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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SltghT0,MAg0 COtTt&apos; ffbtqJJ Thursday, DccernlJer )ecembcr 4, i94.7 Hand-Craft S o, o oll00r Sanitary Market Set TEXACO SERVICE acl< en ere Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED rof, ootn ,:,n. uh ,, :""  The operator of the originnl or bill[ :AFe ,mrticular- 2;,IETA]-W"coTASTREleT ]'EkTO € : •" . j•.•.... Roberts of apron,,snlenttheSouthsideCmn. , ' ' " " :1 242 I (by Shirley Thorpe) a T n n announced munity hall from 2 to 5 p.m. The a h I A musicale Will be presented . l t e T mrs the engagement of their daughter, ................... - ..................... ,,,,.,r,,,,,,,,,v-,,,,,--,----=- ton County OrthOpedic Associa- Marilyn, to Mr. David Dalby ol from 3 to 4 p.m. during the after- , 1, prlng we si}eak of the t:ion will be held at the Olympia Union this week, Round Boe Sh0ulder Cut lre,il)ilalio, to malte the flow-Cammunity Center h Olynpia on Miss R°bertsattendedWashing" n°°n ale" _.' . Mrs. Swiger was associated for PORK ROAST |b 48 ¢ ers l,hm,n, i,, Bummer we say Sntut'daY• December 6, from 2 to ton State College where she was many yearswith the original shop CIIO.=._' f ........ * liquid mlshi[le and in qnier. 12 p.m a member of Pi Beta Phi of its kind in Seattle which was j,st wei snow, bill never,do we The entire proceeds will be nsed Mr. Da.lby attended Irene S• first started during the depress- I Short Ribs of Beef lb 29 € use the horrlbh word RAINI for the benefit of tile Children's Reed high school and later the ion as a central mart for harld ..... " And now as it peeipilaies we Orthopedic HoSpital in Seattle. University of Washington where craft goods manufactured in var- see Hint Mrs. Clmrles Dallltian There will be bootlm WiLh tmndi- he was active in athletics and iouS homes. High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils BEEF STEAK (Rib) lb. 49 € returned t:,SheHofi last. Fri(la¥ work. aprons, hat dogs, home campus organizations. He was She originated the "peasant PI N ....  even in gaftcr visit|fig Ile¢ cooked food. cookies, candy dish president of his fraternity, Wheta apron" wllich will be one of the PROMPT SERVICE a|l o w WFINFRS lb * davghter and family, Mr• antl gardens. Chrlstma swags, hand- Chi.  : .... ......... * Mrs. l). W. [hulerwood, 1, Mil- made Christmas tree ornaments The Wedding' will take place in Shefeaturedis invitingitems specialin hot" ordersneW ShoO.for 1st and Franklin Phone 397 LUTEFISK waukee, Oregon, and candy canes, tile First MethodiSt Church in To- hand made goods as desired by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Biehl and Holders of winning tickets will ken December 27. buyers. N[rs. Swiger may be con- Benefi Susan and Stewart als0 motored receive a doll house, an electric ......................... I LOCKER BEEI '  . to Oregon t,, spend tile holiday train, a bicycle or a Bendix wash- Marriage Licenses Route 3, box 189, in Our Expert on with the Underwoocls. Mr. and ing machine. , Marriage license applicatiollS .* " * CUI AND WRAPPED Mr.• Undcrwo0d becam0 tlte par- An outstanding feature of the were filed in the office of County TWO Given 90 Days eats of a son, Donald Gleln, No- bazaar will be each child's visit AuditOr susie Pauley this Week by' vember 12. with FJlnta Claus, where record- the following coupleS: On Illegal Deer Cotllit At Prevailing Market Prices Miss Florence Fentimnn daugh- ings Will be made of their voice,- Cecil B• Smith, 23, and Mar- ter of Mr. and Mrs.. Fraflk Fenti- Closing tle day's activities will Two McCleary men, Sidney W. garet T. Jones. 26, both Everett, Stevens and Arthur C. Stevens, __ man. and student at WSC in Pull- hen jitney dance, for The. JU] iit.i.litgg, man, was home over the holiday All interested in an enjoyable November 26. were sentenced to 90 days in jait week-end visiting her pgrbnts, afternoon and evening and in David lq. Dalby, 25, Union, and by Judge W• A. Magoon in Justice a' ! - An Oregonian visiting in She]- helping this worthy cause are wel- :Mat'ilyn ROberts, 21, Token, court here this week.  ![e-;est]i-oIIl]l-ai;e Wash., November 25. The men entered pleadings of t N e W ? 'J' ' John Yotmgblood, Jr., 19, Aug- "Guilty" on charges of iilegal pos- ton this wek was C. H. Qalkins come to attend. from Grestmm, OregOn. lqe was usta, Ga., and Rea N• Henderson, ession of deer meat. They were visiting his daughter and Tamily, Hi rs 17, Brernerton, NoV0mber 28. :Mrs. W. A. Homan. He also vim- given the jail sentence When net- iCed his son and family, Harry Ihet Today for Lunch Jack Catlse, 27, and Theresa :Me, thor could pay a fine of $250. Calkins." The Hillcrest Homemakers Club Hale, 21, both Bremerton, Novem- They were arrested by Game :. '/" ber 29." Warden Gone insel, who is as- Edward S,.Morton ellrged the will meet today,. December 4, at Joseph Janssen, 23, H0lUiafn, signed to Grays Harbor County, rday radilional hird at the. fmlly Clio home of Mrs. Doris Btlck for and Dolores Ray, i8, Aberdeen, although the arrest was made in reunion dinner on hnksKiving a potluck hmcheon, of "f'ACOMA ' ' ' Day at the home of Mrs. Nena DeCeinbe 2. " John . Janssen, 27, McChord . . l The afternoon will be spent in Mason County. Roierts.where her mother and nmking Christmas decorations to Field, Wash., a,d Leoha obin- The .istr, d,,ot,o, Will Be Here Satu aH here children anti grand(.tfll- be used in the ladies homes. drel were prestnt, The Homemakers Will also plan Son, 22, Aberdeen, DeCember 2. Club held a Cola dance in rite WM. ALLiS01 In EA Sponsored by $ DO(: Seated at the table were Mr. their annual Christmas dinner for Memorial llall last %Vetlnesday for eonsulations about and Mrs. Morton and children, the membOrs and families• Barge Fire Put Out evening. A Very Complete Line of Janice, Edwa,xl anti Cltaimcey Lorena Desehamps and Bill[ FUR ALTERATIONS, • of Eln,a,,-Mr. aml Mrs. W.W. A rite caused by a plate over. Valley were picket] by ti, ' s I'll BOXED STATIONERY Robe an,i ,la,,gl, tes, 'retry WoOdcraft Neighbors heating at the base of a boiler represent Motller and REPAIRS, STORAGE i We Have " ' Lee and Gerr. Aiifi, of Btdfiir- Hold Christmas Party was extingttied with tmdeterm, Father Pilgrim and were pre- " • ined damage at Rayonter Incorp- sented wiih scarves as memen- You Are Cordially Invited to ask him about r •   The Neighbors of Woodcraft orated at 1!40 p.m• last Saturday. S] YLED BY CORKLYN ,o,,, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. tos. YofJ" Problems in Furs. Monson and children, Blllle, Pt- held their social evening with a The fire startgql aboard the aux- ,, ., , Nellie Palme, Mr, aml Mrs. ber 1, at the home of Mrs. Naomi .pulp company which has been tied :Monday the high school student i  ti fro afl e¢dy o' eat.tle;.Mr. Christmas party :Monday, Decem- iliary power barge owned by the An Ideal Gift when Palme lqlo'bt/' arid son, Rich- Chase. to a dock and supplying steam body was entertained by Jimmy OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL :8 P. M. ard gd the.hoat, Mrs. Rob- On the program :Mervin Hell- for tim mill. and Jean Wear, magicians, who P E RS O NAL I Z E I) er presented the fourth in a series I il ri"l for the night man sang, Eddie Hellman gave a reading, as also did Severalother EAGIAES AUXILIARY TEAM of National Assembly programs. Crane's A [ " "n,d tt tm|iy btkl'ast Friday ladies. DRILL PRACTICE TONIGI1T Norlan McClaflln and Ken Car- , f ,. _ i morning, Tim group joined in singing All officers and drill team mere- dinal assisted the pair in some of / We Have CALENDARS . ald :MRS. Antone ChaNson Christmas songs by the accom- bers of the Eagles Auxiliary are their tricks. and :Mr. arid Mrs. WaiLer Charlson paniment of Anna Call at the requested to be at the Eagles Hall * * * 32 COTA STREET PHONE 228 ,  were Thanksgiving guests of :Mr. piano, at 8 p.m. for drill practice tonight, A sixty-voice ebolr from Lin- field College will present  con- with NORTItWEST SCENES, Also nd Mrs. 3ames Bhrum. Gifts were exchanged nnd re- December 4. ............................. freshments served in the Christ- celt, in the auditorium today for L[ ,   all high school students hter- ... PACIFIC NORTHWEST SCENES, Wire Gfe(hs mas motif.  