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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, December ' I SANTA CLAUS WILL BE AT ..., ,,o,e .o=,, KIDDIES CORNER FromDecember 6 to December 24--9 a.m. to 6p.m. Friday, December 5th -- 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. T • I I FRIDAY DECEM,BER 5th 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. -- 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Self Powered, No Winding Necessary MYSTERY RACER Reg. 77 e 1.00 A backward push 'poers it for a long, speody forward run. Sleek aircraft aluminum body. Bingo COMPLETE CARD SET A Carriage Little "Mothers" Will Take Great Pride In Fit for the Grandest Doll to Ride In Folding DOLL CAIIRIAGE $8,95 Folds and locks Just like the big ones Ya| brakesand rubber tx#| Really elegant! Games TASK FORCE ............................. $1.98 KELMAR POWER HOUSE FERRIS WHEEL ........................ $4.95 CARROM BOARDS .................. $7.95 CONSTRUCTO CRAFT ............ $6.95 ERECTOR SETS .................... $3.50 SWING BOWL .: ...................... $3.95 TELEGRAPH SETS .................. $3.50 Roller Skates $4.95 • • LITTLE LADIES BEAUTY PARLOR .................... $3.95 JUNIOR MISS HAT SHOP ...... $2.29 KITCHEN DISH SETS ............. 69¢ GLASS BAKING SET .............. $1.19 GLO IRON .................................. $1.19 BEAD JEWELRY. ..................... $1.79 DOLL HOUSE FURNITURE .... $1.69 SEWING SETS ............................ $1.19 PAINT SETS .......................... $1:39 LITTLE CHEF Stove s9.95 Everyone Loves o Teddv Bear SATURDAY DEC00,EMBER 6th 10 A.M. to 12 NOON-- 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. Has a turret that :noves./ X Lots of action, / lots of fun, / Chemistry Set =2.SO and s5.O0 A Desk and Bladcboard Therell Be Love at First Sight ALL METAL All in One- " When Her Eyes Fir# See "  ,',,,;=,,. ]-'l,,wn r]P,,,,ir Helps 'Era Learn and Is This Doll and Cute Wardrobe 'k' . :,;.\\;"*% uu',,,la -=u.,, Lots of Fun Set Up 'Neath the Tree t . %';',:  . . ; -- • .:.::: 2.98 .. . .... ,.', ' : Be  , . . ALL METAL V lip " , ,l" : 1-49;;  , . .,m. etu /: J, ,':,.:. xylophone. BETSY'WETSY' DOLL ' "'" ' r . .... .. $2.29 :. , i° ot0. c- and LAYETTE • 7.9,) • ere/o Bell !n HIIEorI , B=aekboard ',- e'S SO lifelike she can be bthed and pelleted like any He s brown and white - Forty-three inches high a,d '// , T% baby. Give her a drink and , :' .'-ll-h, she We her diaper! plush, soft ana cuddly ZOr  • has a natural @asbable /in- /. ' BlSe's IVj inches  and pratically unbreak&ble." little arms to aoza. ish. Always a favorite. fli'' ....  _ Sleds - • (.HKISI MAS ' ' ' "' ' 'FREE ORNAMENIS,  "-" -' ' '°' °  : .,,,,,     fl ... [// /// /// , Tricycles Bcy " cles ' LIGHTS AND TINSEL  { i GIFTWARE QEPARTMENT . FIRSTONE STORE Established 1895 :ember 4, 194 oN .,.PO.T EWS harks the beginning year of business for Service and we feel fair to the people of that you be in- what has been ac- in the furtherance of aviation. An account activities appears else- this paper. dancing party mark- graduation of another tudents was held lasL at Dusty Rhodes Canal. popularity of was well evidenced .: enormous attendance. .126 noses, some fun, oases, I mean. be a bit surprised if actually a flier's cap, lVtcInnelly aL the start a new fad in had very cleverly a small model airplane and judging by the of the ladies, we see model airplanes top of some of the SOOn. moonlight nights week made it possible of our students to on their night flying. hours of flying after required in the cam- and it is inter- ot the increased on- that has developed for of the course. remarked, "this is a cinch. All that's r is that you stay be- two lights that are the wing-tips, and of the tall-light." Chas. Winne and among the new private licenses. en: of our Airport J;been changed and is now  ably conducted by Fay tss Cook is no novice in °llrant business is well ' lil by her excellent cus- changes include a Vge, long needed for those lng sessions, and a bet- for the ladies while 0r their men to complete g lesson. ,l0rt one of our forme ructors, paid us a visii Vacation from Oregor ere he, is majoring ir eal Engineering. au, k*&"E mechanic, i, e job afte r about :wit x, wife of "Slim," re, R. week from a flyin inois, th irts mighty cold wea re. the most dangerous dis Ja.oung children is diph fany times it is fatal 5 er cent o childre lr inherited immun  disease derived iron P, However, this im 'appcaz's in six to,nin, re, children should haw ea of taxeS4 or toxin oon after rcachin, *1 ths of age. The dlseas PL to occur between th A ,o to five in children wh, ,eir immunity. .Phtheria is a highly in ,d fatal disease, par 1  take early precaution '! r their children agains h Usually started (ex . 'acy) by a simple ski v.a as the Schick test I la given by injecting 'J le of serum called anti ]a" the skin. , k]ITERMINES whethe Jiies which prevent dipt 1 In the bood. Zf th  I0aitive, "shots" of ant:  een  immunize t,  the Schick test take ater does not show err  1:3ections should be r( .raunity gained in thi [,r years. . ;Ysptoms of diphthcri , "$ sore. tlwoat, a slig , ever and achh, g pair ', k and limbs. Thc te ariable and has no r, 41telm severity of the a' I ost' cases, the tempe: I: oe normal "or subno: ild cases the child ma . i.eaOUgh  go to bed. I WI E for parents not t fly danger signal haws any symptom ' a slight diSficulty : nd the throat Iooi ! tor should be co; \\; lately. . o suspect diphther of acut'e throat i: ildren and carry o isolation and trea is a much belt if the disea and anl by a doctor. do not run tl their children co They avoid we by immtmizi on,orcd, in t by t Ati Tubcrculo,' Fleet Adm lalsey, Jr., join as a passed m: the old batLlcst aboard tlt yes climax of his c of the Japan€