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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IV I S ASc PrOg rams Outi .ned Lumber o.,, .,,o ,.0  ,.0. o, 0oo.,0 o,,.o .o Standards o0. ,.. o o o..o.o. o. ,.o .0 ., ,.o ,.0 . Ex p ' a i ned 0..**omo o.,o,o. '*° m"*° • For Area Farmers , definition, of or stands of forest lumber grades to be Conservation Program (ACP)will improving been looking for, and in the famous name brands, too, so run in today and take a gander at all the items... Bob Wotton, owner of BOB'S SHOE TREE, has just the right boot for that cowboy of yours. No matter what size he is. And they're priced right too... Don't leave your house off the Christmas list. Stop in at B & R SALES and see the special for this week. A five piece braided rug set and Kodel Shag. Both for a low price that'll save your budget for other things... Tim Buchholz, manager of MILLER'S SHOE DEPT., has just the gift for the man of the house. Shoes that will last and last ... and still be easy on the pocketbook. Better step in and see 'am soon . . . Larry Knutzen, manager of LUMBERMEN'S OF SHELTON, announced recently that the store will be open until 8:30 p.m. every weekday night until Christmas, following the lead of the other downtown merchants. Larry stated they are doing this for the convenience of their customers, so they will be able to browse at leisure through the many gift items in the store... That's -- 30 - for this week, but remember what La Rochefoucauld once said, "He who imagines he can do without the world deceives himself much; but he who fancies the world cannot do without him is still more mistaken." The Christmas season is on its way and you are to hear the holiday practically everywhere you 'ireet decorations were Lalled last Monday by the No. 3 crews and so is in shape... be, as there are only 18 days left until the jolly man in the red suit and long beard stops at the house of good little boy and girl to ifts... of gifts, there are of them just waiting for at the various merchants town, and many have that'll save you plenty of Just a few of them are... At SEARS, where Maxine manager, has a fabulous home improvement on right now: Better buy now this sale can save you of money... Rod Olsen, owner of OLSEN has just the gift the re family will enjoy. A rocker for people who Better stop in today, as probably go real fast... Laudahl, manager of ,ER'S, has the classic of Franciscan ware at low price. This is ift that will last and last ... please tile man in your Ztop in at LLOYD'S MEN'S WOMEN'S. Lloyd Graver, has just the item you've ":e Trainees Visit Corrections Center Fenton Burgess has left his position as a correctional officer to take a position with the Cleveland Institute of Electronics in California. He had been at WCC two years. OUTDOOR LITTER IS OUT Outdoor Litter Bags Are In They're in the National Forests to stop litter from spoiling your back-country trips. Take one with you and pack your litter out. Available at Ranger Stations and the start of many trails. group of 15 recruit police from the Tacoma Police artment visited the :ton Corrections Center sday as a part of their program, acting Supt. said. purpose of the visit to the Center, Powell said, is the recruit officers a with the programs purposes of institutions in tal corrections picture. are two new employees Corrections Center, Miss a Hale, Hoodsport, has joined staff as a clerk typist in the cords and Identification attended the University for two years and from Washington State with a bachelor degree /. llip Gladding has from the Cedar Creek Camp to work in the Department as a counselor. He and ife and daughter make their in Olympia. This Christmas put Weyenberg shoes in his stocking You don't even have to know his size! Give him a gift certificate for a pair of Weyenberg shoes for Christmas and he can experience the joy of picking them out for himself. And we can be sure he's fit for comfort. WEYENB£100€00 !4 I SNOE DEPT. include authorization for practices designed for polution control along with accompanying soil and water conservation benefits. According to Ralph J. Brewer, Chairman of the Mason County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee