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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 26-4412 For00mle . .v ='- COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tin SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tin For MOBILE HOME FURNITURE-- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cola. 426-4702.4/14tin HAY! Excellent quality alfalfa, truck load deliveries, guaranteed uality. Phone Elms 482-3631. 11/]3tin FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Cells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tin FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tin TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tin WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates You're always welcome at' Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 426-4702. O11/18tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers 59c lb. cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm, Kamilche Valley. Phone 426-3740. Me11/6tin FOR SALE .... Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-44] 2.8/9tin SLIM-GYM. Lose inches, tone muscles. Free home demonstration. Calt 426-6707. W9/4tfn FOR SALE - Quilcene Oyster Seed. Phone 765-3759. H 11/27-12/4 FOR SALE -- New concrete blocks, never been used. 877-5836. $11/20-12/11 NEW WESTINGHOUSE deluxe washer and dryer, avocado, take over payments. Phone 426-8218. $11/20-12/11 I ,m , I II I I ,, m Sea at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cote 426-4702 I i iii iii I iiiii pmrlmn SWIMMING POOL also Lancer pools Surge Water Conditioners Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Bulldozing GLEN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON I I -- II Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Repiaeement Warranty WATBR HIkTE]K The ]l[Mlmiet Oistem Gisullee wster homer prevldN the ultl- rome ie eeteitle, Je t ef/l- eleet epelmtlee. Aml belt of ell, It 18 buke4 by It ]re tsnk Jheemem wsW. Fells & Valley Applianoe Center 2nd • Cote St. Phone 421-46U Gemplete Heine Furnlehlng Center IIII L Suffer women once to arrive at an equality with you, and they will from that moment become your superiors. -Care the Censor NYE BUILDING Supply -- Let us supply your building needs. Phone 426-8224 on the Cole Road. 1 ]/13-12/4 BE SANTA to your out of town friends with a box of dipped Holly, lota berries: $2.50 per box. We fix reaay to mail, you pay postage. 426-6625 after 4:00 H11/20.]2/] 1 USED THOMAS single manual Organ, $250.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cote St., Phone 426-4302. 10/gtfn FOR SALE new encyclopedias, Encyclopedia International, Book of Knowledge, year books, children's books and pamphlets. 426-6638. Wt//20tin SALE OR TRADE roller skates all sizes. 426-3562. Yl1/]3-1/29 TAKING ORDERS for crocheted vest $5.00. You furnish yarn. Phone 426-1183. C 12/4 ESTATE SALE includes 25" color TV, desk with chair, dining room table, misc. items. Olympia 352-3562. M 12/4tin CUT YOUR own Christmas Tree. Any size $1.50. Phone 426-6152. 12/4-18 1967 HONDA S-90 For Sale, $150.00. Phone 426-8010. W12/4 59.00 FIREPLACES. Modern, reestanding, suitable for use anywhere including mobile home. Sunset 9-0404 Seattle. C12/4-25 WALNUT ELECT. ORGAN with Leslie Speaker. Sacrifice, owner moving. Terms or cash. Also Spinet piano, phone adjustor, BR2-5282, Tacoma. T12/4-11 IT'S TERRIFIC the way we're selling Blue Lustre for cleaning rugs and upholstery, Rent electric * shampooer C;ast tO ' C€. ] 2/4 .... .... .... GARAGE SALE: SAT. 10 tel 5, 508 West "B" Street, Shelton. H 12/4 YOUR ANNUAL Christmas shop is again open at 520 Franklin, 10 -- 4. Open Monday thru Friday. B12/4 FOR SALE CLARINET $70,00 cash. 426-4209. No calls after 9:30 p.m. Kt 1/20tin (mrs '53 PONTIAC and '48 Ford V2 ton ickup. 877-5749 Hoodsport. c I 1/20 tfn ...... ii Wagons 67 Country Sedan 67 Ranch Wagon 67 Comet 66 Dodge Wagon 66 Country Sedan 63 Fairlana Wagon 59 Plymouth Wagon 58 Ranch Wagon Hard-Tops 69 Galaxie 2-Door 68 Torino G.T. Fastback 67 Mustang H.T. 66 Mercury Monclalr 2-Dr. 64 Galaxie 2-Dr. Fastback 63 T-Bird (Air) 63 Mercury S-55 2-Dr, Sedans 68 Tempest 2-Dr. 86 Lincoln Cont. 66 Plymouth 4-Door 65 BeI.Alr 2-Door 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 64 Rambler 4-Dr. 64 Impala 4-Dr. 63 Bel-Atr 4-Dr. 63 Ford Custom 4-Dr. 63 Ford Fairlane 500 4-Dr. 62 Comet 2-Dr. 62 Galaxle 4-Door 61 Buick Special 2-Dr. Trucks 67 Econoline Van 65 Ford Rancharo Auto-Tr. 85 Ford Ranchero 4 Spd. 64 Econoline Van JIM PAULEY'S BOB -- BUS -- BILL 5th and Railroad 426-823! Used Cars NOTICE -- PACKARD owners and collectors: 1954 Packard "400", 4 door. Good body and interior, running condition. Make offer. Tree Seed Unlimited, Rte. 4. Box 640. Astoria, Ore. T11/20-]2/11 1951 V-8 Ford. Motor, rear end and transmission in top condition. 