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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-. -_--- ............ l ........................................... II lull  Ill  lit lilt VT  llil  lrll  I! | IT  N There&apos;s no doubt about it now Among the changes which the Sorrow tinged the otherwise. rating la.¢ement Painting Time  ' • ...... ' ] " " -- ';+:i'n o0,,o,t o,. +c, Vin,.ho,.i. .... ,n,.o,,,*ho+o. ]1 --..-- .----.,.. I A M IINI: Villi K -M  R I" H  RI / % " .,Chri.t.masiss.eainup fe" Christmas season brings to Shel- happy events of Thanksgtving Day ' -+ •  ........ • ................. • . Jverywnere arouna lows 1;no , . '. . ' , . r.'....1,,~ r'tT'rllT-rvl- 'l!aTk colors ,dculd be avoid- teriora]ntingsh,uldbedoneonlytn!l lU I ll|]l|| I LT lllJlll I IL llJl lt !llll ltll illilllllllli*'llitl IL ti signs the trimmings, tim gar- tons business life is neW store forDwtght m-s clothing /1veil'S I.JIITIt'IED .ht refoc n,' p', nts -uch as dry ,eathcr and when thethermom [I ilin L- mlLll|lilWt|| ii ] , _ ,.---=----..-7-- - _ ...... nish[ngs,'the deeoration.q tell hours winch ¢telieral Manager store proprietor here, when his ' ' " ........ " ' "  Hear3 Bacon annoUnces or tne they'n nave their cnance tO get a ' . ..... . . AA APIIBIAP ream or buff are )art]ctlar- ] elcr register at leact 40 de-rees [i ...... l .' , ........... ......... the story plainer than words able effort and expense to make close personal friend, Walter ' b " ' ", .... > '/ LUlnl)ermens Merca21tlie s£srtln lil'St nantl observation el tile . - • • , . , , _l ,flail I iV IIIImmi il :ble, and make ce]lar rooms /Cohl weat,br and moisture are apt Shelton Wastfington n .... h, a (this attlrdav) * r!hristmas deoraUons and the Virtually every Shelton store their.premmes attract!re and theil Speck, employed at the Hat:bet l ill II iV $ more cheerf,fl and hvable. ] to inlerfere with getting results. December 1, 19,17 ." ......  Y '(- .-- -- ,.'(- "- ..... ritmas 'ift+merchandlse Which blossomed out in its yuletide trap- merenanaise aispmyea effectively. Ply[wo.od In Abertleen dies While .. ..................  .................... i .................. Editor The Journal,  ,'rob_'a.uru_ay ulI:ougfne[< Sheiton stres "iiave to offer to- pings over the past weekend ald Some plan to give away gifts watch.rag Ane aunuai Aoerpeen- " auvu an zvtason louny ior lE. .t: , , , , +.   . # ¢ ,, ,  +,   , ,  Dezore tnrisLm, ,  .....  lie mare mgn flcnool football tason ouny zor :.+'" ".f--2:'+L..:4-1:..-J.7"1.i, De,tr ]V[I' Jessup '" : = 7%,"-:'-- --:" mrI'OW tv-ni some of the decorations, both in- with each purchase. Among these q ...... ; .... g - " . O eu irOlTl  a.m. UnLll O l.lIi, t)l'- ........ I- . , " ' . " < • ] '  l'ecause of the warmer and hu- dTnarll,, throughout the rest of Reconiz n " the fact that the terror arid window, are truly beau- are Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutton, game ThanKsgiVing Day. A ilf ll  illJl  ,  m,n" quality of your cohunn the ,,er the M horn's are 8"30 worker.wouil have little other on' tiful. It meant a lot of extra Who operate the Shelton Printing Mr, Morris had stopped to see ill ]l [] i  W lillii¢ --%" __T[IP..... ;! "Ttfilws . "Tliey Seem" I feel a:  ^ ' ' * " . ::  - ; ......... " WorV for the staffs of the vat'- & Stationery Company. W i t h and have a chat with Mr. Speck - -:-" .,-+,- ,r,¢ "C  .... • " .... a m co o'o p m portumy [o uo wnmscmas saop- .' .... ill IDlil  illlflllli   5 s,-wc ttat you will not resent ' " ' ( " .;., i,,+ .... + ....... a,,. +, tous stores, many puthng Jn eve- each purchase made by an adult 3ust the evening btfole and was II l 1 []  ll VV.: ....... .+ . ,. havit g it e<fllcd, to your attentmn .-," .............. ,e +,o communitv's. b-,. .- tud< " ance of the Chamber of Corn- nmg and fi.unday, hours above.and .durra.g. the ........ Friday evening, open- si.ttmg m?ly +a. short distance;from  - --  -' rW- $: .,,t' that thino.,. ,.tre. net qlway.s as.. they. uaee'"-"- . . . t£uc" ....... w,.' ....... wu.." *=su,a' ....... ,,=v° lot,]| r, et,=. .......