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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SIIELTON-IA:S0N COUNTY JOURNAL ---=, -r---- .--  Journal- Classifieds: - - , I m • I . i .... _ Home Economics l air , : . .  Y Rate increases under the* "--- ICana Bmldtng Baz, [ [approved schedule vary withl _ ---: -? .--- _-_ COltV Council -- - -- --- . a&apos;ty exchange in the state, ace0  J } UAI ]Ewlll UIWA [ me, {to Wise. ac¢°$S| | Formed Here f a-aaaaa. uair t- aa. i n ce [ ......................... , ........ [] I '" i Mmboru nf the Hood Cnn-  guests. On ti]aL night the I{oods- I ",/I STO,T|III PA R T S II p,,,,,,! Chr,im. meeting at 1 leases from feature, a Christmas shepherd f 1i-.'1 "/I .Ln JkJL)L) L/dA.N,] ........... l: p.m. ooay ]n ne loo tross I -  scene high on the bank below the I L I I rooms of tile County Welfare the count Saturda, l)ec-:t[w :i:ilr , b $150 yeUa h'cou" £Stre::['C buiAh::ngomen in the county are [ember 6, hen the .ors of o " 7°enr(nert/:fta'tl:i( st . up-[[ ' va ..... T<:IE' uu. ,.ar! [] invited 1o attend the meeting the Hoods ort school open at ,... o Ao. ,0 7; .... i .;.,,: , one'l t i  A .......... o : Chris" P ....... " ............ ' .... **'firms ....... r- I We have assembled-- a Splendid Variety of Home h .,,ill make ideal • ' _ :\\;: ll ,or the exen une • . mas [ 1:30 nan. for their Building ing figures several feet high, will I ......   gift ideas and paterns, t Bza f_ be worth seeing. I   At an all county meeting of I a u. Due to the generosity of corn-I - (l/ SAVES ]various clubs in the county, held[ They m'omise their visitors ten munity-minded business an- i | wide,, • V --w,- 'in theNovemberRed Cross14,rooms on Fri-Ihoursof" fun,'food entertainment usually attractive featuresd°°r priZeSof Sit-'and I ': Christmas gifts of lasting value. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED" to look over our - ''E ., =v [day, t.he Mason and prizes, in addition to an op- other ,awards are | I i q . -"ll'[ m, !County Home Economies uounen p0rtunity to do some bargain uroay s oazaar, i stock during this FRIDAY EVENING'S OPEN HOUSE,' ar at your convenience any i i d s [  ,]  I was organized.  .- . .  Christmas shopping. . A SPECIAL afternoon door Representatives hem the tm [ 1 1 I [ '/ ,  " ' "[ Proceeds are for the club's rize is offered women shonners, H ': 7/..JJ51'7  I lowing clubs met with assoc!ate I building fund, with ten per cent with drawing at 4:30 p.m."Tl;e - l'k h[[ i extension agent, Car.m . uams- to be donated by the club to the winner will have a choice of scv- am : lifted through yoUinspection elY°mr C ristmas i time. We feel certain will find h lOl) ping problem greatly simp- ter Skokomlsh Junior Woman s re o er as a • '//] I : . ]p p seal civic-youth cent '" eral articles including a steam gift items. our really Club, Agate Home Economics  I I. ' l' I . . ] county war memorial, iron, a corde handbag and a col- . a'thorough Club, Arcadia Home Economics H • m ']  "] *:.   11 | |,F}|l  [' - '/]fll/| '(" " '::':, ': * .... " 1[1[ bella,ClUb'club,Club,tor Sewing Matlock Deekerville Hlllcrest Madrona.' ' Club,Grange Homemakers Home ClUb,shelton LadleS,Economics Lake. Garden v "'me Isa- a n d - |///[ga/Premdent Peterson,elected'l aOODSPOI*T'• attlre.', Route President,Mrs to . welcome |itself'K, . Shelton;MrS'V will. colbaza Oh'vice lins ar 'ver . ar ....... stration. fee-maker, with no charge for reg- trm';w° ...... nomin - in aoor CLOCK the at " ..... evening pnzes,a°mlssmn anti "a amapm there nanasomo ; enarge,occaslon.u will be.ezec, aria a. I JUST FOR A FEW EXAMPLES  " II ;ii] Southside Grange Home Econom-] Route 3, Shelton; Secret Y- _ ......... - ".