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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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11) MEETING Grapev[ew Residents ~te~ School District Will hold its regular meet- p.m. next Tuesday in the GI~AI,IE\rlIqV~T ThanksgivinK )m, Evergreen school. I)ay, all of lls could think of sonic- thing t(, be truly ttmnkful for and "'IL MENU many ,,f .e,o t,,,ly that tile snow v,'hielk fe'il thai (l~ly for Shelton Elementary lasted only a short while. ds and Shelton Senior The Bill St'mdts were und(mbt- I High School edly thankful that Judy emerged leek of Dec. 7-11 lminjure(t h'om their ({xtentively --Spaghetti with meat, damaged ear after it e(fllided with aLtered French bread, a county dmnp truck late Tues- ! and pineapple salad, day afternoon, on- the brow of Ful- and Milk. mer's hill. Their Thanksgiving, which was celebrated al home with .... Sloppy Joe on a niece, Delores Rehard and her taro chips, cheese slices, chihhen, x~-ls briglKcned with the Llo with'whip cream and :arrival of son "Chick" and his bn(ldy, who had an overnight away from tht,ir duties at McChord dayL--Turkey and gravy Field. Iffy rice, ~;hole kern(~l Leaving Grapeview at 4 a.m. biseuils, fruit, cak(, 'rod V~rednesdav, the Don Querys were able to reach Etlt'ek.t, Calif., and the home of Vivian's follss, Mr. lay __ Hotd6g On a but- and Mrs. Malvin V~rood by 3:30 un, potato sal~d, carrot p.m. Needless to say, the rest of oranges and milk. the day was spent visiting and relaxing with them. Cream of tomato Thursday the ~roo(ts and Querys Stt ELTON--MA 0N ( 0tTN'I ' JOURNAL --- Published in "Chri.¢tmastmvn, U.B.A.I"4 Shelton, Washington cheese sandwich, enjoyed dinner together, after wedges, Graham which Don, Vivian and children Ice cream and milk. made a side trip over to Samoa IpPlement your child's With Plenamins from eats and Thanksgiving dinner No. planned to keep busy workiug out in Tacoma with burial at Moan- 3[ (Some people have all the luck)of doors on odd jobs, the persia-rain View Cemetery. Mrs. Mac- lhis I:ime at the home of uncle rant rain kept them inside. Sin1-Rae was born May 20, 190t in and mint, Mr. and Mrs. Otto day, the Olsons made a l)rief side The Dalles, Ore. She was a 1928 \V~)o(ts along with their "branches trip to Tacolna where they spent graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital of the family tree", four genera- the night with other relatives. School of Nursing in Tacoma and Lions in all i)eing present. ANOTIIFI¢ family gathering was a member of the Pierce Couu- By S ttL rd ty, I little relaxation took place aL the C. W. "Jimmy" ty Medical Association Auxiliary. was' in order'and while Don and Walkers when daughter and faro- Dr. and Mrs. MacRac moved from Vivian did just tha't at her folks' ily, Barbara and Joe Shahan with Taeoma to Grapeview 11 years ago home, Grandma Mardell stole a Valerie, Joni, Beth and "Little Joe" npon Dr. MacRae's reti~'ement. march on Sanla by taldng her five came down from Bellinghanl to Besides iler husband, she is sur- grandchildren, Blleky, Cathy, Ja-: spend from Wednesday until Sun- rived by a son Joel MaeRae of mie, Becky and Vil:g'inia, Christ- day with them. Shelton(her stepfather, Harry Ma- mas shopI~ing. What more could Joe further endeared himself to son, Tile Dalles; three sisters, Mrs. a child ask for th'm a grandma the Walkers by taking care of Stanley Tatom, Sheridan, Ore., who works in a toy shop. many of those odd jobs which seemMrs. James R. Camp, New Orleans, Sunday morning: the families to be so hard to gel around to and Mrs. Francis E. Sterns, Scat- bade each other a fond farewell doing. Friday, Barbara'assisted her tie; and one grandchild. and by 6 a.m. the Querys were mother at the Sarah Eckert Orth- Our Grapevicw Vohmteer Fire headed northward. So convenient opedic Guild rnmmage sale which Department is inviting everyone is travel on our improved coastal was held in Shelton and, incident- in the commnnity and any other highways that by 4:30 p.m. they ally, was a success in spite of the interested persons to drop by the were home in "Grapeviewonce very poo!" weather. Fire Hall Saturday, Dec. 5, from again. Deserting the Stadimn Beach 2 to 5 p.m. to get'a good look at FINDING TIIEMSELVES some- area for the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. our new fire truck. Cookies and what at loose ends, over Thanks- Ray Uhly decided to join a family coffee will be served by the ladies giving, Eke and Anne Eacrett and gathering at the home of Mary'sof the V.F.D. Auxilia~'y. dad, Walter Eckert, soon scaredcousin, Mrs. Lee Abbey in Everett '~Incidentally, the. V.F.D. Aux- wail, investigating the changes in the ocean floor created by the Pacific coast earthquake which oc- curred on Good Friday, 1964. Of