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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3, 1964 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 15 Residents Ente[tainiflg Rehtives And Friends TO }/ .y Mahdi' ~ Kuhl" of Kamflebe" ' Sunday.. Shelley. was Weather tinm is here, *Come in & let us check your brake system. IS THE TIME your ear's TUNE-UP rk guaranteed. We on any make and at reasonable prices. DAYTON =- Our unexpected quite thrilled to receive a Hawaiian Thanksgiving snow upset smnc doll from Uncle Danny, who had plans for this special (lay but for returned from a visit to Hawaii. the most part families got togeLh- Mrs. A. E. Lcmke spent Thanks- er for a happy day, and to give giving in Kent with the Cecil Me- thanks to our Lord for their many Lain family. Other family mere- blessings, bers present were Mr. and MTS. Clear from Madison, S. D. came A. K. Wolden of Federal Way. Mr. Mrs. Alice Ford to visit son and and Mrs. Kenneth Wolden, Carol family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ford, anc~ Gary and Mrs. Bill Woldcn along with his brother, John Ford, andson of Shelton. Howard S.D., and a sister and bro- Gathering 27 strong at Panhan- ther-iq-law, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell dle lake on Thanksgiving for a Cross, Also of Howard. They ar- potluck dinner with the Cliff rived Tuesday of last week, spend- Rumpfs were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis ing Thanksgiving and leaving on Bagby and children of Tacoma Monday. Saturday the group~mo- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baird of tored to Federal Way to visit cou- Allyn; Mrs. Sue Bivins of Hayden, sins, ~r. and Mrs. DarreU Peter- Ariz.; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson son. and children, Shclton and the John The community extends its sym- Anderson family. pathy to the John Anderson and SATURDAY ovm'~ight guests Cliff Rumpff families in the loss of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Combs were of their uncle, Hobar Painter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bozarth and ~rilmingLon, Calif., who passed boys of Walls Walla and Mr. and away Nov. 23. Mr. Painter former- Mrs. Manley Michler and boys ly resided in Mason County. 'of Olympia. The Michlers and Mr. Don't forget the card party to and Mrs. Seab Combs were Holt- be held Saturday evening in theday d!nner guests in tlm Cliff home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kill- Combs home. ough. ... Dining Thanksgiving day in the Rick Walker shoum oo a real Harold Kidd home were Mrs. Es- happy young fellow as of Tuesdayther Kidd, Mrs. Joyce Dillon, Bill he got to shed the cast on his and Archie Kidd. arm which he Ires packed around The Charles Simpson Jr. faro- for the past eight weeks, ily spent Thanksgiving day with John Schur of Grandview and the Charles Simpson St. of Shel- Geraldine of Seattle were home ton. for the holidays with their par-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swearingen ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Schur.and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tibbits Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson and children motored to Tacoma were pleasantly surprised on to have Thanksgiving dinner with Thanksgiving when they received Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirk. i a call from daughter, ~)oris, who Mrs. Gertrude Scott had Holt- is stationed at Lackland Air Force day dinner in the home of her son Base ill Texas. The Hicksons were snd family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon holiday dinner guests of the Allen Scott, Shelton. family at Lake Nawatzel. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham I~IR. AND MRS. J. C. TibbiL~ and children visited Thursday in md children of Raymond spent: HoodsporL with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Wednesday overnight and Thanks- ert Bingley. giving with her parents, Mr. andThe William Rietdorf family llaa Mrs. Dell Adams. as Holiday dinner g~msts. Mr. and Linda Princ of Shelton was Sunday Mrs. Ernest Maynard and child- overnight guest of Carol Ann ten of Shelton. Scrogham. Dr. and Mrs. W. Monson and Peter Buerhel, who is attending children of Kent, Mr. and Mrs. the University of Puget Sound inGary Hall and children of Renton, Tacoma, came home to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Rich Roberts and holidays witll his parents, Mr. and son and Mrs. Nena Roberts of