December 4, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Naomi Johns
Naomi Johns Supervises
Cooks As Extensions Aid
An expert on cooking and a
professiorlal in the field d' foods,
Naomi Johns is well known in
Mason County. She is employed
by the Cooperative Extension
Service of Washinglon State
University as an extension aid,
and she works with low Incon]c
wives, helping them to help
themselves. She goes trite their
homes; gives them literature, talks
with them, and directs them as
they cook. She teaches both
nutrition and economy. She
enjoys her work and is happy in
her association with people, and
finds the ladies most cooperative.
As a hobby Naomi makes
centerpieces of styrol'()am with
artificial flowers. She also does
Indian bead work and collects
Indian adifacts, lter collection
consists mostly of baskets, and
objects handed down from
generation |0 generation ill her
own family. Some of her treasures
ark rnore than IO0 years old.
Most of her attention is
concentrated upon her work, arid
she is especially interested in
helping her own people, the
The recipe that follows is one
that has proved successful and
She herself attends classes popular with her homemakers.
ex, er/ 3ue, in the C.'y (:ity !!.iARIAN
Building 'm Tac,,ma,.'o ,king I'*ii;.'rYti,,isteak ,,::"'4
llnder lhe sill]ervision of ltie , ,
I nlediuni onion, chopped,
director, to lest recipes hefore
they ;ire released.
Originally from Skagit
Cqunly, she came to I:his area 28
years ago upon her marriage to
Steven Johns, who is a life-hag
resident. I:le is elnployed by the
Simpson l'hnber Company as a
shovef operator. They have two
daughters, one son, aud three
grandchildren. They belong to the
Shaker church in the Skokomish
Indian reservation. Steven Johns
is one of the State elders of the
Shaker Organization.
1 small green pepper (or 'A C.),
3/4 C. grated raw carrot
3 slices chopped salt pork:.
Salt and pepper to taste
1 ('. boiling water.
Pound tlour into meat, and
season. Combine remaining
ingredients, except water. Place
small amount on each piece of
steak. Roll and tie securely.
Brown in hot fat. Add water and
cover; simmer IV2 his. Thicken
stock for gravy.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30
p.m., PUD conference room,
Daughters of Pioneers of
Washington, noon, at Heinie's
Friday, Dee, 5
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m.,
Memorial ttall.
Tulsa Bound Bowlers Bake
Sale, Mode O'Day, 10 a.m.
Little Skookum Bay
Community Club Moonlight
Rummage sale, 7 p.m. -.- 9 p.m.,
PUD building.
VFW Auxiliary bazaar, PUD
Church Women of St. David's
Episcopal church gourmet foods
and Christmas gifts sale, Parish
Hall, 10 a.m..--. 5 p.m.
Saturday, Dee. 6
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. -- 5 p.m., court house
Tulsa Bound Bowlers
Christmas bazaar, 4:30 p.m.,
Timber Bowl.
Southside School Carnival, 3
p.m..- 9 p.m., school gym.
Sunday, Dec. 7
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Tulsa Bound Bowlers
Christmas bazaar, 4:30 p.m.,
Timber Bowl.
Monday, Dec. 8
PUD NO. 3 commission
meeting, I p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
i0 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium,
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
LANCE, 7:30 p.m., Hood
Canal Junior High.
Christian Women's Club
luncheon, noon, Hallmark Inn.
Tuesday, Dec. 9
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
School liol!,lleting, g p,m.,
Evergreen school; ' ........ "'
4-ti leaders council meeting, 8
p.m., extension office.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor dinner and
Chrirtmas party, 6:30 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Junior Degree of Honor
meeting, Fireplace Room,
Memorial Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Either Chapter, OES, 8 p.m.,
Union Masonic Hall.
Mason County Credit Women,
7: 30 a.m., Timbers restaurant.
Welcome Wagon Christmas
party, home of Chottie Mullahs,
925 Thomas St., 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dee. 10
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m,, court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service center.
Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Thursday, Dee. 1 I
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
St. Edvard's Woman's Club,
7:30 p.m. board meeting; 8 p.m.,
regular meeting, at the church.
Writers Workshop, Hood
Canal Woman's Club, 1 p.m.
Hospital auxiliary rummage
sale, PUD building.
Shelton Rock and Mineral
Society, 7:30 p.m., Southside
Grange Hall,
Elinor Chapter No. 177 Past
Matrons Club luncheon and
Christmas party, home of Mrs.
George Moake, 2 p.m.
Jan Danford, Women's Editor
i i i i i
engagement of their daughter, Alison Amy, to Bill R.
DeRoche, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert F. DeRoche. The
bride-elect is a senior at Shelton High School and the
prospective bridegroom a 1968 graduate, now attending
Olympic Junior College in Bremerton. He is employed at the
Mason Hardwood Company. A late March wedding is
: - - - i i i illll ii i i i i
Skookum Bay Club
Plans Rummage
Little Skookun'l Bay
Community Club will hold a
moonlight rummage sale at the
PUD building on Friday from 7
p.m. io 9 p.m.
