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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December 4, : JSED CAR LOT Phone 533 - SATURDAYS m SUNDAYS 4-door, R &amp; H 5-pass. Coupe, R & H pe, R. & H. ipe, H Sedanette, R & H i-pass. Coupe, R & H or Sedan ipe leer sedan, H or Sedan or Sedan np Truck with new Ve Will Give You the Service vv vv,vvr vvv We Deliver WOOD FOR SALE Lumber Co. Minerva Park Hoodsport ll-W-3 4, 194 7. ........................ SHETON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL u,,Mi...,.s ,,.o, ,'I'ELWaTW" t Fours0uare Clurcil Classified Service IN Tile SUPERlt)R COURT OP TIlE Dr. Harold W. Jefferies, super- - ^ STATE itlO WASIIIN(ITON l;'Oi,- .... ':'*J'._."*._...; .............. ...... MASI)N t(.IIIN'I'Y. Published every Thursda.y morning visor of the Northwest District N,'lli,' Mallhews. Plainliff. I Member of Washington Newsmper Pulflisbers' Association Churches. and Canada. will be vs. slid Nalional 1,Milorial Association ] glleSt speaker l'ridfly night at tile RAY L. DREBIS a,,,,,,, l'ole,'sm, (luardi:m of Eslate Enlerod as seeond-clas molter a! lhe l,OSh,rrice al Sllelton, Washington t Foursquare Chnreh 7:45 p.m.. Electrical Contractor ,,r l,,a,, l,,,.v a,, nsan,, i',,,s,,n 'l'lmma.: Sl,.'unl, EIh,n Ymng, J,,sel)h Dr. .lefferies will be showhlg L. \\;'.us:.! lhmnah l',qorsmL Lillian WII,FORD JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publishers I colored motion pictures of Pales- l,ie(,nsed and Bonded 1Abl,v. ltannuh Anderson. Emend L. I Bessie Hall. ltlsine.s ][al',al'er line taken during his tour tlis Alldt.riltn. AFIhlAr Anderson. Anlt)n All- d'rs.n 10rank C. Wilh'y and Mary N. i "---=::::- ............ "== - " " ..... ' - " ....... " " '-': .... ] past year. win,.,. ,,,st,,.,d and wif,,.. Hail,., Pal- - Subscription Rates: ' - ................................ Electrical ,,,,.,.. "i,:l,ner Villey. Edith lmrkin. F" ; W ', Ch'de 1)yogin and Ilar-! $2.50 per year in advance: 6 months $1,,,0: outside Mason County $2,75: ] First Methodist Church ry l)e,-A'an. The IJlfl{nown Heirs of Wayne Wright, Pastor Servicing- Repairing Th/,,,, .... si,,,..,,,, .,.,.e..+d. Th,, Un-' • kn,,w,, I],'h's of Elh,n Young, D,',:eased NOTICE O,,' ,'A'.'. '5 Cases App We invite you to worship God The Ihlknown lhqrs of J¢,s,'l,l) "L. N,,tice ,s ,,e,e,,v g,,.n ,,,,,t i1,,. t,,,_ ear with us in tile Stmday School at YOlUl[4, l)lq'l,llsod The Ullkniwll [-leir lowing lason CoalltY WalTan[s ll]'C PHONE ,,, In Police C t .nd th,, mo,,,.,. WOl.00hip I',, 1),,c,ased. The ('alh'd for ])ayllllqlt lit tlw of[ic,. .f I [ 'd lUnlh • Unknown lt,.irs of Lillian Libl,y. De- the Treasurer of saM C, mnty. and ll][ 11. Tim tpic is "Fighting the 766"R2 ,,oas,,,t. Tht' (InknoWll lh,irs t,l Hannah that inlerest will cease on ill .... late Anderson, Deceased, The Unknown of the puhlication of ttlis notie.v: [ TWO cases involving drivillg ' Stars." lqt,irs of Ernest L. Anderson. Deceased. i S('hool Dislricl NIl, 2-.-Wat'l'anI N.s. while under the inf]llellce of liquor The youth will go to Montesano 1 ELECTRICAL Tim Unknewn Heirs of Arthur Ande,'- q062 t,)31}73 inclusive. son. Deceased. Tim Unknown Iteirs of " Sclmol District No. 20--Warranl Nos. and negfigent driving, aud three on Sunday afternoon for a District : Anion Anderson. Deceased. Th5 Un- 1561 to 1570 incluse, involving passing on the' wrong Rally, Be at the church at 2:30. SALES & SERVICE k,,,wn Ileirs of Frank. C. W ll,,y, De- i School District No. 45--Warrala N ..... side were among tile cases heard Tile young adults will meet Sun- eoas,.d The llnknown Heirs of Mary 5037 ll) 5045 inclusive. District No. 312--Varrant in the Shclton traffic court Molt- i day night at? 8 for inspiration I Olympic Highway South N.Perat,nsWillo,OnltnDeCeased,)wn havingandorAllclaimtngOther t[ Nos.SCh('°1897 to ill0 in(alusive, ' clay, t recreation, and to hear a descrip- ll-20tfn, to have any rig'iH, title, eslato," lien, I Curreal Expense Fun(!,-: W!Fani I Appearing before Police Judge (ion of fiber board manufacturing interast or equity in and to the here- i N)s. 6552 - 66114 - 662t - bg:la - 66,13 - , Frank Heuston, Charles C. by M. F. Smith of the Simpson inaf(,r desemh,,,] real propertY, De- 6660 - 6666 - 6670 - 6671 - 6675 - 6)85 - ....... ,r . . fendanis. ' 6695-6696-6700, j Clark, Route 1, Shelton, had his Iteseareh Laboratory. - (SEAl.) S. E, SMITH, . j license revoked for one year and The Womens Society meets at Have Those Unsightly TItI, STATE OF WASIIINGTON Treasur(r of Mas) t/,un(,-, '...n ean ,.. +h, f 1st ch[u'ue the church on Wednesday, Dec(m- TO: TIp a (1 I-]annall Pet'son Guar- Washmgtrm. 