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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thur::day, D,.cemler i December 4 1947. L. Marble i¢ the LIFE COMPANY Personal Accident Health Insurancec Mrs. Bingham Is Better Following Tacoma Accident Mrs. Dorene Bingham, a former C "ty Hall Pho.e 7o.J )lllmnill resident of Shelton, who was ser- " iously injured when struck by an SHELTON-g[ASON URL -- Lest We Forget . . . a crashing thunder• Bull-whack- -@Ar--AIS- auto in Tacoma November 15, is Last week this column sketched ors with oxen or teamsters with now recovering from her injuries the over-all history of the grand horses snaked the logs to the skid- |nf Uz----mnt a -- . | mm C0g "t [ and isabletocatagain, old pine state of Michigan. The ways, or hauled them on travels She was struck when walking point was that the record shows sleds. across a street while accompanied the lumbermen did a good job, not Sleigh tlaul On the Ice . . . by her granddaughter, Donna only in supplying material for the At the skidway another team- Bingham, and received a corn- building-up of the treeless Mid- ster, his horses hitched to block WILL BE SERVED i: pound fracture of the left leg, a west, but on the land• Trees grew and chain, and cathook men piled fractured right leg and a serious in the wake of the ax. Stupid tax the logs• Then the logs waited nd Oldtime Dancing [! skull fracture. The girl suffered laws forced the lumbermen off the for the snows. With the first only bruises, land and out of the new forests, heavy storm and freeze of win- &apos; !0 mg! She has n°v¢ rec°vercd Buff:c" h°wever' Then spcculat°rs 0ver" ter' the main road was iced' and iently to recognize her family, and sold the big clearings to would-be the sleigh haul was on. 0OD MUSIC is able to speak, according to a re- farmers, who were soon starved The sleighs were ponderous [] port received here Tuesday, and out after burning the young trees bobs, with bunks commonly nine .00 -- LADIES FREE after a previous story describing year after year, and trying to feet wide. The first log loaded the accident had been printed in farm soft that was no good for was anchored in the middle to another section of this paper, farming.' balance the bunks. Then a log was Mrs. Bingham worked at the Now let's glance back on the chained to each side and others :--th',#] Shelton Genera]hospital for many work of the woods, as it went on packed in by the loading team and years and is the mother of Vern in the oldtime pineries. Look canthook men. Binding chains Me- /E@@$ and Don Bingham, former resi- back, then think how far we've cured the load. dents of Shelton. She moved to come in change. <)n the peak 16g the teamster Tgcoma to be near her sons and Axmen and Teamsters . . . halooed. The huge horses bellied was working at St. Joseph's hos- The choppers and the horse- down, their caks gouging the ice.  pital there before her injury, handlers went up the tote roads The iron runners screeched. The in the days of late summer. In logs shook and settled. Over a Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Uldrickson a site for a camp. The ground was to the banking grounds, with hay of Allyn, became the parents of a cleared, then log cook and bunk on the down hills. baby boy December 2, at the Shel- shanties, a stable and a feed shed A hard and primitive life in the i! ton General Hospital. were thrown up. While the camp deep, dark woods. Heavy and K Dr : was making, the boss blazed the dangerous labor from dawn to ristmas re,ei, Shortage skid trails. A main road for the dusk. Sourdough bread, baked In the Orient, there has been a sleigh haul was marked first, us- beans, salt pork and boiled tea BALF PRICE ' " shortage of nroteins for genr-+i--- ually along a creek which would on hewn-log tables. Hard double-  _ ......... .iProvide the water for an ice bet- decked bunks for sleep• The fire P | ----|[tom in winter: It ran from the a blazing pyramid of logs on the n .,,-. a ][]projected loading skidway in the open "camboose" in the center of ii0 and Phone , lPAIJ 2Jk 1 [woods to the banking grounds on the bunk shanty, the smoke es- =..