December 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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a 2c Fi .... men!/
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Pinochle Winners ] i h O t" For Concer| Goers Is { t i t/i if n t g ! P' og am And Tea
The Social Pinoehlo Olub met II Leonard Moore Chorale [ ! The w, marts oeiety of Ch,ist
ion Service of the Methodist
Beese.f°rihe theimmeThefir,~t,clubOf timeMr.welcomedthiSand sea~mMrs.two newTed atlj[|j| O O kin" ? of The Leonard Moore Chorale, onethe Northwest's finest choirs, ~ Society_ Editor_ ~,*~,~Marj Waters ._. Phone 426-4412 ,~ chm'etl will present a Christmas
presented a stimulating program | |. | |* |t program and tea next Wednesday
couples, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyons J] at the chinch.
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cole~r~an. JJ to open this season's Mason Coun-~. ]]m~][[J~]Mm I[|~1~1t ,~ The program will be held in the
ty Community Concerts before a -- I Ji~/ll lll~mnu~ -- sanctuary beginning at 1:30 p.m.
High prize went to Gerti BeeseJ near capacity audience at. the "~
with traveling pinochle going tel ~lue Ox Theatre last Tuesday. i:~; i" ,' . :" ~ and will feature sewwal numbels
Jan Hoff and Bob Scrafford. Barb I . . • :,: .... .... by the Amaranth choir and a
Lyons won tile low prize. ] Appearing m dark evening dress ~ ": ' ' ' " : : Christmas Message for the Space
the 30 men and women of the cho- i:c~ ~.. ":' : ,':" :' ::, ~ :~ ~! Age by Mrs. David Little.
The club will hold ils anmmlJ ride commenced with selections ~:~: ' " '::. , ., } Folh)wing the program lea will
Christmas party and meeting lie-J illustrating choral music history "'. ') ',=-, ,~ i be served in the fellowship hall.
eember 20 in the home of Mr. and [ superbly sung and interestingly i:: %' f: / "'-; Some Ciu'isimas items inchLding
Mrs..lira Hoff. j commented upon hy the disting- " ~ : "!": '° "~' ~' ceramics, which have been eircl'e
uished direclor, Leonard Moore. ,~*i:! :, i projects, will be displaye(l f()j
He who dweleth in eternal light]J These great compositions, sac- " {% I sale.
is bigger than the shadow, and will J red and secular, by composers ..... '
guard and guide His own. J sucil as Mozart, Bach and Brahms. W("I'[I ('HIHNTMAN TEA
--Mary Baker EddyI weir capably presented in French, IN 'I'IIIN FRIDAY
Latin and English. The audience The home of Mrs. David Tur-
NEW LOW PRICES PAULINE ARCHER, Secretary of the Shelbon Women's Bowling
Association, has given us her recipe for Jiffy Mince Meat Coffee
$~:1~95m.~ Ring, a wonderful holiday dessert. With her in the above Journal
Starting At Photo is young son John, baby of the Archer family,
Soreens - As Low As ...... $9.95 Smart cooks are bolting now just ten months old. In between
Fire Sets- From .............. $5.80 t:or the Christmas holidays and is Jimmy, 16, Doug, 13, and Nan-
Wood Baskets - From ....$3.99 making use of their freezers tocy, 6 years old. ,
avoid the last minute rush when One of Pauline s hobbies, tin-
Scissor Tongs .................... $3.99 there is so much else to be done. craft, is especially practical this
Pauline Archer's Jiffy Mince time of year for making Christ-
Glassfyre Screens Meat Coffee Ring is one that will mas decorations. She also enjoys
freeze well although it is suchsewing, and of course, her bowling.
Solid Brass, Bronze, Coppera quick dessert it can also be , . .
or Black - with Steel mad(-; on short notice with very Jiffy Mince Meat Coffee Ring
Reinforced Frame [little effort. Candied cherries as Sift:
!a garnish make this festive en- 2 cups flour
ough for your most important en- 3/4 cup sugar
tertaining. At the same time it25.~ tsp. baking powder
is so inexpensive you will wantVz tsp. salt
to keep it on hmzd for coffee Cut in:
"and". ~,~ cup shortening until mixture
Although Pauline does not work resembles course meal.
outside the home she has ac- Combine:
cepted the responsible, and some- 1 egg, sligiltly beaten
times ardllous, task of being sec- ~/,, clip milk
retary for the Shelton Women's 3~i clip mince meat ,
Bowling Association the past four Add liquid to dry ingredients
year:~, fl)uring touruanlenL season, and mix ¢;nly until floln" is dan|p-
especially, life can get pretty her- ened. Turn into a greased 9" ring
tie for her. She bowls on tile Strop- mold. Bake at 375 degrees 30 to
From son Women's League. 35 minutes.
appreciated the vibrant tone qmd-
ity of the group and the evident
enjoyment~ of its members.
