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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1947
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18 Isgbella Club Phns Christmas Party Meet The Lale Isabb]la ;]ub met at the home of Lula Gunter with a planned turkey dinner Wednesday, November 26. Thirteen members, fern&apos; children mid one visHor attended the din- ]let. The next )'egul'n' meeting will b, a Christmas party with exchange of gifts at tile home of Mrs. Estl.n" [oi:{c Docember 17, TOVWNSEND CLUB TO MEET 'Townsend Chfl) N6.3 will hold its regular meeting at 8 p,m. Sat- Club Council Plans Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Health Orld Welfare Council of the A'lsm) Co/inty Federation of Women's Ch/b 'will be held -it 1:30 p.m. tomorrow, Dec.ember 5, ill tile conferenet  l'ooln of tile Mason Cmlnty Welfare Depart- lnelll. Pqrticip'tuts in the discussion will be Dr. Kenneth ParHi)w, Dis- tr'iet Health officer, alld others workhlg in tlle field of health as it affects the home md school urday, December 6. at 408 Cota These meetings are open to the public and membeis of local or- gtnizations of' thc PTA and all S o tal Ev nts :":.:.:": PlaysMusic H0stess'Study ClUbTo ;. ,.C e ": Olympia ,Club , ,: . . . • :( , . . .%**;*..-a*o;.*;.*;..;°.;*.°ooo; .;* • °; ;.;****;°*°°/°°/°°;*<*;°°;**°°;°°*;'*° Wednesday e\\;,enil]', November Eaghis Atiii:tryHas Early American Four New Members Th,. ales .x.,a'y i.ated Glass, Topic Of four new me,nbe,'s at the regular Canal Club Meet meeting held at the Eagles Hall Monday, November 24. Forty-six members and g'uests Tile new memhers welc, omcd in- of the Hood Canal Woman's Club to the Anxiliary are Mrs. Hazel Groshong, Mrs. Anne .]ohnso11 were presmt November 20 in the Hoodsport school clubroom to Mrs. Donald McOauley and Mrs. hear' 1Vl:rs.Irvin I. MeVay, well- 19. the Shelton Mnsic Study Club spent an evening at the home of Mrs. Bird Dot.on. Twelve of the Olympia Club came to visit: and furnish the pro- gram. Mrs. Verna Hunt, president of the Olympia Club, brought greet- ings and introduced her members after which she read the Collect. Stlsan ]V[eLeod. Vice President Inn Hyatt con- Thursday, November 27, ., 4 Trade Equipment Operated By i iii i ii St. .... Refre.qments ;. will be served. Following' • the ,meeting the Ea-' known authority, tell the faseinat- positively Kills Moles, tperienced Men after: rtm ...... meeting.," .. .'les otned the Auxtltar '. and a ing story of g'htss-maldng in dueted the business meeting. :Mrs. back' guarantee." C6m All members are re'fed to attend c'lubs of the Mason CounW led- g : ,3. " " '" e- 3 - :- America. - Albert Smith, program chairman from the moles nitflbril: "rod visitors a,'e always welcome eration of Womeh's qlubs are in- s$,:aatt,:::mr w; (,ay:f,teW:2, . 'Begimiing with the arrival in 0f' the Olympia club, prescnted Used =uceessfully for aP.= FOR the tlub reported, vitecl ' ' • " , .'? '.J', " ..,'  ' ' " 1608 of glass mak(rs from Poland Lhe following program: Mrs. A1- For saIe and rccomm¢fi,N D CLEARING ..... ser,,eo oV the eonumttec. .qnd Hollai]d to help the colonists vin Hartley, Junior Club chair- ally .by F'ed Holm'  ' *'  .... ' *l, a ..... ,. ',*r ,',, * .... '." . ,, m ,. . , ..... ,, .... . ., ,, **.. .... ,,, .,,. in the making of glass, the speak- nmn, gave an inspiring account of Auto Loans:. ' 0'N'!l.B]d'f[41 .... ''g'ggg.,aJd4gM`ad' er described the successive Steps her work wfth junior clubs. She LLDOZlNG ill th development ofthb, glass has two organized in Olympia. .. . p , '" ' f  3 ' '., . 4 0 lr " * " ' moSl]ndutry iYi,, preparing rs. Verriel WilllallqS oodyear, .kQtch Qf e[1 ch ,composer. . II'A I"A  ,"'i .........  