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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACIE lfi , head Fishing At Lake By ,Is:urn Tupper LAKE NAFI\VATZEL .....Sports- men are enjoying duck hunting and sleelhead fishing now that deer and elk season are closed. Well, Lake Nahwatzel and sur- rounding areas received their first snow on Thanksgiving day, a good four inches fell during the day and evening. South Mountain was a beautiful sight all covered with sno',v. Thanksgiving day was enjoyed by all the Lake residents with their family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford en- joyed having Mr. and Mrs. Denny Reed of Emmett, Ida., spent a few days with them. They left last Sunday morning for home. Thanksgiving day dinner guests at the Ford home were Mr. and Mrs. Denny Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Whyte and daughter, Jane~ of Toutle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth of ,Seattle and Steve Crape, attending college at Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Page and fam- ily of Kingston. KATIE IIICKSON'S guests over the weekend were Miss Sheila and Elizabeth Hickson, of Dayton. Bill and Cris Hickson enjoyed spending a few days at their un- cle's home, James Hickson of Day- ton. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amel Trait last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie of Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and family were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano. Also, guests at the Cook's home were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook of Hilsboro, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook, all of Matlock. Spending the weekend as guests of Judy and Janice Springer were Karen and Denise Cook of Hills- bore, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson and son, Dickie, Mrs. Donna Watson Weekend guests at the Fords and daughter, Susan, all nf Seattle were the Reeds and Mr. and Mrs.and Mri'~and Mrs. Marvin Paps- Leroy Booth of South Bend ....... MI d "'is --l" "" i~" wortn oI lssaquan were omner '. an M ', A lea 1~11c son el1- o "o ed " s~ --- ' ....... guests last Thursday at the l~ me ] y la. t 'J'nursa,~y w~m ~vn., ant] ~ .. : . .:, - , . :'= ot ~n ana ~vn s ba~ fence ri rosen Mrs. James Hiekson slid girls of. " . "' .... Dayton as dinner guests. Thanksgiving Day dinner was Friday and Saturday drop-inlenjoyed at the home of Mr. ann g~msts at the Hickson home were Mrs. Hector Barbour by Mr. and Rev. and Mrs. R. K. Myers and family of Beaver Creel(, Ore., and at I: IJ I.T IU II IE Ii PEARLi Pearls 95 Pearls '12e5 Pearls right out of the Oyster - Now in your choice of three different mountings. OPEN AN ACCOUNT 125 Railroad Ave. Shelton 119 Fifth AVE. Olympia J Mrs. Ray Peterman and Miss Mir- iam Peterman, all of Westport and Miss Peterman's fiance, Leroy Sil- va of Aberdeen. Sunday visitors at the Barhour home were Mrs. Everett Sellers and Mrs. Jerome Anderson and sons of Seattle. Mr. I and Mrs. Sam Diggle en- joyed having Mrs. Diggle's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley and boys, of Math)el( as dinner guests last Thursday evening. IV[r, and Mrs. Archie Kelley vis- ited at the home of Mr. and" Mrs. Larry Case anti Mr. Albert Kuhn- le ai: Canyon River'. Miss Betty Kelley was home for Thanksgiv- ing v)eekend from her position in Aberdeen at St. Joseph Hospital. :Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper were overnight guests at the home of Mrs. Marilyn O'Donald of Lynn- wood lasL Saturday. '~ Sunday the Coopers were dinner guests at the ho~e of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cw]cklinski of Ta- coma. LAST SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. James Bleeker retnrned home after spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oille and Mr. and Mrs. Grant New- land of Pacifies, Calif. Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs Lee Dawson had as evening guests Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed of Emmett, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Dick Booth of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Adsero and children motored to Seattle to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Peltz and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving day the resort was closed and ~he Tuppers all enjoyed dinner together with Mr. and Mrs. Al Tupper's daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sommer- feld of Anaheim, Calif. Sunday evening visitors at the Adsero home were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tupper and Mr. and Mrs. John Sommerfeld, all of the lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson had as Thursday dinner gnmsts Mr. and .Mrs. Phil Parker and children of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift of Matlock. Liz and Hap Parker spent a few days with their grandparents, Spending a few days at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Clifford Reeve was Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Young of Rockaway, ore. Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner Sunday at the Reeve home was the Young family, Cap Waho of the lake, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Caldwill and Jim of Tacoma, and; Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Thomas of Puyallup. gTTET,ToN--MA,q(JN COI TNv'F? ,TOItP NAL--Published in '¢ChrL tmastown, U.g.A.", , helton, Washin on • i ii ' ' i , ,,i [ fi II i1,1 II 'u I i ' I II i ii ii i i "~ ~ ' u, i i By Frances Shnm}ms KAMILCHE .... The basketball season ;~tarts this week for Ka- milehe school when Griffin sehool comes here Friday. Two teams will be playing, one comprising the 4th, 5th and 6th grades, and one front the 7th and 8th grades. Every hey in the school from the third to the eighth g~ade is prac- ticing basketball and will play in the games this season. A team will also be selected from the girls who play basketball. Tile boys and girls are prepar- ing a program for Christmas. A movie projector has been loaned to the school for the showing of movies to the school. There will be installation of the officers of the various granges of Masor~ County at the Shelton Val- ley Grange Hall Saturday at 8 p.m. There will be a dance at the Dec. 7 By Mrs. Ray Knttcha SOUTHSIDE ..... Sout hside PTO meeting will be December 7 at 7:30 p.m. and Floyd Towell will be the gnest speaker. Southside Grange will have its reg~flar meeting Friday evening. Six men of the fire department of Areadia Loop wenL to Cornelus to visit Western State Apparatus Companyto look over fire equip- ment tot' the district. Those going were Don Clark, Russell Rickalxis, Carl Emsley, Lea Collins, Bill Mar- cy and Henry Unger. BROWNIE TROOP 109 met at Mrs. Hoff's last Tuesday. New members of the Troop are Kathy Mercer, Carolyn Dyson, Virginia Dundas, Debbie Swayne, Cindy Hutchins, Patty Stites and Carol ~errick. Election of officers was held for the two months are: pres- ident, Kristi Heft; vice president, Ann Quimby and secretary, Shar- on Johnson. Treats were brought by Carol Herrick. Troop girls de- cided to ask Mrs. Paul Everett this week and have her tell sortie of her stories. MI¢. AND MILS. DON Clark are Expecting their son-in-law, Lloyd Holtman of Honolulu, Hawaii this Wednesday. Busy Bells 4-H club met last Tuesday. JoAnn Cole acted as president and Shirley Sykoya: acted as secretary. Eight mem- bers attended, the meeting. Mrs. Rhoades was a guest of the Busy Bells, Marlene Schmidt led the flag salute. The treasurer report* ed they have $17.61. Soft drinks and brownies were served for re- freshments. Club members are planning ~ bake sale for Dec. 19. Southside Eagles 4-H club mere-" bet.s met at the home of their leader, Catherine Bracy Wednes- day. Southside Eagles are hav- ing their Christnms party with the Thunderbirds at the swim- ming pool. The next meeting will be Dec. 10. After the meeting club members played a game, "I Spy". Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swayze and fanfily spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Sway- ze of Oakvile also spending the day were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sway- ze. First graders of Southside school baked pumpkin pies at school the day before Thanksgiv- ing and toot( them home. GUESTS OF MR. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and family spending Thanksgiving Day were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer and family. Stopping at the Ray Kratcha's Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Krateha and Susan. @ / _ Specials, Skylarks, te.Sa.bres,W'aaeats, |Electra 225's and sleek Rmeras.The Buitks are roUmg again. S£E YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK DIALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER h~ iHIS AREA: ,e IL J~. _ ""#" " - . - rT;; ~. S, Ist St, TUNE IN uLOWELL THOMAS AND THE HEWS'-CD$ ~O|O I ............ , ................ _..-__.,...,._. ......... First Basketball Game Of Kamilehe grange hall Saturday, Dec. 5. Those who travelled away from home for the Th'mksgivinK holi- day had to drive thronKh t.he l~irst snowfall of tile season which was unusual in that the snow didn't blanket the whole area but certain areas ill tile beginning, at least. So, for the happy holiday, we had four inches which lasted only a short time. Traveling away front home were the Harry Simmons' who had din- ner at the Ed Johnson home in Olympia; the Richard Durkin's drove to Tacoma to the George O'Malley home; the Ed Perry's to the J. W, Jordan home in Olympia; the Cecil Blackwelders Lo the W. H. MeFie's in Twisp; the Phil Simmons' to the Rev. A. W. Graham home in Tacoma; "and the Michael Buckner's to the Preston Lewis home in Porthtnd. TIt[OSE STAYING home and entertaining guests for the he)It- day were the Eugene Taylm's who