75.00. Call Hoodsport 77-5527. G ]1/13-12-4 PARTS -- Wreckin 9 '59 Chev. Station Wagon and '59 Olds. Call 426-1209 evenings after 6 p.m. D12/4-11 1959 BISCAYNE CHEV 6, straight stick. Top condition. 426.6687. H12/4 ]957 FORD black & white, 4 door hardtop, nice looking. Motor recently overhauled. Phone 426-2841. H 1//20tin DODGE POWER WAGON for sale. Good condition, 19,000 miles. Phone Hoodsport, 877-5312. $11/]3-]2/4 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988. 8/31 tin GOING ON VACAIION? Leave our dog with us if over 20 Ibs. eI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn HORSE FOR SALE, $75.00. Phone 426-8516. H12/4 2 HORSES -- one buckskin, one aloosa. Phone 426-3797. 1/20-12/11 1968 19 ft. Reinell inboard-outboard, extras. Would sell or trade for property, preferably acreage. 426-8470. C11/20-12/11 CovERED WINTER BOAT storage for rent. Call Hoodsport 877.5312. Mrs. Stacet. 11/13"12/4 Services ,4. __ ." = =--" "-  CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate Precision grind'ng. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. //15tin SHELTON MOTORS, expert body and fender repair and painting. Free estimates. $11/13tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tin HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS IHAIPINED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 H 2/]7 tfn I I .Paving Contracto J ASPNALT PAVING I --Driveways J --Parking Lots I BOB KIMBEL CONST. | 426-4243, -- Shelton PAINTING and DRY RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tin BOB OGDEN Insfollafion Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 3/6 tin I III INGRAM CONCRETE CONTRACTORS Basements, Driveways Patios & block work Call Port Orchard Collect TR 6-2674 or TR 6-4690 11/] 3tfn I Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -- - -ihursday, L)ecember 4, 1969 =%%%%%" =%%%%%- Services TREES topped, trimmed and taken down. Free estimates. Call 877-5348. J11/27.12/4 BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn WANT TO BABY-SIT children in my home, daily. Phone 426-1597. Me] 1/20-12/11 BACK HOE SERVICE --Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22tfn ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. Electrolux bags available. Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. M8/15tfn i m PILE DRIVING on Land or Water Marine Construction -- Dredging Excavating -- Heavy Equipment Hauling -- Equipment Rentals Hr)ttr or Contract Roy J. Kimbel 426-6203 11/27-12/18 Help Wanted % -%%%%%%%%%%%%%v%%%%" MAN OR WOMAN to supply Consumers with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $60 weekly part-time, $150 and up full.time. Write Box D, c/o The Journal. 11/27-12/4 sHE-LT0-N- SCHOOL DISTRICT is now taking applications for bus drivers. Apply to Bruce Jaros, Assistant Superintendent at Evergreen Elementary, 8th and Pine. 11/27-12/4 WANTED -- Contractor to build log house and supply logs. Grapeview area. Gould, 2603 So. 115th Place. Seattle, Wash. 98168. 12/4-11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%". CHILD CARE WANTED -- Certified, experienced, reliable. Day or night. Fenced yard. Phone 426-2540. A10/30- 12/18 BUSHLER FOR Hire. Bush. or day work. Have owP saws. Call 898-2594 Union. R 12/4 NURSERYMAN wants 20-40 acres good soil. Banker wants investment on water --prefers Hood Canal $30,000- $50,000 total. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. 12/4 WANTED ironing in my home. $1 hour. Franklin St. Phone 426-1380. B12/4-25 Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. SG/26tfn WANTED -- Alder Logs, 9" diameter and up. Mason Hardwood Co. formerly Smith Alder Mill. 426-1411. M4/24tfn BUYING U. . Silver Coins 1964 and earlier. Olympia Coins, phone 943-1508. O/1/27tin WANT .TO BUY used stereo, ortable, must be reasonable. hone 426-4998 after 6 p.m. Jll/20-12/11 i i I WANTED Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Kelly Furniture 625 So. Ist 426-2411 I Instruction BEGINNER's TAP starting Nov. 29, 10 a.m. Hood Canal School Auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D11/27tfn % %v% =A " " w - . Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tin Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are usually the result of chance and not of design. - Francois De La Rochefoueauld For Rent FOR RENT one bedroom furrJished apartment. Also available Dec. 1, 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill Apts. 900 Olympic. 426-6593. Bll/13 tin MOBILE HOME Space in quiet, new, downtown park. 426-3242. B10/2tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tin WATERFRONT one bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Hoodsport area. References required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS- One bedroom apartment for elderly or single person. Above house, downtown, $65.00, furnished and all utilities. Available Dec. 1. 426-4895 or 426-4481. ] 1/20tin TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, full basement. No pets. Contact Ken Rose, ]024 E. Ellinor, 426-6548 or 753-5030. R 11/6 tfn FURNISHED two Bedroom 10' x 50' mobile home for rent. Phone 426-3242. B11/27 tfn TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment $85. Edgewood Apartments. Phone 426-8584. S 12/4 SHELTON HOLIDAY HOUSE-- One bedroom furnished apartment. Phone 426-2549. C 12/4 SMALL WATERFRONT unfurnished house for rent. Allowance for rent collections. Phone Hoodsport 877-5328. R 12/4._.___._I 1 FOR RENT -- Small house suitable for couple or single person. No children. Phone 426-8010. W12/4 FOR RENT- One Bedroom furnished house $55. Per month. No children, Please. References. 426-6577. B12/4tfn T00N0000Tor rent. $100 per month. 877-5328. Hoodsport. R 12/4-11 bedroom split level home. Fireplace. Drive in basement. Patio, $135 per month. Inquire 919 E. Ellinor after 2 p.m. A12/4tfn 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED or unfurnished house $100 per month on Mason Lake. 426-8813. G 12/4 MODERN ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment with utilities $87.50 month. 6th and Cota. Call 426-8547. J 12/4-25 FURNISHED STUDIO apartment available for single person at Lawton apartments. 723 Pine 426-212]. L/2/4tfn COSY ONE bedroom house, suitable for older couple. Has new stove and refrigerator. $65 month. 426-6642. R ] 2/4 FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom furnished house. Inquire 629 Cota. House on Hillcrest. Phone 426-6663. C 12/4 HOUSE FOR RENT. Two bedrooms $65 per month. One mile from city limits. Deposit required. 426-4278. B12/4tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom furnished A-frame Chalet, w/w carpet, fireplace. On water, five minutes from town. References. $125.00 month. 426-6577= B12/4 tfn FOR RENT -- three room apartment for one or two quiet persons. Inquire 526 Franklin. B12/4 DOWNTOWN GARAGE, new roof, separate entrance, lock and key. $12.50 month. 426-4702. 1 ]/27tin II IIIII I 1 - 2 Bedroom Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mountain VhRu Phone 426-8N3 12/Stfn I II I MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 III III II Emta ]Vz ACRE EVERGREEN -- good business Potential -- Grapeview $2250. terms. 426-1203. Maple Valley Land & Homes. 12/4 Real Estate Wanted EXCHANLI= -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchanger. 426-6592. 8/18 tfn I WOULD LIKE TO buy acreage, waterfront or equities in same for cash or contract terms. Call 352-2513 or write Route 11, Box 366-E, Olympia. Wash. No agents. Bll/27-12/18 PRIVATE PARTY wants stump land, 10 acres, more or less. No dealers. Write P. O. Box 434, Spanaway, Wash. 98387. Dll/6-12/11 Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME FOR SALE: 1968 Fleetwood-Deluxe model, 12 x 52 feet, Excellent condition. Electric heat. For information, call owner at 426-6907 or Carl Johnson at Himlie Realty, Inc., 426-2646. 12/4 Reel Estate TWO BEDROOM HOME on 5 clear acres. Barn, small orchard. Box 385 Arcadia Road. 426-6861. LI 1/13 tin FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom house, small down payment. Immediate possession. Full price, $7950. 426-6577. Wl 1/26tfn ONE BEDROOM MODERN house, nine miles out. Some cash. Call 426-8113 or 426-1340. B12/4 SECLUDED INVESTMENT -- 160 acres, pasture, timber, Matlock area. Terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. ]2/4 FOR SALE or trade, secluded five acres, four bedroom house. 