11 '25 '- ...  r.- _ ao dian of Estate of Lil ion Lil)by, all I I)aled at She}ton, Washiugton. De-! l-lowarcl w. arson,,,oo..u}.?, ber 10, for a Christmas program Insane Pu-son, Then as Shx, mn Ellea I ceml)e' 4 1947. 12-,I-11 -lttL Bremerton posted ,$!loo ?m and installation of officers, YOUh, *, 55seph L Youfig ltannah PC- .......... I nnd had his case continuea 01] tne Choir ; practice is Thm'sday at to 's01.' Lfllmn Ltbby I'lannah And r. ; : --,-- 1 ...... .-. ," e,,'q-ent and ';',",ukttcL: AAd(r(rs°',',: At,mnkA" No'rIcE OF IIN:III: FINAL RE- arlvnegCnu;;;. tte" i'ft;ence of 7:30. If you sing', come and help Wilh,y' lind Mary N"Will'ev husl)an}i 10itT AND I ETITIllN FOIl DIS- ., in the (heir. • .... an l + 'o.'lJmt e'Pa he'. E in" +ill,.,, ] ..:l'!!!lvr!o. ................  ..... T," I ''qu°r" i ........... naosin charge Mount i)-ii-ve Lut-Ilerl, Edilh Larkiil. Frank W lh!y, Clyde I l.Nll!qul[l]!;/,.x(3  l'i.;' I .... '"t"! "- .P '"._i-. .... " ., Deegan and 1-Iarry Deeg'an, The un-] !ST ..!) vvat*,,45 ',, -'--- lagamst wnares v. ,ao...-...- Will• H. Alhaeh, Pastor kauwi| heirs of Thomas Sloctml. do = [ ".t'lIlt; COUr'{'X eJwIy, w'. suited in $10 bail bcmK fortetea; ceased, lhe , un nown lioirs of llleu ..... in i !'onau'  ..... e., i ,.^ nrno charffe brouffht against Tonight: Choir rehearsal at 8:00. Y(,uffg, dedeased, the unknown he!rs . n U£o .me,Lie,'" ,,f.lne !tm,- .,. ,- L_C-=.?-.-- z.X,. of rcadia re- Saturday: Junior membership at' J'oseph L. Youn'i"eceased, the Un- 1 )erta.,. ,(,tit<we, Do('easeg: " 'ilh( ."  MOlULOn ...U ...... , -- -- . known heirs n" Hannah'Ptcrson de- N,ter,  hereb5 gv(u.luatu}. ( u ,'ulted in a $10 fine when ne class meets at 9 a.m, t(a,dtd, t' unkn wn h(irs (' L lian T P.llanu, Execulor o toe ,.' ...... ' ' " td uilt Sunday: Sunday School and F. Journal. J1-20--12-1l Libby. deceased, the nnkn(wn hells of] A berta l], (I ff)rd, has f led in/(h, plead g Y, . .. Hanna', .Anderson, tie;ceased the ira- " ee (f ( e 'k f said Cuurt his inal fl third" case Ol improper vertl- Bible Class at 9:45 a.m. Services known 'heirs of Ernest .L '&ndermm ]Report and petition for distri!)ution, 'cal hissing: charged against Ralpb at 11 a,m. Text: Daniel 12, 1-4. decreased, lhe. unknown h.irs of Ar-I ask!ng H.,.C? sett[e,.!ma.I:" 2  D,niel'son was continued one Walther ague Roller Skating t )ur An(lprson deeoased,'the unknown port oistr Pal , I e propvrty ,, t,,,: ...... Theme: Christ's Second Coming. he ,'s of Anion'eased the [pe,'s.,,s tl.,e,'eto entitled _a,?.dnO (llsci week. unknown Iicirs 6f Fank (2 ,Wltley de- charge stud G lb<rt T. Bella ; ,' t ...........  Party in Seattle, beginning at 3:30 ( as(d tll' unkn(,wn heirs of Mary itlat said Repo.t trod potiIk,n wl} be DAYTON COMMUNITY DANC- p,m, Regalar Walther League ' ev (leceas/d II oth(:' I eatd ( n the 20 (la,  f De(o, bar "" " -^t:- "€ - .,+r,n N.' Will , ' "i' , and a " • ,. ' tner mum , ',cs . a+ ..... meeting dropped, Bible Stndy # ers(/ns unknewn hay n or claiming 1947, at 10:00 A. M, t tt}. (.par!. Ano .......... : i.^ IA (o haw any ' git," titl', estale/ lien, Room of the Prob'He Deparulent (, comnmmtY aance wm , ,,,?., Workshop at Zion, Tacoma, begin- .s n e mt  and he hm In said C.u't ,t wh ch li e m(1 J)!a(e ¢:t.utAv at the Dayton community intere:t c' q y n. to t , ,'e .... , s ..... o ,._ , ning at 2:30 p.m. afte described eal ploperty; you ad any I)erson interested in sam vzuale --- _ .  . ....2 ..... each of you me hereby summoned to may appear and file obieet ons 4he,,( hall with moctern anu ore-urn- m.- Wednesday: Silver Tea Benefit al)Pear within 60 days after the date and contest tte sa}w. " .  sic featured. of the first publication of ihis Sum- Dated this 1,) day of Novn.}', 1.),17• Ladies will be admitted free to fOrfartheat Associatedthe home Lutheranof Mrs. j.Wel'w. mons, to-wit: Within ,60 days after (SEAL) HARRY DE5 E':±E, • .... ', -..:*- -+ ...l.d tn naY Graham on Arcadia Road begin- the 20ih day of November. 