Following intermission, the
choir appeared in changed cos-
talme, the men in white dinner
jackets and tile women wearing
striking pink costmnes, to sing
unusual songs from many count-
The concluding group of negro
spirituals gave opportunity for the
solo appearance of Shelton High
~ohool's new choir director, Win.
Williams. His lyric tenor voice
impressed the concert-goers which
included as guests nearly 200 sen-
ior and junior choir members from
the high school• These young peo-
extend their thanks to the
asociation for inviting them to
such an exciting concert.
As~)ciation president Andrew
Beelik announced a change in the
third program of the series. The
Danzi Woodwind Quintet, a fine
ensemble of first chair players
from Amsterdam's Concert Geb-
ouw Orchestra, wil be presented
April 14 at the Blue Ox~ Theatre.
The Community Concert Assoc-
iation extends its thanks to the
Shelton Garden Club for again
furnishing beautiful stage decora-
Convention Reporl
Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon
Sigma Alpha met Nov. 23 at the
home of Margaret Young with
Dot Ridout as co-hostess.
Helengene Siebert, president of
tbe Shelton chapter, gave an in-
formative report of the ESA West-
ern IZegion~d convention. A cater-
ing job fin' December 5 was dis-
cussed a'nd it was decided the
group should donate $10 to the
Jom'nal Christmas Fund.
After the business meeting edu-
(~Zl.lPl~nn T||~ ~ Pauline's husband, Jim, works Ice while warm with sugar rational chairman, Jane White,
"~ ............ for PUD No. 3. They have five glaze: taught the members how to make
Fireplace Shop children. Their oldest "girl, Katiw, 2 Tbsp. butter [simwmen out of styrafoam.
2335 Olympic Hwy No is a freshman at VCestern Wasl'~-3 Tbsp. hot water J ..........
426-2057 region State C liege m Belling- 1 cup powdered sugar ' ] MARTIIA CIRCLE YUIA{
ham this year. John, the baby, is dash of s~lt I LUNCHEON DATE SET
For festive occasions try a few| Mrs. Nena Roberts will be hos-
..................... i-- .................. : ........................................................... ~ ................ ------ ........ ;;candm¢" ". eh,' ':",~es..' ~ .'ts t, ga, nl'' ';:',h. /less for lhe Christmas hmeheon
,~, , ~ ...... ,~~.-~"-,~--7 [and gift exchange of the Martha
i 3nel-loa q~Ull([ blaxes ]Circle of the WSCS of the Metho-
In*, -- c~ • r~--* 1.~ • - /dist ChllrCh. Members will meet
~aKe ~ale lnls l rlaay [at 10:30 a.m. in her home, 72()!'~
Longer wheelbase fn all three lines! Better rlde--
Torsion-Aim Ride] More get-up-and-go on regular
gas! Better re-sale value! What's more, we Dodge
Boys set new records both of the last two years and we
aim to do it again this year. So come over and see us]
P.$. This boautitul D0dgo is a Polara Hardtop.
Front and Railroad • Shelton, Washington
The Shel-Toa Guild of the Ta-
coma Orthopedic Association wil(
hold a bake sale beginning at :I0
North Fourth Street, next %Ved-
amL this Friday in the Sears Cat-
alog( office. Baked goods for' the
holidays will be featured.
All donations will be forwarded
to the Mary Bridge Childrens'
Who to himself is law, no law
doth need. ---Gee. Chapman
Most folks don't like mosquito,%
l)ut swallows and martins do. And
a single bird can ~obble 'em up
at the rate of 300 per hour. And
so, a martin house to hold 50 birds,
times 300 per hour, times a 12-hour
day, times a seven-day week---and
you sit on th lawn in your shirt
Basketball, Wrestling Seasons Get Underway
With First Contests Of The Season This Week
By Jaoet Nelson
Basketball and wrestling sea-
sons have offieially begun at Shel-
ton High School. The first wrest-
ling match was held Wednesday
night. Dec. 1 found Centralia here
for the first basketball game ef
:he Shelton season. The Jambof
ee will be held tomorrow night
and Friday, at Central Kitsap.
Last week the students of SHS
donated enough gifts of food and
money to make up 22 Thanks-
giving food baskets for needy fam-
ilies in the community.
