December 4, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 4, 1947 |
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Sheltonian Wed ........ " .... ........................... "
G,A. r i s t m a s, F 1 o w e r s . . . In Mt. Vernon __ : _ .. -- -- t
RIDLE 00,fo, e the firepla00,, banked ii OOff..iai L--Vglak3
with holly and evergreens in tle [;'::;;;;-;°;**;È;*;`;`;;;*;:";;;";;*;";`;- .... ,,;,;,;,,;.,;,&,, [
POINSETTIAS Mt. Vernon lome or the groom's
parents, \\;Villiam A. Fader, son of , ] •
,,nd Mrs A 00ader Home Wedding Dale Palmer In
SAINT PAULAS united in marriage to Delia Guiles
of Olympia.
The Re,,. A. A. Harriman. rain- Unites Gendron Scout Honorary
ister of the First Christi a n ..A Sheaf _H Dale Palmer ,,as presented With
Chureh, performed the double- n ere a membership certificate and pin
ring ceremony. Thirty-five guests gathered at in Gamma Alplm Clmpter of Al-
MIXED POTS Members of tle family and close the home of Mrs. Alma White Sat- pha Phi Omega Scout Honorary
friends saw Carolyn Fader, sister urday afternoon, November 22, to last Saturday, November 22, at a
of tim groom, light the candles witness the marriage of Zaribelle banquet given by this National
Service Fraternity at the Uni-
CUT FLOWERS thai: stood on each side of the Gendron, daughter of Mrs, Alma
mmtle before the informal cere- White, to Eugene Sheaf, son of Mr. versitY of Washington.
mony began, and Mrs. Ted Sheer of Seattle. I Dale, an Eagle Scout, is well
:Mrs. Robert Fader, sister-in- The beautiful single-ring cere- known in the TumWater Council
AZALEAS alia law of the groom, sang "I Love for his Scouting activities. He
Phone 610 You Truly," accompanied by Eva mony was read by the Reverend
Wayne Wright at 2 p.m. as thb has been elected historitth of the
Wilson. young coupl stood in the alcove Gamma Alpha chapteY and was
CAMELIAS The bride's only attendant was of the White home decorated With in charge of the "Song Period" at
Jeanne Johnson of Seattle, while tall baskets of chrysanthemums ,the banquet.
Roy Myers of Tacoma acted as and ivy. • [ Presentation of certificates and
best man. The bride was attractive in a I pins was made by Joseph Seanlon,
COOK PLANT FARM At the reception following the warm wine gabardine suit with National Executive B0ard'iiember,
IMOUN cerem°ny' Mrs' James Gamel °f black accessories" Her c°rsage and the speaker °f the evening
Seattle, Mrs, Frances Hawthorne, was a single white orctfid. - was O. D. Sharpe, Regional SCout
Rt. 3, Box 265 -- 2 miles off Olympic Hiway aunt of the groom, from Ketchi- Mrs. Gene Klinger was chosen executive.
on Cole Road kan, Alaska, and Mrs. R. E. Gunn, Members of the Washington
an a-at of the groom, poured, and as the bride's only attendant. She State College chapter, Alpha Xi,
wore a grey cutaway gabardine
' cut the cake, suit. Her accessories were black were over to take charge of ini-
H E A T R E The young couple will rdae complimented by a corsage of pink tiation ceremonies.
their home in Olympia where the and white carnations. ,_j T, 4 TT,
Shelton Wash. t bride is employed as a radiograph- The best man was Lee Harper, an -n era
iI /
.. er mad medical technician. The brother-in-law of the groom.
-T., DECEMBER__ 4-5-6 nppZ $ gr(,rn will commute tO Shelton The bride's mother wore a 00luo Giveoluh is Box FrtoidsomeaY
where he is the news .editor fop crepe dress and a corsage of ink The Oakland Bay Can-o 4-H
Tlm Journal. rosebuds and a gardenia. ars.
