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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1969
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Hoodsport Harstine iii Vehicles Slip On Icy Road Showers, Weddings, Engagements In News By CORKY DORN HOODSPORT - Bill Goodpaster recewetl no bodily injury when he came upon ice on Lake Cushman road Sunday, damage to his vehicle was slight. ttowever, around 15 minutes later at almost the same spot, Mrs. Darrol Martin anti seven year old son Curtis, hit the ice and were thrown not quite head on into a bank. Both were taken to emergency in the hospital. Curtis was treated for minor cuts on the head and Mrs. Martin was badly bruised and though both were Lilliwaup Family Gatherings Highlight Holiday By VIVlEN OLSON LILLIWAUP - The Allie Robinsons had a home family gathering throughout the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend. Their guests included their son-in-law and daughter, the Bob Burmans with their children from Bellevue. Atso present was a sister-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Straw. Granddaughter Robin Erhart, a Tacoma Community College student, spent the holiday weekend with them. On Saturday, luncheon guests were Mrs. Warren H. Stewart and her daughter, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Celestine entertained her mother, Mrs. (;race Ledell. of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Gray and their two children, of Hoodsport, for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Neil Vance. The Carl Gleasons spent their Thanksgiving weekend in Seattle at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, the R. J. Ploegmans. While in town, Mrs. Gleason did some shopping. The Lester Agers also spent the holiday in Seattle, with their sister and brother-in-law, the Rupert C. Thorpes, While in town they also called on their grand-niece, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Pete D. Thomas, at Kent. Mr. and Mrs. John Aaro had their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. McNalley of Seattle who came in their camper to spend the holiday weekend. CANAL COUNTRY A gain of killer whales frolicked in the waters of Hood thai last Tuesday. )proximately 12 of these animals were sighted southbound off Ayock Point about 7:30 a.m. Stopping to feed, to "blow" and to play, they spent the entire day in the canal, retaining northward late in the afternoon. "'Nanltl" to tile contrary, the killer whale is known as one of the most Ierocious creatures in the animal kingdom. They have huge .laws which contain 40 or more extremely sharp teeth. Sometimes called Blackfish, or dolphin, these whales reach a znaximunl length of about 30 feet. The males have an exceptionally high fin, sometimes as much as sx feet. They are black, with patches of white, a distinguishing fealure of the killer whale. A beast of prey, unlike other whales, they have keen vision. They hunt in packs. Their prey includes fish. crabs, birds, seals, walruses and even other whales. They arc brutal killers and gluttonous ealers, tearing their victims to pieces. The (;ray whale is so terrified by their approach that they offer no resistance. The Killer whale s particularly fond of the Gray Whale's tongue and will tear it ottt even while the unfortunate victim is still alive. They will even attack the Blue Whale, the largest of all whales. This picture of a cruel killer is hard to believe when watching the animals at play. They will roll and cavort and sometimes almost stand up-right on their flukes. They definately commumcate with one another. Some years ago four or five of them were in the Canal after one of their number had been harpooned. The harpooq with the fluorescent ball attached to a long line was imbedded in one of the whales, and the others clustered about it, seemingly sensing its plight and trying to help it. Whales are descendents of land animate, but are so adapted to ocean life that they camaot lbte if stranded on a bcacil. Their skeleton cannel support their body on land. Whales bear one young at a time and the mothers nurse it as do oilier animals. Matlock Community Church Slates Speaker By DORA HEARING Brehmeyer Sr. and Brian were MATLOCK Matlock Thanksgiving dinner guests of Corn munity Church will hold Mrs. Beulah (;owan of Shelton. special services next Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, at 7 p.m. The guest speaker is Sandy Calkins and Mrs. Eli Robert Haskell from Kirkland. He Bradshaw were dinner' guests will show slides and speak on Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Patagonia. lle has been at the Larry Walker of Tacoma. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Baptist Conservative Seminary in Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing were Oregon for a year and graduated Mr. anti Mrs. James Fredenburg of from Prairie Bible Institute. He is a former pastor of Hansville l toquiaffP and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Church. Walker and son David. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry The temperature dropped to were Thanksgiving dinner guests 20 degrees at different places here of Mr. and Mrs. Dick tfopkins of Sunday and Monday mornings. ShelteR. Matlock Grange will hold its Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson regular meeting Friday evening. It and Alfred Anderson of Port will be installation of officers. Orchard were Thanksgiving dinner Joyce Davis of Tacoma spent guests of Mr. and Mrs. tterbert from Tuesday until Thursday Helin. with her sister Mrs, Dan Walker• Mrs. Mary Cash and friend of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Woodinville spent Sunday at the enjoyed Thanksgwing dinner at the Arthur Sharp home in Max Cash home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Olympia. Brehmeyer St. and Brian spent Mr. arid Mrs. Dan Walker and released, Audrey is considered an out patient and must return for X-ray's and further treatment. Damage to Martin car around $500. OFFICIAL NOW Boasting a full troop too, Hoodsport Brownies were invested last week, received their pins and are now Troop 759. Projects underway are tile making of holiday decorations and Christmas gifts for mother's and dad's. Troop 759 meet every Tuesday with Mrs. Dean as leader and Mrs. Bryant co-leader. IT'S A BOY Another branch of the A. "Misty" Bloomfield's family tree arrived at i:40 a.m. Dec. ] in Bremerton at the Harrison Memorial Hospital. Douglas Mathew, 6 pounds 5 ounces, is being anxiously awaited at home by his sisters four and brothers two. IN HOSPITAL William Gilbert suffered a coronary attack Thanksgiving. tie is doing very well now and is taking it easy in Mason (;eneral ttospital At his home for a truly Thanksgiving dinner were grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Tim O'Neil's including Reloads and Page, from Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Robertson with daughter Cindy of Tacoma, and Denny O'Neil. SURPRISE Surprise describes the week for the Lyle Linton's. Early in week Mr. Linton's daughter Jeanne and spouse Tom Bryant arrived from Pacific Beach for a short visit, followed a few days later by son Jerry and his wife Shells from Aberdeen Ill between surprise visits Gladys and l.yle went to Brinnon to spend Thanksgiving with Lyle's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linton. Upon returning home Mrs. Linton had tile pleasure of announcing the wedding of her daughter Ruby Ann to David Frazier of Omak. The newlyweds will live in Omak. where David is an entertainer especially recognized for his ability with a guitar. MEXICO BOUND Mr. and Mrs. AI Fisk left Monday for their annual trek to Mazatlan, Mexico, where they will spend the next three months basking in the sun, fishing for marlin and a little duck hunting. &k a, Vr, itl returrt to the "Cbism residence, with the sunshine. The Fisks date back to 1860 in this area starting with Al's grandfather, Thomas Fisk. Al's dad was a very active attorney m Sbelton during his lifetime. Many will be awaiting the Fisk's return for if you have talked to AI, you know he tells a very discriptive story of his vacations in Mexico. in case you want to keep in touch Mr. and Mrs. Fisk will be staying at Dayms Bunglows, mailing address Postal Lists (General delivery) Mazatlan, Mexico. H-E-L-P Mothers, friends, ladies, and all who may have a few hours to spare. Next Monday Betty Tweed needs all the help she can get to assemble Christmas swags for Cub Scout Pack l 11. Betty will be at the fire house at 9 a.m. with the coffee pot perking so bring your wire cutters, gloves and willing hands to help Hoodsport's Cubs in their only fund raising project of the year• l)ec. 8 swags will be made by you and sold on Dec. ! 3. Betty is aore than doing her share for €he cubs and you, so please lend your help at this time. Next meeting will be Dec. I 1. 1969. DONKEY BASKETBALL A lot of fun, loaded with laughs ... and if you haven't attended before don't miss the game Friday at 8 p.m. at Hood Canal Jr. High. By CARMEN YATES tIARSTINE - With a bridal shower scheduled this week for Susie Glaser who became the bride of Chip Beyer early in September of this year. And over the Itoliday weekend the Jack Cruickshank's oldest son and his bride-elect were united in marriage in a ShelteR church. Later this month Curtis Achziger, son of Mrs. Alice Budd will be married in Idaho Falls. Curtis Achziger's bride-to-be is Miss Vivian M. Teeples of Portland whose parents, are Mr. and Mrs. Cliffton O. Teeples. They recently announced tile couple's engagement. A December wedding in the Latter Day Saints Temple in Idaho Falls is being planned. A reception will be held in Portland. Achziger is the son of Mrs. Alice Budd of ShelteR. He