1947, and Clerl( of said Court. the nLll, Wltll ttt .......... = o defem! tlw above entitled actidn i the Weeds Plowed Under with the new Rote,tiler. Let 'era rot and watch your garden grow. PHONE 59-W Anytime 11-20 INSTRUCTION: Are you job satis- ll('d: ( I D. go%t,lnnlent job. en- wolllen. Prepare now for next Wash- inghn eNanlinations, :/2-1)ag'e b,),)k-= parliculars free. Write today, flex ___ ......... !L.) :_ ' ...... 2_' ............. Stoves an6 Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Knives, Scissors Garden Tools of all kincls Repairs ade - Leks Repaired Fixit Shop 'Phird and Cota PHONE 243 Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service III I j I00IL PUBLICATIONS NO, 195¢, NOTICE TO CREDITORS T'() PRE- SENT AND FII,E TIIEIR CI, AIMS. NOTICE TO CItED1TORS 0 PRE- SENT AND FILE CLAIMS., IN THE SUPERIOR COURT'OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND MASON, :)eal in Town Expertly Prepared iNS ,K R. ADAMS - e,i;-' Co,.+.+ .... '+h the lereek_. Road)-  ounty Meflical Assn. FOR o,'ire ...... . t cecL :o IOU elvice Lockers. - 11-N'_ "  ?R E P P' S (38 45. New paint j0vtj  .. cxtr79-W'. _ L)ru ore -FOR SALE  C;riet( Phone 96-M.  : Railroad Phone 89 OR ,evTp,l .... enable, Phom 760-J*i. - ". FOR SALE F. FULMER DECORATOR FOR SALE: 24-inch sawed Ph°"e00,j7 ";oR SALE--MO0000E!:[t L Chair, 9x12 rug with p ad,.fft&t,[U Insun ner .gas range, apa/.tgen/ i quire 611 Arcadia St.[! ' Phone 645 --R3s T:4 g --S ff W'IC - ...... will have to hurry: if yoa', ',,,..._._.___ ltvery of a sim0ns ,'.__ mattress and lnatchii' -- " for Cln'istmas. Olsen 1Prlt; •  , pany. tt .t. triumled ,[r*,xr. ! size 16 price $12 50 Ph0n A ^. , ee Sa.0. onl south F,, CONVERSE--'--@'-  ,,i, . et* U boots wn! tlton ` Washinton mas pres ............... tw-- Hm dware, Phone ,," WILL SELL or trade: or pickup,' 24-ft, er he(me, dual wheels. Sequlm, Wn,, or Smith, Shelton, E, 3, Box 100. FOI SALE: Dark blue used daveno, $25. Phone 427.W. OR SALE: Si]vertone radio, $15. See at POULTRY NETTING foot sizes, Hilcrest 499. F0R SALE: Cat wide tracks. Qui erslde, tlo(tulam, R. LEWIS! AT LAW ; South Fourth St. Building I C. BAYLEY AT LAW Insurance Buildmg lirst National B,ak Shelfn SPRING Tax 8ervlc Systema Phone  R. Dodge NARIAN • of Shelton on FOR THE COUNTY OF ht Probate, In the Matter of the Estate of Sack Edward Beckwitl Deceased. , - NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of Administration on the Es- tate of Jack Edward Beckwith, de- ceased, were, granted to .the. under- sighed, on he ist day of Nov,€tuber, 1947, by the said Superior CQurt. :;, . All persons having claints agalns said es.te are iequired to servgthem, with the necessary vouchers;:"upon the undersigned at the Law Offie6 of Alden C, BaYleY, Title Insurance Building, Sbelton, Washington, "hat being the place designated £or the transaction of the business ;,of the estate, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: within six months after the 13th day of November 19471 and file the same with 'the Clerk of this Court, toge.ther wHh }2roof. of such service or timy will be forever narreu. Dated this :lSth day of Noember. 1947, FRED E. BECKWlTH, Administrator of the Estate o Jack Edward Beekwith, Deceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Administrator, Title Insurance Building, Shelton Washington. 11-18 -20-2712-4-4t NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON STATE LAND APPLICATION NO. 20095 Notice is hea'eby given that Applica- tion No, 20092 has been filed lh the office of the Commlssiondr of Public EVINRUDE and service, a few stock, also :Hillcrcst FOR SALE: Used freezer, electric wasilet'. S 154-W. FOR SALE: Gentle weight about 1200. .trained. Inquire at AND STUD 120 North SeOO' PH( Ey Dorisann Morqouse, $1.00 for tickets. Refreshments will ning at 7:30 p.m. ahoy(, nti,tled Court. and answer the Deputy. be ftu'nishcd. An)ended Complaint of ,the Plaintiff, MAXWELL, SEERING & JONES and serve a e0py of your Answer ripen Attorneys f(n" Estate NO. 1947 the undersigned attorney for the. Plain- 4454 rhile Henry St'mrt F.ldg,, No'rICE TO ('RED1TORS TO PRE- liff ut hi t, ffite below.stated and in Seattle, Wash. sENT AND FII,E CLAIMS. cas6 of your faiiure So to do, judg- 11-20-27--12-4-11-dt IN TttE SUPEI.IOR COURT OF TttE ment will be relidered against you ac- STATE OF WASI-IlNGTON FOR cording to (he dcnmnd of the Amended (29) - Complaint. which has been filed witl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MASON COUNTY. the Clerk. of the Said Court. The 