°"'+t°', beyonu [heir ] egmar working mg they nave. & lne glI[ 1;o give aim a[ the £o0tDalls game, wnen a m    . seem--sometmes the very reverse ,,, +,, ;, ....... + l ....... m o+ ........... +n o;,i,+ ,,,,l, hours prettying up for that beau- the buyer. What it is they are heart attack .truck tle harbor ][It,qP,t '.lr]t]lirp/liT17 ' *'+-'" !. ". , , .... +, ,+ ,,+n h+, mtr, r,, +, ,i¢, wot,  r.. n' tiful Christmas season which is making a surpz.ise to the purch- resident and took his life almost i on the stores have gone to consider- "' .......... ie Fuel and Deisel Oils ROMPT SERVICE anklin Phone 397 .......... I IT lllll err on . . . Plan Now To Attend the i Benefit Dance for The, JUNIOR EAGLES WM. ALLiS0t "tACOMA . : Here Saturday Lsulati0ns about LTERATIONS, IRS, STOBAGE ally Invited to ask him about Problems in Furs. DAY UNTIL :8 P. M. PHONE 228 ; I : • '/J J J DtALITY buyer who'a-nt ") or if you're a price buyer' [igh QUALITY... make i :) purchase here! Our. life-, tlGHEST QUALITY, re-.,, is your guaranteeof:s_at!s, ENSCHWANDER JEWELER Phone 74-W ,/1 New Years Eve In EAGLES HALL Sponsored by Shelton Aerie No. 2079 DOOR PRIZES "Yes, I'll Be The00e" You'll never miss an engage. ment during the hectic hustle of the holiday season because of lack of clean clothes if you turn your cleaning prob- lem over to us . . . we'll re- turn your clothes good-as- new-looking ... spotless and perspiration-free! PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd Phone 86 COME TO OUR IIR A+HG E r Entertainment TO RAISE FUNDS FOR GRANGE ]ALL REPAIRS Saturday, December 6 8:00 P.M. Kamilche Hall SINGING, DANCING, IMITATIONS Silver Offering PROGRESS GRANGE NO. 304 HAVE NO P[AR 114, ,,tuti'l' Go 'to IVi&s OUT 5HOPPiMO. FOOD STORE "  TI41, imi= lillgllt I III11( :/ 2v.+ - € v , €  With Beef [ S o. 2za ? STEW ' All Flavor 2v_+ S,ZE 11€e€ I  ,n i€ CAN ............ ql+ I i PKGS ..... J- CTRI00 Phone 154 W :i Take. for instance, your report- ing on the htying of the Harstine cable. You say that it caused little stir among the Harstine residents. Tsk, tsl:. Mr. Jessup! You shotfld have been here when news of the arrival of the uable reached the is- land! Blood pressures rose dan- gerously and the people drove wild- ly to Shelton. Olympia Tacoma-- anywhere---in search of meter bas- es, entrance cable, and all the var- ious thingumbobs it takes to get "hooked up." WHENEVER these som'ces fail- ed we beseeched Sears Roebuck to do its best fin' us and Sears came through nobly as our obliging but weary postman, Mr. Crary, can testify. We have only three telephones here. all clustered within a quar- ter of a mile of the landing, so we rely mainly on a sort bf grapevine system (no drums, though) for spreading news. There must have been a kink in the line last week, thottgh, for Monday was the day the residents expected the cable and that was the day more than a few were on hand. Since many of them work at logging here and more are era-  pl0yed in town it was hardly feas- ible for them to keep on coming. You say no islander was on hand TueSday. This is incorrect. NAT'URALLY they wore not in- vited aboard the Gypsy en masse but several happened to come to the landing and they were intensely interested. My husbahd was one of these and he and Mr. Vincent Paul, who worked hard for lights here, congratulated each other heartily and agreed that it was quite an occasion. While probably ninety per cent of the homes here have running water and a good many have light plants the dream of electric- ity has, as you say, been in their minds for many years and they have worked for it, Last spring, when we were told that we must get 70 signers before the work could be started, spirits were very low. This seemed a formidable number in view of the fact that there are only 45 perm- "anent homes and that the cards to be signed called for a minimum of $5.00 a month for five years. B U T T H E R E were, surpris!,ngly, no cries of "Discrimination! All residents signed promptly, as did the bulk of non-resident home owners to whom we Wrote. No one objected to signing easements. Puget Mill in Seattle cooperated by sending us the names of t.hose to whom they had sold land on contract and we wrote to thes people, with good results. When it came time to do slashing, a num- ber' of the men here stopped work on better-paying Jobs to help. Not interested ? We did not have lights for Thanksgiving, nor did