ADING " i i i  - L ' el,0ishe the Time o oSes:' by 0iehhardt. for her departure to California, '{Werd My Song With Wings Pro- ] was unable to show the women vided" 'by Reynaldo Hahn and pieces from her own collection. '}Morning; by Oley Speaks. She: HE " .}-Iowever, many of the group had also gave all interesting short DAZZLING CHRIS00A8 STORE } ' ./" and had been privileged to seetrading, among Themusiealeurrenteventsgiv-. rare Stiegel vase" '!find" and many instructive as Well' as iiiteresting. .,t tt,m¢. ( t l't l other interesting pieces of early ,Miss Ethel 1Vfae :MeDougall was JrM' (((/ , "/'MPt,,.  .,,, .'.dL_ TRUCKS the' First :M'dvemmit, smiata C i She did bring with her a few Op. 10: No. :lbyBeeth6vn. Bar- '[ ' ]'NG AND LOGS glass beads; such as Were made in the first gltss factory in Amer-I earolle by Grads and t A " '0r  Sle" lea, established by Capt. Norton in d" tine Sourc, e Trom"te Swiss "::if', 1621, and used for i Suite' by; Liszt " : "." PHONE 601 the Indians. Fifty of these beads, I' A ta was Mrs. Dot- , ',-- --'--) estimated to be worth ten dollars son and her committee"comlSoSed ;( • '- " . Mn's Briflht PlOd W991 apiece, were "given to Mrs. Mc- of' Mi.-Eleanor; Snelgrove;Mrg. -: " by to " ................ w,00ou00 Gifts the hundreds ... all GIET-THRIFT priced Vay in,appreciation of student , ....  :,0Rae SHIRTS nn r,.a and m's. uth ava,'- , work she dici for a glass company, eski, wth Mrs.' Inn .Hyatt and An additional fifty were later 'Mrs. Verna Hunt presiding at' the L 6j. willed her by a £ellow student. :tea urns. .... ...... . ': " MORE OPLE o , you can g00ve MORE...... PE Spanish C00b-Meets_  ; SO by members of the audience were on display and their period and The lgst meeting"of tle R. C :',,, F r hmti g,, P0rL or jpst characteristics discussed. " spanish Club "was 'held "at the tne:p',y0Mr,:W,ton Aerie 2079 plain loafin' . . . he'll like One Of these,a "Westward Ho" lome of Ardyes Jensen, Wednes- ' these all-wool sport shirts! ...... ;, ............. •  ,. ..... ., .... .-,, .............. .................... },:,::.'.:.:.:.:.::..."'""-< ....... * .... ........ Tartan, clan plaids; bo x covered dish, was the property of ddy November 26: "* ....... Yes, it,s a 10t e: g'RNAL ORDER OF #,' Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson. It was 1Vfemb'rs:" preheat were Helen i?!:ii{i:  cheeks, many other patterns! made during the period of the Watlti{s,Agneg'Alexafidr,,Helen keep cloth.eselean, w] /,,.?' . ., .: :,:.; ,..:.& .<:::.,.'.> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::}}?.k S. M and L. great trek to the West and Lemiey, MilreOfim'¢s; NorefiePe- washer'i'shummingl boasted a design of pioneer West- 'erson, Marjorle Jbnsbn anlthe .l;. Undue: noise tells ern scenes, deer, trees, log cab- hostess,  ': " "" ' time for an Meetings ins, etc., and a stalwart /ndian The next meeting will be at the ad/ustinent , ,.....  . er for the oval-shaped dish, evening' Deeen{bef 4' ' .,, - Avom ser]o -- lvtvx'u.r3- I e,,\\; I Mrs. Fredson revealed that the ', :,.7 :' .'.: - " US oday. We sel;viee inth glass piece had been in' th&ir ram- W..S,N.A. pLANS.pAT;Y makes of washe. e "' ) " %d."  ily for abotlt a half century and ' The'next me'eting'6f fahe Wash- ' ' 1[.1[ . WALL ,- \\; . ..  had been purchased for a'dollar ing6n State :Nurses 'ASSOciation ..... ,. in a variety store, l  ' " • " ': ' " * Wi 1 be' inthe form of a Chrtst- v,r TT¢nn_f nd and Grove Following :Mrs. McVay's talk, mhs party heldat the' home' of .I.NII JEl£1-L ? .,Pv": i., ] 4 J  .  