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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 3. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in r¢Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 0 i Sees Many Faenimy Gatherings For Thanksgiving . SCHOOL N l b 0me and g°"c "nd th°se t toys or g'a,,ies that wo,,ld be eiv-! rg"nsend' and Mrs' Willi='m last winte'"s trip to A"stralia. Baskcttm|] Season Olmned W|th Game Tuesda ]i ; had a lelz~xing Sunday Ie' ~'".- ......... s,.a. v,s ..... 's ,,1i Also there for the day were Mrs. home of'gMl,• ',g,,,t ~¢rg t{l:e By Nancy SIodden and there ertained large family l,,,.~', ......... , ........ : ........ , : Monroe. and their three children. Thanks ivin da uests a . Y "~ begun preparations for ra.iny weather. We, ourseh, es, en- Mork.en's grandson a{ld his wife, [Moake were" l~:s E" "()GBe°a~dsl'e~v Mao Cockbuml . Dee. 29-30, Christmas Tourna- s. Those who had small joyed comparing notes with other ! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morken of [and ~Irs Elizabet'h "Daile,," ~The report cards were given out lmen• at Quinault Idren among their visitors, grandpa l:enLs Lo learn how they!Shelton and their four-nmnth-old]~i,,m,)ia ~,...~ ~..~ Evel .... x,]~,~,for the second six weeks Nov 25 [ Jan. 5 Tuesday--North Mason, -~. have been )usy cle m- ] solved u~e problem witll every- ! |)aby ].,..~ _[._, : .... :~'~' ...~ZC'~ .;,,~.u~- i The honor roll's•htd(mts' ~r- h~='[ here' • I~ ., • l" " • • " f 'O ] " " r , • ! • at~'tl ~I, IlU (laugnLel dtmy OJ. rlo0(ls- ~" • " ~' "~("'" " ges flora X~.ltl(lo~,~n arid .thing .. I 1 poi.)p,ln~ coil!to ln;ll(-, FOUl'teerl were at the Thanksgiv- port lots: Dennis DeF'oer h:risline Gra- ] Jan. 8, Friday--Quinalllt there r ............... i lllg ~.t z)our .m~x.tur,, eaue(l"pl/qy:ing dinner table at the home ot ] ~,r .... .~ ~.. T .^.. ~ .... []mm, Nancy SLodden and Mae] Jan. 15, Friday .-North River, ~ ]!toug!l , 1or ~l.m?ing young scuJP-i Mr• and Mrs. John Ton~mer nar:]..'-'~':.= .... .~.,~fs._~.~:~,, ff:,.!~er~.)y!]O[Cockburn; Juniors: Tom Jefferies.I there .... Lors tO SIIf)V¢ tileD' ereHl~ive abilil ' ' MI u re,,,, 1" ~:~ ] ,Jr•t: Atttw lIlt~na~lllg I%L:SL Willie ganhnrnrn,,g D t'~"~todd( 1" T~i', .Inn "29h'~idnw llr;ehUah ~ha,t~ • ., . , ~ l-/:tl*l~ l%esor[.~ S en~ LIICIY l/lanl~s- ~ . ~ , • m . ' • i; I~ I~ 1~| ~1~ ] Happiness on Thanksgiving day qmam, Where Mr. and Mrs. Lawson ~;,,;,,c, ,~. ;.. sp, ........... ' i Hollatz; I, reshmen: Jan~ee Gwm-I Jm,.29,F rMay---Qulnault, here II ~'. ~ ~laJll ~BIII~ is when a 7-year-olc grlndson spent the holiday Thexr went down I ~;-:':'~ .... ~ .... ? ....... ~ ,he n.(]me eLLJan Starks Ray Brown; Jun- Eel).5 Friday--North River, ' 1 '' " 'f,• .' OI tROll" son-in-laW anti Oallgnler ,. . • • ~ ~ ~l~'~ offers to he p wuh the dishes • to the "Harbor' Wednesda- eve- [ ....... .. ~ _: ' Imr High ludl Sp'nger Cathy [ there .... • , lvxr. ann 2¢ 2¢lal'vln DesNlnS Ml" . • 'i~ , ,. • . • also. when. a fern'-gear-old, grand- nmg and s)entt the night u,'~th M~'s ...... ' ", • West.. Sandy• Pe 'kms. ..... I ranees Jan 12 F~(tas' -'Wmhkah, here | IIM~ [child points to you aM confidesLaw~on's g'r'mdnarents th~ Dol- Bakm ~esumed .management of Trimble Dan Chappell Jeff (]m~de Sehool News • • "- ~- " ' .... Lne ,'esor~ Dlov 2u hllW~ Lo her mother "I hke her " Rowlands also of Itomfiam The,,[ • ' I Brown. The grades 1-6 are busy prac= nlOrlalllme|ll doun t., ti~e Tlmnks,,iving feast t .... storm,that turned to , " , ': ' ~,' ~ g " Ne!lie Chappell has just returned l~hic~ will be I:ec. 22. .