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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... Fairbanks-Mors$ PUMPS HELTON&apos;-]AON COUNTY ,TOTYRNAT,, For Every lurDose run this Friday evening in the flendly aura of the Shelter gym when Coach Chet Dombroski gives SrON it the throttle against Silverdale rJL in the first of nine rugged prac- ELECTRIC CO. tic games. • . n,,. mr,, oh^. 4  lart of t, ha greater range ....  -'- ........... "'" which makes this year's squad po- • 'S I III • tentmlly stronger than last year, [O|DN T VOUR MOTNER[ [SHE SAYS WF.. DON V T |HAVE DUR CHIPINEV | HAVE TO WORRY H I LLCREST I CLEANED ? r---/ 1 |AIIOUT ,fNTA GETTING CLEAN E RS  (NO-) t/01RW cuse HE TRY OUR SHIRT ' K PX LAUNDRY '/,__ -,,) CLEANI Shelton Lumber Company AL I I J I FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT I I II L Ill ...... J I I I IIIII In Our Location on Mountain View ON THE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY 'MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. BOx 5, Shelton Charlel ,Weirauch - PHONE 657 Fog Lamps $10.95 pr. O i Fiber SEAT COVERS, $14.50 CHROME Back-up Lamps . $3.s0 EXHAUST DEFLECTORS $1.29 and up O MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS-- $54.95 up I I I MANY OTHER GIFTS TO CHOOSE FROM II I JJJ I I J I I II II J WESTERN SUPPLY CO. Automobile Acceder|ca, Oil, Tires, Batteries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL First and Cedar Phone 126 e HIGHCLIMBER H00PMEN OPEN l Cleansweeps Keep SEASON HERE FRIDAY EVENING ,Leaders in Same 00ith 00roater height, more speed be av,,ih00bl00 00omorrow evening's ol)ener, however, for 6- -,n Positions and stronger reserves than htst year, the 194.7-48 Highcllmber hoop machine makes its first test W L worked oUl nex| Monday eve- W L Old Mill ........................ 27 12 Ring ,]lell a raRe|ins of all lean] McColkcy Pharmacy 26 13 Simpson Electricians 22 1.1 managers anti sponsors has been Olympic Plywood ...... 22 :1d Ritner s Corner. ......... 22 17 (,ailed. . Morgan-Eacrett Lbr. 21 15 Pantorium Cleaners .. 20 19 The session will be held in Pantorium Cleaners.. 19 :17 Dotson Tire Store. ..... 17 22 l'rhwilml George Ilermes' of- Shclton Grocery ........ 16 23 fh'e at the mJor high s(qmol Local 161 .................... 17 ]9 I<imbel Motors .......... 15 21 Mac's Corner . ............. 15 24 siartlng at. 7:30 o'cloci. Grunert's Service ... 1.t 22 Werberger Winery .... 13 26 All managers and sponsors in- High ganlc-Pauliae Stagey 185 .  , ' ............ • 2. High total--Pauline Stal¢y 484 circuit are invlled lo altend lhe . 14 ]latt'hes Tnesday meellng, when nigh(s of play, 7.--Wer'berger vs Old Mill starting dales, identity of teams Grocery vs Dotson Tire to lie entered, and oii|cr details 7--Pantorinnl vs h$organ Lbr. 9--Pantorium vs McConkey of operation of the league will Local 161 vs Electricians Mac's Corner vs Ritner's be |rushed aver. 9---Kimbel Mira. vs Plywood ........ Mell Chev. vs Grunert's Sweeping their rivals aside witl - "-- ' " ' shutout tz'iumphs, Old Mill and * Three teams arc locked in a McOonkoy Pha, m00ey continued Mamtelmnce Gets tight skirmish for the commercial their one-two battle for feminine "ght B le,guc bowling league after last bowling league leadersi,ip, the 11 Strm efore week's results found the tail-spin- Hoodsport quintet hanging onto o ning Simpson Electricians cent|n- its margin over the String Breaks Off uing their tohoggaa slide while the pharmacists. RAYONIER BOWLIwNG L fast-coming Morgan-Eacrett Lum- ber and the consistent Olympic Plywood outfits kept their win- Maintenance .............. 28 8 Ring gaits. .................. .................. Commercial Knot CITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE SESSION Tightens, Three SLATED MeN*lAY Teams Contending Details of the 19.17-,18 ('it)' foot 2-inch Norm Buck letter- WOMEN'S BOWLING haskelball league season will I)e COMMERCIAL LEAGUE man center, is definitely 'sidelined Office .......................... 2,1 12 Supervisors ................ 23 13 Grease Balls .............. 19 17 Blcach Plant .............. 17 19 Electricians ................ 