II . •  . . ] ested. All members of tie choir " t which are very desired for gifts to hold., arid woods liave been found'to ACTIVIANS TO BREMERTON ODIIUUI lUp traditional and modern yuletide be rioh in vitnmin A nnd C. Tlle Shelton"Aetive Club made a   carols.   - your Eastern Friends. trip to Bremerton last night for JUNIOR ]tIGH NEWS , . • a joint business session and inter- Now Is the Time to Renew Your DAILY OLYMPIAN club exchange meeting, according by Pudgo Knutzen The annual Kiwanis football Tn " de dou 0inner, honoring both the varmty to ClinL Willour. __ G.A.A. thequnth gra - will have ..... hl te_.._nm 'ames 'n .shuffleboard and B team of the High Climber , • ,°. are almost°finished In the sec- sqdad, was held last night in the .... 1948 Success Calendar Pads Skokomish PTC o,00d porlo00 class Lynn Skel - Masomc' Temple. .- bo00innl.00 December , Plans Variety Sal sey and Gall Ahlskog are the Among the speakers were :iV[,'. e champions. Hermes, Coach Hillyard and team IS Jk TRADITION "HERE In third period class Marilyn captain, Ken Cardinal. WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY EVENING outcs to cover The Skokomish PTC is holding Barley and Janet Hunter are the The German Band, otherwise " a variety sale and program Sat- winners, with Barbara Hawley and known as the "Hungry Five," and COMt A FREE GIFT. cffy of Shelt0n urday, December 0, at 8 p.m. in Pudge Knutzen as runners-up, boys from the high school choir ., With Every PiJrcffase by an Adult Friday Evening the Middle Skokomisl school They have not .played their' final presented a short musical pro- ,]0ca} news by - house, gram. . ,,  , Chairmen for the committees games. , • . . * * ' ..... 8 R i'" SHELTON PRINT1NG and hl ..helton co,'- .. have been announccd as follows: by Dora Lamon On behalf of the Boys' Club. • , Program, :Mrs. W. S. Sallee; fish Mrs. Pearson's ninth grade Eng- Dave Eager, president, will pro- STATIONERY CO ,'on,.en fm  The pond, Eric Sjoholm; table for mis- lish Classes are studying business sent a memorial plaque to the cellaneous sale, :Mrs. John Irwin; school In an impressive assemb- ) ....  " OLYMPIAN eats booth, Mrs. Eric Sjoholm. and social letters. They are learn- ly program tomorrow, ing where to put addresses, salu- E00lter00 Graham Theatre Building on Cota Street The donation of a canary bird Cations, etc. They are also learn- The plaque is honoring all New by Mrs. :Max Latzel will be given ing the correct way to open and Shelton high alumni who died in 8-Diamond.. PHONE 57 ORDER THE OLYMPIAN away, with Mrs. Claude Dugger in l World War II. bridal duet. charge of th'is department. :" close a letter. The memento will be accepted • " -- :Mr. and lYh's. E. B. Sutton by Phoning 728 George Andrews will show the Although some students just by Mel Newman, student body . ItRillltl:atJ .Forest Festival pctures and a few couldn't see any sense in it, Mrs. president. It will be placed in ' If ;;ou'rea QUALITY buyer whb'w'ant s) animated cartoons. Pearson gave several examples of tim main lmll. ' TO RAISE F[ where theywill be used. ......... , . , to save money, or if you're a price buyer' 3 Estates in Court by Myrna Whltaker USE JOURNAL WANT ADS who demands High QUALITY... make HAL: Two estates were settled and Mr. Davidson must understand your DIAMOND purchase here! Our life-, final reports accepted and a third that students get tired of just FULLER BRUSHES long policy of HIGHEST QUALITY, re-/ ' jaa, will was admitted to probate in plain everyday wrk. Last Men- gardless of price, is your guarantee of.satis' Satur FOR CHRISTMAS .............. uMaS°nC°untYrday. Superior court Sat- day his first period algebra, class, ', faction.: ( In orders signed by Judge 0hn instead of working, had a discus- sion on requited subjects for high Hugh C. Hendry - 8 M. Wilson, the estate of Johh F. school, what Subjects are better Stotsbery and that of Vern0b S. to take for cerfain occUpations, Str. Rt. 2, Box 558, Belfair IVAN NEIJENSCHWANDER Kalll] Gtfford were listed in final report and several other