Mrs. Fritz Buechel. Shelton were Holiday dinner guests The Harold Kidd family motored of Mr. and Mrs. Pete obcrts. to Tenino Saturday to visit withSheila and Jo Hickson spent the her father, A. S. Dyson. weekend at the Allen Hicksons Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brown while their two boys stayed with and daughter called on Dan Brownthe James Hicksons. Nothing like trading girls for boys! Mrs. Carl Erickson and Mrs. Estller Nordstrom of Shclton visit- ed Smlday evening with Mrs. Gert- rude Scott: and helped her tic some quilts. MR. AND MRS. Walter Chappell and family had Thanksgiving din- ner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Cloqualhun. Don and Sue Rutherford motor- ed to Olympia Saturday to prac- tice roping, at the indol)r arena owned by Jim and Sally Taylor of Agate. They spenL the evening with the Jerry Maleoms. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd celc- I.Esg THAN brated their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary Wednesday, Nov. 25 by having dinner at Milo's at I-ioodsporIL ~ay yon v¢onderful people have many more happy an- niversa;'ics. The Clyde Ruddell family were quite dissappointed to have "to hwn back at White Pass on Wednes- (lay aftenlon on the way to YaM' m~{ aher discovering that the ehsins they had wouldn't fit theh" tires. Thes~ figm'ed it was just as well after seeing one motorist coming down the hill with chains and still slide off into the ditch. Tile Merlin Rickards clfildren arc real happy since they found their terrier, Toni, after she had been gone about 10 days. She was having a real good time, having found a new home with the Scrog- ham children. Donna Hulbert was home from Federal Way to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbcrt and brother, Mike. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Leman and 6 Cup Teapot 4 Cup Drip Steve had Thanksgiving dinner in $6.95 6;offeemaker SaLsop with her parents, Mr. and $9.95 Mrs. E. S. Evers. ' " , The James Einarsson family mo- tored to Myrtle Point, Ore., Wed- nesday to "visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Huff. On their re- tm'n Saturday to this snowy coun- la/i Qt. ParbJ 16" Platter try, they felt like going back. Buffet $8.9,~ $6,95 'The Charles Willis family spemt. Thanksgiving day it, the Olympia ~._~ .... , ,, home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Wil- ' '" ' Its. Mrs. Clayton Lament and child- ten motored to Seattle Wednesday : L~S~ THA~ an dspent through Sunday witll her mother, Mrs. Maude Schrioek THE EUGENE Eves family had Thanksgiving dinner in Hoquiam with M{'. nnd Mrs. Charles Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKay. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Barton and Young Moderns Set $19.95 her mother, Mrs. ' J. ~V. Rayson. , Tacoma, were here for q few days ' ' " last week in the Raysou honla and '~, had Tllanksgiving t~ogether. ~ Donna Bloomfiehl was home with her parents, tile Pete Bloom- : fields for the holidays and they tE$8 THAN ) ~-~ ,..~, .lerry Bloomficlds for holi- i u&y droller. 10 cup .,.c. and Mrs. Lawrence Lamont Electromat'¢ Electromath= dined on Thanksgiving (lay with the Oliver Pettys of I,=amilche. Immersible Percolator The Ted t~erys and VeY21on Stew- Platter $29.95 $19.95 re'Is of Shelton and the William L. Browns, all gathered on Thanks- "~ i giving day m the llome of Mr. and 11" Electromatic Skillet $29.95 CORNING WARE glft suggestions listed aboveare but rfeW of the many items that comprise this line of modern eeze. cook. serve ware. This season shop early and see complete CORNING WARE selection. A CORNING wAR erfect gift to give or receive. E gilt is the p -- " " /t Mrs. Doyle Howard for potluck dillner. A family gathering on the lmli- day was held in tim L. B. t?harris l,omc with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Re )kc" of Aberdeen, the Harold Johnsons of Briunon, the Cliff Pharris family, Federal Way, Mr. and Mrs. Mil:e Johnson and chil- dren, Island Lake, Fred and Linda l'ha:rris, Shelton and Mrs. l.,ois Mercier and children. Twenty-three all i oht to make Lhe' house ring with gaiety. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulbert were Friday evening callers in Lhe Alvin HulberL home. The Mc~=lin Rickards family joined the Gleu Rickards of Chc- halts, the LeRoy Smiths of Mon- tesano, Mrs. Arthur Stone of Mo- ab, Utah and Mrs. Ruby Hitch- 3rd & Railroad Awmue By Betty Criss BELFAIR -- Eight members of the Senior High BYF group of the Belfair Community Baptist Church attended the BYF Confer- ence held in Tacoma last weekend. Leaving Friday aftenloon and re- tin-sing Sunday were Dorothy Beard, Alan Cady, Jim Bead, Stan Dishon, Patti Criss, David George, Wayne Mullin and Gary Miller. Accompanying the group was Rev. ings in the Russell Rickards' Ar- cadia home for Thanksgiving din- ner. Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Eves and children spent the Holiday in MeN bomme with her parenf~, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Meyers. On the way home they stopped in Satsop to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evers, Pare Hohnan of Slmlton was Fri- day overnight guest of Albert Ev- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hackney of Aberdeen and Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Chapman and children were Thurs- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs:. Harry Kidd. Mark and Timmy Adams of Ar- cadia spent Wednesday with the Merlin Rickards. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were holiday dinner gnests of Mr. and Mrs. "Al Fralsure. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Todd of Manchester. The Pete Bloomfield family call- Tacoma L eeti g "Wendell Harder. Guests of Mrs. Vesta Mann over the Thanksgiving Holidays were her son, Cal and his wife Helen and their children. First date for North Masmfs basketball team will be the Jam- boree to he held Friday night at North Kitsap. Saturday night Nm'th Mason will host Mary M. Knight for ~heir first home game. The next home game will be Dec. 1.2 against South Bend. The Rhododendro'n Garden Club will not hold a Christmas show this year. Anyone wishing to at- tend a Christmas show would find it well worthwhile to view the SiN verdale Garden Club show on Dec. 4 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Silverdale Lutheran Church. Show hems is "I Remember Christmas", and is open to the public for a do- llaiiell of 50 cel?t:~. There wil bc no [~ecember meet- ink fro" lilt' North MTIs/HI Elemenl- ary PTA. Tacoma's "Top of lhe Ocean" rcstanratlt Was tile SCPIIe ()f a rc- cent dinner honoriuU foylner NM Supt. Robt. Johnsen and Mrs. Johnscll. Tile no-host gatheriug in- eluded Ken Ro,,~e, Mrs. Erma H.oes- sel, Mr. allli Mrs. Nol'Ulall Sall- ders, Mr. and Mrs. t~,oberL Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Johu Sisst)n, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hoppe and Mr. and Mrs. Glcml Criss. COMPLETE LINE OF & REPAIRS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED IN SOCIETY I II JoAnn Dickinsm~ of Hoodsport has been named for membership Call For iu I~'~ho Nu, tile nursing honorary s,'wiefy ;,t Wa.~hington State Uni- ~,~er~ity. Miss l)iel¢inson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickinson, Hoodsport. Phone 426-6902 I SAVINGS BOND SA.LES [ now representing I Sales of U.S. Savings Bonds illlUAPIIUL UHt:V'KULI:I Mascm County during Octoher [ were $4,856, according to L.A.] In Mason County Carlson, county bond chairman. } Total sales in [he state were $4,-/NEW AND USED CARS 894,084, he said. for all AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP • Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced Piston Pin Fitting - Pistons Expanded Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed • Hi.Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment • Crank Shaft Kits ed on Mrs. Les Bishop of Kamil- I che Saturday evening. • • Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd had 7 • • Mr. and Mrs Eldon "l~odd for din- O00 ~,~ P;,.~4- Q~- Dh.~,.~ /lle)t2,,,,~,~1 ner Monday to celebrate Dorothy's 401 So. ls~ St., Shelton Charline & Lloyd ~o ~u. JL' =z~v ~. Lazuaa~ ~x~,~ ooo~. birthday. .- .... .:.- % -: ..... % "."' %, -- --,. ... .:." % ": ..... ,, .:.. , . m • ES THAT TO RECE[gE TCH PASTS ~ ~ Coordinated Print ~2~ :~ Blouse For That Perfect Christmas Tam,, Pa©quelte ~!~I and Janlzen Blouses $398 to $698 - anaajantzea Single aad Double Breasted Jackets and a Slim Skirt Make A Suited Look In The Newest Color Shades and White. Sizes For Both Misses and Juniors all-girl shirt flaunts a o ruffled white bib 5.00 ! Cardigans and Slipovers in Shetlands, Mohair Wool Flatknils JANTZEN Sleeves echo all the lovely detail. Prettiest of pencil stripes in gala colors. Luxurious TAMI 80% Dacron® polyester, 20% cotton. 28 to 38. BOBBIE BROOKS and BLAZERS $109a to $19 $109s to $149s 3rd & Railroad PENDLETON In All New Colors and Styles Cardigans $99s to $19a8 Slipovers $898 to $199s