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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: Page 14 .... SI-IELTON-lWASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday D:&apos;r'vmT", 'r z, , 9 ' r " . ' ii ' n . i |'nil n I i nun , n|ln I nnn I I I --, .......... ,__at ............  '"r"3 ....... ....... I 9 ........ Laundry Workers alk Moun in 11 . W er ta Tumwater Area I R - " ' eady MIx The Shelton unit of the Laun-iRoad Grading Scout Council ii IC' 0 T E M Conl.ix.,lls, ,. i l Union, Local 42. in Ta'coma, held , giiy-..-... J*.J.U[  . :-.-I'lrfli'4tt, Hoodsport brought forth the fol- TO Meet Sunday U R l 0 S regular meeting Sunday at Odd J . I I ........ to an I The next United States forcst lowing results: l_ robe r=.. --" " ---- . l'ellows nau p • 1 "y hi h ' A family dinner was held at the President C. V. Aspinwall of I Gives YOU /  [l election meeting, which, will be. held.. I. g way. project on the Olympic Kilby,G°rd°n Dickinson home. Those the Tumwater Area Council, Boy U r AN RUGS ANE l " l/I/A D " 1 In,.. .r ..... ........ her 12. . i loop. wluf e the graumg o three entertained were Mrs. Mary Jane Scouts of America, announced to- HIGHWAY I .ll AI T  / I J " I miles o road over Walker moun- Mrs. Katie Abbey, Mr. and day that reservations for the plan- ! $1 2-]k±lllP_J13 I lrT Tffirnn¢ I [ ' -Mrs" Em00h'a" Eac' et't was e-00'cte00 . between Quilcene and" H°°d 1324 OLYMPItC ----a=:'* | '\\; M. '"1 " I cnairmau o[ the meetulg anu lwls,, canal accordin- to a recent -*^r- Mrs. Herbert Dickinson and Mr. ning conference and annual meet-  z  I Elizabeth Butler recording secre- itn Ch Port hp%loS .vontn  and Mrs. Jack Calkins, friends ing of the Council to be held De- • ,: ' ] tary. I The new project is already pro- from Roseberg, Oregon. cember 7 in Olympia, were coming : Navajo Rugs Mrs. Dena Cox With her sister, in rapidly with large numbers re- |  ,,,o,.,, i P Miss Gcrtic WatzeI, business I grammed and awaiting doyens- Mrs. Louise Shaw, ate turkey din- ceived from Centralia, Chehalis, 1 Ck ""  j i agent of the Tacoma local, and Mr. [ment appropriations, according to her with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Boeck. Shelton, Olympia, Toledo, Wtnloek, Phone 656 i la, vajo Ceremonial J lili" J I Johnson, Mr. Farmer and Mrs. J Division Engineer W. H. Lynch, Dena was in Portland the pre- Morton and many smaller com- ,  lllgs J !,, " J [ Beardon, all candidates for the I Portland, of the US Public Roads vious week end visiting, and stop- munities. J 4- I  office of business agent, and Rose [ administration. J Av/¢tl" J l Frye, secretary, were present at [ Funds for the road work in the i pedto seein"ForeverOlympiaAmber."°n the way home, ofHeticketsUrgedforthatthe allannualreservatiOnSmeeting for / avajo Classical , • , the meeting. . area are provided by the federal Lew Mlllard and family ate hell- dinner be sent to arrive in the J Fuss-free, Muss.less Concrete-lng J The ean.didates prese)tefl th2r I PITTSBURGH PAINTS  00TgSo government, and administered by day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scout office not later than Friday J 1 I programs ior nex year veore e ( the Public Roads administration. West of Skokomish Valley. of this week. Gray Hills) " | XXr'b- "ff rly_$ TVTTf o,A AI,,, I I meeting was adjourned. The next [ Work comnleted in the uast few Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson tra- Lawrence Birley, chairman of . ¥¥  zJU i.tlk .tv.tLAxt;r -- allot uxv I I)eetin- of the linit will be held' " - ..... '' - • /  " years has lnCiU(lC(1 sretcnes o | your concrete order on the 3ob, ready J, fol' the election December 12. !highway near Hecklesvtlle, Sap- veled to Longbeaeh with their the arrangements committee, said • • fimayo Blankets family to celebrate with Mr. and that a slight change had been / t¢ no-r It' the Hme labor and money I ] [ pho, Lake Crescent, and Forks: Mrs. Ole Corneliuson. made in the time of the banquet. j  .... f - ,:- --  .. a il  I The road administration also The Dick Addlemans entertained It has been set up a half hour, [ sawng way o ge ne work oone. uur ]lOAI...