questions that and decrees of dtstrtlmtion xe- arose. " . _ cuted. ",'he Students are grateful that -: ' JEWELER The Will of Georgia Anne :Mc- most of the teachers in the junior R E C O R D S SINGING, DA: Donald wit admitted to probate high, like :M:r. Davidson, take an Write for special Christmas Angle Building Ph 74-W /, /:i and Jessie MCDonald Clinton was in£erest in the students and have list. Complete stocks of new Silv /amed exeCutrix, discussions with them. records available. • • tlt PABENT80l (it]L by Dorothy Fisher Conan Record Shop P °G n es :Mr. and Ms. Wari:.en Willihms Since the first of the year the 911 2nd Ave., Seattle 4, Wn, . of Star Rout 2, Box 72, became algebra class has studied formu- -- the parents of a baby girl Sun- las, fundamental operations, such - as addition, subtraction,, multipli- Gifts day, November 30, in the Shelton General Hospital. cation, and. division, and negative - , . numbers. Now the class is begin- i ning on simple equations. Mr. thoughtful Davidson is the teacher. The most  by Hrold Carr Thenintlt,radenewselass,tb. present a,prov,I, ,ours EARLY, Mr. O.K. lished the second edition Of the will FOR ALL YOUR - Juni°rhighnewspaper°lastWeek. yOU ever, Say The class has ben looking over 1 "oys LITTLE FRIENDS their past tWO editions for mis, give your wife By R mad  takes which they want to over- come sooner or later. The class hay also asked the student body to write i% comments but they do not If you are choosey about the better toys you w'll enjoy shopping Howdy Folks: A man was at- seem to do it. Plan now to eliminate washday drudgery our complete selections ROONEY'S TOYLAND has a finer as- rested In Wyoming for killing a The staff members will also be deer with his car. semblage of better toys than ever before, such as; changed before the net editi0rt from your home forever. All of the muss... LITTLE CHEF ELECTRIO RANGES  really cook and bake . " ' " which Will be 6ut before ChriSt- REAL FISH KITS -- POOL TABL$-- MAGNETIC CRANES We'll bet he tried (o pas the mas vacation. The changing of the hard work is supplanted by a flick of BABY SKIN (Rubber) DOLLS  XMAS TREE LIGHTS AND , . buck. staff memtlrs is for tll pul-pose DECORATIONS - XAS CARDS  TABLE LAMPS, $453 ..... of giving everyone a chance at the finger. Just set the dial . . . add soap, serving as editor nd writing dif- i! " ....  ,   . stin Deer is not b,ef. but beef is dear. ferent typ storieS, by Fred *** Shfllet and take it easy. All bY itself the Bendix • i * * an_y.tudehts are Wandering washes, triple-rinses and damp drys the Which reminds Is tllat the-e aPotmO t e Se31bol htllS th/ Week, clothes . Lhen cleans itself and shuts off never Is a peak to rlaing prices, not knowing What to do. ]t must " ' And even ff that man i Seattle potatoes, etc., must have formed find a more acceptable Christmas present. € 2t/"a can heat" the fish talking, no one a drug of some kind. $1Z| ever heard the sound of falling There haven't been very many n.iees, tales abo What the Students di0 ..... over .the hanksgivtng Day vaca- STANDARD MODEL $239.50 tion out we tlink the inajortty of 122 COTA STREET Well, things are hig]t, at pres- - ent, but you'll agree that our them had a Very nice time. infra-ray tire recapping system  DELUXEMoDEL $259.50 o 2 can still is "t mighty good buy. IRENE S. iEED NEWS 2a • * * o y V. C0nnoiiy \\; C A t . The Irene S. Reed High Sch(ol Liberal Credit Terns We'd" be mighty pIeased t have band, choi.r and glee club Will pre- ou stop in arid e im aIout it. sent a 3om concert in the new mnasiUm at 8 o'c|ol, ,,,,,, ,IM,.:.,, esday, Deoember9. - ....... OPEN FR,DAY UNT'L 8 P.M. J , Tle Hungry Five, SCan Erick- .i't!*, ,|lil.ff.t..=llj son,Gene BObDurandCleveland,and Don l10yCIeve]and,C011ier' flHELTON ELECTR|00 " will also perform. I RAUS00I00I00 SON As the thC:rcotmas season al. pr0aches, . ir and girls I- t528 Olympic HlWay (Hillerest) ances for .adUlt grouDs an*' Govey Building B.W. tOPER Phone 154°W PI4ONt SS club will make numerou a,';a;, i :i ___=e.--..,. ,,_, I/,_.._ i car°l str/ts {he d-v'b" ...... fore Chmstmas vacation begins..