particular interest were the views of Queen Liliuokalani's "private" island, the most northerly of the group. Although they intended to return home that evening, the snowstorm convinced them to de- lay their return trip until Friday. Persistant colds kept Dan and Linda Williams pretty much house- bound when they came home to~ spend the holiday here with the family but, nevertheless, Thanks- giving dinner was a happy family gathering with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hillman, mother, Mrs. Pat'Benson and sister Bonnie and brother Mike. Drop-in visits from friends before the Williams' return to Ellensburg made the visit even more enjoyable and the sniffles and sneezes less bother- some. • THANKSGMNG at the Spoon- ers was enlivened by the presence of four young people. Besides Lin- da and Robert, there were John Humphrey and Dave Nygren, graduate students in the depart- ment of physics at the University of Washington. Happy to be home ahead of the holidays was Bob Battles who re- Ss Rexall Phone 426-4642 (California, that is!) and the home of long-time friends, the Ralph Grows. Thanksgiving dinner No. 2 followed and the two families visited and reminisced over parlor games for the rest of the evening. Friday took the Querys back to Eureka and from there, on to Ar- YOUR GLASS US can depend on our "'know how" to save and money when it co~es to glass Beoause we know what we are (and why) you can be sure we'll do It with sons Ralph and Don. To complete the pleasant day for Anne and Eke, son Ken and wife Judy phoned their greetings from San Diego. Spending Thanksgiving eve and day with the John Stevenses were the Morgan Brassfields and their three children, as well as youngest daughter Lynne. Although the Brassfields had to return home Thursday, Lynne, on vacation from the U. of W., stayed on until Sun- day when she returned to Seattle with sister, Jeanne, and husband Mike Hoskins who had come over to spend the day. Seems there was plenty of ac- tivity at Stadium Beach over the holiday with much family visit- rag. Guests of Miss Jasmine Britton arriving Wednesday evening in time for a delicious oyster dinner were her brother and sisfer, Col. and Mrs. Miller Holland. A de- licious traditional turkey dinner followed the next day and the three spent the day relaxing, list- ening to good records and read- ing, with a cheerful fire burning in the hearth to combat the chili of tile snow falling outside. The quick thaw Friday ensured the Hollands a safe journey home. Nearby, the Henry Kruizes~play- & McNEIL Iy & FENDER fORKS Grove 426-8264 ed host to Mrs. Kruize's brother cently spent 10 days at the San and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diego Naval Base on a Rival In- Olson, who arrived Wednesday eve- spection team, inspecting the de- ning from Hoquiam for an extend- stz~yers moored there and estimat- ed visit. Although the men had ~ing any work to be done on them. Bob, Carole, Ronnie and Lynette enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner in ........ : Seattle with Carole's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Collins and apparently enjoyed it very much for they stayed with them until Saturday and even "sand-! I I m I waqt for one of these new 1965 Chevrolets about over--and we want to you your patience. Come see us now. When you get behind the wheel, ' glad you wa tedl Impala Sport Coups It's longer, wtder, lower. It's swankier, more spacious. You could mistake it for an expensive car--if it weren t for the price. Malibu 8port Coups Fresh-minted styling. V8's available with up to 350 hp. A mofterp quieter ride. And it's as easy-haadling as ever. ¢ Nova Sport Coup# Clean new lines. Fresh new interiors. A quieter 6 and--V8'l available with up to 300 hp. Thrift was never so lively, Cores Sporl Coups It's racier, roomler, flatter riding. With more power available-- ¢° air to hp i, the new top-of-the-line Cor as. Mom:fo see, more fo Sn dw more 5uy • Order a nevtiChevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy ZZ Corvair or Corvette now at your dea er s IST & GROVE TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are'l hr. and 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft. ill Friday, Dec. 4 High .............. 6:10 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low .............. 11:28 a.m. 7.2 ft. High .............. 4:06 p.m. 10.5 ft, Low .............. 11:20 p.m. -1.2 ft. Saturday, l)ec. 5 High .............. 6:48 a.m. 12.4 ft. Low .............. 12:11 p.m. 7.4 ft. High .............. 4:34 p.m. 10.3 ft. Low .............. 11:53 p.m. -1.2 ft. Sunday, Dec. 6 High .............. 7:26 a.m. ]2.6 ft. Low .............. 12:57 p.m. 7.5 ft. Higt~ .............. 5:06 p.m. 10.1 ft, Monday, Dee. 7 Low .............. 0:29 a.m. \ -1.0 ft. High .............. 