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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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VA Representatives Visit Viet Nam The Veterans Administration announced this week that its program to provide on-the-spot orientation and counseling to combat troops in Vietnam reached its millionth milestone this month at the U. S. Army's 90th Replacement Battalion at Long Binh. The millionth serviceman to receive guidance from the VA in Vietnam was Army Sgt. Alexander Joseph Bommarito, a radio communication specialist with the First Battalion, 1 I th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Among VA personnel who have volunteered for duty in Vietnam to counsel returning combat veterans include three from the Northwest. They are LaVorn A. Taylor, Assistant Chief Attorney, VA Regional Office, Portland, Ore., and James A. Daley, Loan Specialist, VA Center, Boise, Idaho, who are both currently serving in Vietnam; and W. W. Abbenhouse, Chief of the U. S. Veterans Assistance Center, Seattle VA Regional Office, who served in 1968. Vietnam counseling is part of VA's total "Outreach" program which encourages servicemen and veterans to embark upon self-improvement programs using various VA benefit s. Since its inception in January 1967, VA reprentatives atscven locations in Vietnam have, in addition to their orientation work, provided personal interviews to more than 120,000 servicemen on an individual basis in Vietnam. Sgt. Bommarito, who is from St. Clair Shores, Mich., was NO. 10243 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and for Mason County LEO HALINEN and ROSE MARY HALINEN, husband and wife, RICHARD ROBERT YORK and CAROLYN YORK, husband and wife, Plaintiffs. VS, PATRICIA ANN JACKSON and JOHN DOE JACKSON, husband and wife; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any ricjht, title, estate, lien or interest m the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF discharjed this month through the Oakland Army Base separation point. He was inducted into the Army in February 1968. Prior to military service, Bommarito attended Macomb Community College in Detroit and plans to enroll at the Western Illinois University in December under me G. I. Bill to work towards a Bachelor of Science degree. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 29th day of December, 1969, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Shelton District Headquarters, located at Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, by the District Administrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will be.sold at public auction to the highest bidder, to wit: Application No. 33823 West Gosnell Creek Hardwood located approximately 9 miles by road southwest of Shelton. The sale is composed of all timber bounded by sale area boundary tags and property line= in Unit No. 1 on part NW =/ NWIk; In Unit No. 2 on part NEV4 SW=/4, part Wlb SWl/4; all right or way timber marked with orange paint on larts of the following: NWV4 W¼, N½ SWV4, S=I SW¼ of Section 16, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, W.M., containing 39 acres, more or less, comprising approximately 650,000 bd. it, oT hardwoods, 180,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir, 60,000 bd. ft. of hemlock and spruce and 10,000 bd. ft. of cedar, or a total of 900,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $]4,740.00. Timber will be sold on a cash or installment plan basis. Timber JACKSON, husband and wife; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants: ,YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt, within sixty (60) days after the 4th day of December, 1969, and defend the above edtttled action in Superior Court aforesaid, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs at their office below stated, and in case of your failure to do so judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of he complain in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in .plaintiffs to real estate in Mason County, Washington, described as: PARCEL A The southerly half (Sly 1/0 of Tract number forty (40), plat of Phillips Lake Division No. 1, accordincj to the recorded Plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for said County and State. Volume 4 of Plats, pages 38 and 39. Situate in the County of Mason and State of Washington; PARCEL B A tract of land in the northeast quarter (NE V4) of the northeast quarter (NE t/4) of Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: Commencing at a concrete monument at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter (NE g41 of the northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 5, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W,M.; thence North on the east line of said northeast quarter (NE V4) of the northeast quarter (NE V4), 223.3 feet to the point of beginning of the tract hereby described; thence continue North along said east line of said northeast quarter (NE =k) of the northeast quarter(NE I/Q, 252.5 feet; thence West 655.2 feet, more or less to the east line of the Plat of Phillips Lake Division No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mason County, Washington, Volume 4 of Plats, pages 38 and__3_it hence southwesterly, al0nghe east line of said plat 269.4 ft., more or less, to a point thereon due West of the olnt of beginning; thence ast to the point or beginning. Situate in the County of Mason and State of Washington; against the claims of defendants and any one of them. MURRAY, SCOTT, McGAVIC & GRAVES By Douglas V. Ailing Attorneys for Plaintiffs 512 Washington Building Tacoma, Washington §8402 Telephone: FUlton 3-1656 12/4-I 1-18-25.1/1-8-6t must be removed prior to August 31, 1971. On or before December 29, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $1,474.