m~tertained the Procter Heffing- tows of Tacoma and the Edwin Taylor family; the Martin Otto's served dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huskey of Olympia; the Bmme Nelson's of Shelton came to the Herb Nelson home; coming to the Lloyd Clark home were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cart and family of Shelton, the William Jones family and the Gary Clarks of Shelton and Mrs. Mabel Bishop of Kamilche point; the Wesley Whiteners sel~,ed dinner to Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Pooler of Shelton, the Robert Whitener family and the David Whitener family and he e son Randolph l(rise; con]inK to the Dan Wood home were the Rev. Don Mainwaring family of Grants Pass, Ore.; and many other hap- Py gathering's to() numerot]s to mention. S[INI)AY Tile Herb Nelsons entertained three duck hunters in a different manner;after the hun- ters boat overtmned in the Nar- rows and they rescued themselves from the icy water. They were weighted down with boots and hunting clothes; one lost his gem which was found on low tide; and they lost all but three of their ducks, which they expressed ,,vere very expensive ducks. Drop-in guests Thursday evening at the Ed Petty home were Mrs. Maritm White, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petty. Sunday afternoon the C. Blaek- wehters, the Eldon Todds and tile I. Stansbury's motored to Olym- pia for dinner, returning to the Blackwelder home where in the evening Om Harry Simmons' and the Leonard Cole's joined them for an evening visit. Thanksgiving day the Orville Taylm's entertained the E. C. McMonagles of Seattle and the Roy Taylors of Shelton. Coming Lo the home of Mrs. Percy Whitener for Thanksgiving were the William Koenig family of Olympia and the Roy West fa- mily. Miss Ettamae Hartman spent the holiday and weekend at the home of her parents, the• John Krise family. The Claud PeLereits received an interesting letter from their son, Nornran, which will inh,rcst bib many friends here. In part, he writes: Nov. 18, 19(;,1. "News from Operation 1)cal) Freeze, Ross ~ea, enroute McMurdo Solln(I. Temp- erature 28 degrees helow zero. Right now we are some 300 miles from MeMurdo Sound in tim Ross Sea. We've heen in the ice now for four days. We entered pack ice Sunday night. Nov. 10 we left ~Jrellington, New Zeland, em'ouLe Lyttleton wlmre we loaded stores and refueled; then Nov. 11 at 2 p.m. we left, destination McMm'do Som~(1, Antarctica. "We crossed the Ross Sea. That's where all the major oceans of the world meet. It was fairly rough but not too bad. Then Nov. 14, we saw oar first iceberg and began to enter the ice. Now all you see is ice and penguins. "Outside or t.psi(le you must wear Polarized sun glasses or yml will become snow blind. I have all sorts of foul-weather gear, sun glasses, long johns, boots, etc. "The weather outside is cold but different than any cold I've been in. The humidity is very low here and tile cold sneaks np on you all at once. It's so cold, even the ice is blue and green in places, "We have a ham radio aboard which wc can make telephone patches back to the States with, so some day or night you might geL a call. "I've now been away 49 days and have 164 more days to go, then I'll be home. Being in the ice is really something. Now it sounds inside the ship as if you Thur. day, , hristian Science 3ervices Are Set "God the Only Cause and Cre- :LL0I"' is tim subject of the Bible l,esson to he read in all Cluistian ~:;cience churches this SmKlay. Gohlen Text: "Have we not all one father ? hath not one God created us? (Mal. 2:10). Selections front the denomina- tional textbook will include: "The great I AM made all 'that was made.' Hence man and the spirit- ual universe coexist with God" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 267). Your Choice • Regular Rubber Nut Shell New Scasson at :were in a big barrel and someone outsile is rolling barrels up against you. The ship ~hakes ,rattles and sometimes you think the ice is coming right on in. Signed Norm, Antarctic Explorer". 2226 Olympic Hwy, NEW CONSTRUCTION -- PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING O ,s To lrnag" Play With a !... m ii ! Iii I imm P ULL ,TOYS, WBOYI Fisher Price I N DOOR G A M E Ho ster. Sets Plaskool with Shoolin',, Pull Toys Shells Guns Also Rifles From to with shootin' shells EDUCATIONAL TOYS A Large V riety of Games & Crafts 'lOOu,, From CUDDLE up • • . h::" :': ~il*~ plafltlo brick| •,. i H unique... ~ educational... .... ~reitl~s The MOST CREATIVE Gift you can give to either boy or girl ¢ to BOYS ,:, :~i!!g. 22222___5 __~__2£ -:__ • I CHILDREN'S Kniokerbocker Rushlon and many oihers From Plait Munk also the Hardy Garo]yn Keene Series for boys & girls $' S to --_-_-_-_-_-I2Z_L__iKaL_LLL FOR GIR Prinoess Pelile Furniture up Also Craft Work, Dolls & many other items Reg. $3.98 Special Price $277 MINI TONKA FOUR PIECE Reg. $9.69 NOW $677 Set AT Third & Raiiro !