was graduated from Peninsula Community College in 1966, from Western Washington State College in 1968 and is now teaching social studies at Fort Vancouver ttigh School. Miss Teeples was graduated in 1968 from John Marshall ttigh School in Portland and is currently attending a beauty school. Early last week Jack and Eilene Cruickshank's oldest son, Roger called from California to announce to his parents he planned to get married down there. After a brief discussion the couple decided to come to ShelteR for the ceremony Thus last Saturday morning at 10 a.m. the couple were united in marriage at St Edward's Church in a Nupital Mass. A reception breakfast was held at the tlalhnark Inn for the wedding party and guests. The bride is Raquell Keith and is a registered nurse. The bridegroom is a Junior at a San Diego College. The couple left Sunday afternoon to return to California. What with a wedding and the ('ruickshank's oldest daughter, Kal hy and her cousin, Ann Podielski returning home after over a two month tour of Europe plus their youngest son, John arriving Imme from the Holidays from Mountain View, Calif. where he is attending his last year of High School, Eileen was still trying to catch her breath from it all when this reporter called Monday. This Friday evening Mirja Bridges and Carmen Yates along with a number of helpers are planning a bridal shower to be held at the Glenn Yules home at 7:30 p.m. Guesl of honor for this occasion will be Suzie Giaser Beyer. John and Cleta N.emi arrived back home over the Holiday weekend after having spent the past three months at the property in Canada which is located on Lake Anahiem. A good share of their time on this trip north was spent building a cabin. They also enjoyed some hunting and all in all had a delightful time on the entire trip. ]'heir start home was delayed when the trampler and whistler swans began arriving to winter away until they had spent some time enjoying the majestic birds. ]'ire troubles carouse home made their predicted arrival several hours later than expected on Thanksgiving Day. By the time they did arrive it was considerably late for dinner and the two cooks (their daughters, Pare Graham and Sue Augustine) were a hit perturbed. After many years the shoe was on the other foot and they knew how Mum felt a few years back when she lind to keep dinner waiting for them. They both expressed how nice it was to be back on the Island and to see their family and also close friends, the Hi Batches and Wednesday evening at the Elvin Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Jim and Jamie Young of Aberdeen. Jim and Orvaline Olds proudly announce the graduation of their youngest soil, Luke, upon the completion of the course he has been taking, the art of ltard Hat Diving. He graduated last Wednesday from tile Diver Institute of Technology ill Seattle. tte came to the Island to spend the Holiday with his parents. Friday he boarded a plane to Phoenix to visit a sister briefly before heading for New Orleans to apply for work. The need for qualified men with his ability exceeds the supply at present ill that area following last year's damaging tiurricane Ella McAuliffe arrived home last Wednesday after spending ten days with her son. Mike and his family while her daughter-in-law went to ttte Itospital for surgery. The family resides at Twenty-nine Pahns. near tile largest Marine Base in the United States. Mike teaches other Marines how to repair elect ronic comptters. A number of Islanders attended the dance in McCleary this past Saturday evening. It was sponsored by the McCleary "Frail Riders Club and featured the Walt Allen Band, a favorite of many Islanders. ]'he Islanders weren't alone as far as enjoying the delightful music went. as everyone present seemed to be enjoying it equally well. Those attending from the Island included Chuck and Mirja Bridges, Patty Glaser. Jerry Rychman, George and Maxine Waite, Buddy Budd and his nephew. (;reg Budd and a friend of Buddy's, Karen White of Centralia and Glenn and Carmen Yules. IIaving attended several 'horsey events' with the Bridges there were lots of familiar faces. which helped make it a very enjoyable evening for us. This coming Sunday three Granges will gather at Agate, the host Grange, for 'Installation of IqT0 officers. Harstine will take part in this group, so all officers try to be present. The time is 2:30 p.m. and the affair is pot luck. Now as time and space permit here goes a run-down of where some of the Islanders spent the Holiday. Thorn and Gene Seward didn't have very far to travel down a crowded free-way this year. They simply walked out the door and across the drive-way to ltelen Lammers new home and were joined by Thora's two sisters, Gert Zigler and Tog McQuillen.** The AI Pridhams joined the Kimball family in Olympia at the home of the Allen Kimball family.