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale, the purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of regal Publications or installment plan basis. Timber must be removed prior to June 30, 1971. On or before December 30, 1969, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must make a minimum deposit of $2,943.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful b i d d e r s O n must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the full bid price based on the cruise estimate. This balance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $2,000.00 to guarantee compliance with all terms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made ayable to the Commissioner of ublic Lands. Accessibility: via public access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Port Orchard District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Port Orchard District Headquarters, on Tuesday, December 30, 1969, at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date the sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clok a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said Timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, and District Administrator of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 12/4-11-18-25-4t INVITATION FOR BID SERIAL NO, E7-69 INSTALLATION OF SUBMARINE CABLE A. Invitation Notice is hereby given that the Commission of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County will receive sealed bids for the installation of a submarine cable across Hood Canal. in the General Office of the District at Third and Cota Streets, Shelton, Washington until the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon Pacific Standard Time on December 22, 1969. At 1:00 o'clock P.M. on December 22, 1969, all bids received will be %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the cards, flowers, gifts and phone calls, not forgetting e Mason General Hospital =if including the kitchen employees, and last but not least my two wonderful doctors, Donnell and Schumacher. Mrs. Pearl Brenna tq=l Publications CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Commissioners, Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M., Monday, December 15, 1969 for furnishing tires, tubes, recapping and service for the calendar year 1970 to Mason County Road Department and other Mason County Taxing Districts who desire to make use of any of these services. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office oL the County Engineer at the Courthouse, Shelton, Washington. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County. DATED at Shelton'" Washington this 24th day of December, 1969. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 11/27-12/4-2t NOTICE OF HEARING Franchise Application No. 5126 In the Matter of the Application of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain underground telephone cable upon s portion of State Route No. 101. m: Mason County, Washington WHEREAS, the PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a corporation, has filed with the Washington State Highway Commission, under theprovisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW Dnd amendments thereto, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain underground telephone line upon a portion of State Route No. 101, in Mason County, Washington, for a period of twenty.five (25) years, at the following locations: Bee)inning a_ta point on the east side of SR 101 as now located and of record in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia, Washington, said point being opposite approximate HES 351+10 located in Lot 3, Section 23, Township 22 North, Range z West, W.M., thence southerlt along the east side of SR 101 at a point 43' east of and parallel to the centerline of SR 101 to a point opposite approximate HES 390+10, thence commencing sale fee, or may, if the purchaser publicly opened and read for the again at a point opposite work described in the contract approximate HES 398+50 and so elects at the time of sale, pay an addlUona nt,.t:,,'*' documents. Such c oP, trlr,t £ontinuing in a southerly the total ameJnt "f 6slt documents being on file ln. :' i=flJKtion along the east side of SR exclusive of fees to equal ]0% of District's General Office in 'r-'J0] at a point 43' east of and the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2,000.00. This balance may be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $2,000.00 to guarantee compliance with all erms of the bill of sale. All checks, money orders, etc. are to be made ayable to the Commissioner of ublic Lands. ACCESS ROAD REVOLVING FUND: $90.00 to be paid on day of sale. Accessibility: via Wivell Dairies, Inc. easement and Department of Natural Resources access. Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District Headquarters, on Monday, December 29, 1969, at 10 O'clock a.m. Any, sale which has been offered, nd for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the advertised date, the sale shall continue on the followtnl day between the hours of ten o clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administrator of said district. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 12/4-11-18-25-4t NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND State of Washington Dapartment of Natural Resources Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Public Lands. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 30th day of uecember, ]969, commencing at ten o clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Port Orchard District Headquarters, located at Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, State of Washington, by the District Administrator of said District, the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, wo wit: MASON COUNTY Application No. 33783 Lynch Cove located approximately 2 miles by road west of Belfair. The sale is composed of all timber bounded by clearcut boundary tags and property lines in Unit No. 1 on part E NE¼; in Unit No. 2 on art NEV4 NEV4 of Section 30, ownshlp 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., containing 21 acres, more or less, comprising approximately 540,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir. Minimum acceptable bid, $29,430.00. Timber will be sold on a cash Shelton, Washington. B. Contract Documents Interested bidders may obtain a copy of the contract documents, including plans and specifications upon request to the Manager of the District at the address set forth herein. The request must be accompanied wibYll a deposit of $15.00, which be returned if a bid is submitted. C. Location of Job The job is in Mason County. The exact location being shown on the vicinity map under Part VI. D. Install approximately 5700 feet of 3 Phase, 15 KV, 350 MCM aluminum, armorea submarine cable, across Hood Canal, including burying the cable above low water to the terminal poles, and installing the terminations and testing the cable all as oetalea in the specifications. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid which in their opinion and judgment will under the circumstances best serve the interest of the District. The District reserves the right to waive informalities. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 of Mason County EDWIN W. TAYLOR Presldertt J. A. COLE Secretary HAROLD W. PARKER Commissioner P. O. Box 490 Shelton, Washington Dated: November 24, 1969 11/27-12/4-11-3t parallel to the centerline of SR 101 to a point opposite approximate HES 422+70, thence westerly/ to a point 22' from the centerhne of SR 101; thence continuing in a generally southerly direction to a point 20' east of centerline at approximate HES 424+50; thence southerly to a point 27' from centerline opposite approximate HES 433+00; thence southerly to a point 29 east of centerline opposite approximate HES 438+50; thence southerly to a point 26' east of centerllne opposite approximate HES 443+50; thence continuing in a southerly direction to a point 30' east of centerline opposite app(oximate HES 460+50, thence southerly to a point 30' east of centerline opposite approximate HES 465+50; thence easterly to a point 48' east of the centerf|ne of SR 101, thence southerly to a point 43' east of centerllne opposite approximate HES 479+50; thence southerly to a point 49' east of the centerline opposite approximate HES 485+30, thence southerly to a point 43' east of centerllne opposite approximate HES 497+30, thence continuing In a southerly direction at a point 43' east of and parallel to the centertine of,SR 101 to a point opposite approximat e HES 508+40 located in the SW=k of the NW¼ of Section 2, Township 2] North, Range 4 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington. That portion lying between approximate HES 351+10 and approximate HES 422+70 shall SHELTON'S For your Christmas shopping convenience, most Shelton merchants will be open until 8:30 p.m. on the dates listed in the gray background on the calendar below. DECEMBER i ._ __ -- .... S M T-W T F S 41m "7 H 14 21 28 29 30 31 3 4 24 25 26 27 41m i I i Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 4, 1969 _ ._..... _ Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal PubJkations _- legal publkafiocs consist of two (2) buried NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE and state, Volume 6 of Plats, NOTICE telephone cables and that portion ORDER OF SALE EXECUTION Page 107, 108 and 109; Lot NOTICE -- The 1970, lying between approximate HES Cause No. t0113 15 (15), Block Two (2), and CountyBudgets are.onf!lef 422+70 and approximate HES In the Superior Court of the Lot Twenty-Nine (29), Block 508+40 shall consist of one State of Washington In and For Three 13), Colony Surf No. 3, Mason ounw uolto 'maY buried telephone cable. Mason County according to recorded Plat in ny person intereteu AMERICAN DISCOUNT Mason County Auditors obtain a copy by askinfo!!; of NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE CORPORATION, a Washington Office, Volume 6 of Plats, zno up, IS HEREBY GIVEN: corporation, Plaintiff Pages 188 and 189. RUTH E. BOYSEN That a hearing will be held on vs. Now, there]ore, public notice Mason County Auditor12/4.]t said application by the GEORGE W. HARTL and is hereby given that on the 26th day of December 1969, at 10.00 Washington State Highway MARY ETTA HARTL, his wife; o'clock a.m. of said day, at 3"he R$ of the Mason t Commission at its office in the Highways-Licenses Building, Olympia, Washington, on the ]5th day of December, 1969, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 23rd day of October, I969. W. M. FOSTER Assistant Director for Highway Development 11/20-27-12/4-3t NO. 10200 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason C. HARMS ZUM SPRECKEL and JANE HARMS ZUM SPRECKEL, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. AL COGOLIANO and "JANE DOE" COGOLIANO, his wife, defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said AL COGOLIANO and "JANE DOE" COGOLIANO, his wife, Defendants: You, and each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the f tire publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 6th day of November, 1969, and defend the above-entitled action in the superior court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff, at their office below stated; and, in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The objects of this action are to enforce collection of fpromissory notes and for damages rom breach of contract. Seeber & Shannon LARRY SHANNON Attorneys for Plaintiffs OFFICE AND P. O. BOX Suite G, 210 E. Union Olympia, Washington 98501 P. O. Box 322 11/6-13-20-27-12/4-11-6t CHESTERFIELD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Washington Corporation; CHESTERFIELD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY: and NATIONAL TRANSFER, INC., a corporation, Defendant Under and by virtue of a writ of Order of Sale Execution issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, holding terms at Shelton in and for Mason County, in said State, and dated