- - /] ies Club - s e ..... ' iehert cnmr. t)otn ot wnien are on ms- • : : ..y I • / 'x'rea.'ur .r, 'irs. TheoDore - , .......... " play m nooosport tins week i ! " J The following officers wereStar Route 1, Shelton; Publicity ' '  • i I -[ chairman, Mrs. B. Drake, Route 1. Also to be awarded Saturday tL-aSt Lonaer ! " |1 The purpose of organizing a 7igh aloe the upholstered living-  # ----L.f!nt--Laslr Longer li |IHome Economics Council is to i, the portable electric ' leervesOenuinoFord ' | ...... g bring the work of the Agricultur- phonograph and the portable elec- "  eservesGenuine'-ora II II-ll i |   |1 al Extension Home Agent work to trio washer suitable for a baehe- '[aad that's what we use | II  ,,I .. II a greater number of people in the lor's, baby's or small family wash. 'aer-vice your ar. They | _  _ .   |] county. ALL WERE donated by busi-  and are-made of better | -AN li One °f the ways t° aec°mplish hess firms for the Building Baz" Ill -" ------ ----' "  I /ey last Iongex and t • au j - II this purpose is to hold a series :f air, as were the many smaller _ * ntenance costs down I I leader training meetings, wh' orizes to be won in games and EflordC ?t°gv: IJ |] may be attended by any woma contests. " , l ' " n - for our car our ,r{a,+ qP, |[ in the county WhO is interested in Booths to "" ' IW for your car.., our [i * Con ........ . .......... n ....... r araet pre-holiday le kee ![ the program a u wm acuvmy pa - she--era in ......... 'gf parts- i ample %o keep I 1 ........ he wor'- pp . came tne tramuonm ['! " to au for enuine Ford i• . •J stair i "h ub ooon wl[n assorted flousellOl(1 ar-  °'"  ....... _''- ! .4. lYh ]r'I.AV I Cross rooms up s n  e r - *'-lea alYtOninoFordPatt$. |   " [ lic Welfare building on Sixth and ' ' ] | |   -i l l 11 Railroad Ave This meeting will m addition to these there is the II eAUOMArlC RECORD CHANGER / . .-./=:r _. " \\;\ 1 II l be au exchang'e of Christma's gift garden department's Christmas I  Many St.y!e r In il  Ill T n . n ,r It 111 .... /' .... 4-.. ...g...@ II ideas oecorations oooth, displaying na- I ] ueauutm  't l¥1UbiUll %UILIIlI/ IilYlll ..:,:'i " '""""/',. • .   .|11 [J ].J l ] ] l| . . |[ The .snrav,.  can be am)lied__ . with five. tgreenery' cones, etc., made " P,-----,'.:: p,,,0 _- --"-' Hassocks | • " |ll n  n ' € ] & Loan Assoclatmn il a common sprayer. Details per- rote he wreaths, door-charms, tu- lsa U T U   l il taining to cattle grub control can ble arrangements, corsages and  twelve icn "  -_YC.: : ..... llll L ]l Title Insurance Bldg ,l be obtained in Bulletin 294 at your other articles which are just the I  -::: ". To ,it any type or .[li Railroad Phone 16 ]1 " county agent's office, thing for gifts to friends here or  neA"---- furniture combination. i _ ":''  -: ": .... - .... . . " in 6ther parts of the country. I to change! uperb]y perform. q/,- A  .__   _ %1 !, " I I I d There will also be a plant and I g,.rad'9°r € I I% mU tO ]1_  mU k" !1 ".; ' i bulb booth. A novel Parcels Post i/ (1111:- A I An nmma Ii n booth, with mystery packages ! ;ot'l;ra'dioa ;('[ FLAYS UP T'O I2 RECOD'$ AUTOMATICAU.Y J 1 l  [ _ I/11; El kf /l]lf a l t" I IUUI I&..k I from towns and cities throughout '/M/I r/r"//llt"/ .! lr"r"/ir_,-3 i the u.s., promises to be a busy ! tccords'Sceltl . . n r } | • The Hoodsport Campfire Girls, i .':' AMERICA'S FAVORITE  A  11 r "  i I the 0-- grO p, under tl   I   p O R A B L  RADIO     P i A T LAMP S IIll:.llll; I  I  2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER ONE RO0 II leadbrshJp of :Mrs J R DeBard booth of he O VV ] "-7"71 I | are to have a ---- to s t OU eli art eles they have been I 1] PHILCO 360. Stylish new Alliga- "'- ' ///:lieU AI ,ITV I WE HAVE ,T--OR WILL GET IT FOR ¥ | making this fall to raise funds for | (! tot-grain leatherette case, Amazing Make an attractive, distinctive a,d differe,t ad- " " :1[# J. ,llJ.J. JL L * /,:'1 I - .  • ,. ii their treasury. Co-chairmen are | 1"---":'!:1] wa-developed circuk delivers sensa- t' " I _ / 'IF, II/-TIIP I We Still Have Our legular Lilies O I Dixie Johnston and Lucille Des- | i-- [. tional pet£ormaace dition to any room, giving both illumination and a yet needs no spe " A .'-..|a-.ll2LJ.L.VlJ , •  ......... o=r.r__. s | champs and Judy Palmer and I. J .,..'::,.o.=,:.,. o: --49"95 ..of *o O.ow ,v. o. othe. ,.door .,cot. ,o tho ''  .|;iWrITT%,Tf I JLltL)'l'lllG/kl ilUl'lt-llJ n Laura Lou Lassoie are h, charge ,,..., ...: --.: ..,, , - ot decorations. I '  o .,,o. ,,.,,., ,., ,.o. wo ,.ea a.ot, o, ,,,o, ond t,o. m if| Ue • U |i: I And Now i NO ONE NEED go hungry, m IB  w ifl ...... , _:* I . , E even if they stay at the bazaar I | .  from ' 'i ! "1lJlvl | "" ** "'-----'-------- Tre- L-hts • from 1"30 to midnight There will :: ! M --ri " I we nave bllrlStlllaS t   be a refreshinent booth in the 'i :'",. I, & al I . .- . basement selling ice cream, soft i SMATI I NEWN,T?LE  $10,9S to $37,50 A - i| --a.d-- I an0 ueeorauons d.ksa.a.dy  II  .:: | Also there will be a 'Snack [ tU X |M S I ITYI ':----=1 ' :"* • , Spot" counter where hot-dogs, sal- I PH IL¢O 460. The radio that  ........... .,- Orkmanshp ELECTRICITY IS YOUR CHEAPEST FUEL ads hot dishes le cake oz/lror. .I .'llU0000 I , ' ,p',, " andcof- " / my I !, ', , I • fee will be sold by Mrs R0sie I .....  browat"'tea • slo te,a, S,e=m,nea  aria vmny uner yms oz on 'F . GOMPLETE INFORMATION ON ELETRtC HEATING " mith and he " :7- = ,.***v,. I _.. 'An "" ' s '--lies L . * .. , " 5 tO 7 there will be a hot ham din- i Dil Superb tone. am,zlng' selec. - -:_7.. .... :- o-.:r  '1' I ana lnnr orang, ..... € : ' =".  i:: Regist°red I Fixtures - . pllances -- upp "-E* A. uarr her served, with a 'special child's I ttvllyl''" AGDC. Seclt--hear,t todayo" yO6, _a ........... L ..... , , ,  Iptrlcal Engineer I  Quality plate available. I ' --C"'i   __ ' 11_ lib ' n - If,, Following the dinner the bingo i [)"lU. 1 ,i .' 13: rl-l. T ......... ..l,q{no. qhm*,, Phone 645 game will get into swing and up- - " [] • I:'_ /,'" **w x**uxx a., tax... ....v.. stairs there will be darts and ball- OTHER PHILCO MODELS FROM , , Can i =.:',5' • throwing and a "paddle wheel" to a ." An Ahvays Acceptable Gift Is a ,:\\;;'" !'' tire and tube tot handsome cos- '20.00 to '282,50 , , . :'/, | , . - metics set to make some woman's ...* .| ., --j.// ./-'/k,  Christmas joyous --__ ; CHA . ='-'* , ' '! ' J/ -'.;/  A I " "L "' I Il.'../ ..m' o"'---C'-__-- "  ""--" UN QUE treasure hunt will SOAP Bar IIIIIII I "    am, . be held'with an opportunity for ] Children S Steol Play  . THER FOR COMPLEXION 'r...." f------' P'o.' ' Dun and old t :'.';: /rrP,    tails will be announced by the ._attr " . V/- ' ' W  "  o-- master of ceremonies, Steve Hale. ' " ' R Z-LB. AQ¢':i L    "  '/illll He will also announce the 1' ' BIW.  ,/riff., dance numbers, featurinff pupilsstage I Rocker Chairs- $5.50 and ,"'.THE" SU GAR-- |'u':r ,,ip%.'_.._.-  ...4']'K,I.IL/.I @  of the Jack N[offett Dance Instl'- " ' ........ ,   tute with little Charlene Hanson a I Settees $','" ': .  -.. ' head-liner . ' ' ' A re resent SS ..... 15,.. p .. ative of the Shelton ':  j.' Jaycees wno are sponsoring the "' ".i.: .' memorial civic-youth center will O • • i. AT REAL .,BAR'GAIN;I==" _ ___ • be present at tl:e bazaar and will m i be called on to speak about the ' Crlckt Hardwood • , m=_._ IVseful Electric project in which all dubs and -- " L'' iQI; iUIV.t tlillllisa.,, -- redr?