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....... i i i • H ......... • I u lJ I
C S almon Run Order [ , ' I " 5 -- "' BY:'OEMH : r "Ca ty LOOP Pi nmen
0000N0000|KIMBEL Clarified by State .my Stag Sq
e ueeze
eattte (Speeial)--Tn answer to
000000GGING nnn00orous by
depurtnunL, Mile Nfoore, state di-
stal,cnaent clarifying a recent or- t: '7:
der banning' the possessmn or • '.i.. "
spawning sqhnon for any lnn'poses " i"..: " g
, whatsoever.
stated that he was making the
move to keep inferior salmon off
rn uipment the rnarket, and to protect the
K I o,00rat:d ;, fish in the spawning grounds.
}crienced eating of spawning sqlmon might
Positively Kills /HToles. Men not result in serim, s illness to the
back guarantee." C6mI
from the moles nator consumer, these fish are defin- LECTED EACHNEAR FOR iS YEAR
Used successfully for FOR ito]y of inferior quality. Salmon " - 9 ") PYEI: VE BEEN NAMED
caught in salt. water just previous - -_-- AND 62 Wl5 ON LV 4.
For sale and recommit ND CLEARING to their spavcuing migration crest BEPdk'I_NEW
ally . by gted Helm '[/, C -17; GIEEkI.BA¥-I;
Auto Loans.."O'N' I,B!d. their peak. At this period of their ,v,vT' POt'SMOUTH-12-I'ROIT-I2)
....... life cycle they cmatain the maxi-
tom ± LLDOZING mum amounts of protein, fat. and ' DEERDO NOT W£AI
" " minerals and their water content -
............ ,, REO.'rvt Wm.K ON" B&/- ................... .,:..:
CHING is at its lowest point. 'A]L lG$ AND I) ., <.(lli:b:.,::,,,.Si6r,.r,
the river, it ceases to feed and ,%7g-.i'f .
MENT EXCAVAT- must draw on its stored fat to D I AE.O . g:(t
m, pply it with energy required for MANN!
the development of the eggs and
....... , mitt, and to propel it upstream. -- :I4E NATIONAL
By the time the fish is ready '
to spawn, it will have lost ffearly ' ..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..' .r'3 t. lEAGUE 14A
all its fat content, over a quarter . __-- "1 CFICIA-N'D THE PLAY'NG
of its proteins, and 10 per 'cent or
more of its minerals and other val- IGM :TED ' * .... PAI:. TOO MLH O'.A KE AT
uable constituents. While this has MAINE HUMTIN AI% i
been occurring, the water content "- " " ' " -"' ' '
will have increased in amounts' to
![ s s
offset these losses. • IDELIHE SLANT
Because spawning salmon are i : ' :i
an inferior food fish, and the tak- . .....
ing .of these fish is very destruct- by BI L'L '.DI CKI E
ive to the runs the possession 'of
spawning salmon has been strict-
ly prohibited, :Moore said. THA+ TIME ALREADY though Zillah had one tie marring
The Statq Department of Fish. Only yesterday, so to speak, the its i-eeord. Bremerton is believed
cries tins defiud a spawning san
men as one from which the eggs higl school lads stowed their to have set an all-thne record by
or mill flows freely, molesltlns and cleats away for the winning 12 games in one season,
year and here already is the bask- and generally is conceded to be the
etball season right in our laps, mythical state champion as well
as t.e Cross State League titlist.
Tourneys Beckoning tention,beck°ning for our time and at- Lon'view won teR games'and the
Sheit0n Pin Busters This Friday night the High- Southwest Washington conference
Shelton bowlers tYy their hands climbers stage their curtain raiser crown.
at tournament competition f9r on the 1948 season by entertaining The addition of Ogden Mead-
the first time this season during Silverdale (Central Kitsap) in the ows (wherever that is) to the
the coming weekend Wheh one first of nine'tough practice games southern division of the South-
• ]/. Undue noise tells men's and two women's teams go by which COach Chet D0mbroski west Washington' high 'h601
Meetings after pots-of-gold in Tacoma and hopes to polish the rough spots basketballconference llV!p.s tlmt
Seattle. off what may be a real gem dlvislon recover =t blV'from the
viilthtlrwal of Centralia .h.t
-- MONDAY Allie Robinson's Lake Cushman among Red and Black hoop col/re- year' to enter the' northern dl-
Resort team goes into action in tions.