--[ a [supervises work on more import- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickinson of from 6:30 to 6:00 p.m. and he i HAULING fimao Runners I ¢i|o € ,.O.h. ontrotors' name is I I.II'.IIIIlU . i ".111111% J ant US Forest Service projecta Kalalock and Orin Addleman of asked that all who are planning! / U. V vvvv,v land National Park road building. Vail. on attending take this into ac- BUILDING SUPPLIES limayo Throws | at your service, too. /I .......... r,, x,, I The roads are built by contract The Oscar Rydeens dined at count. J . / I '._".  .... Junder the engineering supervision home. Pre-holiday business was The registration for the plm-  :mayo Scarfs - -- -_.. : . : - -_ -_ -  _- I vy rm tm . .. Ioftheadministratlon. good. - -- =-_ -:  ]:-- %Ve have nan many visors I ning conference starts at 1:00 p.m. l -- -_ -: coming to our room and talking I .__---T------- Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKiel enter- at the Christian Church, 7th and ' i IW i   ll J[ " [ I to us about Shelton. We have l illift i ]hrtrt tained Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Bar- Franklin Streets, in Olympia, fol-  M. until 8 P.M. Daily ___ • ]l _  L-   _L  J had Mr. Grant Angle tell us and I -" uv=,o,a bet of Olympia. lowed by a fellowship period and '  Except Monday -: -_: ---:.i show us many interesting things. ,T,,,, ]][',,,,. T-- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Van Laanen the actual planning getting under - : --_---,-, , -, :' [ Mrs. Crary brought old fash-[lyy I¥10IDI- Ill went to Vaughn to the home of way about 2:00.  SOUTH AND WES - -  ." _ - . "-  = - - [ ached clothes we like, and we bad YT I* ['r - .  Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Van Laanen. Balloting for council office will - - ._:... "-o_-_ _ - - [pictures which we put on the [U OI / l-'ro]ec[ The Maurice Kaares ate dinner be by those holding council mem- [ UNION, WASH. in Tacoma at the home of Matt bet certificates representing the screen. ,, ,, - I ........... I Delbert Bud Johnson, a 26- Kaare, and returned home bring- various institutions using the .o IKNG' ' I ......... I year-old University of Washington ing their son, Jerry, who had been Scouting program plus council ..... - ................. . j many meresmg nlngs aoou I l,, t,,,+ €, hltn ., [the forest. Mrs. Rishel is taking Jel't",-,',:,,'"'e'',', ' "=, visiting.his grandparents for two members at large. This election 'us to Mason Lake to watch them Vl]laLe on"\\;%-.Y" Y/ ....... , weeks. IGI l __ , . , I lo- "r .... r ....... on ;_-,  t e umversly campus Roy and Dave Anderson visited will take place at 5:00 p.m. foi- l. n / mamm --- nu.n Am i I ., w . iwa y -auvr nau I last week lowed by the dinner at 6:00 p.m.  , made it possible for us to have " Mr. Anderson s mother, Mrs. An- The planning conference and an- 1111'11 l[  l'r.l-i   . , -hess eo)l " e l l The former Marine Corps flyer na Anderson, in Tacoma on the nual meeting is 'for all adults in t ' P 1 e corn ere. il][ in unnmwJIJ ] l[llll[ l'l   .......  • ,, , , I lsandelefather of a 3  year old son, big day. . E " Kirk Scouting as well as council mere- p,i$|ON "  "' b-, Albert nrtl'- [' cted for a term of one year Turkey dinner at the rm bers and all are being urged to RU| LI" ..... " I -   ....... Y-:'. - . land will serve as the student ad- home found the Kirks entertaining attend. x'ne rea wau o unina smrs I v ---. , _, , &l r|ll A m • m am , Aam P in Gobi Desert and continues to minlstrahve head, of the campus Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pallette and o-,,,.