¢ae interested ': " _ . DOZ. U dVLqJl . : • Carey, .err, ch a i . Occasional Chairs • P.MRfgME A J,' .la w .. lllan;scale:fi.eWnadY ' bYllthee ;;:OUn " D Padded Seats Up the bazaar. Moving recently $16.95 to Grayland, Wash., Mrs. Carey and Backs 100% Virgin Wool -- b#ght but Warm LAR CIGARETTES Combination Pop- Toasters and Hot Plate for resigned as president of the Hood 4ELS, LUCKIES, ETC. _ _--$1.59 $2.-q[,mm, ,-- Canal Woman's Club and has been 6¢ CARTON succeeded by the vlce-president, • * '12,50 -- '17.50 o, w, o,os nh 4¢--CARTON $L39.:. 2-Way alkie Sets- A Real ,, HOOD Canal Woman's Early Amer,ean F0r inter-office, house-to-barn, building-to.building communication. Not a toy Club, with members from all Hood bua real telephone. REGULAR PRICE $18.50. Canal communities and Shelton, Drop Leaf Tables -- Sl 1.95 Bedspreads and Chenilles will celebrate its 21st birthday in for Christmas ..... . 15.50 February, 1948. By Bat°, "" ight e club hopes that 1948 will • Beautiful, Latest-model Lightwe Irons a,so mark the beginning of con- ;traction of their long-desired '6.50 to $11.95 All guaranteed by G. E., Sunbeam, Betty Crocker, Prootor clubhouse on their building is.ite, Many Styles In $10.95 '14,95 ,,s, north of the P.U.D. No.. "" With architectural design suit- 1 able to the canal landscape, the wlng StealmO-Matie and G.E. Steam .rons ..dg s "a..cpaed as one • ," Sale " err ........ TO BRIGHTEN UP ' '17.00 and '18.88 hth w,1, ser,.o oth  ....... wel, s. tho woa,s au he Rockers PICTURES-- ^. .oo. ,. . .oo bazaar last year with Mrs. Irvin )'FRUIT and we havo tler Illuminated House Number Sets . McVay, building committee 14x 17 Framed Prints • head, as chairman, was very sac- the Chair Of $1,95 . ^€ ,,vo 0ta, aos eess.., fi.a.eia.y ,.d gvo tea, t ou .eo,, ×as .r,oe ....... , u $3 lb. Were 50 for Christmas $2,50 ipous to the building program. Tru@ ee, WA, UT, WASAe MEL BEARDEN'S ORIGINALS tUIT;, lb. 71/€/ Electric" Blankets' ..... .... $42.00 A.M. Michaelson comfort Hand paintcd by Mason Gounty's own fine artist- ' dea00e00; :: ; IUIT lb. 5%!') Super.Vie Tank-Type '59.50 Dies in Shelton O.r ,a,,o .,oo o,. • °" Alfred Marcus Michaelson, a fers a prie range Local .oo.os a.d Ca,,- ''if)___ '41,OO_______ • • DRESS UP YOUR HOUSE WITH resident of Shelton for 24 years, to New Bedroom . dotto on Thanksgiving day. Ib;  or Living Room Fixtures ,e at h,s hoe  . W,a.- ,,o ,or,,,a de.r< ,oa.t,. Mr. N Iiehaelson was born at ,3t:0 0 ,ra,,,. hoo,o, I . Also Fixtures for Over the Stove or Sink Greggs, North Dakota, on May Electric Irons l: . .Fluorescent Lamps, De wlo, Juanita, and a daughter, .qk l,amns 1. 0,0..e ,s survived by h,s Cedar Chests = MONARCH DELUXE $8.95 , '.- -- l Karen, of ho,to. sT.O0____ '35 to'='*, '=,.,, .,,, I InkistEMONS lb. parkhng Xmas Tree Bubble Lights. '4.71 set otho. su,.,vo,, i,,cludo f,vo I TRAVEL IRONS... $5.95 .... brothers, Ernest and Clarence in ,klma,U.S. No. 1 t, reeT0pAngels$2.19;WindowWreaths$1.07 Marvin,Nfiehi'an' and Merle, Carl andall of Everett, and four OLYMPIC FURNITURE C0, ,,,for.,aOTaTOES ..... lb. ¢ iMoor Light Sets ............ $1,9.9 to $3,40 ,,ste.s, r . Wel,,, ,,.s " Stella Lawson, Mrs. Bernice Hoff, ELERY . lb. 8¢ Outdoor Sets of 15 and 25 Lights ma, and Miss Hazel Michaelson, and his mother, Mrs. Ella Michael- son, all of Sheton. f th6ize" and 8.11ght Candelabra Sets.. 89 ¢ to $3.49 ho funeral was held Monday ' • at Witsiers funeral home with tlm key. William Albach officiat- E A Carr Electric • sectidn of Shelton Memorial park. 321 Railroad Phone 94 • • Pallbearers serving at the farter- " • al were Pat Wagoner, Charles ': Title Insurance Building Phone 645 Hurst, Bob Miller, Len Walton S E E U S F O R C O M F O R T A B L E L I V I N G Velza Adams and Clarence D. Bar,c.