8:05 a.m. 12.6 ft. Low .............. 1:44 p.m. 7.6 ft. High .............. 5:41 p.m. 9.8 ft. Tuesday', Dec. 8 Low .............. 1:07 a.m. -0.7 ft. High .............. 8:45 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low .............. 2:36 p.m. 7.4 ft. High .............. 6:21 p.m. 9.3 ft. Wednesday, De:e. 9 Low .............. 1:47 a.m. -0.2 ft. High .............. 9:26 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low .............. 3:34 p.m. 7.1 ft. High .............. 7:10 p.m. 8.8 ft. Thursday, l)ee. 10 Low .............. 2:30 a.m. 0.5 ft. High .............. 10:07 a.m. 12.4 ft. Low .............. 4:33 p.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 8:13 p.m. 8.2 fL SHELTON By Betty l)ean hind Mrs. Nina Millers home that UNION .... Thez:e will be a dance gave loose and slid down, moving for the teenagers of the comnmn- her house oft: its foundation. Juan- ity Friday at: 7 p.m. in the Union community hall. All teenagers of its Ga.brielsou, Mrs. Miller's dangh- i the conmmnity are welome. The~ ter, was visiting' her and Ihey had dance will be chaperoned by par- to climb oat of the window Lo get ents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Berrv, Phil- out of the house, the dirt had ip Johnson and Rad Pratsch had fully covered the doors of the honse. Juanita's car was covered Thanksgiving dinuer with Mr. and with dirt, too. Mrs. Wright Carlson at their home in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton and Thauksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seal l?uter and son Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen were Seal Jr., had dinner in Olwnpia Thursday evening' at the 'Qaear- CharlesMrS' Allen'SEfnorParentS,of Sequim.Mr' and Mrs. anda". When they left the restau- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nilson had rant they came h})m¢ with it snow- Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Er- ing pretty hard on the freeway. ma Roessel and Mrs. William errHonoring newlyweds Mr. and of Betfair. Mrs. Donald Deemer, the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slcttedahl formerly Jan VanderWal, a buffet returned recently from a two dimmr lind bridal shower was re- weeks trip that took them to many cently held at the Horace Skelsey states. They left Seattle Nov. 10 home. The beautifully tiered wed- by plane to Oxnard, Calif., where ding cake was made by the they visited with their daughter groom's mother, Mrs. Frank Deem-! and family, Mr. and Mrs. William er. Including out-of-town g~estsI Rust. From there they flew to was Mrs. Joe Miller, maternal Dallas, Tex., where Mr. Slettedahl attended business meetings. Then on to Jackson, Miss. to visit rela- tives. With all the big cities they visited they were happy to be back home on the canal.. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner re- turned Sunday from Sand Point near the ocean where they spent eight days. Ronnie Bailey slipped on the ice in the driveway 'of his home and had to have seven stitches in his lip. MR. Az~J~ MRS. LYLE Bittle had their son and his family, Mr. ; and Mrs. Jimmy Bittle for Thanks- giving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean and family motor- ed to Olympia Thursday to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearce and family. Dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Herb Aliens on Thanksgiving were Mrs. Edna Gatewood, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mercier, all of Union, Mrs. Lhke Barnard and family of Seat- tle, Bonnie'Green and Bernie Ga- zara of Bremerton. Monday about 3 p.m. the Union fire department was called to a house owned by Stuart Polson of Grays Harbor. A defective or over- heated propane heater was the cause of the fire which charred the inside of the 13ouse and refined the furniture and belongings of Mrs. L. E. Wilkeson, who occupied the house but was away at the time of the fire. WITH ALL TIlE rain we have been having iL has caused some bad dirt slides 'along the canal. One of the worst was a" bank be- grandmother of the groom from Palisade, Colo., now residing in Shelton wimre the young couple too are making their home. 426-4426 46'7865 wiched in" a visit with Bob's aunt and uncle. It was a l~appily complete fam- ily circle that gathered about the Fred Lutzes' dinner table for din-. ner last Thursday. Joining Fred, Phyllis, Lary and Lanrie were Phyllis' sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Uldricksen and son Lee, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blair and the Lutzes' eldest son Doug who arrived in the wee hours of Thursday morning. Doug's job at Reedsport, Ore. took him back in the midst of the snow storm Thursday evening, in his folks' car no less, his cat" hay- LANNY SLATER and THE SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 