B ,- in Bujumburn, Burundi, Africa ~11 I ................... r I Thanksgiving Basket project, puts a turkey into them to needy families in the county, zaar~nd Bake Sale Seer's c,Stal~; within two days after the flight. =~'~'i I' :~ I one of the 24 baskets the group prepared. The office . . e, Miss Saeger has spent two ]l-~]~.~I.rl~]l-][ ~l~[(l~l~]'~. ...................... Mr.' View Community Club card terms on the Burundi field. Dur- ==~'~ ........ ' I INTRODUCING, • " -- ' -- " .. ~ ,. party, 8 p.m., at the clubhouse, ing the second term she served Vnu the mother of the I .............. I Chnstmas Party I Salve.on army r, .I e " II " Sunday, Dec 6 as director of the educational lv'*~r, "th~ monitor 0t ..... Qlrl 3tOUt r~ew==( Shelton churches invite you to program ,of the Murehe area. ~amil'v~s health I I DITH ~N.~MI~TI~R I For Odd Fellows, appeal Lelters Mailed attend the church of your choice. Within a radius of twenty-five " ' . __. III~IEII II~IBIIII~VII~I VV~IIIbIIV~ M,onda Dec I --w,, im illellilil~llll 1~1~,11~111 i h _1_ i , /i 'C~I' ~ 1 I H. Parry~ 3ones Chairman or LEADERS MEETING~ . . Y, 7 elementarymiles there andare busha numberschoolsOf areY°UryourtW°doctorbeStandteamyotll PUD :No 3 commmsmn meet I J~eoeKans blatefl tho local Salvation Army ServiceFinal plans for Christmas carol- . " " - " ' " of children. She visited these It is up to you as I Frida Dec. 4th & Saturday. Dec "'- ! Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and their [ Extension Committee: announced ing December 18 wil be, made at ~gom ± p.m., I~UD commission with an enrollment of hundredsmaeist. . ' - I I vrmay, ec. ~tn ~ aturaay, De , otn I farnilie- wH( h,m , 'o~,.i ....... I today that the Army s Christmas the Girl Scout Leaders meeting • . schools regularly in her Yolks- and mother to und~ I ........ • ,)arty "bee" "1:~-~(" ~ .~:~.;~u~: Appeal lett, er is being mailed this to be held at 9:30 a.m. next Whurs- County commission meeting, 10 wagen, driving through tall ele- danger signs and 1~ I ±~.o uonganon • ~o-d;e will-ftu'~'aish" tl~e~mea~-"fo~"alweek' day in tile home of Betty Vender- a.m., courthouse, phant grass, over roads that symptoms. , --e' I ..... - .......... I 1:3~ p m potluck dinner to"be ~of The local Committee Is on the Wegen, 920 Roy St. pSbelato:~tit~,:,it~ge' Club, 7:30 p.m., were barely passable in the .,~ ,s up toyour a~ I Ynone v'or Appointment • lowed bv a 50 cent limit gift ex-Ialert he,ping those iix need, espe- ~ • _ rainy season. In addition to the whose nanfls you Pi I --- *' "-" • T I -- I change. Parents are requested to l etally at Christmas time. ' Members Ll~OsOhI~li~?: "~'," ~ ...... ani- ~day,.Dec., supervision of these schools,promem, to magnose .... • • Man" -'eo')le stlu--iin- fol ~ e t ~ 't ~.cou~ t~;w ~ ~. tm mncneon, noon, I I bring" gifts marked for cnl!aren, l even ~;]e tbarte necess~s-gof ]fie Troop 302 presented the Shelton1V~ernoriaI ha]]. andShe musichaS laughlin the mainFrench'schooIBible'on ,s up to" your pn;'-" I tJi~13r~l~ ±~l i%~v l¥1A±~IAi~rl~l¥11~/~tI I ' uenerai,, chairmen, appo]ntefl oy[ woilld ,,"o'~ ~,~,,~-"*^~" ~,e*'~'^ ov,,~":"'* u,^* General hospital with pine coneCity commission, meeting, 2 the Murehe station to fill your aoctors pre • Noble G~and M*s. Delmar Cole are I ........ turke,, tra,, favors for the "~ati-nt's -~ m eit" h"" ................ with accuracy mad efflc • Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, dinner, I,wmlstmas if, atwere not for the travs~on '~aankse'ivin~ da~ ~= v..~chool~B~::. ........ T e circle is complete, I I I A~i~YtFogtoh;'e°~g~-Yrc othin food~l~"0cSa:,v~::n -- ........ ver~g een"';~ch¢:~i'-'-::::"-g' : ;~xt: SUSAN AHO MA]KES is back in your hands to' -..---.- - :ho,,e o ouo . m o,, ____ ,,e m.,c,ne o," I I;HIfl~ I illa.~ I IIWiI . I cha!'ge of the tree. baskets to:~',2 are 'ust a o~,'t 0t' Yule ProJects Keel) p.m., Extensio;, office e WEDDING PLANS directed--and to watch: I ~ ~inma~w [] IUiJ~l~ [] ~w ~ I! I S'erwng refres!aments atthe No-I the serviee"rendered to those less Gmld Members Busy ~roose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport Mr. and Mrs. Olavi Aho have eovery.. _ . a~ • vemoer 2t meeung were mrs xra fm t ~ h hall . . "t mate anaong us. T e Tammy doll and wardrobe • dau-hter Susan ...... pnarmamsr, are a re., I d~lI ^, ^r ra,, u I ~.ule.and .Miss Maly.Dobson as-[ The Chairman said, "'Sunshine ensemble awarded by the Donnie I)egree of ]Ichor Protective As- a.nnouneed the engagement of their xou, y.oui doctor, ._,; , .. , to *~o~ert avter- .. . sl~,tecl Dy .WllSS £qellle £qe/son, 2~IIS , SOclatlol 8 In Memorial hall I I • • : " , 2,'. ".', . ..'' .~. '' ]Bags' of goodies are offered to a. Orthopedic Guild went to Del " ':, P.., ' . ~iam ...... " gaaarmaaasot your • sonoI mrs June ~v~errmm health I vn~v~v vi I~•~r~lF • • I mayoeu uamem and mrs. ~om. I Rest Homes and Hosnitals for Burke. The guild held its last Lions ClubBoard of Directorsof Atherton, Calif., and George " I ..................... ' ....... I The December 11 meeting willleach of their Guests or~l~'aUents'' meeting December 1 at the home meeting, 7:30 p.m., 2217 Callanan Merriam of San Mated, Calif. The ll,¢ ~o q~n ~: (~cross from r~ew ~anK) ,~b ,~/~ stIeet ~aturoays "~ ~u I "" °°' ,~cross ~-rom ruew sanK) " I be the last one of the yea,' andI These are people who do not have of Mrs. Ed Bac. ~irt D .... wedding will take place Dec. 26. II II~ I~I _, I - • plans for installation will be an-I family members or friends' to visit Christmas decorated bird edges " oDoers Garden Club 10 The announcement was made at ell s rnar nom~eed. ] them'at Christmas time are bei~l.g made by the members, a.m., PUD auditorium. a Thanksffiving family reunion ,: ......... = ............... -7: ............... ,;_ ........ ;7-,-7----7 ...... . ............ --;I ........................... --- [ ............... Anyone interested in purchasing Wednesday, Dec. 9 and at Willamette University, Fifth & Franklin St 41 I II Shelton Bridge Club ] '" y o ra.i~ily members and ........ . " . i2 e Girl Scout leadels ,~" ..... dents, at the Alpha Chi Omega .... -- "1 sorority house with an engagement --": ° : I :~ ~ .... '~ ............. ~. -. friends attended - mh..~.~.-.~-.,.-... ~ec. ±b m tne nome o~ mrs wnas :~ v eeung u:3u serenade by the Phi Delta Theta. , I ~.~ .~' II .ne,ton Dupncate ,s,'mge wmD, " " . -h(nl~ ...... s ..... s ........ ' all(,], am heme o ...... Vandel noon, and sorts Mark and T~mmm I " I/Lym~ G~?ty and Katlmrine Van- [ o~ Kanaas " ' ' Jayettes December , Toastmasters Club 6:45 a.m, t i I~--.."-~:.. I/Arsaa e, ~vtr, 8nd Mrs. Got Iorl B(II- "" ~. , -. ~ . r~. ~ Timbers zestaurant I I/nett for north-south. I / Upper Satsop, Elma, McCleary, uee lng ~a~es unange(l • , , I I/ East-west .winne,',q we,'e Mrs Garde,, City and She]ton were rep- The Shelton Ja:vettt~s will meet ~-- I ~~~~'~':" liEd Love 1 and ,'3 ella Hillitr, Ron resented at: the affair which was at 8 p.m. )tonight in the home of RETURN IIOME I I~~.