December 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 3, 1964 |
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Docemh0r 2, 1.qg4
cq "R
LTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in Chm, tma, town, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
PACE 7 •
are reminded that the
season ol)ens Sun-
6, and a 196,1 Sleelhead
Card is required of
in, gflflitipn to their
CTird" i.¢ awtilable
all license dealers, and
steelheadcrs will have
a card last January to
1963-(14 winter se~{s(m.
lit: cards will I)e required
, 5
"ilYt192~ch limit for steel-
we fish, regardless of
~ith possession limit set
!lsh. Minimum size of le-
ts 10 inches for the steel-
aer. • "^~ h a sea
g With tne sL~d e d
-~ whitefish season. White-
tars may take seven and
Pounds' and one fish a
~ided the number of fish
-~Xceed fifteen fish, with
L size set at 'six inches.
Ls ' .
of .steelhead which are
to return as winter-run
: during the 1964-65 steel-
ling season : ~.
:Ulips 80,042/ Satsop za,-
t venti;al;~i:fildrk) ; i North
[ohn's-5,074 +(left Ventral
Naselle 30,144; Willapa
Botlth fork ~,Villapa 10,076
ltral mark); Nemah 14,-
ventral mark); Hob 25,-
Bewallips 20,440; Ducks-
[60; Qutlcene 10,094; Bog-
Lll8; Dung eness 17,192_._________~
t0 you withoul a doctor's pro-
OUr drug called ODRINEX.
~Ose ugly fat or your money
Itrt~nuotla e+xerciso~ laxatives,
r taking of s.o-cahed t~duc-
)s. crackers or cookies, or
Urn. ODRINEX is a tiny tab-
ally swallowed. When you
NI~]X, you still enjoy your
eat the foods you like, but
ton't ] ave ~e urge : x-
becau e O] RINEX (h ~res-
petite and decreases ~'our
don't have the urge for ex-
because ODRINEX dcpres-
)petite and decreas,~s your
food. Your weight must
I)ccauHe ItS yOUV own doc-
l you. ~rllell you oat h!sa,
It*aS. Get I'hl of exvess fat
igor. ODRINEX costs $3.00
n this GUAI~ANTEI~]: If
for ally Fe~LSOll jtlst ro-
,'our druggist and
back. No qUes.
is sold with
bY ;
,306 Raih'oad • Ave.
~Iail Orders Filled
.< .+.
11g-Fifth Ave. East 125 Railroad Ave.
Dial 357-7300 Dial 426-6664
: 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Pysht 17,724; Lyre 12,540; Golds-
b~)rough 4/110 (2,000 marked left
! ventral ) ; Talmya 14,9(i6 (lefL yen-
The c,)mmerci'H Dmlgeness crab
fishing season opened Tuesday in
Elks Height, Zone
Defense Frustrates
Owls Hoop Opener
rKIFF--Dlstlnctive slyl.
I~ Plus rugged water-
oaf*, shock-resistant
,°nStruction. PreciSion.
tOWeled movement,
MATLOCK Quinault's super-
ior height lind zone defense el)in-
blued to thwart the snlail, quick
Mary M. Knight Owls in their
open'ing b'tsketball game here
Tuesday night, 53-47.
The Elks averaged 6-1 with two
mu2h bigger post Inen as colrl-
II Climbers Place
On All Opponents
Foolball Selections
tral mark), pared to the Owls biggest in 6-0 All-opponent coneensus teams
................. Don Gribble ranging on down to named by Olympic Paninsula foot-
5-7. ,ball squads placed l'om' High-
The Owls led through the first climbers on the first team, lhree
half, 15-9 at the (tuarter and 23- on t:hc uecond team, and gave hen-
Washington State coastal waters, 22 at the long intermission, but oral)le mention to ft)ur.other mem-
GLays and Willapa Harbors, and when the Elks suddenly went into bars of the crack 1964 Shelion
the Columbia River.. The season a zone defense during the thirdgrid. aggre~'ation.)
runs until September 15, 1965. quarter tile M'atlock cagers were On the f'irst all-opptnent squad
The early ol)ening was set to caught totally unprepared. By the were Jim Richards as an interior
coincide with a similar opening set end of the period they tr'ailed, lineman, Bill A~(..her at quarter-
for Oregon fislmrmen along the 38-32, and that turned out to be back Torn Lowe ai~d Mike John-
Oregon coast. A ---- tothe leadfinalalldiffereueC'individtml son at halfb~cks .(the lull erbackfield.tied
A-l;il,+p : LeRoy Valley produced 23 points with Clarence ColeD',+In