=,,.---11FI'A-i"11 ...,,,.,,,,.,'1'1 c l' : " • I the river. From the skidway cap:rig through a hole in the roof. |  • •• m m  IP  l I there were trails that led to all Eight or nine months of such a ! M I II M R  R I I corners of the woods, life in the primeval forest before ! Wr= | • I qJ I|B In I I1 II I The camp up, the roads and the drives were down. .E.T. $27 50 r S ! "-|trailswerecleared, andtheerewi Later the logging railroad pene- Ttl • ]began to get out the logs. In the trated the woods, to rival the -- • , rnone / m] early days timber falling was sleigh haul and river drives• The the radio business and haVe  II ........  Idone by the ax alone. Brawny : "big wheel" succeeded the travels i s II 1|choppers faced off in pairs, with sled, there was summer logging, ft. Place your order now to ,, M AS.  WI'$ II .I T.  & rlqPIl'll • / a kingly pine between them. Riv- and civilization entered the camps. | " '*" "'' |Jalry ruled. The first to cut into But the sleigh haul and the river aaee I HARDWARE- 1  wide-grained heartwood was the drive remained the romance of the 4DO ': II I1( king-jack of a chopping team. woods. ON & SON , HNER F00D PRODU(:T$ __ _ l Along the trails the pines fell with With the glow of spring and the qklta.D melting snows on a thousand PHONE 676 branches of the great lumber riv- ersthe Saginaw, the Tittabaw- assee, the Cuss, the Rifle, the Au Sable, the Thunder Bay, the Mus- kegon, the anistee, the Men- ore:nee, the Ontonagon and others --the king-jacks of white water tie(] on their sashes, pulled on their spiked boots, unlimbered their peaveys and swarmed the roll.ways, and the drives were on. • / That's how our forebears "made • 'or pay." That's how they lived r Your Home :' and labored• Scout Troop On b • • • Plastic-Sele r r Mt. View 0peratmg CA][ ' Lads living in the Mr. View area are enjoying the fun-while- . ,, learning privileges and activities Also :? Hormel, Morrel, Carsten of a new Boy Scout troop now be- 00CON ins organized under the guidance CAULKIN6 ' of A. R. Underwood, home com- beRS SLICE [ ing scoutmaster. [ The troop meets on Friday * , ]nights. After last Friday night's meeting an operi fire and weinie a',,'|'( }roast was enjoyed and song games ]were played by the troop mem- OS ¢ ]bers. Those present at the troop IIEAT PASTE LB. ]meeting included Fred Boysen, ITem Kneeland, Jr., Inn Systma, ., |Noel Systma, and Visitor Billie Boysen. Commissioner Underwood |led in the closing ceremonies. )N @ ............. ] All boys living in the Mt. View €2::;!:  .......... .............. -' l area are extended an inyitation by , '****|'1%%!i;:}:i. --':'" I Commissioner Underwood a n d FLOOR .,... " .... :::i.W-:: ::'' ' . '." " [Scoutmaster Edinger to attend ":'jl:ii/,:i:!  ] tihegtr.oop meetings on Friday eve" Waxers, /, ......  ..... U :::::  ....  Lultttber ADED GOOD BEEF  Mr. and Mrs. L. . ack were  /in Seattle Monday afternoon and, :tJoeSimpson, Proprietors=_....,@.... SHORT RIBS JOWL BAC .' [evening attending ceremonies in- ST R E ET P H 0 N E $ } stituting Temple Chapter, ' fin the Order 6Fthe White Shrine of JRDAY AFTERNOONS "  ' [Jerusalem. " ' [were selected from Bellingham, ;T--,-- .......... --:-- ] Officers conferring the degree I tralia, Vancouver and Shelton. L. I D. Hack WaM selected as King for LB, [the ceremonies in conferring do- t }were initiated into the order. Lean Streaked I A banquet was served to the G ADED GOOD I enUre group of 00 or 00 guests |in the Scottish Rite temple ban- ,, , quet room. New officers were in- " , NE STEAK D D FRYERS ' stallc0 for the temple at the meet-ing. _ ' ssed LB. ' " ]L APPROVE STREET VACATION ........................ The County Commissioners up- 9 ,  proved the vacation of portions of t ' a street and alley in Mountain  ' " LB. 'View which are included in the LB. '  Bonneville Power substation, at /" ." '>' [their meeting Monday. HEART , ,, ] NO One appeared to protest the J i00ot,o00 | ' " "*'* S  • ,*aty , Ugh K SAUSAGES " '  J Mr L. ]Dies in Tacoma E __ € LB. I Hospital Monday LB. [ [ A resident of Shelton for 40 __.