~,~ .... I/Zeidaks and Yes ]to, Mr and held in the McCleary Grange Hall. Bey Kokett with Shirley Byrne Returning to their home Sun- I IIl~~~ I/M;.s Mar(:ien Str(;ud. " - ........................... am co-hostess. Due to tile Christ- day were Mr. and Mrs. Albert ~i I II~~~?..:~ I/ .... " ............. ........... II .... I--,- I'. ...... mas holiday the December meet- Lord who spent Thanksgiving day I I/ , , I li$[II l LII;1~il5~5 ings have been changed to the first with Mrs. Lord's sister and he, I I/ ~s~ CLASS OF 55 [ A'~'q"in~ for marria'~e licenses and third Thursdays. husband Mr. and Mrs C A Cow- ! B1 GINS I{F~UNION PI ANS ve ,y I iJ :' ,' ' , J in the 1VI~son C,mnt" a,,ditol's of' AI~ the last regular meeting Pat an in Tacoma The two couples I I/ aemhe,'s de ,'ene S. I fire ti is g st week' vc,.e- eaaioh and Frances Fox were attended the funeral of the wo- I ~~ I/High School Class of '55 have / "GemTe'A Laub 42 'B~"emerton, elected to serve on the Board for men's brother, Edwin E. Gore, in I ..... I/sta,'t,d plans ford class reunion, land Iane d'alta Bremerton the next six months. Eugene Ore., Friday I I~~ I/All class members interested in/' TQ)ma "" "~o ' " " ~'" ............. ' • ~~ I/- , . '""." ,. .. : . I n s 1~.. tJ opel', Jegal, ~eat- I ~~~ I/helping "tre ]nvitect to a ptannmg tle and B(ss ..... ........... ~ -- ' ' ~ . ~ .... ~]e ~o ~mmgs tegat, V::::i::~::~i ~~ I]meeting to be held at 8 p.m. nextl~,,;+,{~ " ' "' ~ I ,~ Wednesday in the home of Duane/~'e]~orn;nn R . ..... ~ ......... i~'i!i!~{:'~,~ I I/Wright, 216 West "~ St If m-land Minim '"" ' _7 .... ' ~ - ' ,' , " ........ ' . .. / ' 1he vlnson, ;~% ~eatue I .... I/terested 13111. unable to attend uleq tall P .......... " ' " r " ,' " " " "y l~elson, 3~ ~neltOll, "('~/~"~I~4o (~" ~t • meeting call I ran ~yers at 426- • " I I: ." ". ..- ..' .... ;. /and Bettflou Janson, 37, Seattle .~lI _ __ ..... " "~ " " Rmhard R. Doak, 29, Longvlew, _ " ......................... --.. and Janet Smetzler, 20, Longview. I BOIdS ~, • C i blost masculine. The oil of West Indian limes, discreetly ble-nded I/ A I. ABY GIRL / .......... ~ ...... ali, i• D..I...A -- I w,th" trop,cal" wood}, sp,ces." A robust cologne of distinctioa and I I,a : '' ..._ .... dill. IlUl,Va... i:!i I daaracter imported only to fine shops from the Virgirt Islands. ][a baby girl born Nov. 22. The new ]- ~ J lP'" ...... I ]-Iandsomcl¥ packaged in hand-wovea palm frond jacket. Four I/arrival will answer to Jennifer/ NEW III"~i !11 I_'nPlQ/mgQ! ..NZ: I o nc , fou dollars and fifty cents; eight ounces, sevea dollars I[Ga!l and joins two brothers, Mark [ ARRIVALS UI UliliUImUU; _L aTl(t Tlmouly I EVER ~REE I ER I I I I IIp.m. December ]a. *n members, m'i an~ ~rs. Theodore ~atson, ,~j"a:~f~ I ............ .2= oo=, I/are invited to attend and .bring lAllyn, a boy, Nov. 28. I =.=,-,,.7,-,==,, o,,,.,,,,,.,= ., u-oo , I/mmsts. Mary and Oliver Ashford I Mr. and "Mrs. Paul Brugato, 513 I ...... ~| are chairmen for the affair. South /4th St., a girl, Nov. 30. LEADING tAD every O¢¢asfon. 21 To a ItNATOR-New slim dress ~ []odel with finished case 'i An All Eleclric Cooking School Featuring Mrs. Betty Nelson, Home EconomiS You can spend Weeks / & searching for the perfect gift. Helen Brady Associate Or you can find it here in rni~ute~ our large , selection of the newest Wednesday, December 9 - 1 p.m. to 3 gift-quality watches - from Bulova. Priced as lowas Thursday, December 10 - 7:30 p.m. to 9: 0 $24.75. Visit us so0n-while our P.U.D. 3 AUDITORIUM Bul0va selecti0n is c0mpletel , , Dozens of free prizes and a free recipe As little as a week pays for a Bulova for each person who attends. All Prices Plus Tax Sponsored by a tiger lately,? 'Take the GTO, for Instance