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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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William Larson Named To Head Keep Green Shelton High School Girls Club Starts TB Drive William !1. Lars(,n, Seattle, llowa rd 1-. Nclson, By SIGRIDCRABTREE gradepomt average or better. has been elected president of Vancouver, Wash. astrustec. The Shelton High School Keep Washington (;recn, Keep Washington (;recn will The (;iris' ('lub is holding its choir performed at the annual succeeding Royce O. ('orneliusto celebrate its 30th year in 1970. annual TB Drive in which they ('hristmas tree lighting Friday head the non-prcffit fire satcry Originated in the State of raise money for the Tuberculosis education agency. Washington, the Keep (;reen fund. This year the prize is an AM evening. They sang under the direction of Bob Miller, choir l. arson is manager of organizations have spread to 37 FM radio. Tickets are on sale for director. Washington Forest Protection states and several foreign 50 cents or5 for$1. Association which represents countries, lleadquarters is at ]'he winner will prohably be SCLUB forest owners ira public affairs, Anderson llall, LInivcrsity of selected at a basketball game. S ('lub is sponsoring a fire and pest control and research. Washington, Seattle, with t:.d baskethall game between the A University of Washington Loners as director. HONOR SOCIETY Shelton All-Stars and the ltarlem graduate, Larson is active in many Jim Connolly and Suc ('lawns Dec. 7 in the Shelton forest industry groups including Lamagie were chosen by the Gym. Tickets will be Adults Society of American Foresters, honor society to apply for the $1.50 and students $1. Washington State Forestr3, ..... ": National Itonor Society Conference, and National Fire . ' :: Scholarship. q'hey were chosen hy DREAM DATE Protection Association. He is : :: members of the honor society The lasl dream date having author of numerous articles on ::. • ::iiii:::i!:ii!:: from 27 students with a 3.75 been such a good one the debate forestry and is a frequent witness ..... class has decided to sponsor on forestry matters before another one in January only this legislative groups, will bca ski trip for the lucky Cornelius, formerly of Area Scout o.,.,w.ow., Tacoma, has been transferred to PARTIES Arkansas as manager of timber Dinner F'rench cltlb is planning to operations for Weyerhaeuser hold a Christmas party this year. I Planned club is not yet decided Other new elected officials of S whether it will hold one this year Keep Washington Green are: or not. FtlA is planning a party for their Bluebird group and German club is holding their annual Kaffee Klatch Dec. 17. Z Club is having a used paperback book sale. The club is a service organization at the school and is a girls club. The date for the sale will be announced soon. HONOR SOCIETY Honor Society is having elections for entrance to the honor society hall of fame. The winner will be announced Soon. JUNIOR MEETING The Junior class held a money raising meeting last week in order to get suggestions for raising funds so that they can sponsor the Junior Prom. Some suggestions were to hold a dance, to have a hake sale, and to show a movie. The Junior Prom is usually held in the spring and to hold a good one, the class needs to raise at least $400. William ii. Pearson, Sedro The annual recognition dinner 19D"M'.,',H"P"'m''D'm''m''I"''I'"m'""D"m woo No00wt0000o o i i , Vice President; Tumwater Area t'ouncil, will be tloward Milhm, Tacoma, as William Larson Dec. 6, at 6:3(I p.m., at the ' trustee; Olympia Commt, nity Center, and i: will be a catered dinner. The b event is to honor scouters and .... State Visitor Forecast Given wives, from packs, troops, I I/U'-D ISILECTED FOR ACCEPTANCE as an School_Holmes received a Bachelor of Arts posts, and particularly fro,n the BAKED FRESH AILY I ]IViation Officer Candidate at the Sand Point degree in Speech Education from Pacific If you think Washington is will have visited Washington th'" three districts of Mason, Lewis ! D k F it C k 79¢ I getting a lot of visitors these days, year, according to Director Daniel and Thurston Counties. l,.al Air Station. Seattle, recently was Lutheran University at Tacoma this year. take a look at1980. B. Ward, is96million. Keynote speaker