on the ]9th day of November, 1969, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 14th day of November, 1969, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendants, for the sum of Thirty-Four Thousand Two hundred Two and 47/100 ($34,202,47) Dollars, together with an attorney s fee of $1,670.00 and costs of suit taxed at $10].98 plus title search 66.37 with interest at the rate of 2% per annum on Judgement and 6% per annum on Attorney s Fees and Title Search from date thereof, or $4,390.06, and amounting in all to the sum of ($40,430.88). Fourty Thousand Four Hundred Thirty and 88/100 Dollars, plus costs of sale. Which said writ of Order of Sale Execution was to me as Sheriff of Mason County, Washington, duly directed and delivered, and by which I am commanded to sell at Public Auction, according to law the following described property, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Seven (7L both inclusive, Lots Ten ( to Fourteen (14). both inclusive, Lots Twenty-Seven (27) to Twenty-Nine both inclusive, and (1.o91; Thirty-Two (32) to Thirty-rive (35), both inclusive, all in Block One (1), Colony Surf No. 1, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for said county and state, in Volume 6 of Plats, Page 93 and 94; Lot Ninety-Six (96), Block Six (6), Colony Sur No. 2 according to recorded Plat there of in the office of the Auditor for said county East Door of the County Courthouse, Mason County, Washington, I will sell the above descri)ed property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said last above named amount, together with increased cost and increased interest. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 20th day of November, 1969. W. F. ANDERSON Sheriff of Mason County, Washington ANN ROSE Chief Civil Deputy ]Ai J. Westberq O0 Hodge Bldcj. Attorney for Plaintiff Seattle, Washington 11/27-12/4-11-18-4t NO. 10238 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In Tthe Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County MARY SUE McNEELY, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY CARL McNEELY, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ANTHONY CARL McNEELY, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60)days after the date of the first publication of this Summons. to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 27 day of Nov. 19, 1969 and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above-entitled action is for divorce for cruel treatment. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washinqton 11/27-12/4-11-18-25-1/1-6t NO. 4077 NOTICE OF CREDITOR In the Superior court State of Washington for County n the Matter of the Estate of H / N R y ANDREW I'= HANSMEIER, DeceaSel" s thai The unders gn " ;onall; appointed and qualified per! representative of'l'tthe Persons .having claims agalm. e the oeceasecl are required to servlfied,|:i same in duplicate, duly re! the. .... on the undersigned o! attorney of record at the addresssamei stated below and file the :ourt, I;: with the Clerk of thiS)'such=, together with proof ot service within four months after[ii. November 27, 1969, or the same[ will be forever barred. / HAZEL D. HANSMEIER, 1227 South 3rd Shelton, Washington 98584 ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125 1/2 N. 5th Shelton, Washinqton 98584 ..  -11/27.12/4"1'" NO 4078 -$ NOTICE TO CREDITOR, ,= In the Superior court i;o'n State of Washington tor " ! County In the Matter of th( MABEL E. BAYLEY, The undersign' appointed and qua, representative Persons having claims agal deceased are requirec same in duplicate, on the undersign* attorney of record at stated below and file with the Clerk of th together with proof service within four mon November 27, 1969, or will be forever barred. PHIL C. BAYLEY P. O. Box 728 Shelton, Washington 98584 ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125 1/2 N. 5th Shelton, Washingt( 1 Essence of a statute passed itt the Massachusetts ColonY. t , ........ PUB00:ICK00 ..... .......... NOTICE_00- ..... :"--- The Obfervat00n of C.00tSrMAS havin s t a Sacrilege, t& exchanging of Gifts Sa!an,cal Pract, ces are he,by a with th Offe,der liable to a Fine prow, SH,LUNCS | Even in Boston, times move along. Today, celebrating Christmas is very legal there, as it is elsewhere in the fifty states. In Mason County, those who dreff in fine clothing and feaft know that the season's most welcome gift is a subscription to the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Bestow the gift on friends or relatives and the little elves at the Journal do the work of creating not one, but fifty-two superb presents for each recipient. The Journal announces your gift with its handsome 1969 gift card hand-inscribed as you direct and mailed in time for your friends to display your greeting under the tree. Order as many gift subscriptions as you need Puritanism be hanged! Fill out the coupon belOW to exchange gifts and greetings with this most welcome, yet singularly inexpensive of presents. Then go dreff in fine clothing and feaft, your Christmas is bound to be Merry. You've done so much in advance! Shelton-Mason County Journal Subscription price: $5.00 per year in Mason County, Box 430 Shelton, Washington 985 84 $6.00 elsewhere. i would like to order the following one-year gift subscriptions: Name ..................................... Mailing Address ............................. City ............. , State ........ Zip ........ Name ..o, ........ ..... ............. .,o..oo Mailing Address ............................. City State Zip ........ ,,.... ........ ,...,,.. i Enclosed is $ for I Name ....................... .............. Mailing Address ............................. City .............. State ........ Zip ........ Illll I IIII I Name ..................................... Mailing Address ................ , ............. City .............. State ........ Zip ........ iii i ii . one-year subscriptions. Please sign greeting card with name of 11