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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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stand the scrutiny of both parties and meet with approval from both camps and the public at large. Nowhere will this bc more important t;han in th, c a,'ca of legislative writing of a fair and equita- ble rcaisiricting mcasurc, under the mm date of the /cdcral court and cxpcctation on the part of the public that the legislators will do their constitution- al duty with dispatch. (Port Orchard Independent) RADICAL CENTER HAVING HEARD a lifetime supply of horror stories about the Radical Right and the Radical Left, we are pre- pared to accept nominations for membership in the Radical Center. What this country needs is a group of people" who ]ecl intc sely in favor of a little peace and qu,iet. As things stand now, the easy-answer boys who are going to solve problems by turning sharp corners are getting more attention than they deserve. The Radical Left is huddling in its cave waiting for a new crop of agrarian re- formers and the Radical Right is applying band-aids and draping crepe ribbons on pictures of Barry Goldwater. Both of them, meanwhile, are preparing to howl at the top of their lungs. Howling is their specialty. Unfortunately, nobody is ready to howl back. Our contention is that the people in the middle of the road need to do a little howling of their own, if only to remind themselves that they are vastly in the majority. We would like to see a few more people willing to stand up and argue with public speakers when the conversation gets out of hand. We'd be delighted to encounter more pcoplc who are ready to complain loudly when somebody l starts listing all the things that are wrong with this country. Last wcck we listened to a speaker explain- ing at lcngth t hat the churchcs, the press, the Suprcme Court and the faculties of our colleges are teaming up with the publishers of girlie maga- zines to ruin America. To our discredit, we didn't work up a single howl. Neither did anybody else in the crowd. The Radical Right and the Radical Left are skilled at heckling people with whom they disagree, but the rest of us just sit there and grumble. The only time we seem to express ourselves, in fact, is on election day.---(Kit. ap County Herald) Dated this 30lh day of November 19.,. DOROTHY B. HANDLY ExectltrJx and Adlninlstratrlx W.W.A, of the abov(~ E~tatc& ,%.' ,le I t oil, Wash. B, Franklin It~uston, Aitorn,,y, Angle 'Bldg. Shelton, Wash. 12/3-10~17 31 CAt,I, I:(IK BIDS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN thn.t s(,uled bids wil| be received by the l~¢)ltrd of COrllDlJSSJoller~ O1' Public Utility District No. I of Mason Coun- ly, W, ashl,lgt on, until 8:00 p.lll., Monday. December 21. 1964 al. its ol'- f~ce in Potlatch. Wal+hJngton, to furn- ish six I6) single-phase 767YJ ,,'t~li, ~t J,-IVi ' It~ach'" VU tag~ r~,glllator.~. ~]a('h bidder will I~, required to sub- lllJt It bid bondill the amount ul 5 I,~rcont of the bid 1)rio(.,. Sp0cifJcatlons llllty be obtained at 1})+; dl,~trlct'+ offle(+~ or Ul,Oa written request. Dated thl:~ 161h day ol: November, I~ublic Ulility District No. 1 of Mason C(:,tlnly /~/ ItAROLD HUNTER. Seerotary 11/)9 and 12/3 21 i • F I I~k~,.~a~,,ak,~u., I~=------------------------------------~'- II I IIl~m+:,.mi~..,"p",,,.~m_"~ ~ I world Jn ammm m Immm mmml~ Ilml m mm m mm mm "The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Ma~. 02.115 Pleose enter ~ s~bscr|ptMn to 1he r .Monitor for the perlod checked be,. law. I enclose $----- IU.S. Fonds) El z I-! s mon $Iz rl S months $5 t4amL ~ ~ ,- treet ..... ct ' _ ,, i HELP YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Your Io zl newspaper strives to represent every |ocel :1 the community. It promotes business by advertising pro- ducts and services; it supports churches, schools, and civic clubs by publishing information concerning their ac- tivities; it recognizes individual members of the community m interesting events occur in their lives; and it spreadl local news, and national news in local terms By help- ing different factions ot the community to learn each other, your local newspaper promotes and cooperation tot the good of the entire area. SOLID, UNITING FORCE I, ^.,,~m.