The band members have begm~
producing a mimeographed news
sheet entitled "Bits of News and
Jazz." The first few issues will
be distributed free. The Latin Club
will soon be producing a news-
paper also. Tile name of the Latin
Clnb's paper will be "Syblline
THE FOOTBALL lettermen's
awards assembly was held last
Tuesday. The boys who earthed let-
ters in football this past season
were presented their awards. The
band played a song and the pep
staff led some yells. Coach Bob
Sund's debut an director of the
high school band was one of two
humormm highlights of the assem-
bly. The other was a skit in which
eight of the lettcrmen took part.
L'u'ry Powell played the part of :
the "Big Bad Wolf"; Ed Latham
Ed Dawson, Dave Johnson played
the three pigs; Steve Archer and
Mike Johnson sang, accompanied
by Bill Archer on the piano. As-
sisting Bill was Mike Brickert.
Saves up to 40 on fuel
36" wide
Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as:
Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors
Storm Window Kits
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' m ]#
Insulation • Weather Stripping
PHONE 426-4522
THE FACT THAT football season is over doesn't mean Mike
Brickert is through with sports. Like so many of his High-
climber teammates he goes right into basketball and will follow
that season with track. Mike is a senior at Shelton High school.
* * =I: :!:
Football, basketball and track
have interested Mike Briekert
throughout his school years. As
an SHS senior he has finished his
third year on the Highclimber foot-
ball squad and goes into his third
year of basketball to be followed
in the spring with track.
Mike played both the offensiv£;
and defensive tackle position in
football• In basketball he is a post
!lnau and ir[ track he ttlrna ()Lit for
the high hurdles and lon.~ runs.
A Shelton resident since tim
second grade, Mike is 6'1t:," tall,
has brown eyes and darl~ hair.
He weighs 180 pounds, tits fax-
orite hobby (outside of snorts) is
building with wood. He inl:s a spec-
ial knack with wooden vases an(I
Mike is still undecided about his
future. He has not made ul) his
mind as yet about which eoI!ege
he will attend or what he will
major in. His subjects this year
include teachers orientation, lib-
rary, trigonometry, German II,
physics and civics. He is vice
president of Gernmn Club and a
member of "S" Club.
Mike'~ parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Brickert. He has an old-
er sister, Wendy, and one older
brother, Brian. Both are Shelton
High school graduates now attend-
ing Washington State Universil:y.
Aug. 21, 1947 was Mike's birth
dare. Wh,.m you ask hirn his birth
place you g'e,t a quick smile. He
was I)orn in a car in Kittitas
Cotmty between Cle Elun~ and E1-
My care is like my shallow in
the sire-Follows me flying, flies
when I pursue it.
- Queen EIizabeti~
net, Capitol Hill, will be the scene
of the annual Christmas Tea for
member,~ of the Women's Cln'ist-
mn Temper,race Union this Fri-
day at 1 .p.m. A gift exchange will
be held folh)wing the tea.
I)-E(-mEE-O]Fi Oit
The Degree of Honor will hold
a Christmas Bazaar and Bake
Sale in the Sears Catalog office
this Saturday Fancy work, ap-
r.ns, novelty gifts and home-baked
bread and rolls will be featured.
A special business meeting of
the Dirt Dobber Garden Chlb will
be held at 10 a.m. next Tuesday
in the PUD auditorium. The
Christmas party will he discLLssed.
Members are urged to be there.
Transparent Plastic
420 S. 1st St.
With Yo¢
Cover all openin~
(doors, windows,
let in cold
cut Warp's
with shears, tack
or frames for
protection. Warp's
crystal-Clear, FL
lasts for years at a
the cost of glass.
square yard at:
ware or lumber
-~.00 x' 18 tubelens blsckwalls, pI~ tax and2"~ffreo off yeut-eat~ ...
For your front whee!s: For our-reur. wheels:
oodyear rip
,with nylon and extra-mileage with nylon and extra.milcase
ufsyn rubber- __._ ..... " ' Tufsyn rubber,
' kOW pHces on all I~,~,
Free Mounting!
190 tractor-type cleats-deslgnO~
Io get you through even at tWr~"
pike speeds!
"No Limit"Guarantee.f , ,
GOODYEARiife of the NATION-WIDE NO LIMIT" GUARAN'r_E..E_-.NO.jlmitARE on enonth . Ne limit on miles No limit to roa .... • No limit
tread m ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ~Ua~ANTEEO again * -, ............... .ds as to speed For the enti~
punctures. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FALLS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of mors~ u=~ m wor~mansmp an(z .maLeria~s ann normal road Imzards, excopL repairable
and curron e than 80 000 Goodyear dealers in the Umted ~tatos and Canada t nC~
on a new tire based on original tread deptt~ remaining t "GOOdyear Price ,, ' ' w'U make ~dlowa
5th & E MAIN