We sez:viee in the the annual Washington 'State With height, speed and po- vision. Ogden Meadows gives
Tournament (Class B section) tenfial scoring punch at his tom- the outhern division a seventh
GLES Saturday and Sunday on the tin- mand, Oombroski elttry, the sme nmBbr It had
coln B0wl alleys in Tacoma. roll- of molding these ingredients in- before Centralia's WffhdWaL
BROTpjc:eon7 '' and Grove ing team single and doubles to a 'smoothly" functioning unit The Tigers heeame tile ellhtlt
....... events. ind of "fasliioning a' st'tong en- entry In lhe northern division
phon€ i i with their:transfer last year.
,€ • • Mac's Corner and the Old Mill ough'defens6 t0 hold th other
fellow to fewer points than the A new spOrts equipment service
, teams of the women's league here
• .,.--.aPPN roll in all three events in the'an- potential point.producing 'abil- has been started in Shelton .by
tournament on the Seattle Recrea- Tie Htghelimbers may not win Lumbermen's Mercantile sporting
0 to M T tion alleys Saturday. many of their praetlce games, goods department, with his pur-
i n Two more local entries--Past- They're with some strong rivals, chase of a'racket stringing ms-
day thru Friday time and W.H.S. Electric--willalso for one thing, and in addition to chine recently. Jack can now of-
......... :.. ,. ........... compete in the Washington State that the purImse of playing them fer perfect, even-tension string!ng
,M U S I C tom'nament Dee: 20 arid 21. is to give a coach the chance to of tennis and badminton rackets
without the use of an awl. He
- g'o... , T weed out the chaff from his ma-
ut uur : So+,,-a-., i-ht Tt RKEY DAY GRID SCORES terial , , 1 ' has purchased the racket stringer
, Camas 26, VancoUVer 7 ' A S
' 7Ea='v . ' ........ helton fans can well recall, used for several years by Mel
_aa ,,. ii " - remerton ly kallara 1€ the Hi-" climb(, - x , . Drag and Henry Prusoff, fa-
' ., ...... , . gn' " 's.wol gray nree "
,dfrieos., °,,a2,1.4A,'b9dvemni7 . Iof their ten practice gan4es last.
,. r..j.w.t.h.e pfivi- ' o],+,,;,'% 4,,uY{',# t [year and there certainly Was little circles for many years':. Jack ex-
iI,'7 T,r<."7._- . " !he club and the dane- '.":...:'. r".' ........ in those pre-season erformances peels to extend his service into an
mm /-'; "" grd .... ng,e., ,lso 0 j • P *
.,t 5!,l,day nights. I i .................. , to offer hope for a successful inter-city thing, picking up busi-
r, * [conference record, yet Dombrosk ness in Olympia through fhe
learned enough from those kings- L.M.'s building supply stere in the
-- .............. - - - i.[X contests to come up with the state capital city.
I best year the Red and Black ever
: "/: AL ,1.: " • ,- ..,......., II So here we are on the thresh-
II00ll" ill hold of another basketball "sea-
-- ---- -- - /; I .I..! '|:K i II11a31-- II son, looking at it with more op
l" • ikl '. %' h'*. % I [ t rl0ism' thhn "has been th'e "ac.
" ' customed wont of Shelton fans
o'' ' W ON I1 Aftdr lle Job
'q.--'Yr'. , ' IB D '-" .......... '
erfeet Strlnninn Ill oErnJrosKI uto w[n ast year s
' = °='-'"u"u .i[ material, fans can't help but ex-
l ,'-I=ml: r' JACI< STEWART il peCt good things of this year's
" "" : .... "G GOODS DEPq[\\; II Ann after lRst year s experience,
m.,,---" ' -- - ' ........... i lthey aren't going to before6 dis-
!li 'I.-______ l Ieouraged over practic game de-
r'' " h'--- - - - r .... = . .--. - ...- I feats '
• • • ' , - , • , _ ,, , :: :1: :t:
Dther Thln0000 e00oo00-I00-PO,NZ
" , :l I attle s consecutive state basket-
[%]" .qP ,.'][,.]li, . .... • ..''.-' [,ball tournament victories m the
"" '" ---" ..... Can save up to 30% in the cost first two years the Queen Citer
' ' of automobile insurance byour h'igh school champioffs were per- '
" mitted to compete hat Seatt4e
S :FIX !t oow
i " :; € athletics were superior to the
TEMPERANCE brand played by their "country '
.- cousins" have had no less than ...
, Phone 4a ' POLICY fear examples in the past year
. ;. ,:: such a fear is groundlesS.