- - - - - ,, |! in__ tins. . ensa[mnal. nl:ff ALL-|-UNt the sea over a thousand tulles hl:liengforPr°ject, whiChsome z ouu marrmaP'r°videSvet children, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allyn ............................................... - ........ from where it begins. If you walk- • , - Todd, Mrs. Wiliam Townley and son, all of Seattle, and Mr. and SONOTOH E ed from beginning to the end ersandtheirfamiies. --- -------- M I N I AT U R E Johnson is a former employee Mrs. George Thompson who have All Who attended the Thanks- , along tle top you would walk of Rayonier Incorporated, and was been guests for several weeks, giving School program were de- ahnost 2,000 miles because the active in the South Pacific and Wally Oliver and family dined lighted with the performance of illtlll I ............................................................. structure geles up hill and down the Pearl Harbor battle during at home as did Mr. and :Mrs, Har- the children, The orchestra, led BEST dale the war, He married Kitty Mc- old Burling and son and Mr. and by Prof. McGhee, played several if, in addition, you walked on Cann of Shelton. Mrs. Robert Mcclanahan and fam- numbers. Parents and friends of THE HEARBN CRRECT0N all the walls that join it, you Pointing out that the veterans fly. Also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asele- several of Prof. McGhee's pupils, science knows how to give I would walk nearly ,0oo miles. --. are paying $48 a month rent and son. who took part in the orchestra, The wall was started nearly 3,000 $1 a day nursery fees for their The Cecil Bayes family traveled were here from Belfair, Skoko- AS LOW $ • " ie meet beautiful hearlnil aid years before Christ, by the family children, Johnson said that the to Bremerton to the home of Mr. mlsh and Shelton. Mr. Hawk you ever lid eyea on. ALL-IN- of emporers who started the war isn't over' yet for some of and :Mrs. D. L. Judd. showed color slides of the Lauray ON, wiiii batteril lnid.... Grand Canal. +118,o small, featherqlglit.., no more It was supposed to save China them, and they will probably be Ed.Deschamps and family went Caverns of Virginia and also taking to the foxholes to sleep this to Olympia to the home of Mrs. scenes of Alasfia, all of which Was U'ouble to wzar than a wrist- from their deser't enemies who winter. Regina Reif, and the Henry Mc- thoroughly enjoyed by all. watch I came down and robbed the farm- J Smoother, eaiir, quieter, NAT- The new mayor has pledged Clanahans to the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Home of URALherlnlqualltyfromcom. ers and workers of all they had. i pletelyw,tubeandclrcult . , , to help smooth out as Flora Hillard and Lillian Heinze Erie, Pennsylvania, are spending himself many of the veteralas' problems as in Seattle. a vacation at the M. E. Cornelius ,S TAX • de*ianl OUR AIRPORT TRIP possible, however, in his new post. The Marion Robbins' attended home. • • New 3-Lv Environment Con- by Yarma Drench He has a problem of his own, too a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin enter- Add New Life to you€ • ou let= you hear your beat :mrs. Kelly's sixth grade made his son is currently in Provi- her parents, the C. A. Pickerings tained at Thanksgiving dinner car wltb a Ford Ex- i everywherel : a trip to the airport ovember .change Engine! Com- dence hospital at Seattle. " at Potlatch. There were 15 rela- their children and fam/lies, Mrs. i O Exc|uMvenew-type Reneratlve 19 and went through the hangar I pletely torn down and rives present at the festive board. Austin's father, John Campbell of , rebuilt to f a c t or y U Clreuit, developlnmorehearlllg and workshop, vvvvvr,,vvv,vvv,,vv, I Mrs. Ella Lunt and Mrs. :Mary Rocky Bay, and Mrs. Mary Scher- m .w..w,<h.=.,erb.\