5 miles from Shelton. 426-4959 ilenings. M 11/27-12/18-4t ANGLE AGENCY ISLAND LAKE -- a better investment than ever1 Close to hospital, grade school, new high school -- waterfront living with town convenience, -- 50 feet lot -- $7,600. EXCELLENT 5 BEDROOM 5 bedrooms with 2V2 baths, full basement, rec. room, 3 car garage, hot water heat, basketball court, fruit trees, a really fine home. $30,000.00. ANGLESIDE TRACT SPECIAL 9th and May Tract 120 X 100 with plenty of merchantable trees or wood timber. Priced to sell at $1,625.00 -- water and sewer available. Also have a corner lot 60 foot X 100 foot for $850.00. Inside lots for $775.00 10 year wood supply. SEE TODAY. 4 BEDROOM-- $1500 down This home is located on 2 lots, zoned commercial. Home is in rocess of being remodeled, owever very livable. Priced at $1],000, with $1,500 down and balance at 7%. MT. VIEW -- Two bedroom Range, refrigerator, dishwasher, living room carpeting all go with this 2 bedroom bungalow on quiet street. $]3,500.00 FHA. TRAILER SITE -- 3.7 acres located about 12 miles East on good road. View of Pickering Pass. Water and power close. ldeland's can be used. $4,750.00 terms with 8Vz% interest on balance. READY FOR THE FINEST-- IN THE COUNTRY LIVING? You must see this custom rambled Large rooms on 2 levels, auality right from the trent door. Five bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, family room, patio, extra room for den or 6th bedroom. 2 fireplaces, 3 baths, over 1 acre. $45,000. PRIME AREA BUILDING LOT On Mt. View, about 1 block from hospital, 60 x 208 ft., level wooded. A good buy at $2200. COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN This well kept home has large rooms loads of storage, orchard, and garden area. A I ttle over 1% acres on the bay, with 100 ft. water-frontage. Two BIG bedrooms, living room, separate dining room, sewing room or den, kitchen with breakfast nook, utility room plus guest house in baCk. $25,750.00 Owner retiring, wants smaller place. Would carry contract with 1/3 down. ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Eltete & Insurance HERB ANGLE. DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART. PAUL WOOD BARBARA NELSON Evenings 426.4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over I 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Real Estate the growth of the Mt. View area. Full city block on 1el-half of it now leased and bringing in more than enough to make the contract payments of $1000 including 7% interest. The other half block is flat and usable and zoned C-1. Great possibilities and a good deal at $112,000 total price. 7 ! 3 Bay street Port Orchard, Washington Ph. TR6-8087 Evenings Ken Hunter at TR1-2459 11/27-12/4-2t I IIII LoBISSONIERE Real Estate EXTRA LARGE LOT: Mtn. View area. Also has a two bedroom house whi:h needs some remodeling. If you are a handyman this could be an excellent investment. Full price $7500 and terms can be arranged. RENTALS: 3 rental units, 2 of them furnished, in tip top condition throughout. Convenient location and a double garage complete this picture. Income is more than enough to make the NEED 2 BEDROOMS??? home g Then see th s attractive . _ ^f = located in the country, prcnew $13,500 includes 6..a.icroe :' and a| well, some outbunl.OmY s era| creek. Ask us about u,,,,, m trade-in possibility! I COUNTRY HOME -- A truly fine family home located Road area. ! on 3 acres on the Cole baths and |: Has 3 bedrooms, 1V2 fireplace.| family room with laundrY| Exceptional kitchen  e extra| area. This home has all tt little things you've been looking I for -- so let us show you todaY! ! $27,500. BRAND-NEW 3 BEDROOM5 Large living room wi't'h-fireplace' dining room, full carted' )/-50 Trade J attached garage, $16,9 • ! your equity for a down payment-ill CARPENTER & PAINTER II WANTED payments, FHA if desired. Either re-do it for yourselfs, or dress(if yoUltit need 5 or 6 bedroom )- here'S| CAPE COD: This 5 bedroom up for resale. Either WaYli=sOr il home could be for you. There are money to be made on t . big,| 2Vz baths, a full basement, 2 Everything about the houseS.alll fireplaces and much much more. even the lot it sits o ten i See it today, now. Full price $10, n) will finance. il SUBURBAN: Here is a roomy 