to 2:00 Open 8:30 Adm. $1.50 men $1.25 ladies SPECIAL ATTRACTION Sunday, Dec. 6 BOBBY BLAND'S BAND PACE ili,i i i • . On the old Olympia--Tacoma Highway .Don't let hearing loss cut you off from fully sharing the fun and festivities of Christmas with your friends and loved ones. Give your- self--or ask your family to give you---better hearing with the newest, even better Beltone! There is still time if you ACT NOW! Come to see our representative , Mr. Harry Bodenschatz, at Eells and Valley Appliance Center Friday, December 4th, between 10 A.M. and 12 Noon He will be glad to give you a FREE Hearing Test with the latest electronic equipment and show you how you may enjoy Christmas and every day more with Beltone. Daniel E. Bruner Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist Serving Mason County since 1950 106 E 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521 Christmas Delivery Guaranteed At Eells & Valley ing broken down. This, however ~;~ served to bring him back to Grape- view Saturday and by Sm~day III I night his vehicle was restored to running order and he retm'ned to Reedsport once again. The Ed Okoneks were disap- pointe~ when son Richard and fa- mily were unable to be with them for Thanksgiving dinner, little Sheri being quite ill with the flu. As a result Ed, Louise and Leslie spe'nt a quiet day hosting Louise's folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Wyn- koop, who, no dQubt, missed Rich-. ard, Carole and Sheri's company also. About one dozen Grapeview men were not disappointed Nov. 24, when they attended the Shelt0n VICTOR [-Iighcli,,~ber football banquet at RCA STEREO gheltons Mountain View school. Guest speakers for ~he evening W]t~ FM/AM and FM STEREO RADIO were Bob Schloerdt, who coaches the U. of" W. quarterbacks, and Two 9" x 6" and four 3Vz~ speakers. FOR EVERYONE I RCAVICTOR All.Channel F[st< COLOR TV This RCA Victor all-channel Color TV brings you captivating natural color. New Vista Color Chassis with new Automatic Color Purifier. Two speaker "Golden Throat" sound. ," $, Priced From w/t More l~ople Own ItCAYIcToR Thaa Any Other Televia Bl~ck and White Or Color The CASUAL Series AF.1OI 19" tube (overall dll|.) 172 |q. b, plcturl RCAVICTOR PORTABLE TELEVISION All-channel VHF and UHF tuning. Transformer-powered 18,000-volt chas- sis. Static-free "Golden Throat" FM lioundo Port, Priced From $129'' Precision Studiomatic 4-speed chang- er features amazing Feather Action Tone Arm. Deluxe 9-tube FM-AM-FM =Stereo radio. Dual Channel Amplifier. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET i i I CLOCK RADIO Priced From $2 1 95 The EVENTIDE , RFD15 Seriel FM-AM RADIO Priced From '41 95 ,,,e TRUSTEE RFC15 ~erllll ON YOUR LIST~ III III III I I I I I II IJ !|!! II lueek ~d Whl~ ~"..~. or Color RCAVICTOR All.Channel 4"st z TV CONSOLE AILchannel VHF and UHF tuning. 22,500-volt chassis (design average). Powerful New Vista Tuners. 'Golde~ Tod Hullin, U. of W. varsity quar- terback, and those Grapeviewites who attended were Julius and! Wes Stock, Russell Wells, Larry Lutz, Bill Staudt, Bill Somers, Walt and Chief Clayton, Howard and Don Somers, Walter Eck~rt and Eke Eacrett. MeanWhile, down at the Blue Ox, the ladies were enjoying the first of this season's Community Concerts, the Leonard Mome Chor- ale, Grapeview mesdames and children attending were Mrs. Pat Benson with Bonnie and Mike, Mrs. Don Pogreba with Susie and Janie, Mrs. Howard Somers with Kristi and Mrs. Walt Clayton with Georgia. Having spent a week in Seattle's St. Francis Cabrini Hospital, Wal- ter Clayton, Sr. was able to be at home over the weekend and until Tuesday when he was sched- uled to return to the hospital for further treatment. Dm'ing part of Mr. Clayton's hospitalization, Mrs. Clayton was a guest of her niece and husbana, Mr. and Mrs. Al Flournoy m Seattle. THANKSGIVING at the Wall Clayton, Jr. home was somewhat subdued with the senior Walter not being able to be with Happily enough, daughter was at home from her stud- ies at W.S.U. for the holiday. Her short vacation gave her an oppor- tunity to reminisce over the past and catch t:p on the present with U. of W. buddies Liz Seiners and Jim Doerty. Ltz and her folks, the Howard Seiners, had a lucious holiday feast at the home of Murial's folRs, the Ivar Opdals, at Lake Lucerne. our community was saddened to lea~ of the death of Mrs. R. D. MacRae last Friday. Private fun, eral services were held Monday Throat" sound. Cabinet protected b~t laminated mar,resistant finish, I .... __ Priced From w/t I_l I I I III I I Illl I The WARBLER RCAVICTOR so,m S~ATe STEREO PHONOGRAPH Two 4" speakers including one in de, tachable lid. Studiomatic 4-speed changer. New Solid State Stereo Amplifier, Priced From "II$ llAll|l'| I|i|" 426-4663 Second & Cot