12 24 Cllemists ...................... 12 25 Research Gh•ls .......... 10 26 High game--Joe Rank 203 High total=--Joe Holt 5]7 Its winning string snipped, at eleven straight, Maintenance found a game of its Rayonier bowling league lead scissored Monday night by the fast-coming Office quintet, which .swept-to a white- Tile Plywood now shares the le'gue lead with the Electricians while the lumbermen arc.only one game beifind after sweeping three from the electron chasers last week. Charlie Cole gave*the 2x4 dispensers the benefit, of the sir- suit's best individual total as he paced the Morgan-Eacrett victory, While the veneermen won an odd- game decision fzxm Grunert's Service on wiff Jessup's big open- ins game and Bill Dickie's last frame double for a two-pin mar- gin• Bad Kenyon saved the fi- nale fer Gruncrt's with a 201 for a while with a couple of bum ankles. DOMBROSKI is figuring " on Buck for his regular center this year and with the rangy junior in the game could place a team on the floor with four of its five players topping the six-foot mark, the fifth missing it by a fraction of an inch. That would be a team including Ken Cardinal at 6-4,.',, L. C. Harmon and Ken Carlson, both at 6-1, and Buck, while Bob Tobey raises that standard by only a whisker• However, Harmon hasn't been working with the starting lineup so far and Carlson is.less than a 50-50 possibility as an opener at this stage of the going. WITH BUCK out of his plans for the moment, Dombroski was sure of only tlu'ee starting posi- tions yesterday, Cardinal at cen- ter, Tobey at forward, and Lct- terman Glenn Anderson at guard, The second forward was a toss-up between Quent McPherson and Letterman Bob Rice, nor were t of that quartet sure of get- the call over Jim Skagen or Carlson, Dombroski may lmve picked up a valuable addition to his va/'slty squad this week' when Herb Baze, a 6-foot. 2-inch senior who has layed a couple of years of cry agone basketball, reported..Bazc is a little behind the rest of the squad in conditioning but his size ad sawy may make him a strong link in' Dombroski s chain of re- serves. TIlE ADDITION of last year's B-team regulars has added speed to this year's squad as well as scoring punch With Tobey and Clary being fbm shots to add to Cardinal's known point-producing ability. Cardinal was the team's top tally-maker last year. The usual twin-bill, with B teams stating play at seven o'clock, will usher tn the new bas- ketball season tomorrow night. The varsity game should get urder way about 8:15. Season tickets admit their hold- ers to all practice games as well as regular conference games which start , JmL 2, Principal George Helnes 9olrted out yesterday. Rolling on the first shift, the I druggists found Mac's Corne r I stubborn rivals and all three gameh I were tight affairs, the first wind-] lag up in a 731-pin deadlock which the pharmacists won in tile roll- " off, w, hile ,the otherpMr were set- " tied by lss .than '0 pins each. erd 1 McConkey's 465 p'aced tile victors. Old Mill's victory over Shelton Cash GrocezT was largely a mat. ter .of good teamwork; $Sur mere. hers of the lineup g0ing:above av- erage with Erie smith's 479 sec- ond best total of the night. Teeny Sharps, Merna Miffliff .nd Anu Simpson all scored exceptionally well, too. Another cleansWeep was ro- T|IAT'R ONE place where tlfist corded by Dotson's Tire Store be- year s varsity squad, now number- [ hind Pauline Staleyts leading 484 ing 12 players, figures o be much I total, aided no little by aoRta.go- stronger.than last year, and the I bolstering totals from Alice Kop- Highclimber hoop mentor won t!perman and Mary Sutherland. be weakening his starttng lineup] The only odd-game verdict of by substituting 1.ike he did last the night went- to Pantorium year. I Cleaners over Ritner's Corner This: yar's outfit, too, will be a  With Phyllis Tembruetl and Freda shooting aggregation and figures Fredson supplying the big stick to score coniiderably more points toppling. Emily Kier snared one than its immediate predecessor, for the losers with her 172 opener. Whether it'll measnre up defens- The lineups: |rely ts the thing Dombroski can't MeConkey's (3) Marc's Corner (0) tell nntil .this year's squad has Handicap 195, Handicap 312 been thoroughly tested in battle• McConkey 4651Frisken 391 3571H.Smith 409  'Piffany COACHF- SET RULES--Sev- eral p01r/s' WhiCh liars caused complaints in the past were i'gBed out by coaches and principgl'Sf the eigh claools comprising the northern division of the SLth- west Washington high school .bas- keiball conference at a meeting held in Elms Monday evening. Probably most important of these was approval of a move to: select four two-man officiating teams tO w0rk all division games and a tentative list was approved by the group. It will not be rati- fied until those approved are found to be willing and able to work the northern division games. IT WAS also decided that the home team would have its choice of uniforms in case of conflict in colors, that the warm-up period .between first and secOnd team games will be limited to 15 mln- utes, that all second team games will start at seven o'clock, and that only the home school wilt have its band at any o game. The officiating teams, trader the plan approved Monday, would ro- tate among the ' eight conference : schools, no one team working for the same home school more than any other pair. Traveling expenses of the whistle-tooting teams would be pro-rated among the eight schools. Schirmer 388 Hall 323 Price 3661Dickie 284 Blaha 353 Edg'ley 396 731 736 678 2145 731 708 655 2094 Goodrich (3) Werherger's (0) tiandicap 354 Handicap 417 Staley 484 Jacobson 371 Kopperman 414[White 308 Dotson 318 Lindberg 319 Schuffenh'r 308 Klmbel 394 Sutherland 466 Pearce 331 795 777 772 2344 673 71"/ 750 2140 Pantorlmn (2) Ritner's (1) Handicap 348 Handicap 423 Fredson 410{ Duncan 274 Tembreutl 4311Edmiston 331 Daniels 365[ Htmtet" 365 Berets 374[ Willour 382 Cart : 340] Kelr 422 729 7.95 7i4 2268[ 779 675 743 2197 Old ; .(8) , Cash Groe. (0) Handicap 246 Handicap 422 E,Smith 479 Ferrier .,, 447 Slrpe .22 J:nl'an.[ 27 i Mfftlri 440 skertsey  40 Simpson 419 Sargean 271 Robinson 391 M.Durand 396 817 774 806 2397 723 738 752 2213 Shelton Bowlers Finally Top Camp Grisdale Lineups Camp Grisdalc kegelers scalped another Shelton bowling team on the Grisdale alleys last week but got skinned twice themselves when they ventured into Shelton to meet more competition on the maple boards. George Husk rolled a hanclsome 601 series to lead the loggers to a top-sided verdict over Beck- wlth's Jewelers at Grisdale, with Johnny Storts giving him 550 sup- port. On the Shelton Recreation drives Sunday, however, the, same Grisdale lineup lost a 25-pin de- cision to the league-leadingPast- |me team of the City ]Seagu¢, nei- ther team doing any s¢orthg to brag of, while another Gisdale lineup droppe a 78-pin verdict l:o Beckwith's in another low-scoring affair. The iineups: G rlsdale Beekwtth's Handicap 324J Handicap , 126 J.Puhn 4181Merrick 480 E. Ford 410 Dodds 510 J.Storts 55 Deer 457 G.Adams 4991W:.Earl . 460 G.Husk 601 Bayley  467 775 845 856 2802 849 784 867 2500 Grlsdale Pastime. Handicap 303 Hndicap . 117 J.Puhn 404 Kopperman 507 F.Sne]grove 448 Dotson 427 J.Storts 435 Funk 537 G.A2/ams 431 K.Fredson 463 G.Husk 489 Ferrier 484 796 834 880 2510 787 891 857 2535 Grlsdale Beekwlth's Handicap 474 Hafidicap 123 R.Jotmson 4111Merrick 529 W.La2VIarsh 486] Dodds 523 S.Hansen 396 Deer 443 F.Lord 377 W.Earl 481 B.MaZtows 347 Bayley 465 840 836 815 2491 902 816 848 2564 Girls Li Top neup s Prep Bowling Ix00p PREP BOWLING LEAGUE W L Hedrick's Fountain .. 5 1 Texaco Service ........ 4 2 Miller's Men' Sllop .. 2 4 , Union Oil .................... 