will he Judge ar ru a • , ]lehard N. Holmes, left, 22, son of Mr. and Holmes first duty assignment will be to the In that year, according to a Travel to Washington has been Marshall Neill of the Washington I I |rs. Rudolph N. Holmes, Shelton. Naval AirStation, Pensacola, Florida, where study released today by the growing atarateofalmostsixper State Supreme Court, whose J I K k 49¢ tterernonies solemnizing the event were fie will undergo two years of flight training Department of C.ommerce & cent per year. Eighty-nine per subject ,, ,,, ,.,o w P, 0 O e a • e0 0 |Onducted by Ensign William P Johnson, upon completion of this phase and he will be Economic Development, I 5 cent of the travelers come from James Dolliver, assistant to (;ov. I " I ht, of the Sand Point "Recruiting commissioned an Engisn and awarded the millionout-of-stateresidentswiil within theUnitedStateswiththe Daniel J. Evans, willhe the master 1 2t y 811C k White and 99¢ 0 ]Partment, who administered the oath of Wings of Gold of the Naval aviator, travel to the state to vacation, largest portion fro,n the Pacific of ceremonies, a er a echoeolate an. I visit relatives or conduct business Coast and British (olumbia. "This is the time to give I listrnent. A 1965 graduate of Shelton High matters. More than 80 per cent of the special thanks to outstanding They will spend an estimated travelers come by automobile, the volunteer leaders of scouting," 0 WHITE or t_narge enric.edh a /,dbl J l  Christmas Me _ ._ o .er,erva,,ve, -... • $614 million and be responsible survey showed. Arthur Kramer, Council t WHEAT BREAD or softeners added. Ib/41Fl| I ssage: for 64,000 travel-related jobs. President, stated. "There will be ] The 1980 figure on the The tendencytoaggressionis Nati°nal camping awards' training I! HAROLD S BAKERY I eanings Of Traditions Are Told o,,m., of travelers is more than an innate, independent, awards, keys, and men will be double that shown in 1963 when instinctual disposition in man . .. named for the Silver Beaver, the lEdwin C. Zschoche, Pastor United States mails this year. But them, they would dress in full a comprehensive survey was it constitutes the most powerful highest award a council can give ! undertaken, obstacle to culture, for distinguished service to  Shelton Foods  426-3377 -- Olympic Hwy. N. 1 0tint Olive Lutheran Church did you know that they were first liturgical garb. When in ancient The travel projections were - Sigmlmd Freud boyhood." We do many things without used in England in the 1840's? times two warriors happened to conducted for the 'fourist D,,l,,I,,,P"''.qD',,t,.,,4m,,,I,,gm,.,,t,,,ID,,m,M L0Wing why. For example, when Bismarck, great Prussian statesman, rved as ambassador to Russia, Saw a soldier standing on guard the middle of the lawn near the lace. He could not understand ,lY this particular spot needed arding, so he inquired; but body knew why. Then finally, r Considerable research it was rned that a one-time ruler of tSia, Catherine the Great, had a flower bloom on the lawn day, and so nobody would 'k or trample it, she had a ard placed there. The flower led, but a guard continued to Illd at the spot for several erations. h In the Christmas season we 1 many customs which are !te meaningful in their origin; t for us they have lost the true .tttY because we have lost trace Ihe original idea. Possibly a few |?rrnents about some of these to " ] ms will help to make Stmas more meaningful for us Year ]/The i'avorite Christmas flower i the poinsettia, because it '!inds us of the Star of ltlehem. But do you know that flowers got their name from an named Joseph Robert tt? This man lived over a dyed years ago and was our iSter to Mexico. Mr. Poinsett " also a botanist, and he led to the sight of the flaming [ yes of these flowers, which |'' in profusion in Central "rica. When he returned home /North Carolina he began to ttivate these plants in the L')ge climate of the United 's. ttis achievement has given !te beautiful poinsettia which l'%en named after him. &.nother custom is the mailing k Lhristmas cards or reetins. it°as of them will go thru the NOTES FROM NElL e q A drug derived from saliva IiiVmpire bats may someday ," save human life. A 'hndon researcher, Dr. ,ristine Hawkey, has racted from the saliva a Stance called desmokynase, lh has been found effective ,. SSolvina blood clots that "se heart attacks. Ileil's Pharmacy mm tltkrergency Ph. 426-2165 ] h & Franklin St.