• Mll Sheaf, the mother of the groom, giving away
mile NAVAL TRAINING COMPLETE wore a grey sUit and a corsage of person over $50 Woh of pres-
Word was received last week pink rosebuds, enid.
that Delbert E. Warren, son of Before the bridal party.enterel The proceeds from the ticket
and Mrs. F. K. Warren, has the room Nits. Don0van Pal'rher sale are to be used to finish their
':. tiered recruit training at the sang "Otl Promise lyre," and as the club house and send 4-H members
U. S. Naval Training Center, San wedding party gathered for the to club camp.
Diego, California, with Company ceremony she .sang" "Becaused' Tickets will be sold at :Beck-
Everyone loves the cozy 94. R'he reception followed imrned- with's Store tomorrow, December
pleasure of wearing slip-
iatelw The .bride's lace covered 5, between 4 p.m. mtd 8 p.m. dur-
table Was cente'red vlth a three- ing open house climaxed with the
pets during those relax- Warren entered Naval service
ing hours around home. August 25 in Seattle prior to his
.b • attending Irene S. Reed high" ier cake. tCppedgroomWith the tradi- drawing at Beckwlth's at8 p.m.
M¢l school, tidnal bride and and decor- Tickets may also be obtained
During his training he held the ated with white rosebuds, by calling 10-F-3 anytime.
We have Slippers to bring position of squad leader. Mrs. Harry Koutecky, aunt of
that pleasure tO every the bride from seattle, and Mrs. SOUTHSIDE GRANGE ltEEEPS
"RANGE member of your family Lee Harper, sister of the groom, The Southside Grange met on
presided at the urns. Miss Elsie NoVember 21 with 34 members
Grossman was Chosen to cut he
cake and Miss Charleen Hurst to Election of officers was held
ED,, DECEMBER 7-i0 :i' Fleece- Lined
' take charge of the guest book. but due to changes the election
NO FE:T'URES.4Y llml l - ' al Leather Soled The young couple left imlned- will not be completed until next
't € lately on a wedding trip to Van- meeting, December 5.
| ',,...y:: ...... Iy i Tan or Burgundy Colored emtver, B C For going away the . . '- ,
!, 1 ft. ¢,s :o,:.::. tarr/ve' OPERA brided ad'ded to her wedding en- Former Sheltonian Wed
semble a black coat with u.r , Rnhenw € ...... ). hlfan
:::v:::::::::*::::::::?::::::::::::.*::: ................ i: ' trim and an off the faee hat of "' --- ..... "7 .......... -
l| COLUMe^e,CUeS plr .... : ...... resident, wa, marmed November
warm wine wffh ey feathers
• 1 - '*'"'" MEN S SLIPPERS .... -- ', ] 22 to Evelyi Beaty of IsSaquah at
, . ... .... - . the home of the bridegrooms par-
'/'| ote da ,i- ..... " 'upon neir return ne young ,
. " . " The bride reeevel her educatmn o ,,, T,=,,o,
at Irene S. Reed high schoo She
• . _ .... ... Mrs. Rmhard A. Robertsun of
DIE ,:.ot( SLIPPERS .r has oeen empl0yea t the Facmc , ,, ........ *o ,,== o,v o,-
Wax Paper Co. m Seattle fo the tendant While Ra" Robertson
past three years.
• j . , , you WOrK WreSt- ' ...... ' formerly' of Shelton,Yacted as the'
rimmed with strap heel and bow over in-step -. lioe wonders with our large assort- -" "
Toe groom was scnooLea in Erie ..+ ,.
Dlls! l !:, ' 'q O " ment of bchs and buckles m a gen-
• ,, . u,o, • • e
| THER STYLES FOR MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN Hem,fchlng, Buffono|lsB, P|gof- tin{e ertson and Lloyd aobertson.