Barbara Wolf
Pledged at UPS
Barbara Wolf, daughter of
Mrs, Thora (;, Bassett, has
pledged Chi Omega sorority at the
University of Puget Sound in
Bridge Club
Winners Named
Monday night winners for the
Shelton Duplicate Bridge club
were, for North-South, Tom
Halpin and Nancy Jeffrey, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul McCahen, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Russell, Jane Bennett
and Lenora Dudley.
East-West winners were
Wayne Soper and Beth Walter,
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphenour,
Doris Christy and Elsa Schlosser,
Mr. and Mrs. ttoward Holt.
Rock Society
To Meet Thursday
The regular meeting of the
Shelton Rock and Mineral Society
will be held next Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in the Southside
Grange hall. The date has been
moved ahead because of
Guests are welcome.
Page 6 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Fhursday, December 4, 1969
Fashion Show
ToBe Held
At H011mark
The regular monthly hmcheon
meeting of the Christian Women's
Club will be held Monday in the
Hallmark Inn. A fashion show
featuring Christmas robes and
lounge wear will be presented by
Jean Hartwell of Mode O' Day.
The devotional speaker will be
Carmen Stuart of Tacoma, whose
career is in educational television.
The club is a non-denomina-
tional, no-dues, no-membership
group that meets in the Hallmark
Inn on the second Monday of
each month for hmch. It is
affiliated with the International
Christian Businessmen, and
Christian Business and
Professional Women's Councils.
The luncheons are open to any
woman who cares to attend. Her
only obligation is to make a
reservation and to pay the cost of
her own lunch. Luncheons begin
at noon and are finished by 2
p.m.. Baby sitting is available for
a small fee.
For further information, or to
make reservations, phone Connie
Travis, 426-41 15; Kathryn
Powell, 426-8034; or Mable
Goodwin, 426-3555.
MISS CHERI PETERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Peterson of Allyn, will be seated as Honored Queen of Job's
Daughters at 2 p.m. Saturday in a ceremony to be held in the
Masonic Temple at Belfair. Others to be seated are Sue
Reynolds, Senior Princess; Bobbie Smith, Junior Princess;
Diane Dinovi, Guide; Cindy Cone, Marshall; Gayle Enochs,
Chaplain; Barb Davies, First Messenger; Karen Wolle, Fifth
Messenger; Penny Bishop, Librarian; Rene Smith, Senior
Custodian; and Pinky Allison, Junior Custodian. Installing
Epsilon Omicron Margy Tylczak
Holds Rituals
The EpsilonOmicronChapter High School Spotlight
of Beta Sigma Phi held Rituals on
Monday in the banquet room of Not one to wish her life away favorite: she has a special interC'
the Hallmark Inn. Following the is Margy Tylczak; she enjoys in each and every one. li
rituals and the dinner, guest every minute to the utmost Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ty
before she lets it go, and her only are her parents. She Waslwa
March 4, 1052 and has a
speaker Nell Molenaer spoke on
"The Awareness of Blessings." complaint is that time goes by all
too fast. She likes people, and will lived in Shelton. She has t
Participating in the rituals were choose her career accordingly, brothers;John is a sophOmCej
Mrs. Joe Lovota, Mrs. AI Egg, and She is considering either Washington State College al c
Mrs. Terry Mullahs. Mrs. John Washington State College or is in the eighth grade. Slwtlast
MacAvery participated in the
a sophOfllore
Stevens College in Missouri, and sisters; Lisa is Andrea is intl
All-City Rituals in Olympia on will perhaps major in sociology or high school antl
November 25, and also attending mental therapy, second grade.
were Mrs. Mike Ogden and Mrs.
Dave Dunnington. She has been a member of Pep One of her main interests
The Chapter is preparing Club for three years, and is drama, and she hopes toCon.tin
decorations and a Christmas tree president this year; she has been with it as a hobby. She w.a2tl
officers will be Nancy Reynolds, Honored Queen; Gloria to be sent to soldiers in Viet Nam. in the French Club for three cast of the school play ta *1
years, and was secretary in her and plans to try out agalfl,,
Crawford, Guide; Penny Bishop, Marshal, Barb Schillinger, The next meeting will be held junior year and treasurer as a year. Last summer she attc,,
Chaplain; Diane Haydon, Senior Custodian; and JoAnn
in the home of Mrs. Mike Ogden n 0
Robinson, Junior Custodian. A reception will follow, on December 15, and a recipe sophomore; she has been in the an outdoor drama cai polk1
exchange is planned. American Field Service for three Seattle for two uwfir01
:= ----- = = = = =- -- ..... The annual Christmas party years; she belongs to the Honor Participants made their oW ,!,.i.
and costumes Iron " .=
"J),.-- -- - VFW Ladies Plan for membersandtheirhusbandsis Society with a 3.4grade average; i .-
scheduled for December 20 at 8 she is a Thespian; she has lettered materials. Plays were presenlJ
Christmas Bazaar p.m. in the home of Mrs. Larry in tennis for the past two years; camp in an outdoor theater'':
Knudson. Secret sisters will be she was a finalist in the student round and at the WhidbY t' il
F¢ln00€00,d For This Friday revealed and new names drawn exchange program last year; she F a i r. S t U dents W
for 1970. has belonged to the Catholic predominantly from Sea:te 1
The Auxiliary to the Veterans Youth Organization for two the entire state was reP°. :|
' of Foreign Wars will hold a bazaar years, and is secretary this year; She also attended (;irls.St,tt 3
yan DanfeNd in the PUD auditorium on Friday. WCTU Schedule shoyj00 I #udgnt :t'eaeher for summer, and she wor,t r e I
begfhifg "d:r::'h:' ts' an waffress at the South ,,,no /
Christmas items and baked goods assistant and substitute teacher on flood (?aria/. --
December is a charming host - will be available. = :' "'-r,ar ': ",,,ee,mu for the second grade class in St. She likes snow sk!i :4r
sa .
