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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, , ( Tw .,fmn.cfn?rn, rL,q.A.", , helfnn, Wn.qhin o PAC 11 December 3, 1964 gI LTON--]ffA 0N COUNT ,T(bTTRNAE--Public,led in 'o Area T By Dora Hearing -- This vicinity was three to four inches evening and of lgovember Mr. Sr. reports 17 inches to his weatt~er :Mrs. Lud Rossmaier dinner guests Sharp family of ]V[rs. Roy Martin of Hem'y Schapp were dinner guests of Mr. 'ment Security De- listed the following under its "job corps" auditor, baby sit- legal secretary, salesman, office man- Pacific Oyster Christmas tree experienced dairy farm automobile me- smwice station clerk-stenographer, lic- nUl'Se~ secretary, sales clerks, dictating ', Olympia oy- trainee, housekeeper, "nt~rse, nurse aide, sew- operator, apiarist, legal should apply in per- Olympia office at 406 St. In addition to the there are current available for in- Persons as female nurse male trainees for en- the aircraft industry. monthly turnover ~11 ~atients in Veterans hospitals during 1964 was 46.4 percent of 1.9 percent over fiscal year. With Four II • and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer and sons Jerry, Dennis and Ricky spent tim holidays at Presser \vith Mrs. DeFoer's family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ciift cn- joyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson of Lake Nal~watzel. Mr. and Mrs. Colse and Mrs. Barbara Wolton of Shelton called on Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Dundas of Port 0r- chard called on Mrs. Lud Ross- maier Friday. Mrs. Hattie Bateman and Mrs. P. F. Farrell of Montesano and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin were Sunday afternoon callers at the Elvin Hearing home. :Mrs. Augusta Portmau and Carl Portman spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Portman of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E.. Bradberry were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn of of Shelton. MR. FRANK NOLAN spent the holidays in Spokane. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and sons Sam, David and LeRoy were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson of Bremerton spent Sunday with Mrs. J, R. Singleton and the Ira Ford family. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the s Herb Brehmeyer Jr. family. Deb- bte, Becky, Beth and Ira Frank Brehmeyer spent the rest of the week with their grandparents. The LeRoy Boothe family of South Bend spent the weekend with lV[r. ~md :Mrs. I. C. Ford. MR. AND MRS. 3PAUL 3christen and family of Elma, Mrs. Beulah Gowan of Shelton and Henry May- er were Thanksgiving dinner guests of the Herbert Brehmeyer Repairs k-Washers - etc. - Any Model Satisfaction Warren Refrigeration Cote 426-2445 Floor Coverings . Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Forznica REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Installation ,PAU LEY, INC. ~ailroad Ph. 426-8231 Bread - Calves - - Rolls - Buns - ,Baked Cakes HI'S BAKERY No. (Mr. View) 426-3179 Heating I . Safety check" l[ | • Clean-up I] { • Minor & major repairs | STARKEY'S HEATING I Sales & Service I 514 Ellinor 426-4673 ':- ~, , ,~'I, L /fidscaping • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Hair Care Norman Cosmetics demonstrations ) Ine's Beauty Salon 426-4582 Salon ~ea:uty Care By Appointment New Ownership Beauty Salon 4th 426-4783 Rental Service Almost Anythin~g Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding 'Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital-Beds, Etc. LEW R4ENTS 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731 and, Gravel • Top Soil . Peat Soil • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Operator I~. Cascade ! • Phone ~,26-8550 Now Open Street 426-8060 k. DEBBAN, D,C. 2-6 closed Thurs. Services -- :Service Wall Carpet Upholstery Line Of Supplies SERVICE Olympia 352-1367 a Rubinstein cos- / Cosmetics IL.'S PHARMACY Ph. 426.3327 Sewing Machine- • Sales, Service Rentals • New and Used • Free ~ickup & Delivery Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East - ~Olympia Ph. 357-~t586 • i,i Ski Equipment [ Sales - Rentals - Repairs { Bikes - New and Used ! C,.,NTON'S BIKE SHOP I 223 Cota 426-8118 Tire Service I M! Recapping Used OK TIRE STORES View Ph. 426.4832 fruvel . • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426.4134 Pumps Heating Appliances ,E LECTIR I'C CO. Ph. 426-6283 TV Service _ • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 g "----- TV Service 'Hamilton & [ I Fast and Guaranteed Watches I'| TV and Radio Repairs Jewelry Items I Antenna and ,Parts Service Repalrtng Jeweler I Armagost TV-RAdio .8e~l~e | 1919 King St. (Mt.'View) 0swell, Owner426.6182 I 426-4342 St'. family. Mr, and Mrs. Hill of Gates and Mr. and Mrs. James Filyaw and . baby, Mrs. Paul., i~,ossmaier and sons were 'Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sleeveland. The Gene Brown family spent Thanksgiving aL Auburn with Mr. l=h'ovcn's folks. ~"h', and Mrs. Llld Rossnmicr spent Smulay with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Elma. Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth Howard and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano. , {ilv, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellis. The Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Cook and{~'alkers spent Sunday in Tacoma family of Aloha, Ore., spent the l with other rehltives. three'day weektmd with the Ken- [ Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crov’cll neth ltoward family. { '/nd Chester and Mrs. M. E. Crow- MI{. ANI) MILS. i~:AllI, Walker loll spent Thnnl,:sgiving afternoon ~pent Thank.~giving in 'r{Lcoma with Mr. and Mrs. Perry D. Crow- with the lalter's sister and fan]- ell Jr. of Montesano. ZCrS. M. E. Crowell spent Satin'- day with her sister Mrs. Sarah I,ozier of Tumwaterl Supt. Eugene French and Mrs. I French entertained relatives from {LaConner for Thanksgiving. { Miss Zellman Cowan of Calif- / ornia, has n~oved ill the Leo Bisllop house. ~he spent the holidays in Porthmd, Ore. Mr. und Mrs. Ralph Klllough of Dayton spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. :Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell and daughter spent the holidays nortlt of Seattle. .... • :l~~; "FRESH BONELESS" \ Fresh Center Cut Rib... U.S.D.A. Choice Blade or 7-Bone Cut Lb. Lean, tender, delicious BUTT CUTS . . . Each Roast individually tied for easy carving and "Rotisserie ready" . . . a real taste & ,budget treat! Fresh Blade Cut Pork Steaks ........................ lb. Fresh Country Style Spare Ribs .. .......................... lb. 49’ Fresh - Rib or Loin End, 3 to 4 lb. Aver. Pork Loin Roast ................ lb. Fresh Pure , . ..................... Pork Sausage lb. 39' Lennon's Pure Pork Link S usages ..................... lb. S9" Cut from Tradewell's smaller leaner pork • loins and trimmed of excess fat and bone before weighing. U.S. Choice Boneless C~oss Rib or Chuck Chuck Roasts ........................ lb. U.8. Choioe Round Bone Chuck Cut 69* Swiss Steaks ......................... lb. U:S. Choice Boneless Beef 69* Stew Meat ............................... lb. Fresh Lean Ground Chuck .................... lb. 59' Milwaukee All Beef Skirdess Wieners ................ lb. Mild and Mellow Western Cheese ................ lb. Lennon's By the Piece Lb. IIII I LADY ELBERTA HALVES OR SLICES, 2~ TIN .................... WHITE STAR NO. ~2 TIN .................................... LIBBY'S 300 TIN ................................ DOUBLE LUCK CUT 303 TIN .................................... for for W HALEY'S 300 TIN ................................. for TOMATO - HUNT'S OR STANDBY, 14 OZ. BTL ......................................... for SCOT -PINK, WHITE, YELLOW, 120 CT. ROLL ........................................ for HALEY'S LOCAL OR REG, Choice ,of Flavors, 46 oz. Tin ....for i Kraft or Tradewell, Qt. Jar ................ 2/$1 Tradewll, 22 oz. Btl. 3/$1 Steinfeld, Qt. Jar ................ 3/Sl Tropical, 15 oz. Jar FRrJ ff .............. 4/$1 'Ooxsee Chopped, No. I,/2 Tin GLAMS .................................. 4/$1 Doxsee Clam, 15 oz. Tin GHOWDER ........................ 4/=1 County Fair "AA" Doz. Ctn. Large California SUNKIST NAVEL / Prices effective thru Sat., Dec. 5, 1964. No sale to dealers. Reserve right to limit quantity. Fresh SNOBOY - Qt. Jar Del Monte or Standby Whole Kernel, 303 T,n Orange Juice 59’ ........ CORN ........................................ 6/$1 SNOBoY .,tied : ':: - , :( • De, Monte or Libhy's Creamed, 303"Tin 11/2,'[b'uu --~=.7-q'’ ' CORN ........................................ 6/$1 ............ S & W Stewed, 303 Tin \.. ~,:~. 1='~:': ........................ "~'' JJ .... Standby e 303 Tin /,rd ' ' ': '' ":': ' ..... :r ' v~': :' VEGE " B ES .................. 5/$1 , .... " -,~ Standby Sliced, 303 Tin & ~.,:; '. ir , , R CAR 013 ............................ 5/$1 ~ , Sylvan, 303 Tin FIBS ............................................ 5/$1 ~: ...... :~i BE S ...................................... 6/Sl " ....... I1 . SNOBOY Mixed }i Country Kitchen, 303 Tin APPLESAUGE ....... : .............. ,6/$1 Nuts ................... ,b. 49’ ~~,.- -