I L 1 ' U ' ' " '" covm';ng--all 'done to your indi- Out-of-town guests were Mr. I,, , ,--'- , .,__
and rs. Harry Koutecky, Mr. :ILOO¢|spor (nool ¢"]L'2k
' v ;'.:i vidual taste at your SEWING and Mrs. Don Puff, fr. and VI:rs. ,^ r¢^'e r^e'l']P 1 J
1.1,,2-1 -13 '" " ,l unro s o err p,o, SERVIGE and Janet iary Gendron, daugh- ..::::°:':...=',': ";*,":]
ter of the bride, all of Seattle. ''Y.' ''=':'Y', _ Z "',':'
. says ne presmenL 2ars. 9orotny
n .. ------, j [Palmer. Everyone interested in
cover ivlalsle : 1:25 RAIROAD AVE. PHONE 734 5IIGER SEWING MAQIIN[" (0. l00aptlsl; 00OCl,el;y c1.ildren i-,
'A T''UU vOERENA '''u :;iJ ormer Location of Needham'.s, Men's.. Wear.. 510, E., 4th Ave.,, ....... Olympia ..... _ I special pr gramWelc°meis beingt° come,plannedA
l 1 l "r lilt lllil |-IV '|fl 1"t * 2. ad we hope for a large attend.:
I- M .L ..... L .......................... __ 7 .... " ............. " ance."
....... The Women's MisSionary So- ,Cub Scouts, under the sponsor-
I I I I III I[ ]l I ciety of the Baptist Church enter' Ship of the P.T.A. are to meet
. f. taine'd at a Mothers Tea Wednes- with their respective den mothers
YOUR CilRISTMAS o December 16, at3p.m. Par-
' Mrs. J. O. Bovee na a cnarge of eats be sure to come so that your
the program Which Was a resume child can receive his Bobcat badge
of the early Virginia Baptists. which cannot be avarded him un-
rs. Wiley, in charge of the less a parent is present ....
d e v o t i o n s, used Thanksgiving Each child should bring a, gift
arid gratitude as he topic. The for the person whose name he
church was bea'tifully decoPate'd drew at the previous meeting.
with mums and native greens.
Mrs. and IVrs. Bovee
.__, ,Lstino- Gift // poured for the 45 guests attend- "OLD SPECIAL MEETING
ing. 'The Royal Neighbors of Amer-
Lifetime ia will hold a special meeting at
[le, V.F.W. AUXILIARY HERS the home of Mrs. Leonard Booth
HOSPITAL PARTY REPORT on .Arcadia Road, today, Decem-
tlDAY EVENING The V.F.W. ,xlliary hel ts bet at s p.m.
LIS'W regular meeting Friday, November --
]11 21 at the Memorial Hall. HOME FOR WEEKEND
/irs. Arma Springer reported on Johnny Robinson arrived home
the combined Bingo and November from Eastern Washington Cgllege
Birthdays party give by the of EdUcation at Cheney to spend
l BY GILFILLA'N AND HOI/F adibS at the Ameican Lake 'Hos- the Thmtksgiving holiday with his
pits], parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
jright and grandparents, Mr. and
o, *,er.,g.,. of 00uac;a| Attractions __f.v that " giveTh°Setheattendingparty werethe hospi,talMesdamestO :Mrs. Charles W. Fisk.
Alma White, Lucy Edmiston, Ms- JDY IIA:LE :.HQNORED BY
qONARCH ad $'UPERFLAME Ir nile Earl and Bestrlce Gray, EiGIIT[ BIRTHDAY IR'JL"
.* Comfort to the entire family very s-eclair -- "Male" The auxiliary made a donation . A arty W a given Saturday at
to t,e Washington Childrens' I . .
the home of Mrs. Stephen Ha! e m
' AMANNA -- Prevents Your on/e in Seattle. Ho0dspor't in honor of her daugh-
At "the close of the meeting re- er, Judy's eighth birthday. There
in Your Life fleshments were served, were eight children present and
..... '' :/ i ',:,, " several mothers. After games and
iC RANGES I a ,party lunch, gifts were opened
and the party of mothers and
lea! Preparatlon You want to please himyou want to make A r ] J ][ iV[ E Children traveled to Shelton to see
TAKE A FERRY [ the Roy Rogers show..