• ' " is fond of anlln' !
l gay, nostalgic fellow The next fifth district meeting T he W ()moll'S Christian Edward's Catholic church; she is sadm,. She ' ,. sii
Whosummonsforthagontie00ost will be held in Aberdeen on Temperence Union will meet the high school representativeon based as many var'ed007,0000,l
Or two, while waxing mellow. Saturday with a no-host dinner Friday in the home of Verda the Citizens Advisory Council and small right-in-town back Y ,,i, JI
. . . beginning at 6:30 p.m. Wingard at 1 p.m. is still a-glow over their last big permit.-She sews, and she },"!
The maple tree, District eleven of the V.F.W. There will be an exchange of project - the bond issue, clothing for herself. :It
Abandonedly, Ritualistic Teams initiated new Christmas gifts, and those ller subjects in school are She is five feet seven ;it
Has tossedhergrments candidates in Olympia on Friday. attending are asked to bring civics, sociology, physiology, tall with light brown h rf
cookies for Christmas Tea. senior English, advanced drama, blue-grey eyes and awc
to the breeze; District President Mrs. William Visitors are welcome, and psychology. She has no philosophy of life.
The proper fir Gephart made her last official
Is shocked at her, inspection in Aberdeen on .......
And will not join November 25. Other members
in this strip tease, attending from Shelton were
. . , auxiliary president Mrs. Wayne
Robinson, Mrs. Jessie Cox, Mrs.
Once I sat on Santa's knee Mamie Clark, arid Mrs. Darrell
And whispered in his ear; Sparks. Mrs. Robinson took part
But all he ever brought me was in the floor team work.
A heartache and a tear. On November 21, District ....
* * * Commander Jack Hammock of ....
My child is quite precocious Montesano and Mrs. Gephart
And he shattered Santa's dream; made their official visitations to
He saidhethought that the local V.F.W. Post and its
Slay-Belleswere auxiliary. Mrs. Harold Seeley, ........... ' ......
District Deputy Chief of Staff,
A Roller Derby team.
inspected the local auxiliary. ::,:::::::::
, • •
Beyond that imooth
unfurrowed brow,
1 think no thought has burrowed Cosmetics
Except, perhaps, the
thought of how kf' l I
To keep that brow unfurrowed. For ru u
* * * Q. I'd like to give m X ';
friend a fragrance gift that s
I'm quick with brilliant different. Do you have any
Repartee suggestions to give me?
When I'm conversing A. Solid perfume can be :::.
purchased , !n any number of
Just with me.
novel, fun" packages,
, , , including jeweled boxes,
compacts and rings. These
At vulgar words, nice fragrance "accessories" make
popleshouldn't good conversationpieces.sachets come in many Classic Simplicity
Act outraged and haughty; forms -- pillows, envelopes, ...
People even nicer wouldn't ' paper linings, and cakes --
Know the words were naughty, which make good, inexpensive At An Unbelievable Low Price !
, , , gifts. Perfumed soap is
another inexpensive form of
1 am not neat, fragrance that is not often CLOUD NINE'S classic, pure white styling complements
But I hate my spouse purchased by women for their
When he wipes his feet own use. any decor, yet is priced so low it's a big sale value !
If you want to splurge, YOu
Before leaving the house, can buy your friend a.complgt e Strong authentic earthenware--completely safe in your
set of bath accessories in her
* * * favorite fragrance, oven and dishwasher. Detergents never dim its color and
This ,s by far the most lustre. Select from many accessory pieces,
Amaranth Plans eff:tveway of using fragrance
.... and very few women which you can add at any time.
Potluck Dinner fragranceP°Ssesslf youranat friend°neentiretime'is a"line"man, try°f "Fran ci s carl
Laurel Court No, 26 Orderof giving hima large bottle of whiteston ware
Amaranth will hold a Christmas cologne or an over-sized
potluck dinner for members and scented soap. Many men think
after-shave lotion if the only s2995 open stockvalue
their families at 6 p.m. on form of fragrance available to 45 pc. service for 8--only $52.60
December 17 at the Mt, Morlah them.
follow.Mas°nic Temple. A meeting will Neil's Pharmacy
There will be no Christmas Emergency Ph. 426.216S
gift exchange but donations for Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
the kidney fund will be Open Daily 9:30 to7:30
appreciated. Those bringing k Sturdy _ 9:30 to 6:00 ; t Railroad
children should bring gifts for