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300d News!
Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age! People used
to say she was barren, but she has conceived a son and is
now in her sixth month! For the word of God will never
fail.” (Verses 35-37). Of course Mary responded, “I am the
Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me
come true. ” And then Gabriel left her. (Verse 38).
We know it came true, but I often think about the thoughts
that went through Mary’s mind! And Joseph’s! I don’t
know any man who would believe a girl who told him she
was having a baby that God was the father of!
He was really wrestling! And in Matthew 1:18—24, we
see Joseph’s side. He was engaged to Mary but, before
the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she
became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. A 77,,"
Joseph was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace By K/il‘i
her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement '- kboxel
quietly. (He must not have believed her, but did not The
by Theresa Murray want to embarrass her, or make a scene.) But, as he was ,
there masoncoum Icom thinking on it, he fell asleep and an angel of the
Lord .
@ y appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of 1. Is the book of
T1tus 1n the Old or New by the
“Gabriel appeared to her and Said, ‘Gfeetingsl faVOIEd David, do not be
afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the . h hop? 1
woman! The Lord is with you!’ Confused and disturbed, child within her
was conceived by the Holy spirit And TeStament 01' nelt er Christ
Mary t0 What the angel could mean. ‘Don’t be she have a son, and ou
are to name Jesus, for he - . condut
afraid» Mary; thefihgd (Old he!) ‘f‘?! Yoh haVe found faVor will save
his people fromytheir sins.” When he woke up, 2' Obadlah IS the
qurteStbOOk 1n the Old provid
with Ctfid! You 1115mm“; anfjllgblve bmh ‘0 503’ aillldb he took
Mary as his wife, but he did not have sex with her Testament and IS d1v1ded
1nt0 hOW many holida,
o w ame 1m esus. ewve e reata w e -
Zailled 1Sch of the Most High. The Lord, (2th will give him 2111131533965;
6115;151:1613?Egocfifigrggdand Jesus hOly’ Verses? 21’ 64’ 101’
164 ' p1 {fig
f h' D 'd. d h '11 ' ' . .
ifiggfigfivgm gissafifjgsfgfin $1 “3‘; 63d?“ $333 I like that
they both listened to the angel, and [obeyed God! 3. Who Climbed the Mount
of Olives comléll
It is the month of Christmas! We celebrate Santa Claus and gags; Elaine?
gig”?2130135313:!ffigagggiflgfmvggdefiul (Mount OliVEt) While barefOOt
and Weep- sonRe;
have Christmas trees and presems’ and IOIS Of good candy Joseph too! It
gave'him the faith he needed to believe ing? Moses David Abraham Noah
and fOOd! But it is also the time of year we celebrate Jesus’ M an, '
’ ’ drive
b. thd ! ' ' '
T11; high of Jesus was f met 01 d b m hets n the 01 d Verse 22 says all of
this Occurred to fulfill the Lord’s 4' Wthh New festament Chaliter
13 known Iightir
Testament. They bad faith becauslepevgrything God told $1; ssage.
thrqllllgh his Pmphefiflg?ggers€1123.says? $30k! to many as the Love
Chapter ? iteéfh
them came true! Long after they died, the angel Gabriel 6 Vlrgm W1
90”“? C 1 W] give 1r 9 ' ' ' ‘5
appeared to Mary to tell her she would be the one to give ,son’.ahnd thsy
Wm can hlm Immanuel’ Wthh means CDC] 1 IOhn 4’ hide 1’ James 5’ 1
corlnthlans 13 ‘ detem
bmh ‘0 the Sam! 0f the World! 18 W“ 115' . . d f . 5. From 1 Samuel
25:3, what’s the name of 03mg?
B k th' d , 1 I 11 Remember I said prophets who had die be ore Jesus
was , , , c am _
Taicnelgn (:65: gyésngaelogg: i? ggagsiggg? £13] (giggle born, had told
of his birth? Isaiah 7:14 says, “All right Ablgalls fiI'St hUSband?
Aaron, 8010111011; payab.
argue about how old Mary was, but most say 13 or 14 thehn th? Lord hhhself
W!“ glVe 3"!!! the Slgh' LOOK! The Ethan, Nabal up atl
years old! she was in the beginning of her teenage years. Vlrgm W111
CODPelVe Child! She .Wlh 81W? birth ‘9 3 59h Ch:
She knew enough to ask Gabriel, “But how can this and) W111 Call hlm
Immanue‘ (Whlch means (30d 13 Wlth 6. What are the tWO gospels that
feature the joining
happen? I am a, virgin.” (Verse 34). The angel replied, U53 . r
“The HOIY 313mt Will come “POD YOU, and the power Of How close is
that?! I think it’s awesome and amazing! Lords Prayer' MattheW/Ma
k’ LukE/IOhn’
the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be Everyone said what we
were thankful for on Thanksgiving, Matthew/ Luke, Mark/John ‘
ho”! W1“ he hOIY; and he Will he thled the 5011 Of 59¢” but I think
Jesus being born is a great way to continue the
Then Gabriel even tells her, What 5 more, your relative rest of the year
thankmg Hlml
115001 AL CHURCH, '1. " Wi” Preach for , .
SUNDAY SERVICES Food podcast Sunday Service 10:00 am
Join Us for Onl'ne Worshi at 10:30 a.m. *3? WWvaaithShe'tOh-Org A.
at Harvest F°“’5‘!‘!?'e"fc I '* L
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Go to wwwsdow org for live streaming information. 1212 Connection Street,
sheik," 36042636] 1
, Rev. Doug Peterson ' e
’ 360-426-8472 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America (ELCA) Pasfor Wt/son 360.426-3305
e ‘1’ f I > Check ur website for-I‘llotes!
Church of Union , + Lutheranchurch Gethsemane Andvisit
. ' . - - - I "Tth",t
Missouri Synod Mlnlstrles omfionfifom
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loin Us Streaming Live on Fatebook Sunday Mornings @ 8:30! rmmtmna] Worship
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n [em mom, please visitoumebsite, '3 Also streaming 11:00 service Live
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or on Facebook atf/nccunion . V 206 EastVl/tmdotte Avenue t.mtoliveStn,org
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Gethsemane“"“W'es-wm r
k —HET _ .’ SI Valle
FIRST BAPTIST Adventist Church
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website . . y 'Study and Worship Service!
Group Bible study w/Discussion: 9:45 a.m.
for Updates Worship Service: 11:00 am.
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Shelton Valley Christian Fellowship
“Then (he angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring
you good tidings of greuljoy which will be
to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city ofDm/id a
Savior, who is Chris! the Lord.”
Luke 2:104] NKIV