'ob- pursuant to and in conformity' with In I'roialte jee.t of this actioa is "cO quiet the an erder of the Board of County Corn- In the Matter of the Estate of Plaintiffs' title tn and to the followihg missioners of Mason County State 6f Ceorgia Anne McDonald, also known described, lands situated in Mason Washington, duly made a'nd entl, as Sister Mary Carmelita, Deceased.. Countyl Washington, towit: on 'the 24th day of November, , , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A tract of land situatdd in the SWA orderi1g the unders gned to sell, in Jessie McDonald Clinton has been oI th,e NE/,, Section 19, Twp. 20 N. the nmnner provided by law (Section appointed and has .qualified as Ex- Range 3 West, W.M, in Mason County, 133 Chapter 263. Laws of 1927 as eutrix of the Last Will and Testament Washington more particmamy a(:- amended by Ctlaple 6, Laws o, (d' Georg a Anne McDonald, also known scribed as fol)0ws: " 1937), the undersigued will on Sat- as Sister Mary Ca'nelta, Deceased Beginning at S.E, ('nrner of Storts twday, the 20[h day o1' December. and that all persons having c, laims eStale, which is North 230.30 ft.; thence ,1947', at the hour of ten ()'clock in the against the said Deceased or the said N, 86" 19' W. I54 ft. f('mit S.E, corner for noon of said day, at the front estate are ltereby required to serve the of S,W./ of N,E:M; Sec. 19, Twp. 20 doo of the Courthouse in the City of same, duly verified with tie neces- N,, IL 3' W., W.M, (The said S.E, Shelton, said County and State, 5ffer saiW vouchers attached upon the un- corner of.S.WW, of N,E;:A is marked for sale at not less "than the minimum dersigned Executrix or her Attorney by a 2" "pipe, driven deep, sticks up ,),'ice stated below plus advertising of Record at the law office of Chas.' 10'" and has a cap nmrked "N.P," and nd cmdsing costs 'to the highest and R. Lewis, 119 South Fourth Street, iv on .the West line of Kneeland Park best bidders, all the right, title, and Bell Building, Shelton, MasOn County, aboat midway). Tlience. along North intermt of said Mason County, except- Washington, tit( same being des!g- side of Park' St:, N. '70 ° 25' 28" W ing thmefrom, hoever all puhlic hated as the place for the transactmn 259.65 ft,: tlience N, 57 °. 38' W. 69 roads, CCC oads, sUee'ts or alleys of the business of tbe said estate and ft. to initial point of this. description, now in use, or rights-of-way for roads file suclt claims together with pr)of of Thence .continuing the sarle course now owned by, or suught to be all- service wittt the Clerk of the .above 162 ft to SE corner of Aitken's lot; propriated at' this'date for lmbl c entitled com't within 6 months after 'thence N, 29* 12' 11" :E. 103.50 ft,'; roads, CC( roads or streets, by said the date of the fit pllblication of this thence West 40 ft. ll)ence S. 73  48  W. County, and provided further that [.notice, to-wit: December 4, 1947, or all along Easterly line of Frank Willey's pro( m(ls fron sale of forest products claims not so served and filed shall • Tracts 39.90 ft. (Equation between ore" shall apply on c)ntracts, and contain- be forever barred. Me'id all, which is the East line of ing further the exceptions and reser-[ JESSIE McDONALD CLINTON, said' SWki of'NN,.i,, and that Of Frank rations set out' ,in Chapter 19 of Ses- [ Executrix of said Estate Willey's lat is 2 ° 2,T to right.) ThenCe sion Laws of lhc State of Washington i CHAS. R. LEWIS, N 34 ° 9a' W 158.26 ft. (the Wllley foc 1943, iu and to the following de- ] Attorney for said Estate, plt shows thisline ti 111 N.36  58' W) ; so. hed real prop(riles situated in 119 Su, Fourtb Street, Bell Buildiag thence N. 41" 41' E, 81.40 ft, to iron sad C(unty' and State to-wit: Shelt,m, Washington, post (in dike" South,of Goldsborough I. SE SWA SE of Set:ties 3,i,  " 12-,1-11-18-25-4t Creek; thence along dike; S. 65;. 32' 'rwp. 20 North Range 3 W W M, Of- --- E.+t70.35, ft.'; ,thence, S. B3 ° 46: E; 25.9? 'fer $25,00.r, ' NOTICE TO BIDDER. ft. t.o.,Wllcex's West line; 'theucc S, I° 2 17 3) u'ro n ,re or less lying Sealed pcoposals f(,r the denmlition ]0" W:'245:38'fr. to'nitil point of ts in 'fodt' 'of':(0",'t Iot 6 Section' '7 I and the recont'uctlon of the City description excepting therefrom the _.,,.q" ..... ",)....., ---'"° ...........  