N.lunehc°n was served at tables dec- "Mrs" B" B" F°rman First and Pinej. Sceva, Mrs. I",ee Erhart and , ....... L'' " '' '-] O " ...... ,, ' ": {'i ''  orated' with arrangeneflts of Streets Monday, Ddbembdr 8'dt'8 1P.3 S. 2nd St. pho0 dwarf chrysantllemums, With Mrs. [ p.rh. ' ' ' " .... " ' BUFI00T, , . : :i,k k , W.S.N.A. members are urged to - "" >' ' Mrs" C" E" Hlll' the h0stess e°m" bring exchange gifts 0f n6t if°re -- ...... ];O 1¥| II lN, t.Xjill ........ / Twnn Mrs. J. R. DeBard presided at tree. " ' " ' : ' .... : "'"  ' " the afternoon business session, , . ' .............. ---- nday thru Friday • taking over the duties of the pres- . ' ident. Mrs. W. E. Carey, former  ......... r. ,. ........... 50 Different Designs president, resigned because of " A " " M U S I (3 moving to Grayslands, Wash., to sk Aut Our Saturdav Night ey;general chairman of the club s ...... • ' . i , " ' • ....  " Her* [ ::! , CHRISTMAS CARDS mke her future home. :Mrs, Car- ...''.'_:'\\;a__7..,.  ers Gtts tor ¢*  building bazaar set for December 6 in the Hoodsport school, will ° ...... oo ,¢r B L USES WOMEN'S SLIPS WOMEN'S .ROBES "" come up from the Harbor for the  ...... '11 rllBII " "!{h U and the danc" DRESS-UP [ Lace.Trimmed, Tailoret i Warm, Gay Chenilles! C oeeasion. /,NI' ,-'- " tav n hts Big va]uc box Of 50 lovely Mrs DeBard presented Mrs. W. ,.,]l'r H. Nance, charter member,, with '*'; ..... -': ':':'!; ' , v • . S00o.. 2:98 o,y i 98 Is Yuletide scenes, including an honorary membership in the /. ,ln,  ----z" ., '.,} 1 15 2 .so 7,9:0 dollar! And you'll rave' of activityinbehalfoftheorgan- , • and about the rich colors, fine' ization. *' lPennis a, ''' |{10usesl E'fllbroitiered or | Hundreds of glamorous I  .............. ., .Lo.,ll.. paper, delightfill Vers" Discussion of final plans for the ,.'. a  i{ " bazaar occupiedthe afternoon.. . f }" RACKETS 'ull-fashioned, 4S-gauge .... 'J " . " '  i new-length slips justin time .,- "-:v ......  ......... lace trmmed models n wi " stocldg it hr :¢e.ifing ,Lh'.:L..]... ",_ " ....... c, [ for Christmas giving! Shin. [ flat.ermg, fit.tedacks, Colorful oWrapplng ationRep°rtSof business°f public-spiritedfirms wereC°°per'made p,*:, :'. v' 1""°.'" Iing rayon satins, ,mooth [ w,ae-narmg sKtrte, topen f0-¢, 25¢ by the donations committee mem- holiday shades- Romn hers. Their generosity in contri- , p . .- S es In ' q ' butions is making possible, they Beige, Sunnibrown ahd shades, l'alore,l shrt cre es Bias cut t 1 .... blue, a ua, dmrry,'tearose • " ...... ''' .... ;; • BY NO-AWL ' w'tl Vor .... '' Y,,, , a.wh,,e ss. ,2 ,o20 :for ,Christmas  ]: . o-AwL blietique. We },ave dse f l ypes. too, t  long= . wlnte and tearose. 3.-4 ..... ".. " all: 81 to I0l. ...... 'hort s,eeVes. 32-38. | . , ,. | aud4u tO 40.. ' botha'{n°unced'afternoonUnUsuallYand eveningfine prizeSto at- .... * ....... ' ..... : Provides Equal Tau' , ..... [ [ tract attendance at the event. llllm I[l liF I[[] ,' i" of the portable electric phone- • _ graph donated; Mrs. Warren E. • --- " ' :' , /: " *'** **,   [i ] Lincoln the fine living room chair, and-- _ W.gOltlB : Dther.: " '":! , v,.= , the Hoodsport Lumber Co., the " Many Things portable electric washer, an at- ==" :tractive appliance for small fami-  -- "" In addition to "these articles, F;I,SH!N,G *T AC,]K :E ..... * ........ ='. .... there w/ll be a women's door pr/ze SLE¥SKR FIX!IS0000  :! j,k,L.. I A!*\\;. ' irl/he' afternoon, the winner hav- . " , , --:.' ........ :::! i ,  a. eoi-de handbag or a coffee-mak- ' ' .he: evening door prizes will be i - ' an  eler€':cloek and a maple oc ........ ",,, 4 .... ..... ' ;= " " J ..... ' ...... :" '': :;' dai6hal '°}hair. Third and C0ta Phone 243 "!i :' :"''S]p6ial;'donations by members ...... ' "" ,:,., .... !L in61Otd a'lace tablecloth and a . @ WE MAKE KEYS O '! !)" Boxed tot Cift-Gtvmg! able Arms and Lels! :tlart;Plosg?J, Fctbrlc$. t I .... [ ' ,,,o,, [[rent,ves [ , HANKIES :[ :[]:egkat t. V,ew  .,LOWE In, " EN' WOMEN'S Gqts Sureto Please' stles, t'6hbo#t6i  in ' '" ............... ' " WOM S. • " BABY DOLL rt u urANBA'S tis*ortcd t:I,'itern! 