** The Chuck Bridges family drove into Shelton and had dinner with Mirja's mother. Ostrid Saeger.** At the John Budd home Alice's son, Curtis Achziger drove up from Vancouver for the Holiday weekend.** Celia Glaser along with Bud and his three teenagers joined the Dick Glaser family of ShelteR and all went on to Tacoma to have dinner with the Steve t:ranich family. Also joining them were the LureR Simmons of Olympia and :oming the furthest was Celia's oldest son. Andrew from California.** The Lloyd (;oodwins along with daughter Barbara German and her family traveled to Pendleton, Ore. to spend the weekend with their son, Dick and his family.** At the John ltitchcock home their son, Lyle and daughter, Pauline and their families gathered and then all drove into ShelteR to have dinner with Beulah's brother, the Roy Whaleys.** The Steig Gabrielsens had their youngest son. David home from southern Oregon for turkey day.** Arlo and Kathryn Wingert hopped over to Vashon Island to spend the day with their daughter, Lena Tuber and her family.** The Raymond McCullochs enjoyed very much having their daughter. Margy Bohoni fly up from her home in California to be with them over the llolidays.** The George Wangelins drove to Vader to join County USINE00 Auction Service ' " Complete AUCTION SERVICE Farm Sales -- Equipment Sales and other type auctions conducted Anywhere - Anytime GARY LEAVITT 3115-1 51 7 Port Townsend - i Auto Glass * Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Auto Parts --Automotive Machine Shop --Parts for all cars and trucks --Parts for Small Engines Lee Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 229 S. ]st St. 426-3351 Auto Radiators --Repaired and Rod Out --Auto Glass Installation --Body & Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'S AUTO BODY (behind Klmbe! Motors) 707V2 S. 1st 426-3604 i Auto Repairing --Major Overhauls --Brakes & Ignition --Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE ,219 So. let 426-1212 II Beauty Chain Saws 2New and Used -- Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.. daily Mike's McCulloch shop 15 Olymp,ic Hwy. N..426-4639 Concrete --Ready-mix Concrete -Concrete Culverts & Blocks --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone --Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON ,7th & Park 426-3344 Drugs" --Helena Rubinstein --Cosmetics --Prescriptions --HyPO-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Electrical --Fairbanks-Morse Pumps --Electric Heating --Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph .426-6283 i Floor Coverings --Linoleum --Carpeting --Tile --Formica REX FLOOR COVERING MS. View Ph.426-2292 iii Masonry Hoarinuhome enjoyed Sunday on Hood Canal ,eD'm'"mP'IPqD'D''eD'm'"q)'P'IS t h'-'Le"°n'ard'a'nd Lumar Cross andell, sister", Mrs'. E'lsie Paffaft birthdayCelebrateand'", had d!nfler at MillO'SMrs.. Dan" Walker's' tO [ REGUUUI I0000:lllll00l gERVlt[• i --Wigs--C°mplete Hair Care. Wiglets - Switches [ --Fireplaces spent Thanksgiving holidays in , . --Merle Norman Cosmetic Portland with the latter's Mr. and Mrs. AvinScolesand I I --Free Demonstrations dau ters Mrs Molly Cooper and children ELAINE'S BEAUTY SAI Mrs Augusta Prtmano and of Auburn. were qhanksvingand I Fo t--r he Hard of Hear g l "° Carl Portman spent fromTuesday overmght guests at the Wells to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mayer hurtle. In Building Supplies-- D, Per trueR in Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley ! "v ,,|LTOIlll ;1 I--Lumber j,yed Thanksgiving dinner with spent Friday evening at the ! II1,, = U= * * * * * * * * ,--Sherwin.Williams Paint era. Archie Kelley home, J (Kem-Tone & Kem-GIo| Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rickey of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall J--Cabinet Hardware lo na were Saturday dinner and family were Sunday visitors I *Repairs for all makes *Cords and accessories  I GRANT LUMBER CC t:ktr, t( sls of Mr. and Mrs. Dan at theMr,Archieand Mrs.KelleYR.h°me'E. Bradberry I *Batteries for all makes *Free testing and evaluation I [ 607 S 7 let. 426" M r. a n d M rs. Herbert spent Sunday at Westport. I Come to see our re,,resentative I Building Supplies " 1 Travel ip 2  m i,elllDalBIDillmdmBllelli ,,, I " ' !; I --Sherwin-Williams / I -Air-Rail-Steamship | Paints-Carpets-Wallpa J --Bus - Hotels- Tours II YOU Should Know... , Mr. Darnel" E. Bruner |1 ---Complete Building Su[ I No Extra Char. for Our rvice CL 1" | --PlasteringNye & Supplies Illl ! INT WlLLOUR At Eells and Valley Appliance Center 1 Co. Building SupP J Angle Travel Res. Center or Dial 426.4663 for appointment I | 426-8,224 On Cole , [426-8272 426-4134 Illl A house covers the family. I Fr. Oe,verV I 401 Railroad Ave. |B Amortgage covers the house, i Friday, December 5, 1969-10 A.M. until noon I Bulldozer Service  Life insurance covers both. | ! *Clearing  * J *Leveling i :;.,ll 1717 