w'w ' , bem; Dock at Shelton.. , Waltington,. includ- following described .real etate: a portion of a tract of second ,class] ing the =dmvulg o| approximately 85 A tract of land sit,rote lnthe South- tidelands, suitable ih r the cultivation  new plle.s w II be received by the wet quarter (SW{4,) of the Nor(he.cut of o slers form'erly owned by the ] City Clerk' of Shelton Washington un- quarter (NE) of Section 19, Town- Statff'ef ,rasbingto), e ntaining: 43.60/ tH "2:00 P. M. Decemher 161h, 1947, at ship 20 North Range 8 West, W.M,, ac,'es, conveyed I)y the Stale of Wash-} which time they will be opened anti l)articularly deseribhd hg follows: lngtou to Thonms J. Mille.r by deed/ rdad aload. COMMENCING at. tim .Soutlieast data,c} Sep.tember 20,,199, reeordc.d De-] A'certified cheek in the am(/nt of corner of" the ' Southweist , quri0r ceml)er 1, 1911, in Vohane 90.L,, Page / 5% of the total bid must ace  pany (SW) of 'the Northeast quarter 161, to:wil: Peginning at the meander/ each proposal (NE!5), said Section, Town,ship and corner ,to fractional Sect ens 27 and] Plans and specifications may be ob- l=tane; run thence Nort , ..along 34, Twp. 21 N., Rage 2 W.w,M,, which ] tained from the City Clerk upon mak: the East line of. said Seumwest corner is 5,63 chains East of cxn'ner t)/ ing a deposit of five dollars ($5.00) t0 ouarter (SWA.) of Northeast quarter Sections 27, 28, 33 and,34; thence along ] insure their return oa or before the (NEU), "2'30 feet, more or. less, 1.0 an n}eander line North 18" East 10,221 opening of the bids. iron post set on the North line of cnains; North 2 ° East 5.95 chains;] Th.o:, is reserved, to reject any Pak Street; thence Westerly, follow- North 45' East 30.68 chains; North 61 ° / or all las. ^ ..... ing ah)ng the North line of said Park East 16.93 chains; thence leaving mcnn-/ Dated this zn¢ aay el ecemoer, Street,' NortIV 86 ° '19' West 15 s. feet: der line, East 6 chains' South 38  33' | 1947. thence Nortlf 70" 25' 28" West 259.65 West 27.27 chains" South 45' West 16 / Signed ALMA K. CATTO, elmins; Sounth 2  West 5.95 chains' € City Clerk. feet; thence North 57  88' West 69 Sputlt 137 West 10.22 challis; West 6| ' 12-4-11-2t fe(,t to the Southeast corner and the initial point ef the tract, of land here- chains to Degmning, containing 43,60 -- ---- by described: thence ccmtinuing along acres, more or less. Offer $867.50. / NO. 1962 the North line Of said Park Street 3. Tract 1 of Indian Lot 16, Section/ NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO North 57 ° 38' Wst 162, feet, more or 35 Twp. 22 North Range 4 W.W.M., [ ]'RESENT AND FILE CLAIMS le'ss, t0 the Southeast Corner of a tract de'scribed ,as folos: . . [ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1' THE of land heretofore conveyed to Don- Beginning at a point 110 feet North I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ald Altken an0 DorothyAitken, hus- of S,W. corner of Lot 17, Section 35, I MASON COUNTY band ana wife, by deed recorded in Twp. 22 North, Range 4 W.W,M., I In Probatd Volume 102 of Deeds, page 62 under thence running west 132 feet: thence[ In the Matter of the Estate of Ber- Auditor's File No. ,116227; Thence N, 110 feet; thence ast 132 feet;]tha L ibisk Deceased. North 29 ° 12' 11" East,,along the East- thence South 110 ft.. to place.of be-[ , NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN that erty line. of said Aitk6h tract, 103.50 ginning, oelng ./ of an acre. Offer [ Travt M. Ftsk has been appointed and feet %nofe or lesS, to the center of the $10,00. ' "  has qualified as Executor of the Last, bed of , Goldsborough Creek as the 4. NEI,, North 30 acres of SW : Will and Testament of Bertha L. Fisk. ! sa/ne exmted on the of Mar(h, NWA, SEA NW /( NEA NW, a/+. ] Deceased, and that all persons having ter of the bed of said.Goldsborough ' ', {. ', '. I '. . : "" " • , " " ". " Creek, as the same extsted on said date, lo a point thereon which is North 18 ° 10' East from the point of 11-27--12-4-11-3 nnde:signed Executor or his Attorney beginning and tle initial point: tlmnce of Record at the law office of Cbas. South ]8 ° 10' West to the point of be- NO. 1958 innlng, • R, Lewis, 119 South Eourth StreeL nd to' perpetually bar and enjoin you NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRE- Bell Building', Shelton, Mason County, one each of you from asserting any SENT AND FILE THEIR CLAIMS. Wasitington, the same ueing oes/g- right, title, claim, equity, lien