him the happiest man alive this Christmas The group arrived early in the
afternoon and were disappointed
add it's easy as A B C to do it. Come down I II " " eatsbeing .nasblheowtO$;e R:A RnOg-
RANGES , to Our store today and look at our collection REMtR'0N - EAT'LE . but t g ' a y-
• way.
aad _Y0U'ltwantshaVe, anda sigh of hereEVery'--but Lv. LV. Arcadia Economics Club
IEATERS he can use Seattle Bremdrton Plans Christmts Patty
HERMADOR everything from garters and belts to flannel sport shirts nd hand- 1:10 a,m. 12:55 a,m The Arcadia Economics Club
aurae sweaters. All reas.onably priced. *.4s 5:5]$ met at the u0e of Vera Hunting-
$;15 *7:00 ton on November 28 or a potluck
E SIXLT][IMakes ? :15 7':0 .and one visitor, Anna ebman, at-
lunch at which seven members
lannels and brocades. Sturdy leather with lea- All wool, slip-ons and te ian snd.ed. Were made for a
,,E. any colors. From $5.95 cardigans. From $3.95. 10:00 0:i5 mas party December 2 at the
EN, I'HEiM ther soles. Felts. From home of (ora Drak on the lq[ill
]a'AL"A' Vl $1.65, SPORT SHIRTS I00 11.:1]$ Creek Road. An exchange of gifts
P 1 a i d s and solids in 11:30 11:55 will be held with the maximum to
Olids, patterns. All 100% all-wools rayons 12:00 12:45 p;ff be 50c per gift. _
[NERS Zes. From $3.95. GLOVES and cottons. Priced,front 12:30 p.m. 1"A5 , The ctildren are to be remem-
beredwith a candy cane or some
Sffnflar gift. This will also be a
potluck luncheon.
Leather and wools in all $3.25. 1:05 1:45
2:00 2:20
colors and sizes. From JACKETS 2is0 s;s
R N E R S ,or styles, colors and $3.95. Solids, checks, stripes REBEKAHS GO To OLYMPIA I.
• • From $3.95. 3:00 3:45
Ranges o and tweeds. All s i z e s, . The Ruby Rebekah Lodge mere-
• lECKWARE MUFFLERS m $5.95. 3:30 4:15 Ders will leave Shelton for Olym-
- 4:30 4:55 pia Wednesday, December 10, at
andsome ties, solids, Rayon, pure silk and ][ELTS 5:00 5:5 7 p.m. from the Shelton Bus de-
.CgINES aLLerns. Smart colors, wool in solids and pat- Ge:nuine leather, many :30 6:15 pot.
The Rebekahs ill put on work
Ann||llCe9 1.00, $1.50, $2.00. terns. Front $2.00. types. Priced from $1.00. '6:'15 .:4]$
. 7:00 7:30 visitors are welcome from both
CES DOWN , ' WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO MAKE USE OF 8:00 1:15 Shelton and Olympia.
RCHANmSE FRIDAY NIGHT'S CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE 10:3o9:°° I0:$9:15 tainedFUrtherby cvilinginformati°n436-R.may be ob-
RIC CO. bWiGHT MORBIS MB'S WEAR *Datly exceptSundaysand The Saint Davids Episcopal
, Holidays Guild will meet with Mrs. E. J.
McGilt, 521 AiMer, Monday, De-
.. 'il Ill " cember 8, at 2p.m.
PHON= (formerly Needham's Men's Wear) BLA00K Lied .mallEaCh ,membergift to placeiS askedin at°child'Sbring
123 RAILROAD PHONE 494 lll i Christmu 8tucking at the Saiat
.......... [ .... . ........ ' " " _ Davids christma tree.
parents which was decoratdd with
In Methodist
Ceremony Here
In simple formality at the First
]VI:ethodist church Reverend Wayne
rright united Annabelle Spring-
er, daughtbr of Mr. aud M:rs. Fred
Springer of Quilcene. to William
D. Price, son of Mr. and lrs.
Dave Price.
Couple United bronze chrysanthemums.
