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00rownie, Cadet, Cub Scout Groups Slate Activities For This Month
?CODGBROOKS Dec. 10 in tile PUI) auditorium.
PIONt:.I)R N.A.R.C.E. Order of business will include
will hold their annual installation of officers for the
coming year. All N.A.R.C.E.
pot luck dinner at 2 p.m.
Carnival Is
(;uests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stuck spending the weekend was
their daughter Laura Klien of
F.d nlonds.
Silver Stars had a trail ride
Sunday starting from the gravel
pit on the Lost l,ake road.
Julie Ziegler led the trail ride.
Those going on the ride were
Julie Ziegler, Celia Scott, Julie
Olli, Shirley Brown, Tom Moran,
Leo Bishop, Floyd Fowler,
(;corge Magnett, Tula and Jim
Kimball, Matte Dee Gyer, Phil
Ilardie, Dolly Kratcha, Jenny
Whilmore and Doc and Bonnie
Silver Stars will have their
Christmas meeting Dec. 10 at the
P.U.D. building and will be
exchanging gifts of limit to a
They will have the Pacific
zone banquet when they will be
receiving their trophy awards for
the year.
Little Skookum Club will
have a rummage sale Dec. 5 from
7 to 9 p.m. at the P.U.I). building.
Little Skookum Community
Club will have a Christmas party
and potluck at 6:30 p.m. I)ec. 13
at Little Skookum Ilall.
They will have a gift exchange
and everyone is to bring a 25 or
50 cent gift.
Everybody in Ihc community
is invited.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Weston and family were Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Wcston of Seattle for
the past week to spend lhe
Thanksgiving Ih)lidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson of
Seattle were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Weston and tamily
Weekend guests of Jeanne and
Alison Weston were Susan,
Janette and Julie tlolland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. tt. Asche and
Winston and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Asche and family among other
guests had Thanksgiving Day
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kratcha l'hanksgiving Day were
Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and
Jackie, Charlie Traveloine of Fort
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha,
Michael and Shelley, John
Kratcha and Mr. and Mrs. John
Kratcha Jr.
To Meet
Trustees of The Evergreen
S0uthside School will have its
carnival Saturday from 3
]'he dinner is also planned
to 7 p.m.
Events during the evening are
Walk games, gifts, candy sale,
Christmas decorations,
1 booth, door swags, bake sale
of other .I hings.
P.T.O. meeting was held
night, this was the last
g before the carnival
day night.
the program for the
tg were the "Jumping Jills".
School band and choir
Played and sang and was
ed by Robert Miller.
and cookies were
by Marion Evelcth and
new gMs 4-11 club has been
in the Shclton Area by the
of "Crafty Teeny Boppers".
club is to interest girls in
of crafts.
is 12 to 19.
leaders are Mrs. Jennie
hnore and Mrs. Alvina
s of the third meeting the
bers are Jenny Sue
note, president; Cheryl
, vice-president and
SUrer; Cindy Bariekman,
taW; Laurie (?lark, reporter;
Moran, recreation Martha
I1, recreation and Margaret
nyone wishing to join please
Whitmore 426-4931 or
I(ratcha 426-1307•
and Mrs. I'. A. Wctmore
Thanksgiving dinner last
for Mr. and Mrs. Richard
ore, I)ebtfie and (?indy of
and (;inger Olsoe.
Live Wires 4-11 Club had a
Ig at the home of leader
Wolf Nov. 25.
U'ozi L;oldsby called
to wder.
Bedell led the flag
and 4-tl pledge.
mmutes were read by
ry, Dcbbie Goldsby.
business discussed was
napkins. Money from the
napkins is to go for
"tl Insurance.
Bedcll adjourned the
e 4-11 members had a
ined "llalloweeu" and
party. They had
nd played games.
Bailey won the door
of "(!harnpagne Bah)on
members are cordially invited to
attend this meeting and meet the
newly elected officials. For
fttrlher information please call
Walt Coiling 426-6745.
The Brownie Troop held its
first meeting last Monday at the
home of leader Lois Chapman.
The young group will meet
Mondays after school to 4:30
p.m. at the Cllapman home. Ten
girls now comprise the troop. Mrs.
Chapman still needs vohmteers as
assistant troop leaders. Call her at
The Cadette troop has
finished its November
needlework project and have now
started their l)eccmber activities•
First on the list is a ceramic shop
under the direction of Bey Vapor.
The Seventh Grade girls will meet
at lhe Vopot home for the next
two Mondays or until completion
of their work. Calendar money
should bc returned by next
meeting Dec. 8. The girls recently
visited the State Museum of
Ilistory in Olympia. Even the
hottr and a halt spent there wasn't
time enough to absorb the love of
our State. A return visit is
planned for this coming Spring•
Student (?adette leader for the
month of Dec. is Susie Dickinson
with l)oreen Ogg as Secretary.
Just a reminder. Den 4 of the
Cub Scouts also meets Mondays
afler school to 4:30 p.m. in the
Kindergarten room. l)ens 5 and 6
mcel Wednesday with similar time
schedules. Christmas projects are
on lhe work agenda for these
bcws this month.
The Picketing Iiomemakers
Club meets l)cc. 11 at the
(3ubhouse. Luncheon at 12:30
p.m. will precede the business
Tickets for the P.T.O. Doll
Proiecl will be arriving home with
tilt! children during the next few
days. Purchase of these tickets
will be greatly appreciated for the
mtmey is to be used to the
children's advantage. Please return
y¢ur envelopes to the school as
som as possible. Mrs. Ken Auseth
is lhc project chairman and is
available for ticket information at
426-8q06. Manda Moore, P.T.O.