or in- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE sated as the place for the transaction rest therein and ttlereto and for a STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR of the business of the said estate and decree adjudging her to be-the owner MASON COUNTY. file such .claim together with proo£ • In pr b.te of service with the Clerk of the above of the said lands. Ill the Matter of he Estate of Ha(- entitled court"within 6 months after B: FRANKLIN HEUSTON, old Shirk, DeceaSed, the date of tile first publication of this Attorney for Plaintiff, NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN that notice, to-wit: De(ember 4, 1947, er Office & Post Office Address: the underigned, Esther Shirk, .has all claims not so'served and filed shall Court House, been. appomea and has qualified as be forever barred. Shelton, Washington. .11-20.27/12-4-11-18-25/1-1-7t Admmistratrlx of the estate of the TRAVIS M, FISK above .no,ned deceased; Ha(old Shtrk. Executor of said Estate and that 11 persons having claims CHAS. R. LEWIS against  the said estate of the said Attorney for said Estate deceasea are.nereb reqtfired to serve 119 So. 'Fourth Street, Bell Building the ne, ,amy verified, with the ne Shel(on, Washington, easary vo.ugller attached, upon th " 12-4-11-18-25-4t .aldAdmlmstratrlx or her Attorney of ecora at the law office of Chas. R. NO. 5023 • SUMMONS FOR "PUILICATIQN" IN THE-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE. OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON' COUNTY Annie N. Olson. a widow. Plaintiff, vs ,, LeWis, Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth I{0÷an Wittevcca. and "Jane Dae ] Street, Slelton, Washilgton, and file Witteveen. husband and wif and'the s ucl a[nls.togetner with proof of ser- unkuown of 'Herman Witteveen/ Vice wits the Cleric of the above en- and "Jaile Doe" Wittveen', if any and titled court within six months after hlso aH other persons or parties un- the .first publication of this notice. known claiming ny right, title, estate: to-wit: noNOsvoember 20, 1947, or, 'all lien or interest real estate de- claims served and filed shall scribed in the complaint h.reln, De- be forever burred. fencnts. . . ESTHER SHIRK, THE STATE OF ASHINGTON to Administratrix of the Estate of Harold the said Herman Witt'eveen and "Jane Shirk, Deceased. DEC" Wltteveen, husband and wife, CHA, R. LWIS, ad he unknown hdh.s of Herman Attorney -for said Ftate, Witteveen and "Jane Doe" Wittevebn, Bell Building, 110 So. Fourth Street if any and also all ptlter'persoas •or Shelton, Mason County, Washington, parties ,unknown ciamling any ,lgnt, " ' 11-20-27--12-4-11-4t title, estate, .lien ov .interest tn tlls real .estato described in the complaint NO. 1763, Christian Science qests those reading tills to in- • form anyone who might be inter- "God tile Only Cause and Cre [ested and might not see this cor. ator" is the subject of the-Lesson- rectiom Sermon which will be read uext Mill(lay Ill fill iJl'lU IUllC (it a JIU Iothe) Church, The First Church I ........ : ff Christ, Scientist, in Bostnn, [ " ARE YOU dassaehusetts, I EXl EC riNG Golden Text: Hebrews 314. "Ev- t l'y house iS builded by some man; HIM ? )tlt he that built all things is l 3od." . Hear Message at The fllowing verse from Revel- BAPTIST CHURCH ltion is included in the Lesson- on ermon: "Thou art worthy, O "$ig.s of Chrl0t's Return,, Lord, to receive glory and honour SUNDAY EVENING lnd power: for thou hast created . ll things, and for thy pleasur :hey are and were created," ' "'-- " ' '- From "Science and Health with ! Key to the Scripb.lre*' by ,Mary 1 First Baptist Chureh Baker Eddy IS the following cor- J.O. BVEE,.Pastor :'elative statement: "Creator. Spit- Stmday School at" 9:45 A,M, t; Mind; . . . God, who made ai| C|asses for all age. hat was made and could not .'reate an atom or an element the Moraing Wors'htp ,at 11 .--Sub- )pposite of Himself. Ject "Studie in the Book of "All ubstance, intelligence, Wis- ACLs" lore, being, imrortatity, caUSe, YotmgPeople Iel:ve, 8'A0 P,.. md effect belong to God. Thee Fvening Message, 7:30 n'e His attributes, the eternal . "The Hidden ecret of nanifestations of the infinite di- Happine" ,,ine Pr!nciple, Love," " A singbig Chulch with a Gospel +sage. You are invited Hoad Canal Church Reverend $oseph Johns£on spoke interestingly in ..the Hod Canal 2ommunity Church Sunday morn- 910 E. Dearborn St. ing about his wor among the Sunday School-9:45 tepers in the West Central Belgian Worslflp Seryice.