4.98 ;[J00m00ty Club sp, . GIRLS' DRESSES Notch €011}f,b[j"n*i,{{b: 't ' "' ' .......... ' .... 2 98: [ 98 [ 3, 8 m°del witlr'" ff!"i''Men's  J's ,, Business Phone 7e ,  'i ",,,,:, }i] met :N6vember 1 gt the home of e ' '"J! !: Home t i[.l:f. and :Mrs. ZeaYule to hear . • ,=,o, C 9 a,,o U00Ur@ A .eaut, fu|larr.y | Three charming little | Litt|egirlslov.lrightnew , ,= :j|' ndrewKr, jaiswyk, county agri-: eyes moves, her }ead ofpouches, top.zippera.d '| hankiesinaprettygifthox | froks-thei .Morns will ;llculturii agent, spoke on'the ne-i • * , 'W '. ": ' ..... : ; . ! Her lifelike, wash tble ! im,}elopes! Petite ladl|ke | -a value at oaly [ tha thtou=tfdIglver ]/'iy fctors'* i/' organizing a: .... * rex latex body won't : . ....... . O • Gayplaid, dressed-d ca)t. "bag for dress or sleei tai. 98c v Your choice f whito "  - " A, ]3, C, D: ;]':[LYiew Club. ..... ! DalntYi organdy *d'ess' lored etyles for mf6nnal [ or colorful embraidery on ]. tons, lovely light colored , /"*' A? R. Underwood, neighbbrhood, @W ,HAVE L % / ,n lp aper s]oes, w, al'..All won(f,rfu| ifts't / | quaiSy whitt law., party ga4k;s:'3.6- l|c0missloner o:f ,the Mason dis-' jg*. , , , .... ,, ngs.  ......... o,- ,, :|filstant Scout' 'executive of the: ' :: ...... " ........ .......  ............ ' ' EV ,[.'twater' CounCil; 'bxplained the ' . IV "  ' " CItRISTMA$ CY "! At the iaext' meetifig which will' H fi M  a°  ]rbe a card party held at the home ,,,., "- 1, of Mr. ahd Mrs. Henry Boysen, a ,, " tt  i0 I" !V :i  t :_,  'j i   ,a .]decision made as to which ;N Ia0N' ' ' ' . ]group the Commuifity Club will' S |sponsor or if tliey will sponsor' • '|held Decem'ber,6 and all mem- ] ] bers ai:e urged t55 attend this ira. "" " * " ip ortant eet. TO ClVfl!ans alld et o, Your REAZ .a,oon ,ype Whee,s, / / I([. IPink and Bhe .... " i OIL STO' / "'", "o*s,"'eaSoN°te' I L " ,,noer,Gtye,,owor BE THE t ROLLER SKATES / STEEL WAGO S n  ]i#. i[  i, an'e Si was Representative hexo , PH ..... " " , y. , , N,, , ...... , [given hdnoring Mrs, Jim Brewer " : ....... : " - ' I-Iave a full oil tan: VELOCIPE  ! , [20 With Mrs. R. E: Mason. and i Tuesday t0ugh Thur t 9:: ........... [:Mrs. W. A.'Homan acting as host-I nTS / +° / 95'00 " " esses,''" 1 Vurn the evening g.mes.wo.e ........ . " ....... " ',ave  SPP ,r ' /played," prizes won ann rerresn- AT 1305 JELLINOR : , 0 to 1,000 iallon,' m.,---- ' ,, Always a Treatl /meats 'of ice cream and cake were ;nat W.onderful -- balloon wheels, .| These sturdy .little wagons .| ,",Happy is a cut, CHOCOLATES AND served. ' s w dotible r0w Of ball bearihgs, '/ madd o fit yoUr 'stz! / of about' 2 coIdred' beadS. CHOCOLATE MINTS ] 'Ladies attending the he .er Evenings Call She!ton Hotel ,.i  b._ streamlined toe clamps, rub- | They are 6 inches in height I Your tot will push button at [were Mesdames Ray__..qrarrle{Ntafte ' berTops for boy' or girl Who | 7% inches wide, 2 inches | doggy jiggles, Quaint, livelyCUShl°ns' nickel finish /with a bed 14 inches long, / the. baso, laugh' gayly srs l-lb.  ,OO l Lawrence Giddings, Bill Austin, loves to ska, te: [ deep. In br/ght red. | toy amuses tots! " " 1 Jr., Ethel Baze, Parker and Lester Im Dlstrib .] Joslln Misses Marjorie an. d D0r-: |'0thy: Grgff'e lsd"at'tehded. ' ' ' Movable Arms and Legsl 1.6" BABY DOLL Her eyes moves, her head turns! Her iifelike; 'Washable Skin-Tex latex bOdY won't break ! matching .!ip, Mxmkings ........... ,Ull Adjustable Saddle! Red and white--all whee]' machine spoked, front Wheel 8mailer eize, 12" .......... 10.90 Super size, 20'C++,.:.,..+++ 13.75