we expect to have, In fact, many of us were not even ready. But thanks to the efficiency of the regular P,U.D. crew We know that we will have a bright and merry Christmas. WE APPRECIArE all that the P.U.D. coinmissioners, Mr. Daniel- son. out county commissioners and friendly Shelton businessmen have done in the last few years to im- prove our island and we thank them sincerely. Because of our location we prob- ably are more or less of a "prOb- lem child" to Mason county, We're persistent to a fault and, along with most communities, could do with a few copies of "How to Win Friends and Influence People," But I dfd want to tell you and the island's other* friends in Ma- son county that the rather laugh- able picture that flashed into my mind when I read the cable ar- ticle-that of an unwashed island- er sulking in his lair and refusing to even look--was not the true one. I Very truly Florence Babcock Fessler' (Mrs. M. L. Fessler) i JOURNAL DEADLINES i The following are deadlines for all, social and news copy:  l i Classified ads .... 2 p.m Tuesday l i Too Late to Classl- If fy Ads ..... : I0 a.m. Wednesday I , Display Ads .... 1 Noon Tuesday I Social Copy .. 5:80 p.m. Tuesday !t News Copy 1 Noon Wednesdty 1'4 Sports Cony ...... 5 p.m. Tuesday ! ! 00szot, II / 00=ox II I CAt' " i ]i I - Sho,to. I / i .1! - _ - I  ) except rare occasions, but seer. instantaneously. PERFUME Discover the sweet breath of Romance in the "" fragrance of Duvelle's *LeGUI (French for Mistletoe) lib/rail with Pdri# PRICES: tIR. A CArTIVATIIIG ¢ttRiSTaAS.,iiiiiii o. ...... .  . Deliclousiy exhilarating .,i.;ii!:!:! .. ooow o ob oom, ,{iT!+t, GIFT SET:: 00on,o,n+ngVo.00, C,over To,,e, Woter arid To'cult 1-.50 o,u,,o, el= v= ¢+o+e, o+t,::: 1.00,o 5.00 ,,o, ,o, • .... , + , + iT'S A SPARKLING CHRISTMAS WITH THIS NEW \\; Almed ota mlstletae mood.., the fragrance with the bt'illiant champagne sporklel In a bright new jewel of o box... Gemoy Gift Set by Richard Hudnut,,, Make it a "Merrier Christmas" for every- 6ne you know by giving gift from our scintillating selection that sparkles with Christmas Joy-, • , presents with a Peal . future of warm appreciation of your thoughtfulness, YOu'll fldd everything for everybody right here at Santa's Show Shop -- and our thrifty prioes make It e tsy to do all your shopping with a stops. Lentherle Sets ...... $2.00 to $10 LeLong Sets .......... $2.50 to $20 MATCHEBELLI Perfume & Sets.... $1.50 to $15 Yardley Toiletries .... 50¢ to $i0 Brownies & Kodaks EASTMAN Taylor Barometers Sheaffer Pen & Pencil Sets Seaforth - Old Spice ShaY. Sets Ronson and Zippo Lighters Whitman & Canterbury Candy Shick -- Remington -- Rolls and Shavemaster -- Razors The Priceless Gift WISh ,en know that there ie no mope pe- cious possession than good health, it is a priceless gift so guard it wetl by, steadfast ob- servanoe of the rules of health irld close eo- operatl0rl with your physician. Don't wait until you are ill--go to see your physiOian regularly.., before he has to oome to see you. And when be wrltee out a prescription -- come to us for reliable com. pounding service. MAKE IT A MERRY CHRISTMAS Fac P0wd0r ....... 4.75 "'°' <+it ', 1 +f < .............................................. BEAUTY KITS. C H'R./.S T' A A S T R I B U T E T O' for beoutywkereerhe o+is:  neat, complete, smartly styled _.. aa =lill,i ..i. /,lil,,ll,i!.llmll beauty kits filled to the brim Jll !  ,., .............. 0 ........... worki'ng DuBarry Beauty I  ,  .# ,4 ' < .+ ... Eisential, that every     li .  . ':-',,'c, .,.,:'::;:,.,.,:.:.:.:':: " ,,  i;.. = .7 :: '""i-,... ..... ; ,. plus tax " ..!, ..... " -'" li , ,, l 9.oo J<""'"" ")"%" ' i " . • "z ......... ='J '""7., P--"- i i/ i,/i % ii/ ......-.'.:.[t'' I Ill t ,#++, ,--IA. - / // / i/t / "i/ I /// .... ".:::;;.;"b  I   + brow, or hio'¢k all,gotor 9r=in. red 1ITa,Mor.' / //,.C U A)/A "'" ' NII._ !  " '°" '°'°°" ='°'"" , -" 25 O0 €°' '° , # , pl01 tag • one gift he'd be sure to oose.for htms.e I i,, the ideal shaving duo. Lenthrlc's Sh=ving I Bowl, wlth ¢omp,?ion p,nch" boffle of tingling ,I After shave Lotiont in handsome maroon- i and-gold-toned box. $2.25. ,lus tax " ' ilY' jlri' --'" s tdll GIFT. . " ' - .. . " . . • ' We Will Be Open Each Sunday till Xia s