Olympic Highway North t Daniel E Bruner, Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist , I Excavating I1 4 N/W NATIONA I- ' 106 E 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521 | | JOHN MAKOVINEY PIt. ,41|81) L/lneuran¢e¢.or I Serving Mason County Continuously Since 1950 I Bulldozing I Phone 426-1289 iI Iiii lilt Iiiiip Iiii iiIIt lJlll/ llll IIIII  llll iIIIJll IIII1 9111 !IIIII lellll 411111 lull ,) l_ - ,, --Merle Norman Cosmetics ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 426-4582 Carl Portman spent from Tuesday to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. I enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with J (Kem-To ne & Kem-GIo) I --Cabinet Hardware GRANT LUMBER CO. 607 S. 1st. 426-6612 them. Tacoma guests Walker. --All Brick and --Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 22]6 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 i ii ii Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper --Complete Building Supplies Nye Co. Building Supply On Cole Road rV Service=. --Radio - TV --Phonographs --CB 2-way Radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426.3172 Page i4. ShelteR-Mason County Journal -Thursday. December 4, 1969 Margaret's folks.** And this year Donna and Doug had a bit further to drive to be with Donna's folks, the Wilbur Jacobsons and her Grandma Marie. Instead of driving across town they had to travel into another state from their home in Eugene, Ore.** Down at the tlall the gathering was a bit smaller this year. Joining the George Waite family for dinner were the Tom Tierneys, Ben Rigney, the Bill Williams, the Johnnie Johnsons, George Howard, along with Bill and Cindy and their little one, who no doubt, was the center of attendion this year. Afterward' number of friends dropped chat or play cards 1 evening.** The Martin GoetS¢ along with Squirrel and Callaham of Winslow and Goetsches daughter, Gregory and family all the home of Lee Carlson son, Pauley for to feast on 'big bird'.** The Hi journeyed to Aberdeen to their daughter's in.lawS, Hranacs for dinner. While were down that way theY. advantage of the upper call on a number of old Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .... 9:45 a.rn. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m" A. Y. F ........... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 P'm" Prayer Hour (Wed.) • 7:30 p.m. EARL EVERS, NORTHSlDE BAPTIST CHURCH 123 W. C St. at Olympic Hwy. Travis H. Lawrence pastor Sunday School ............... 9:45 • • .... o oo..o oo , W°;Snh=nP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::y:?:.&.67;3g Midweegk Service ........ Wed., 7:30 i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Family Service 7:30 p.m. Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. " .... Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 Alder St., ShaRon, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 1 ! :00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Men. & Fri., Wed. evening 6:45 to 7: St. David's Episcopal Church Fourth & Cedar, ShelteR, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class I 1:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship i Fishermen's Club P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cote , From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday i SUNDAY, December 7, 1969 Bible Study: REV. BOB BRACKETT Speaker: C. W. STRECKENBACH FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Pastor Lewis B. Wys°n¢ SUNDAY"- 7:00 THE AMBASSADORS Sunday Morning - ' 1 ! :00 a.m. -- Pastor Wysong spel Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 6:00 Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Franklin WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service ). Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426"861 United Methodist Church G and King Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 pore. Youth Fell MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD ZSCHOCHE, Past°t 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. SUNDAY, December 7, 1969 Divine Service 10:30 Sunday School and Bible Class 9: ! 5 Theme: "WHAT WILL IT COST ME?" First Baptist Church (CONSERVATIVE) Fifth & Cota Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, TH.M. Tel. Sunday, December 7, 1969 11:00 a.m. "GOOD TABLE MANNERS" " Iorntng Wet I Cur. 11:17-34 Broadcast 9:30 a.m. Bible School 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups IM, 7:00 p.m. "The Prayer of Faith" James 5:12 1280  1 Bible Study and Prayer Wednesday 7:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1S21 Monroe St. Mason Sunday School ............................. Morning Worship ............................ Christ's Ambassadors ........................ Evangelistic Service .......................... Wednesday Family Night ..................... Listen to REVIVALTIME KGDN Sunday ........