4 tE: or 5 bedroom older style home OWNERS WILL SELL OR L i1 completely redecorated inside. With Option to BuY,,rfr0nt Just on the outskirts of town and beautiful 3 bedroom W/k= only in excellent condition. Call today home at Lake Limeruc '-.ted,! for moredetafls, about a year old- Crar;;ajl fireplace, 1/ baths, 2 c. if Y ogi ACREAGE TOO: This lovely 2 and it's first quality  Ul I rl0W I bedroom home has all the little want to lease or buy .... W extras which make a house truly a for an appointment. / home. Close to town. $4,500 -- 5 ACRES  but i ON THE MOVE: These four nice That's all, just 5 acres ng f0r,,,, 1 bedroom cottages must be beautiful, gently slo.ttor moved by spring They come futUi'e b0il;dinjes. 33_u,eet i n|*-, completely equipped with road frontage and 660=;d$35 ! furniture, appliances, heaters and depth. Just $600 down a water heaters. We can even add a tract of land close by to put them per month. on. This could be a great 40 ACRES . tree5 investment. Call for all the details. About 1/2 is in Christma -co, with sore timber on the Iot • gl  . FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, it's well worth the ask=n set' unfurnished. Immediate occupancy. $80.00 per month. $750 per acre -- so call DESERTED FARM, 10 AcRE'=II Call 426-1641 O,d buildings, deep .d,_riled0t (no pump), fenced win, ro BevThomason426-8615 on each of 2 countT.^v $11,500 and only $1,50U uu" LaBISSONIERE ,ow monthly paymentS. AGENCY MANN REAL El/,"- "ff 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6S92 anyti REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Evening, Call . BOBBle GooDWlI |22 SOUTH THIRD ST. s.s03 *1 ...... 6obbie Up A New Home Here LOW PRICE... NEAR TOWN ... Has 2 bedrooms with attached garage. Home has been partually finished with panelling, and does offer nexpensive living. Comes partially furnished with a low, low price of only $3,250. LAKE LIMERICK... We have lots on the golf course and located near the recreation facilities of this fine development. Why not take advantage of this "off-weather" pricing and buy at bargain prices? As low as $3900. CALIFORNIA STYLED ... NEWER HOME.,. Located on Mountain View and has all of the fine features you would expect to find in our newer homes. Includes 3 bedrooms, fireplace, lk baths, family room, and even has an extra room for studio or shop. Easy walk to stores, churches, and schools. Can't beat the terms on this one. Fine home -- good price -- $17,500. 8 ROOMS... 1 LEVEL... If you think you've looked through some spacious homes, wait until you see this one. Has 3 large bedrooms, huge living room, rec room large enough for 2 pool tables, big dining area, spacious TV-conversation room, 3 baths, and 3 (that's right) 3 fireplaces. All of these features and wonderful view property in the country at the same time. Has been appraised at a much higher figure than the low, low asking price of only $34,500. BULKHEADED WATERFRONT.. • 2 BEDROOM GUEST HOt This is really a salt estate. The main house bedroom charming hom fireplace and 2 car  Qu0te roomy and  tremendous view. The o facilities are really gr( many recreation spotS, boat launch, shuffleJ barbecue, and the con bedroom guest qU.; Located out on Arcad0 and surrounded by fine $52,5OO. SECLUDED... ALL NEWER HOMES ." ". Rambler styled w!t;lled bedrooms and lovelY "".tttt walls. Homes have IotSo i 100' fronts, so no neign_Ut,, of too close and there is Pleop. space for the kids to;ad About 2 miles to this are n# won't be too far from m rtl high school. Well w looking at for only $] 3,u" AC REAGE .... io We have some seleC;oB0 ranging Trom 4% acres ul .res 40 o acres. How about a r g- site cleared and eitle rnirtcJ pasture or tree.fa000 possibilities for onY .'tte down and a contract t°0nlY balance. Total price u bY $400 per acre. A gou,, s including year-round crew- ' NEWLY PAINTED.." Hh And all ready .for's l financing. Has 3 bedro°'"lleY baths, fireplace, and ,eel ki h small " tc en. Has  veQ through front yard,.an°rent  has a little house income to help " payments. $17,000. A. ROY DUNN 1 I0 RAILROAD AVENUE 426.4447 (venlngs CIII: DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426.4601 Real Estate INCOME INVESTMENT 2 BEDROOM Older ,-..forh°me'-- attached garage, small well kept yard. 4th and Laurel'3.'3562. A substantial investment in appointment. Olympia M 12/4tin ____._.. Real