The lace covered table was cen-
tered with a two-tier wedding
cake topped with a miniature
bride and groom and flanked on
either side by white tapers.
Pouring was Mrs. Ben Peckham
and Mrs. L. F. Has'per while Mrs.
Clyde Whlte served the wedding
Miss Helen Prlce, sister of the
groom, had charge of tlle guest
The church, for the November' Oral-of-town guests included Mr.
28 wedding, was decorated witi and Mr,. Jack VChittaker of El-
white and bronze chrysanthemums lensburg and Mr. and :Mrs. D.fle
and white tapers. Haig of Olympia. •
The bride, given in marriage by
Shelton Lodge No. 168.
]st and 3rd TUesdays
of the Month
8 p.m.Eagles Hall
Gee. Thompson, Governor
W. D, Coburn, becretary
her father, wore a military blue `-*-*-%°.%*.%*.`'*-***:".***u'-".%*:°'`'*.-*"**.**'u``'*'?È**.***.*.`*°-*.`%.*°.* .°...%.....°..-.-*, - • * * * • • ,-o
suit with black accessories which * %@t HOW t//0
was accented by an orchid cur- .
sage. ,*.o
Viss Jeanette Springer, sister of .i
the bride, acted as maid Of lmnor :f,;.
wearing a blue crepe dress trim- :i.*
meal with black lace a:d a corsage _:
of gardenia and rosebuds. ;
Miss Kitty Price, sister of the .
groom, acted as candle lighter. J."
Posing as best man was Russell ,:,
t. Cla'ry, .Tr.. while Jack Whit- .'.
taker of tl]n..',''; a(.'L,'4 m u:m- ¢..
Mrs. Lo]i':, T.: r,',r,n :ml: ' -;','; "
xmptial :.;ol;, . "I ,,,..,,, " ". :,f
er." Nhe "l:,;o i)iuycd S(*}C('|.[OllS O1] .%
te organ. "
The brides, nother was gown'ed
in a black snit while the bride- :
gPoom's mother wore a two-piece i
black dress. ]Both mothers ac- :!.
cents4 theit' costumes with match- *
ing gardenia and rosebud cmfiges. :.;**
For her traveling outfit the
bride added a white fleece shortie
coat to her wedding suit before
leaving on a week'S honeymoon.
Upon their return the couple will
make their home in Shelton.
The bride received her educa-
tion in tm Elma high School and
following her gradtmtton she en-
tered nurses training.
The groom, a graduate of Mary
M. Knight schobl attended the
Wichita University in Kansas
while an Air Cadet in the U•S.
Army. The groom iS now em-
ployed by Simpson Logging Com-
A reception followed the care-
TnU(00KPJtRT5 | I
Geolet Truck Replace. 5
. are made to fit perfocHy. },
Thee and enables you to
[oo much delay.
As Chewolet ealer, we re anxious
st Genuine Chvret P#et to
TO'AkVON'E. ;ee Us for anypert you }
need ..,don't ed with any- (
tNn but the bes. ,
(:H|VROL|T |
PHONE 777-- [
?:°::_ J
• $ tubes, p/us selenium rectifier
• Tr[ple.luned R. F. €ircuit
• Beam power outpul for rich tone
• Exclusive built-in Aeroccope
• Rugged Alnico No. 5 Speak0€
• ACD¢.Battery aperatlea
e* Plastic dial and grille .,...,.mm
OSly mmq
!n Aerolc0pe
..: , •
..... "'* As far • Iusy4o-read dial '
Admiral Model "10" • Modern ebany plaltic cebine!
• _ . • ,,
DeVelop thd love of music in you,
children with records made especially
for them. Records that set favorite
nursery ryhmes to music. Your children
listen and lea. Perfect for Christmas ,
--a gift that's as entertaining as it
is educational. We have a wide selec-
tion of records and albums by Victor,
Columbia,' Capitol, Decca and M.G.M
We will be hppy tO have you listen to your favorite pieces
Friday night during our CHRISTMAS OP:N HOUSE, or any
other time.
Beckwith's Music Store