1 5 High gameDon Lund, Chuck Berets, 184 each. High totalDon Lund 418, Gtr/s .matched their bowling skill against boys in high schoSi league kegeling competition Mon- day afternoon and wound .up all square by dividing two shttout re- sults, Hedrick's Fountain Lunch, one wash victory over the Chemists while the circuit pace-makers had to settle for a 2 to 1 edge over the Grease Balls. Joe Holt and Bruce Thorpe posted the only totals topping 500 during the night as they led the .Office to the victory which gave it sole possession of second place. Supervisors, second place shareholders for the past several weeks, slipped to third even though winning an odd-game ver- dict from Bleach Plant as Pete LaMarsh and old reliable Ernte Lemley prodded, their averages. Maintenance won its opener with consistent scoring from the entire lineup but slipped badly in the second to snap the year's lon. est winning streak at eleven straight. Joe Rank, posting the nlghCs best single game, and Norm Westlund righted the Main- tenants ship for a neat 930 clos- ing game, however. The Electrician s dropped the Re- search Girls, 2 to 1, in a low-scor- ing match. The scoring: Supervisors' (2) Bleach Plant (1) Handicap 6241 Hand|cat) 588 Lemley ' 498 ICarl Rains 416 LaMarsh 484t Mahaffey 300 J.Moore 3571Lunsforcl 366 McCann ' 375[ Cab Rains 417 Muller 3301 Friend 462 934 801 933 26681863 854 832 2549 EleetrlcJalm (2) . Res. Girls (1) Handicap 624 i Handicap 993 Frutiger 444 Bishop , 298 R.Bare 333 i cormier .... 329 JnSen ' 4131 Pace ' 308 L.Bare 331 V.Gray 221 Stevenson 44t M;Kilaney 344 853 829 904 2586 816 839 838 2493 Malntonmtce (2) Grease Balls (l) Handicap 3ol t Handicap 570 N•Westlund d98 H.Cole 397 Rank 4891 Olive,' 382 Steehler 434t Edmiston 366 Temple 4111Zeitler 338 Skeisey 429] Wright 378 903 779 930 26i2 798 816 817 2431 Office (3) Chemists (0) ,-tan'dicap 453, Handicap 606 Thorpe 510 Stoy :]98 Briggs 381 Perkins 374 Peacher 343 Howry 308 Holt 5171 Peach 386 Gavareski 465 Tobler 463 952 879 838 2669 864 842 829 2535 Game Biologist Appointed For Peninsula/00/¥ea Seattle, Nov. 28.Appointment of Art Crews as district game biologist in the Grays Harbor- Olympic Peninsula area was an- nounced today by Game Director Don W. Clarke. Crews fills a va- cancy which Ires existed for sev- eral months, during which time ame biological work in the area as handled by other biologists of the department. Crews is a graduate of Wash- ington, State College and has a master s degree from Oregon State College. He has been with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice for the Past 12 years, spec- ializing on predator and rodent control. One of Crews' a • ssignments, Clarke decmred, will be to siudy the relationship between Wild life and reforestation. He will gather data on the effects 'of deer, elk and predatory animal populations on forest crops. Clarke said that data the de- partment now has indicatesthat elk and deer help to control the growth of b.roadlef plants, such as alder ann maple, thereby aid- ing the growth of coniferS, They eat little coniferous material, he adds. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Montesano 27, Oakville 16. Elma 38, Naselle 30 Stevens produced the two top to- tals of the day. The scoring: Texaco (3) Union 011, (0) Handicap 555[ Handicap 948 Brown 368 Ferguson 236 Lund . 418{ Meyer 237 Stevens 4121Fredson 254 Dummy 363/Kerhat 300 668 702 747 21171647 651 677 1975 Hedrick's (8) " Miller's (0) Handicap 9351 Handicap 498 Hulbert 273] Berets 389 Demmon 2671Wentz 381 Ashbaugh 2761 Strobe 237 Skelsey 339[Welrauch 279 684 645 761 2090t524 618 592 1784 of the feminine teams, surged into the league lead by whipping tle A total travel distance equal- . • , ing 12 trips around the world in 14 all-boy, s team representing Mdler s ._ ._ ,h ^ , ....... , ' behi T * Skel , months   = a*gnc record of Sea MensShop nd STy SeyS  L " ........ " scoring. Laura Ashbaugh 'also man,at orderiy of C am' enlisted helped with a healthy increase jflig ' " r" _ Naval Air over her last week's average. Transp?r n 1 e' :.In flying 269,- ne boys evened things for the 000 m_lefl. TS a time, Wtckham day when Texaco Service blaked served A passengers 4,320 in- Union Oil as Don Lund and Frank flight meals. count. Pantorium Cleaners supplanted Local 16] in fourth place with a cleansweep over the union quintet behind Bill Besch's heavy scoring and Ernie Anderson's 214 single- ton which topped the league. Mell Chew'olet continued its comeback with a 2 to 1 victory over Kimbel Motors on big games by Poly Gerhardt and Alex Toney. The scoring: Pank)rluln (3) Lo(tl 161 (0) HandieLp. .225[ Handicap 429 E.Adesn: 486 Wright 489 Besch : ;I .' 