which administers the ACP, the Program for 1970 will help protect the county's agricultural resources and will contribute directly to improving the environment for all the people -- rural, suburban, and urban. In Mason County about 33 farmers participate annually in the ACP, a program in which the Government shares costs with farmers for conservation work needed in the public interest on agricultural land. Among practices performed are the establishment or improvement of perennial grass lands, construction of farm pond Ronald Cole On Way Home Storekeeper Third Class Ronald E. Cole, USCG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Cole, Shelton, is returning to the U. S. aboard the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Sebago after completing a tour of duty in the Western Pacific. Prior to deploying for its homeport of Pensacola, Fla., the Sebago conducted a firing mission against enemy positions in support of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. With its relief ship standing alongside, the cutter reported scoring on three enemy targets described by aerial observers as storage areas. Eagles Activities An error was made in a recent release concerning the whereabouts of the Shelton Eagles at the time of the fire. Although the Aerie held meetings in the Odd Fellows Hall it was holding its meetings at the Moose llall in Shelton. The information was given wrong to the Journal. Fun night was advanced from Dec. 2 to Dec. 11 at 7 O0 p.m. Games will be played with prizes going to the winners. trees, stabilization of streambanks, improving natural beauty along public roads and control of noxious weeds. These many other approved ACP practices directly benfit the public. Grasslands and forest trees beautify the countryside and keep the air and water cleaner by preventing wind and water erosion of the soft. Trees assure forest products for the future. Ponds conserve water, prevent silting, provide wildlife habitat and often have public recreational benefits. Streambank control saves land and stops erosion which polutes streams and damages fish life. Brewer added that some more specific polution abatement practices are being considered. He pointed to the present concern over air and water polution and said the farmer has a major role to play in solving the problrm. Further information regarding participation in the AC Program may be obtained by contacting the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Office in the Courthouse Annex in Olympia Mondays through Fridays and the Shelton office at Kneeland Center on Thursday. Clifford Magner Is Promoted Steven W. Magner, 23 son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Magner, Seattle, was promoted to Army captain Oct. 25 in Vietnam, where he is serving with the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). His wife, Kristine, lives on Route 2, Shelton. Harold Harsh Is On Carrier Ship's Serviceman Second Class Harold U. Harsh, USN, husband of Mrs. Nancy J. ttersh, Shelton, completed a seven-month deployment in the Tonkin Gulf aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Oriskany, homeported at Alameda, Calif. During the ship's fifth consecutive deployment in Vietnamese waters the crew visited Hawaii, the Philippines, Hang Kong and Sasebo, Japan. comment of Wendell B. Barnes upon the Department of Commerce announcement that a new American Lumber Standard had been adopted. Barnes is Executive Vice President of Western Wood Products Association, the world's largest lumber manufacturers association, representing some 40% of the nation's lumber production. He likened the new lumber standard to electric light bulbs by explaining that lumber sizes had Buckley Slated As Speaker William F. Buckley, Jr. noted author, lecturer and critic will speak at Saint Martin's College, Olympia, at 8 p.m., Friday, 12 December 1969, in the Capital Pavilion. The topic of his lecture will be "Reflections on the Current Disorders." Buckley is appearing at the Olympia college under the sponsorship of its 75th Anniversary Speakers Forum. Buckley, editor of the National Review, was recently appointed by President Nixon to the Advisory Board of the United States Information Agency. The public is invited to this lecture. Tickets may be obtained by writing Gary Austin, Saint Martin's College, Olympia, 98501, or by telephoning Olympia 491-4710 or 491-2810. Reserved tickets are $3.00 and General Admission $2.50. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. Too Late to Classify '58 Bel Air -- 4-door, $75. Medium size refrigerator $40. 426-6952. M12/4 FOR SALE -- MARKX electric train set. 28 pieces. Track, three switches, engine, five cars, accessories. $25. 426-3216. M 12/4tfn BABY SITTER for 2 yr. old child, my home $4 a day. Call 426-2761 after 5 p.m. Le12/4 light bulbs will fit sockets regardless of the wattage of bulbs bought. Under the old standard, due to go out of existence on March 1, 1970, end use size was not assured because green lumber shrinks, and it wasn't required to be manufactured oversize to allow for the shrinkage. The new standard provides "sanforized" sizes for conventional framing and other lumber and provides that lumber not "pre-shrunk" shall be manufactured to allow for later shrinkage. A host of other advantages are built into the new standard, the lumber executive said. Among them, he said, were new technology of lumber use properties, specific labeling Tides Friday, Dec. 5 High ....... 2:17 a.m. 9.2 ft. Low ....... 6:59 a.m. 6.6 ft. High ...... 12:53 p.m. I 1.8 ft. Low ....... 8:11 p.m. 1.1 ft. Saturday, Dee. 6 High ....... 3:23 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low ....... 8:05 a.m. 7.4 ft. High ....... 1:23 p.m. I 1.8 ft. Low ...... 8:47 p.m. -1.2 ft., Sunday, Dec. 7 High ....... 4:11 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low ....... 8:59 a.m. 8.1 ft. High ....... 1:59 p.m. 11.9 ft. Low ....... 9:23 p.m. -2.4 ft. Monday, Dec. 8 High ....... 4:59 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low ....... 9:47 a.m. 8.5 ft. High ...... 2:35 p.m. 12.1 ft. Low ...... 10:05 p.m. -3.4 ft. Tuesday, Dec. 9 High ....... :5:47 a.m. 12.9 ft. Low ...... 10:41 a.m. 8.8 ft. High ....... 3:11 p.m. 12.2 ft. Low ...... 10:47 p.m. -3.9 ft. Wednesday, Dec. 10 High ....... 6:29 a.m. 13.3 ft. Low ...... I 1:29 a.m. 8.9 ft. High ....... 3:59 p.m. 12.1 ft. Low ...... 11 : 35 p.m. -4.1 ft. Thursday, Dec. I 1 High ....... 7:17 a.m. 13.6 ft. Low ...... 12:23 p.m. 8.8 ft. High ....... 4:47 p.m. 11.8 ft. used nationwide, and engineering of sizes which will make for more efficient use of lumber products while enabling recovery of more pieces from each tree. This, he said, would nmke better use of forest resources in reaching the nation's sorely needed housing goals. This year, he said, some 1.5 million homes will be built nationwide, but some 2.6 million are needed each year over the next ten years according to government estimates. We Have a Complete Line of FRIGIDAIRE • Dryers .'Washers • Refrigerators • Ranges Fireplace Shop I Complete 3-piece Fireplace Set from $850 Standing Fireplace Screens ,rein S21" We also carry many assorted styles of screens and fireplace tools. Why not buy Dad a Hand Tool This Christmasl Check our Tool Board for SAWS, HAMMERS, PLANES, TAPES, LEVELS, SCREWDRIVERS, Etc. _-_-_-_--=--- f__=?r Your H a ndyma n___ _:____ / ___ We will be OPEN 'TIL 8:30 p.m. for added customer convenience throughout the Christmas Seasonl Check Our Complete line of Hoover Floor Care & Appliances Irons- Toasters Broilers, Etc. • Lowest Price Ever for This Drill • 2.3 Amp Motor • 2,000 RPM Speed • Comfortable Handle 9Reg. $14.99 PING PONG TOPS 2.Piece i Painted & Stnped. Christmas Special L1DI[RZRI]gN'S Of Shelton 426-2611 Shelton Trailer Sales Olympic Hwy. N. at Airport 426-1486 Evergreen AI dR men eta Reg. $1.89 PROCTOR-SILEX Coffee Pot 7-Cup Regular $14.95 .ow $8 88 $3.00 Style Topps Perpetual lit The date at a glance. Choice of yellow, silver adjustable bands. $188 $1.33 Value 100 Poker Chips & Plastic Coated Play- ing Card Deck. BOTH FOR $1.88 Box Christmas Wrap 8-Roll Box Foil or Paper BIG BUY M 99 59  Box GILLETTE a-ROtt Right Christmas Wrap Guard Roll 72" x 20' Reg. $1.59 x HOW $16, 89¢ 89€i S149 HALLMARK Cards, Wraps & Party Goods for Christmasl EvergreeM 426-3456 -- Evergreen Square Thursday, December 4, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5