~ ,~. T U" XV,.hh h,,~.~., ~.~5'~.~ rain "fiLer l • ~ ~h,-,,.,. I ter June, WhO is employed ill fldm a v"cation in Alaska Si~e The fiftB and sixth lades a~e ,.t; t.t ~, --..,re ........ ,,,~ ~ mmu.: , eavln~~..e.L..., ..... • .....- , ,, ,, ....... " •"g' " i.. , • • I Mrs. Allie Ahl, 97, with her son, After a busy Thanksgiving ,no,'- ~Jympm,..homeWltrlhotne}non will begin another successful yearI happy to have Larry Chappeli of ~ '~ iliCmJ~ ~J [ Lon Webb; grandson, Wilfred ning serving ))real(fasts to ,,at- ['rnangsgwmg. dune; w . "~as re- [ as coach of the girlshasketball ] the sixth grade back. Larry was ' • r.....u -...H ''-" -" n~ o~eat ~andso ........ , '~:" .. r . I cenuy hospitalizes for a ~ew oays team I vacationing with hismother in '~ were); a ng". s' . ns, t~aryrons m Erlelr 1 anea~¢e l-tollse • , . . , . . , • .,,.it- I Dav ~'uests included Mr and Mrsto Shelton for d; ....... ~ ~^ ~....~^ teeming • ay ftom lbeen making eons|derable profits leach the students wrote hml ~ I,'~J~,, WI-I~ I Fr~;n~ iViorris of Olymnia' Ton1 of Mrs Hain--' L-2Y~A?,2';L"~_'] ITues(lay to Sunday. I by selling "dinky" caps. They are la letter. 'UlU~Y RltC~ [Webb, Sheiton; Mr. and ~rs. Wil-sister/'Mr, an'/l ~r;'Bu~o;:~WR;~l Mrs. DoraE. Gill of Triton Head lgl'een and while with the l;itte,'s John Miller, a sixth grader fred L Webb of Seattle, and sons, The',, waile.d until 'a late hour ~t~ [with her daughter, Mrs. Opal M.M.K. across the front. ' brought a bean to school which , Gary and Mark. The Wilfred rehn'n home, waiting for if to [Busch and grandson, Richard [ _.The students enjoyed a four-day[~ms.planted the last of September'. [ .... ~ . _ [Webbs remained at their summer .~topIsnowing', and finally left ~Busch went to Richland for a Tl~anKsgiving vacation ~eginning TO trio amazemen~ of the sum- [TII:lC MUSIC [home until Friday, before return- assured State'PatroI ]Thanksgiving visit at the home[Thursday and ending. Sunday. tents the bean has grox~m at least ._ [in~ to Seattle thatthere was no snnt~ on th~ [of another daughter, Mrs. Jim ] Coach Sell has nad his uoys / two ~ee~;. Jonn is very prou~] of his ~lrB~lll~BIIRml ~ w,.~n .,~ ~.,,,;0 ~auer of Sh,~ C~ nal Other ~uests of the Ro~o ~Dayson. They left for Riehland [practmlng every mght for the last [bean. S the students call hun 1' e~ r ' e' s " dm "h '~ ' s o , • Dec. 1, Tuesday--Quinault here has received the material from the I@ eo n v l Mrs Stell't Morken ~te tam d mall son and thel ig tea-m-law p nsored b the Lflliwau Corn-] .... . .... , _ [ ...... ]~ ~uests, aceom,.anied b. ' ...... ' P ' ' ' , •[ o o~) ' '" ~} It" ! I • '::t' • - - , .. l)ec. ,1 vrmay--t~reen rnn, nete yearDo ~ e n t any an~ writ oegm , ..~,~ .., .-.,.,.- /a famflv ~roun Saturday after Mrs. Donald Rose and two child- mumty Club last F~dav. They] ~. ' ........ • [Thanksgivii~'g. Inchlded an~ong her ren. were pleased at the atten(:lance by] ,7_" r:)' "- ..... ' [ "'ov 10'Harta "t .... m ~=,~ - l)ec ) baturoay _ruMason, work sonn tile e IN ~ U(llO oi laco i el Only [dinner gue:~ts were her son-in-law MR,. AND MRS. ORAN B. Lee some pinochle players who had [ ............ [ _" . '. _. ,._ ." .... ". ~ r l)ec 12: ~al;i.ilaay tsle(11 1-1111, ma tOOK lnCll~lClllaI SCtlVlty ano and daur, hter Mr and Mrs Geo went to Seattle V, ednesdayto not attended the club narties be- '" ' " -- "'~ t .'' , ' ~- ~ ~ ' ..... . • , .... " there ' cross pictures. ~veryone was wear- ........ spend tim nohdav x,,th their son-fore, t Dec 19 SaLurda" Mocli.)s [in"~ a smile " it1' rl 111 ' m-l'~w and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. First prize winners were Olttf ] ......__ ........... ~---" ..... ~ .... ,__~s______.~. _ .... I1~11~ ~| • • • ~...~,~:..,., S.J. Buttacovoh. Mrs. Lee stayed Broten and Mrs. Dess Haines; set-[L First Monthly ,t In ',,:~: @',;~i over a few days to do some Christ- end Fred Mar*in and Mrs Charles II ~e}~@i~i:i: mas shopping xwth hel daughtel. Die.~en, and 300 pinochie. Mrs [! ~ENn PFR~nmat PHflTfl.fiRI:I:TINn P, ARII.~ :&;~' :~: Others who s)n anks ivin ...................................... Febl ra . = . . , I _~ t Th . g g Henry Mounk and Oran Lee. Mrs. [ | |M~| ~] Se.attlc were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fred Martin and Oran Lee had [| . . . because they are warm and friendly "l~i' ~arun who were at the home ot 1500 Trump to add to the satisfae-ill lt,..l.. ,,.-.-- v.... "~,,--'" "-' .... SINGER SEWING CENTER I1~, ,, theh" son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Lion of the evening's play • a*JL~U~ JU .U.~,, .UU[ ~L',~ ..... ~ ,~a~. ~, --. 1 ]~a~f:2~E~::=~OOR~ - ~a2;ua! anda~Iu':siaFa';':llniG!en~l~e Martins Dee. 11 is the date for the next!1 Bla~ck & Wh,te Negative or Transparency 1 lit idll h "Y. ~; pinochle party, combined with a , /~1" ~ ad as then" dinner guests Mrs ........... [I Color as low as 22¢ each "" "r .......... '" .'" pOIAUCK supper ana ouslnessmee~.-• 3 7 7 B & • J V~.lllla,nl J. l~.;vereLL ano ner son-In- ill-- of the club • ~.,_ _!_~_,~,,__.~_ • _ _ ,,!/ ~_ • • ,.,w and . " ,, ,ow ., ,.__.. - - -- - - --- ~:! ", .... ~" " ,~ " .... "" Thamcsgiving dinner withtheir• _ ..... ~:! aonn ~,ocncane ot ~eatue. mrs. son inlaw and datwhter Mr and/| ~'rices ,ncluaeP-nvet,opes Ev~ettnehat~)beeni,Sct;ty~g satddthe y~tRObaerteWahn1, m T2~oma~ ~d ]1 I Open Monday's death of her husband, for whom .~. .Y . g '. . g .... " [| £ I!~! I were held ,ast axle wee,, ,or .am, l| No. st. &Fridays 'tfl 9 p.m. DEPARTMENT i ! : !:i:i:!:::i: .... Operated and Managed by G~:esLs of the E. O. Gunkels wcrc their daughter, ]V[rs. H, D. Kriebs, and their granddaughters, Janna and Linda, from Yakima. They ret.lll'ned home Friday, re- porting that they found it snowing all the way from the Canal to Cle Elum, after which iL was sun- ny alld clear. Mr. and 3,Irs. Jim O'Neal of Indian Beach spent Thanksgiving day with others of the family at the home of Jim's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gilbert of Hoodsport. Thanksgiviilg day aL the home of his son, Jack L. Guise, a]ld his family in Seattle. was included in the week of winter vacation enjoyed by Pro'c0, Guise of the Brite Star Realty Company. MR. AND MRS. Ernest Camp- be, ll and son. Bill of Shelton were Ttmnksgiving da, y dinner guests of Mrs. Campbell's brother-ill-law and sister, l~Ir. and Mrs. Starr White. Thursday evening visitors at the White home inclnded Mrs. White's brother, Arnold Tahja, and family of Tacoma, and the Bruce Apdns of Indian Beach, with their daughter, Carol Ann and cifildren. The Aplins also have a home in Seattle. Over-the-holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cheat- ham were Mrs. Cheatham's son, Ralph Anderson, his wife, Dr. Shir- ley Anderson, and their two chil- dren, Kel] and Ross, from Seat- tle; from Sequim, imr brother, Vic- t,n" Richard.