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Page A—4 — Shelton-Mason Journal Thursday,.Dec. 3, 2020
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M t d p I. - . li-cei
ee 3 very "‘0 em "‘0'" B eing thankful for reading
f you’ve ever wondered Answer: I have to be very V V
I‘m}?t 50:38 on m atfiumlc anvdvid Wltlflasonhlie the And down for the
coronavirus pandemic, I decid- far:
SC 00 c issmom ese oesn even 0W W . a a and unrighteous ed to re-read it.
It did so for several reasons, 0 a
days, let me introduce you computer does just clas‘
first to see if I -— as an —- enjoyed
it as much as I did back then, and secondly O
to see how King’s tale stood up against the
consumed in fire.” — King}?
Sarah Zander, the daugh- “The
ter of Mrs. Ericson’s sister.
knows his teacher shows up
on screen. It’s 3 Zoom
far“? 15111:“ ta (filmed cau’ agd It S “lithe ne trait you will
find common among current threat. 0:: {
eatch er’ fu s e 1:: sam,e ime “‘5 t6: those are paid to write I
found it extraordinary how pre- Eur”
m0. er 0 youngs rs’ gan s 38.8' a for a living is we read. scient
King was in describing how
which these days mornlng at 8:45 A lot Was
such a disease would affect society. ' P
by 10%;ng Teagan Battles against denials, quaran-
makes her a teacher’ I generally read anything that
tkindhOf‘,Or’ a.t tea? a inéoiher fiIiSt 61518.31; comes in front my
eyes, be it a tines, spread of the disease and ——
eag er: £55ng £131}; “31 Cf hls ale ass W; newspaper, a book
or'even a piece of ultimately — human reaction func
h grad’ E ’ an 1 er ab 0 t 26; Eggsfi? :18; , junk mail. ‘ were
chillingly close to the picture be u
ngoige’envgflég‘r gr gag}; of Wielibmisn, 6 It’s a habit I picked
up at a that Kings mind painted. ' L
the BNSF Railwa By KIRK sa .n the Pled e 5% young age. When I was younger,
The viral [plague in “The Stand” ‘ priv‘
h t h.ld y’ ERICSON Afiu d tgh many revolutions around the star is a
weaponized strain of influenza safe'
ave W0 0 .1 . rely egla'nce an . en ago, my grandma helped me learn
that was accidently released from
Teagan 5 is in km- she has some kind of - By JUSTIN . . . for e
’ ’ . . . . to read With a phone book. She a United States biological
lab and .
dergarten and Mason, 3 is fundamental skill Instruction. . JOHNSON . live
. .’ . , . would give me a name, and I would rapidly spread around the
in preschool, both learning While I m logging her on, I resp
killing 99.6% of those infected. ,
Fortunately, our current pan- C O
demic isn’t nearly as lethal as King’s fiction-
flip through those bulky pages try—
ing find it. '
Eventually, I progressed to books and
grab coffee and log in Mason
at 9 a.m. Each has their own
at home in their Lacey resi-
dence. Sarah works five to 10
through whatever stage space
is left over.
one person to unmute so that
one can share their show and
Back in March, as the world was shutting
reached by’email
hours. a week as a marketmg Chromebmks and they I? m I spent many an hour
in the school library en- al Captain Trips virus. 11.0? ]
coordinator £01: a real eState dlffel'ent rooms' . grossed in some
tale. This time through —- I finished reading Nm
age? 6.11 g1 Def: Evgn Q' 010111? y0.u g1 vehme an When I was in ninth
grade, back in J anu- it this past Saturday night — I found I en— mag
“171m. Sb tm}e’ t iee ays (3m Examphe 0d alum? w in y 0;: ary 1994, I
picked up what would become joyed it just as much as the first time.
Unlike h .
t e J0 away mm ome an a 3 ar um? JUgg lng.t e my favorite novel — “The
Stand” by Stephen many of those books, movies and television ygl
two daysffif at hlmle' . needs Of bgth klds -0n thelr . King. shows
consumed as a youth that lose much Fasl
sarah 8. glory Is the has“: comPuters' . . i. , ' I’d read a
few short story compilations by of their magic as the weight of adulthood
Stfiry 0f mllholls Offiarems ‘ T A' In t}: Eleganmgg Wlth King at
that point, but that 1,152-page beast settles in, I was happy to learn that
it wasn’t dpm
mag Ziemirflgg 21:36:33? Gigi: tso $11136 :31 d $311.31“ te of a book
hooked me and I raced through just a case of nostalgia and fond memories.
S ah I g t1}: k.d h H. . kl I d d the story of good versus evil set
against the Reading can be a treat. The descriptive W
ar a so sees . e I s W 0 erse .Very qulc y' nee e backdrop of deadly
pandemic in a mere four power of the written word can, simultaneous- .
must carry on Without some- to be rlght next to her for Ag")? ,
J‘wmwflpfiuw1W);firfihlsmmmfluanfl‘lmmck 11;.811
one Slttmg With then}' that because I have to ma' One of the things
I love about King’s the imagination that often becomes dulled $31,;
The demands are megs: Denver through ,the screens writing is the way he
writes in an everyday frOm menial tasks that encompass many of t.
sant’ and Teagan is as “1818' becallse She can t read.’ when
language, While at the same time crafting our lives. . “in
tent as any Chlld Ive met" multlple klds are alkmg,’ 1t vividly
imaginative scenes and characters: For me personally, reading has made me a
r}; e
Teagan’ at.her. beSt and at. gets so loud the klds can t The quote I
referenced above set up better writer. And for that, I am thankful. fml
her worst, is highly theatrical. understand the teacher so the ‘ Vision
of a scene at the novel’s climax that Wlthl
.She consumes the Sttge’ leav‘ teacher W111 put all the klds stuck with
me for 26 years since I first ,I Justin Johnson is of the 0f ml
mg Mason to make hls way on mute' Then She can aSk read it. ‘
Shelton-Mason County Journal. He can prom
While I was interviewing tell.~ «
Sarah last weekend at her Q: The kids have gotten
backyard firepit, Teagan and good with mute and unmute?
Mason entered the nearby A: They have. That’s a
patio deck on all fours, with sink-or-swim kind of thing
Teagan in the lead. when you’re a 5-year-old. It’s
“What are you two doing?” too much if all of them talk at
I asked. the same time. Once I’m done
“We’re being horses!” Tea- with Mason’s class, we have a
gan said, as though it couldn’t break and make breakfast.
have been more obvious. Then Teagan has three or
“Horses?” four videos that are 10 to 15
“HORSES!” minutes long that she needs
“They’ve been very in— to accomplish before her af—
volved in pretending to be ternoon class.
animals,” Sarah explained. Q: What are these videos?
“We’re wild horses!” Tea- ‘ A: They can be behavioral
gan said. “NEIGH! NEIGH!” ‘skills videos that teach kids
Here are somequestions how to manage their feelings.
and answers with Sarah, ed- Q: What’s that?
ited for breVity and clarity: A: It’s a huge social skill.
Question: What do you do Kids need to understand that
with Mason and Teagan on
school mornings?
finiteniilaswmnty llamas!
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