MAKE KEYS • If you don't drink, why pay for To begin with, Pasco ended the
' " the accidents of the fellow who Seattle domination of the state
.... " basektball tourney bY capturing
BCISSORS SHARPNED does drink? the title last spring. Late in Lhe
For more information, telephone summer two more plums were
or write plucked by state teams, Brerner-
Inter-Insurance Exchang,, ton winning the State junior le-
glen baseball title witll Seattle's
Mr. Richard C. Springgate, District Manager standard-bearer 'not even "getting
Box 495- Shefton, Washington beyond its distlqct playoff,ar/d
Business Phone 767-R-1 -- Shelton Airport the State sefiior A1NSt:r football
team rather thoroughly out=play-
ing the Seattle Seni'or All-tar
aggregation in tleU, of W:std-
ES, t:Ni¢, Home hone 767-R-3
; Then just last weekend the
4' .,, ' " Bremerton Wildcats e,rned
' "U state's greatest high school foot-
ball teams of l-tlme by -
AVE rang |fs' th game"of the year,
seattle"ehadip[on, Ballaitl; In th'e
first game in 35 years in which
a Settle ]dgh school team
play eft an oldt-of-town 'riyal2:
' 'Th6 oilly 'tenth c6mpetftion of
the year in which Seattle decis-
Nosed its rural rivals in prep ath-
SHLTON leties was the annual All-Star bas
ball game, an eyent in which the
state has yet to %vin its first ver-
So we folks out here in tlae rhu-
aad --]"r Your HEATE - CIRCULATOR barb are pretty well armed now
.......... " for any verbal jousts we may get
'' into; "with Seattleites who .think
OIL STOVE - FURNACE there'S sbmething a little superior
about a city:bred athlete. We've
BE THE SMART FELLOW! "' got the ammunition. • , this year.
enttive here PHONE 196 SPQT SPECKS
: full oil tank and be able to keep your " • p'e'akinff of the all-state foot-
Thursda00 for constant comfort, ball game, the State Coaches As-
1 ''*''UI sociation surprised the sports col-
' ony somewhat by selecting BUck
....... " ": Hammer of Longvtew as head
a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS coach of the 1948 State Senior
' squad over Dwight Seheyer of
}5 ELLINOR % {50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations Bremerton at their meeting in
• S e &trt 1 e last Saturday." :-With
1, Bremerton's record
Call She!ton Hotel l
rrJbutor for Associated I Products sist£nt role. Be Campbell Of Zil-
lah was named second assistant.
All three coaches tutored unde-
feated clubs this past year, al-.
CATTERED across this nation
are some of th €giest auto-.
mobile buyers the world ever saw.
They cut their eyeteeth on a steer-
ind wheel, so to spea-they know
car values from'A to izzard - and
yo have to be plenty good to step
ahead of your price Class in the
volume of you/sales ihem. i
That's why it's startling - some-
ties even to us- to see the
"double-barreled story ot pnblic
preference that's written in the
sales records and registration
Play, Pinch Clubs
Pastime ...................... 21 15
Associated Oil .......... 20 16
Beckwith ,Tcwelers .. 20 16
W.H.S. Eleetrie ........ 19 ]7
Siinpson Logging Co. 18 18
Active Club ................ ]6 20
L, Cushman Resort .. 16 20
Lumbermen's Mere. 15 21.
High game--Jess Daiiels 224
High total--..loim Dotson 567
'VICTORIES at the bottom and
defeats at the top squeezed city
league bowling tcams tighter to-
gether in Friday night's weekly
nmtch play, leaving the eight-
team circuit gasping in the con-
fincment of a, stx-game prison.
Pastime continued to hold its
one-game lead despite a 2 to 1.
defeat at the hands of Bill Smith's
' * ' e
Electmeians beeaus_ second place
Associated Oil also took the short
¢'nd of a. similar count from sev-
enth place'.Lake Cushman
Beckwith Jewelers took advant-
age of the one-two-team defeats
to slip'into a second place tie by
odd-gaming the Active Club, and
the tailend Lumbermen's Mercan-
tile .kffocked over Simpson Log-
ging'Company, also by 'the extra
point margin.
TOP SCOPJNG of the night was
done in losing causes. John Dot-
son's 567 best total failing to save
Pastime, and 3ess Daniels' 224
aine also failing to win for As-
sociated Oil, chiefly because Skip-
per Allie Robinson almost matched
it with a 211 for Lake Cushman.
The father-son combination of
I. H. and Warrcn Woods paced
the Electrician victory, Frank Mc-
Caslin and Slim Gustafson set the
gait for the L.M,, and Rod Dodds
and George Merriek did the spade
work for Beckwith's.