532 Olivek, 400 Keever . 371 sharPe  " 325 KeiPi ', ; 4271Temple' 4'23 Lindgrran : 515 Jacobsbrt 366 827 869 860.2556 819 847 766 2432 Morgan.Lbr. (3) Shnp. Elect. (0) Handictp' 1.721 Handicap 501 T.Nelson 5181L.Lc.rnan 388 H.Danies 434 Boardman 393 C.Cole "' 5371Coburn 334 B.Daniel 4581Calkins 478 R.Andel'sbn 5!9 M.Leman 376 871 897 870 2638 8B9:$42 789 2470 Plywood: () Gr;mert's (1) Handicap 426 Handicap' '234 Ahlskog 461 Cormier 477 Eagles Concentrate On 3 Events Durhg Month Eagles of Shetton aerie 2070 have three events on which to con° centrals their attention and ef- forts in the near future. First of these is  hard-times party to be held this coming Sat- urday evening in the Eagles Buf- ftet, starting at 9 p.m. It ts open o all Eagles mad their invited friends. Next ome the visit on Decem- ber t4 Of former tate Eagle pres- ident Jess Sapp o Seattle, who, will address a district meeting of Eagle aeries to be held In the Shetton Eagles Hall. Delegates from five aeries in this distr£ct  are expected, And finally, a big New Year's Eve dance, in the Eagles Hall has been scheduled for the bensftt of the new Junior Eagles aerie which is being formed here• Let Us help you be more comfortable this winter with a new heating unit. Come by DICKISON FUEL CO, today and discuss your problem with them. They are al- ways glad to give you friendly advice and free estimation. LET US PUT YOU ON OUR REGULAR DELIVERY LST -'------- -Th-71:il!"V-'  r L. Marble / Ill I 1 11 / presenting t e POLITAN LIFE I00llllill lll'im' m" lllli 4Ht,[ldPers°nal Accident Dayton Community Hall 'tWens e  WAI'T ADS S UPPERWJ[LLBESERVED i:it| R tflH IIHH i I LADIESFREE Lf I1"111111 ...IT IS Nice Christmas Present A AT HALF PRICE Small Radio and Combination Set s27.50 for ................ We are going out of the radio business and have seven of these sets left. Place your order now to delivery of one for XMAS. S.L. PEARSON & SON "120 E. PINE PHONE 676 FINER FOOD PRODUCTS Miller d03 J.Stewart 483 Dummy 441 Kenyon 525 Jessup 413 H.Cle 377 Dickie 4531 Rank 510 891 822 884 25971859 820 827 2606 Mell Chev. (2) Kimbel Mtrs. (]) Handicap 330 Handicap 417 Gerhardt 4621B•Pearson 471 McNiel :- 4051C.Berets 404 Toney),, . 4051Bud,, arl , 362 Dummy 396t J.Pearson 375' Wiseman 388 B.Phillips 364 852 733 801 2386' 797 827 769 2393 Harold Wilson Earns Grid Letter at Whitman Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash.. Nov. 30. -- Twenty-eight members of the 1947Whitman col- lege football tcam have earned letters during' the season just ended. Director of Athletics Dave Strong said today. Among the 16 first-year isig- nia winners was Harold Wilson, freshman from Shelton who was a three-sport athlete during his high school earecr on Highcllmb- er football, basketball and base- FOUL W EAT Help for Your Home I , !/: AQUELL A Plastic-Sale [: STOPS LEAKS in BASEMENTS Any Porous MASONRY O CAULKIN0: COMPOUNDS Also CAI GUNS " 3/00-LB. DEADENING and WHEAT PASTE INSULATION BRUCE FINISHES and FLOOR WAXES O FLOOR Vaxers, Edgers -- TO ball teiPms. 8PORTS ,CLUB MEETS TONITE Members of the Mason County Sports and Skeet Club will attend to routine business affairs at their first meeting of the month to- night in the Odd Fellows hall starting at 8 .p.m. 90,(RADED Lawton Lumber GOOD Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson, Proprietor lt   I , ,, ,,, ='tO U$2 ,llllllllIIIl : ,i GRADED' GO VJl  [;i GRADED GO Tomato Jmce € HENS AMOCAT .............................. 46-OZ. Freshly Dressed ........................ LB. Tuna 35 ¢ VEL VlTA .:. .......................................... iii Puihpkin 2 Clarment, 2 cans ....... FOR Gold Shield Coffee 49€,b. Raisins 49¢, -LBS ..................................................... Spinach No,' 21,/2 Cans ...................... FRYERS LB. BEEF HEART Fresh Beef ...: ............................ LB. LWER LS. TONGUE LB. POT ROASTS LS. ROUND STEAK Fresh ............................................ LB. VEAL ROAST Shoulder of Veal .............. ' .......... t SALT FAT BACK T-BONE CITY MKRKET S9€I PURE PeR ! 39 ¢ , Fine With K: PHONE 141