€ ]years, Mrs. Mary Abbey Pugh ] passed away in a Tacoma hospital : .... '  ' [ Monday after being bed-ridden for o0ASTSbi'V:At '' i[i" WEI |more than a year follbw,ng a fall €' NERS ] in which she fractured her hip. [ caring for the sick and helping her ,, ,,.-,--r FRESH PACK ] Mrs. Pugh's whole life was spent | neighbors as long as she was able KS. |40 get around. , [ SHE WAS born in Patten, |Maine, July 28, 1867, and was | married to Jolm A. Pugh July 3 | 1888. They had six children, four [daughters and twin sons. The [ family came to S helton in 1907 [ and Mrs. Push had'lived here ever i[ since until her death, ,] Survivors include two daugh- I| terM, Mrs. Gladys Tozier and Mrs. I| Cassio Coble, seven grandchildren I| and 12 great-grandchildren. ,1 The funeral service will be held '[ at 2 p.m. today from Witsiers fu- 'd nora] home, with the Roy Paul 't| Sweeney officiating :Mrs. Pugh '[will be buried beside her two ,[ daughters, Eva and Mildred, and i/her husband. It Use the Journal Veant Aria-- !| they really get rsults. S A U E R K R A U T ROAST 39 ¢ ,., 'eal .............. ' .......... US. LB. PAT BACK Fine With Kraut / 15 € QUART • MEAT DEPARTMENT E LB. • lET Established 1895 COUNTY JOURNAL Page 3 Less time in lhe hitchen Im:,tns more time for Christmas slzopping • . . and here's how you Call SIH)p until 5 and have t delicious, nu- tritious meal on the talde at 6. A quick stop at L. M .... a speedy m.lectlon of grand-tasting ready-in- a-minute foods--and 3,our menu problem Is solved in short-order cooking. Yes  you'll save time with these jiffy-quick foods . . . aud you'll save money by getting them here. /," [  ¢,,. r. ! ---- F._Gm6S 00F{00nG$ 00NRG$ t pMELI XICANA I  CHICKEN  MEAT BALLS l l oOO*O*,,,,,, I i " , ! ; ................ n, '  t Ca,,.. :: , ,T,utvT,:..J ........... See Our New Display of ' "'' - "--''" ...... Christmas and Gift Statmnery, 2 € Cigars and Tobac.o 3 Cans 29 ° Candy Canes for the Holidays Prices $1.50 -- 75¢ -- 35¢ and 10¢ Order Your Fruit Cakes Now!! Price range of 40¢ -- 1.44  $1.95 and $5.94 Chocolate Almonds ,( in One Pound Box 6,)¢ ORANGE MARMALADE Unsweetened and sweet PICKLED .ar40; WALNUTS j Cross & Blackwell 28  CATSUP bottle 9 Far Something Quick and Very Delicious Try Cinch's . . . Golden Cake Mix . . . } Devil Food Mix .... J Spice Cake ....... • pkgs. WMte Cake ....... Corn Bread ....... BOTH ,o, 34€ SNOW'S CLAM CHOWDER .......... 2 cans 51¢ DENNISON'S PORK & BEANS .... 3 cans 29¢ CORN BEEF HASH ................... 2 can 71¢ ROYAL CHEF CAN CHICKEN ........ can 89¢ HAPPY HOME SANDWICH SPREAD .................... 2 cans 49¢ DAVIS CODDIES FISH CAKES .... 2 jars 43¢ GOLDEN GRAIN q EGG NOODLES & BONED TURKEY .... 29¢ VOGT'S PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE 31¢ JACK'S CHICKEN BROTH .......... 2 jars 41¢ READY IN 12 MINUTES  SERVES 4 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE DINNERS .............. 35¢ PERCY'S -- EASY TO MAKE PERCY'S PUDDINGS ...................... ca. 5¢ JANE GOOD PEANUT BUTTER .............................. l-lb. 29¢ JOY MIX POP OVER MIX ............................ 2 pkgs. 29¢ FIG BAR COOKIES ....................... 2-1bs. 53¢ TASTY MAID SODA CRACKERS ................ 2"-lb. l)kg. 39¢ MAJOR B COMPLEX VITAMIN TABLETS 1 Pkg. of 100 Tablets 89  1 Pkg. of 48 Tablets .......... ALL FOR ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES ................................... ctn. $1.63 IMITATION VANILLA EXTRACT .... 8-oz. 39¢; 4-oz. 25¢ ROYAL BAKING POWDER ............ 12-oz. cans t5¢ FANCY FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT .............. 2 cans 35¢ OLD MONK TARTAR SAUCE .......... jar 29¢ MclNTYRES  You'll like this Different flavor!! Roque-For-ette French Dressing 37= Roque-For-ette Cheese Spread ...... jar XMAS STORE HOURS: Friday, Dec. 5th--9 a,m. to 8 p.m. --Dec. 6 to Dec. 24, 9a.m. to 6 p.m. GROCERY DEPARTMENT