The scoring:
Beckwith (2) " Active Club (1)
Handicap 120 Handicap 375
:Merrick 520 Gardner 422
Dodds 547] Stevenson 470
Deer 43,i I Williams 405
,Earl 453[ Price 4,18
Bayley 477L H,peterson 450
905 786 860 2651 I894 851 8252570
L. M. (2) Simpson Log (1)
Handicap 189 Haffdicap 216
B.Stewart 555 • Aronson 432
R.Gustafson 382 Snelgrove 534
McCaslin 511[ C.Hokonson 4.15
MackeY 4511 FUnk 469
,G.Gustafson 5471P.Fredson 497
920 847 868 2635 852 875 866 2593
Cushman (2) Associated (1)
'H'dndidap 282 Handicap 216
Durand 454] Tucker 504
L.Carlson 4451 Skelsey 480
C.Robinson 422[ Foster d46
A.Carls6ri 479 Holt 389
A.t=obinson 536 J.Danicls 560
843 860 915 2618 t 793 914 888 2595
.iW,lt.$.,:Elt:tric •(2) Pastime, (1)
, I-Iahdtcap' 243] Handicap 123
W.Woods 542 Allen 491
L.Westlund 479 Staley 529
D.Woods 486 Kopperman 540
B.Smitti 489 Dotson 567
I.HAVoods 516 Ferrier 536
823 998 934 2755 i 929 962 895 278.
The U.S. Navy Yard at Mare
Island, California. has an estab-
lishment cow, ring approximately
2,200 acres.
ITEM" Only three cars outsell
Bulck-and all of these are i'n
the so-called "low-pric field."
ITEM: In some localities-and
quite often in polls that ask
"Which car will you buy next?"
-Buick ranks not fourth, but
thjr#, actually ahead of 9he of
the lowest.priced three.
Naturally, the smart buyer will
ask "How come?"
"Well, the most ,standout style of
the season, the style that's the
clearest forecast of wonderful
6.,33.Suh irst treet, Shelton
i! _ i .... ] i[ IN!
iiii i ........ i =d ...................
By Ted Kesting
Too often whm the fisherman
re.urrects his tackle in the spring,
he finds that winter storage has
caused cmmiderable damage to his
equipment. A few suggestions
from Jason Lueas outdoor writer
and angling expert, may help you
avert this calamity.
The bamboo rod probably re-
Cltlires more care than any other
article, since it is easily affected
by heat or dampness. A damp
hasement may cause strips of
bamboo to peel from the rod and
render it unsatisfactory for fur-
the,' nse. Dry heat will cause the
barnboo to shy'ink so much that
the ferrules crone loose, which
nec.essitates extensive repairs.
Before storing a ha, rebec or
steel rod it is a good idett to give
it a coating of floor el" auto wax,
which will protect it from any
had atmospheric effects.
It is'well to clean reels before
storing, for dirt eventually may
canse discoloration. A reel must
be completely taken "apart for
clear/Nag', but this is such a
simple process that it should dis-
ma. no 'one.' Carbon tetrachl0r-
ide, bcinff non-inflanlmable, is
fine for cleaning a reel. An old
toothbrush is ideal for cleaning
the gear,. Be sure that the steel
parts are' well oiled or, in a damp
climate, covered with petroleum
jelly before putting the reel away.
Silk casting line should be
thoroughly dried, or it will soon
decay and stored in a dry place.
Melted grease can be quiekly ap-
plied to hooks with a small, round
paint brush. To preberye their
finish, plugs may be' dealed With
wax before being put away.
Store your tackle cai'efully and I!
you will be rewarded t 'the sprin, [1
when you are 'impatient f0 th'e ]|
thrill of that first strike, and anyd|
delay is exasperating. lllp
Eight Naval Air Transport en-
listed orderlies have traveled a to-
tal of 1.400,280 miles in an aver-
age of 14 montls with .NATS, ac-
cording to a recent survey. This
total corresponds to 6.1 trips
aronnd the world. In this muet
flying, the orderlies have served
to passengeh 22,650 infllght
meals and 2,250 gallons of Cof-
..... ]II--
Stand at Chevron Gas
Station - First & Cota
Factory Approve
hrsler - plymouth -International
We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild
All Makes of
Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy
Logging Equipment
=, ,.---
ti ,Our Service Building at
' .Eletric Welding and Brazing
PHONE 601.
Bui00ing A Home?
No. re, one a0
,, . , .
things to be, undoub/edly has
much to dowith it,
But that isn't all. The dollar is still
aPretfyihp0rtant measuring stick.,
So we don'tthlnk Buick could be
where it is if it didn't offer a bigger
, • . , • .
dollar s worth - b,gger m s,ze and
substance, in lift and life, in .oft
ride and easy handling, bigger in
the all-round happiness you'll get
out Of your buy.
Which suggests, of course:
Why go against the solid judg.
ment of your fellow men?
Why not see your Buick
dealer now-with or with-
out a car to trade-and
place the order that will
put you where you belong,
right up in the four-front?
I Jill[ /_1 I II I I
, CU00t.00Rou00D BUM.RS
Phone 673