-on and Mrs. HAchard- son, and from Shelton, a brother- in-law, Phillip Anderson. On the weekend they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Herb Erickson and son, Ron- hie, from Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Furlong of the Driftwood Shop were in Centralia for Thanksgiving as din- ner guests at the home of her i, rother-in-law and sister, :Mr, and Mrs. V. A. Duffour. Mrs. Furlong's mother and other relatives were there also. On Sunday evening Lhe Furlongs had Mr. and Mrs. Start White as GORNER Membership in the VFW means more than just belonging to a Io- eal organization which in itself ~s a very goad feeling. 1. You have $1,000 accident in- surance whieh increases $250 a year for fore', and levels a,t $2,000 included with your dues of i only $7.25 a year. 2. You have the help of our service officer, locally, state and nat,iona,lly State and Nationally when you need help• 3. If something should happen to you, your depcndents are elig- ible for our National Home at Eaton ]~.apids. There they receive the hest of everytrhing Health and Education i,~ second Lo none. WAt~0¥ FILTER-FLO WASHER WITH MINI-WASH * Big 12.pound capacRy " Water saver load selection • Soak cycle • Bloach d;spenmr * Unbalance load contrM w/t 4 heats, ~I 12-1b. capacity, fluff cycle ................ 3 heat, . ~I fluff cycle VERY SPECIAL .... 4. RcpresenLation in state and federal goverulnent, on matters 5 heats, ~I COqCel'nil,g yOU fls a Veteran. Time or 5. The help of our Post m~d Auxiliary in Lime of your greatest SOITOV~r. 6. Sickness Insilr;Hlee ~411(1 a ~{11- Lual lpenefit, also Lo the ladies of tl~e Auxiliary ~ c; I,ce}" insl I'~111ce with their dues, is available to m('mi~ers. We are not rlll, ning cnmpetion with priv'~te companies. Our insur- ance is very inexpensive and avail- able only to members, so i.he Value eallllot COllll)are with a privaLe pol- icy but can you afford nol to be a member if you qualify. V~rllell yoll travel to other parts of tim country 5".u will ahvays find friends in a church or ill ~tny group ym~ will find VFW members. Your' Cross of Malta, which is given with your membership card will tdmit you into the many ehlbs in ollr e(nmtry. Don't let, your insurance drop [by noL paying' your 1965 dues be- %re the end of the year. Automatic ................ Just Arrivcd Fam,ous 11-INCH ALL-CHANNEL See G.E. APPLIANCES at the P.U.D. 3 COOKING SCHOOL WED., DEC. 9 - 1 to 3 P.M. THURS., DEC. 10 - 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. FOR SHOES, Bremerton iv ~ ..... ~: ....... : ............. .. ........ MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER WITH THORO WASH • Three-level wash~n9 act o • Exc[us;ve Flushaway drain e 3-cycle pushbuHon oontrol$ • :ull-w|dth chrome handle • Needs 'no ;nstallafion • Wald.high co~rol'dial REG. $239.95 Get Yours Christmas Hel II Now Fast dry and • cool ........ Model F 60 G.E. Steam & Dry lro, ...... | " g ! I mmcrsible ........ S! GRILL AND FRY rs.. o B I At Home UNTIL 8:30 P.M. MONDAYS and FRIDAYS Easy Credit • Delivery Now • No Payment Until 1965 Factory-trained Service