--426-$327 | ln Daily g:30 to 7:30 rdIys -- 9:30 to 6:00 I And believe it or not, the te',tchers had students who could not go home for Christmas mail their parents a greeting at Christmas time, partly to greet them, but mainly to let the parents know that their sons had learned how to write quite well, that they were mastering the second "R" of their education. Holly. trees grow in profuon in our part of the country, and they are woven into beautiful wreaths at Christmas time. The wreath has been a symbol of victory since the ancient Olympic games, and Christians have been quick to use the holly wreath to testify to the victory which is ours in Christ. Besides, the sharp points of the holly leaf are intended to remind us of the crown of thorns which were pressed upon the head of our Lord on the day of His crucifixion, and the bright berries represent the drops of blood which were shed for the nemission of our sins. The Mistletoe originally was used by pre-Christian priests in ancient Britain as a sprig of healing. They attributed strange powers to the mistletoe, and when they harvested a crop of meet each other under a tree which had mistletoe attached to it, they immediately dropped their weapons and embraced. The custom of kissing under the mistletoe is said to have sprung from this old ritual ... As for Christians this sprig has become symbolic of Christ the Healer. And when we think of the ruiraclcs which the t.ord performed the mistletoe seems most appropriate. The familiar greeting at Christmas time, is, of course, Merry Christmas. The word "Merry" generally suggests mirth, gaiety, and light-heartedness. But originally it had other meanings. Then it meant peacefulness and blessedness. It was as the one was saying, "A peaceful Christmas to you", or "May Christmas bring the blessings of God to you!" The gift exchange is something which can be traced back to the Holy Bible itself. Oddly enough it is a one-sided exchange. God gives us Ills Son to be our Savior, and when we embrace tlim in faith, we give Him our sin. tte gladly removes this. That is why lie came ... Him I wish as your main Christmas gift this year! Promotion Division of the Commerce and Economic Development under a contract with Battelle-Northwest. The number of travelers who Thacher Attends Heart Fund Meet David Thacher, Shelton, will be among the Ileart Fund volunteers attending a workshop Dec. 5 and 6 in Seattle. Thacher will help to direct the February drive in this area. Workers will hear Dr. Eugene Temkin of Long Beach, Calif. report on recent medical developments in heart patient care. Those attending also will hear detailed reports on research projects supported by Washington State Heart Association including development of a new drug to support failing circulation, methods of detecting circulatory problems during pregnancy and exercise tolerance for the recovering heart patient. J. J. Gilmour, state ileart Fund chairman, will preside at sessions on organization of the lleart Fund Campaign. WEEK END IN STOCK LIMITED COLORS • 9xl2' • 3' x S' • 2'x 8' • 2'x 3' • 2'x 3' 5-PIECE BRAIDED RUG SET 56 II.tml $ 95 $79.95 I KODEL SHAG With Foam Pad INSTALLED "J" and OI " N. 426-3264 SO, WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT TO DAY? For most of us, Tuesday is just another day, unobtrusively between Monday and Wednesday. But for the more than three grade schools and SCHOOL SAVINGS DAY. The schoolsavings program, designed to help promote a sense snuggled 500 school children in Shelton's junior high, it's a special day" sponsored by TCF, is of thrift habits in students while they're still young. (And, incidentally, help them begin saving for those important things ahead like, college, marriage etc.) All it takes is one dollar to start your TCF school savings account. And deposits each week can be as low as you want them. The important thing is to get your child in the habit of saving as soon as possible. Get in the Tuesday school savings habit as soon as next week. And keep them saving each week. After all, good habits are best formed early in life. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • SHELTON Branch 313 Railroad Avenue Thursday, December 4, 1969-Shelton-iason courtyJouurn"ai '-'Pa