---11:00 Congo. He told of one man who Crusader Service---6:45 ' [earned in a missionary school to " Evangelistic Service--7:45 write beautifully, but, had no REV. RUSSELL DORNBAUGH hands at all, holding the slate pen- Pastor" cil between his wrists. Special meetings are to colt- Fr what is a .. tinue on every night :his week in- man profited, _,lVf2" k eluding Saturday and Sunday, if he 0an ,h, [/ which will be the last day of Rev- w h o I e world ll'lll erend Johnston's visit, a.d rose hil;l illl] "/[ The Home Builders are planning own sotl Ovl ,!' a Christmas party December 15,, what shall, a]l,;t| at the home of MlS Richard Bates i.ilt!0000lill in Hoodsport. The time has been euhan{le f o r[|ll] changed because of the Chritma his soul?  season. Reverend Paul Sweeney Matt 16:26 w--.,,.  St. Edward's Church ......... Father Mark Wlechmann i MT. VIEW LI NC HAPE Sunday mass will be held as , AL A E C L usual at 8 and 10:30 in the mr,n-  Rev. Theo. W, Chapman, Pastor , ing, with catechism classes for ] Sunday, Dec. 7 at 1t a.m. is "FAMI'LY DAY," A gift students at 9:45. The homily sermon this week 1 will be given every'complete family:present, will be in explanation of the sec- . EVENING SERVICE AT 7:30 P.M. ond to tenth verses of the elev- .._/. .................... ..._=_._... ........ enth chapter of The Gospel of st. , ..... Matthew, Monday the feast of the Immac- W O R S H, I P W I T H U S ulate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated, IN OUR NEW EDIFICE This is a" Holy Day of Obligation. First :Mass witl be at 6:30 and sec- AT 130 EAST PiNE STREET ond mass at 9 a.m. Evening devotion Monday at ASSEMBLY of GOD TABERNACLE 7:30 will nclude benediction, • '- ..... ' Rev. Sam McGIII, Pastor Mt. View Alliance THE TRUTH FOR THE YOUTH Rev. Theo. W. Chapman " The first Sunday in December .... =-- ] . ] .I I H L 1 ....... % ' is always "Family Day" at the l t Olive Lutheran Churchl Mt. View Alliauco Ohapei and ..__ again this year Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the pastor, Rev. Tlleo. W. Chapman. will .present every complete family present with a The Chur h Of the Lutheran Hou messagegift and willto thebe family.bringing a special HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE ,Ill' ----='-- Methodist Clturch" Sunday School 0:4. a.m;  Morning Worship 11 a.m. The W.S.C.S. iil meet Wednes- day, December 10, for a Christmas -7- - ............... '" .... " -.  ..... - -" party in the Methodist Church hlist Churc h parlors at2 p.m. " First A special musical program is being planned with Mrs. Robert C. "A Friendly hurch in a F;rlendly Communitf Fourth and Pine , Johnson as chairman of the com-[ Sunday School at19:45 mittee. a,m. The Fidelis Circle will have [ Morning W01"shlp I:00 a.m, charge of the tea, A cordial invitation is extended . Sermon Topic: "Fighting The Stars" ' to all interested persons, [ WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister wCT-T-6-HOLD MEET--- i Parsonage 320 N, 4th Telephone 276 The Shelton Woman's Christian, ............. .... . ......... - - = Temperance Union will hold its Fir Ch t i " regular meeting at the home of st Church of ns, Sc entlst Mrs. E, W, Whaley at a 1 p.m. pot- luck luncheon tomorrow, Dcem- SHELTON her 5,. A program is being prepared 8ranch 0f . and a good atten4ance is desired, The Mother Churoh, The First Churoh of Christ. Scientist, • Boston, M. DPW  ACE Subject Next Sunday: The Mason County Chapter No. God the Only Cause and Creator 14 of the Daughter of Pioneers of Washington will meet with Mrs. Warren Lincoln 2 p,m. today, ' SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 , December 4. ,SOAY MORNING SERVlGE AT 11 O',CLOCK The meeting place was previous- W.tDNESDAV EVENING MKTING AT 80 CLOCK ly announced to be hel with Mrs. Reading Room malltatned by his church at 302 Alder Street, F r a s e r but plans have been open daily, except Sunday, fron 2 to 4 o'clock. changed, and "'ednelayn from 6:45 to 7:45 o'clocR, SON IS BORN A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell, Rt. 1, Box 26, Wed- nesday, November 26, at the Shel- ton General Hospital. .. Milk Quality Clean, ,terile uten, ils, prompt We Have cooling ot milk or cream, and keep- m m m ing milk and cream €ol mtil mar- keted are key maintaining high quality. N 1948 Car Licenses Will ,Be Sold at The ler's Store, Belfair ! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1947 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1948 Hours from 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. OFFICE OF CO!JNTY AUDITOR SHELTON, WASHINGTON " herein: OTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ,Yqu arehereby summoned to appehr ACCOUNT, ]REPORT AND PETI= wiltm sixty uays. after 'the date of the TION OF EXECUTRIX FCR sET- first publication of this summons, o- TLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND wit" within sixty days 'after the 13th DISCHARGE. Lands at Qlympia, Washington. in day 'of November, .1917, and defend IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE accordance With the provisions, of tile abdve entitled actio:u in the above I STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Chapter 66 of the Session Laws of entiEled court, and answer the'dora- FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, 1933, for the purchase o1: timber on the. plaint of t!te plaintiff; and sew( a In Probatc following described hind in Iason opy nf our answer uuonthe under- In the Matter f the Estate of Rich- County: signed attorney for plaintiff, at his ard E. Grenberg; Deceased. Marked Timber only on: " . offidie below stated; and in case of your :Otive/OTICEafeIr SBha GHrERe Yenb 'g Execut,ixGIVEN thatof The W ,NW%,NWVa SW, and failure so to do, Judgmetat will. be ten- tl above etat hat s filed herein her the NWA.,SWV NW SW .See- .dered against you acb6rdtg to-the tlon 8, Townslnp 20 North, Range demand of tim complaint; which has final accou ,.rp. -t and petition £or 5 West, W,M., coptaining.7.5 acres, been flied .with the. ,Clerk of said s¢ttlemen ana alsrj'inution of tlte es- Tnnber ap ralsed • , p - at S126.00, COurt. The object of bringing' this tat( f the oeeease wherein the Court action Is to-quiet title' to tile follow'- l akeda  amP Preove said account lnd All logging to 1)e dono with Ing descrlbed property; , r.po , ak. distrlbutlon'of the small "eats," The trees are o be The South half (S%) of the South- estate, and discharge the Executrix, cut into veneer blocks oz' short east quarter (SE%)-of Northwest NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN, that logs. Quarter (NWVD and the Northwest in .accordance with an order, of said Collrtfmade and entered ,on the 15th The tinlber on "the above described Quarter (NW,) of Southeast Qua(- day o NeOfeber, 1947, a hearing Will land will be sold on Monday, Decem- ber 15, 19471. to tle al)plicant at the ter (SE4) ot Northweat. Quart@r. (NWA) of Sction Thirty- six be had b o'e he Court on said final appramea vmue, provided that no of- (35), Township Twenty-one (21.) account, report and petition on Sat- fer, in writing, of at least 10% more North, Range Two (2) West W.M. urday, the 20th,day ot December, 1947, than tile appraised value, accompanied situated in the County of Mason, at 10 o'clock, A,I,, on said day in by a sufficieht deposit, is received by State of Wuhington. the Court Roam of said Court in the the Commissioner of Public Lands a CHARLES '. ITRIGHT, Court House at Shelton, Washington, least ,two days prior to the date of Plaintiff's Attorney sale, 19gated this 151h day of November, P.O. Address: Algle Bldg,, Terms of Sale--CASH, The pur- Shelton, Mason CkSunty, Washington, HARRY DEYETTE, chaser will havc ono year from late 11-1920-27--12-4-11.15-28-7t Cler of [h Bupsrior Court of sale to cut snd remove the timbsr, for aaen County, Washington. Dated thie first day of December, ALDEN . BAIE¥, A.D. 1947. -- Attorsy for E xutrl, :Pttle Insurance Building, OTTO A, CASE, J Use the Journal Claffieds Shelton Watshington. ..: Commissionr of Public L?2C,I t Uley really set lrUlt. " " 11-20-7--12-4-11:4t All aro ordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT,02 ALDER STREET. !] -- ..-.. • ....... ,,----, -; -=::;.. .......... the practical plan for financing your home You will be delighted in seeing your loan balance shrink away through rent-like payments. INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE YOU ADOPT ANY HOME LOAN PLAN Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia, Wal. DIRECTOR8 CARLTON I. SEARS • • . W. DRAHAM HAZEL WAIVER FRED HOLI H, C. BRODI]