President may also bc contacted
at 426-1325.
With the holiday season now
officially upon us Thanksgiving
found many a family entertaining
relalives and friends. Mary Cook's
son Jim called for Mary last
Wednesday evening and look her
home to Eatonville for the long
holiday. While Mary was enjoying
her visit with Iris and
granddaughters, Rhonda and
Julie, her daughter and son-in-law,
Mary l::lla and LcRoy Gregerson
and children Dianne, Doug and
Wayne of Ashford spent the
holiday with Sally and John Cook
of Agate. Barb and Fred Boysen
along with Steve and Terry were
also guests of the John Cooks.
l)oug Gregerson stayed over and
returned home when Uncle Jim
brought Grandma home.
Fred Remmen was also home
from the hospital for
Thanksgiving and returned to
State College will consider a staff Seattle on Saturday. Julie and
and Mrs. E. A. Wetmore proposal to apply for about
dtl,home Sunday evening, $650,000 in supplementary chiklren expect Fred's full release
Fhanksgiving Day dinner federal funds for construction of in about two weeks.
:lativesin Bellingham. the college library during a Mrs. Harvey Wheeler of
t Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. E. December 11 board meeting in Phillips Lake entertained 18
etmore went up to Olympia. The meeting, tobeheld members of her family for a
nam and attended the on the college's campus, will traditional Thanksgiving Day
I 1 of Mrs. Wetmore's sister begin at 10:30a,m Dinner. ltome to help her
clnesday. The federal Higher Education celebrate the holiday were her
eSts of Mr and Mrs. Fred Facilities Commission earlier this two sons and their families, Lt.
f ' • ..... Col, Richard Wheeler from
or Thanksgiving Day year allocated $564 568 to assist
Were Mr. and Mrs. Ray with building Evergreen's library, Tacoma and Robert Wheeler of
11 and children of Sedro which is scheduled for Port Angeles. A third son now
eY, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol construction early in 1970. The living in California was unable to
and family of South Bend new application, if approved by attend but a family reunion is
!tl Mrs. Charles Stuck and the board of trustees will be planned for next summer.
tier of Aberdeen, Mr. and suhmitted for fiscal 19")1 federal Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer are
ayne Stuck of Aberdeen, monies.
i: Stuck of Aberdeen, Also on the agenda are IIpULL IT .... ' /
te ant/ LJave vratt at consideration of a college policy
rn' Mr. and Mrs. James statement concerning equal
1" and children of Tacoma,Mrs. Larry Chambers of presentationemnl°vment o_ - PPof°rtunities anda memorial ]PROVE [T,,\\;'.:i :)V ....
\\;: .: : ,L%.
i:' Rose Mary ilalbert of resolution to Mrs. Garrett tteyns, land.
, Mr and Mrs Russell wldo f the late D o
• ' '. " wo .... irect rofthe
o! Shelton and Mr. and Washington State Department of mr---'e a ,"
'b.erle Holloway of Shelton. Institutions. IArr.n, IFT!/Iq,I,,\\;FREE GIFT! / '/'1' x"
We Specialize in ! , : .--.
C "" !
omposnton Shakes and ! No other Chain Saw
• ! sta.rts as easy
Hot Built-up Roofs as the new
llS AND RYCKMAN I 00xc00us,v00s,M000000x
Free Eshmates ! TRY IT TODAY!
formerly Olsen Roofing Co. j R
426-6417 or 426-4772 ! SAEGE
day or night 0e Olympic Hwy. S.
• ., G- ,- .,.D -, q,- .,, ,..D ,..d 426-4602
now recuperating at their home
on Lake Phillips after their recent
auto accident close to the
Grapeview junction.
Friends and neighbors of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Auseth of Phillips
l, ake extend their sympathies on
the recent death of Mrs. Auselh's
brother, Don White, of ltoodsport
during this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olson of
Johns Prairie were honored with a
reception held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cy Turner on the
occasion of their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary.
tlelcn and Ray Walker of
Bayshore welcomed Ray's
Mother, Mary, of Vancouver B.C.
for Thanksgiving. Other guests
included daughter and son-in-law
Gloria and I>at, l Kenworthy of
Bainbridge Island.
The Richard Brooks enjoyed
guests they hadn't seeu in better
than a year. Marshall Penictk and
daughters Colleen and Erin of
Seattle spent two days with them
and Sunday evening Thelma and
Ed Tufts of West Seattle stopped
by. The Tuffs have just become
Mason (!aunty property owners
having purchased 10 acres on the
Aberdeen McCleary cutoff road
close to the old sawmill.
10 PO
Strawberry, Raspberry, Orange, Lemon
Lime, & Cherry. (I st 6 Pkgs. then reg. price)
3 oz. Pkg.
Double luck Cut
Green 0/98
Beans 1 €
Haleys 303 Tin 4/$1
Chili with Beans
Reg. or Hot
Im, Gala Decor 10/98'
Bakers lst3 pkgs. then reg. prlee -- CHRISTMAS CARDS /°7e°$:550 54
Durkee's €
COCONUT 14 OZ. pko. 48
so,, 3 77'
€"HVI" /'Ull Nalleys Pickles -,FIT(
,urr- bnlro 48 oz. jar l/
SARAN WRAP ,0.. roll 35
O. rM::TI::DP_I::klT Crystal White Liquid JA¢
I-/L/LIULI tl 48 OZ. btl. ,/ltJ
SWEET Ib II $00.65
• ll
Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: ...................... 9 a,m. - 7 p.m,
Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - S p.m.
Thursday, December 4, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15