December 4, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 4, 1975 |
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Two men given prison
by court
Two men whose parole had
already been revoked were given
additional prison terms by Judge
Frank Baker Friday morning.
Francis Cooper Jr., Shelton,
had pleaded guilty to a charge of
grand larceny previously.
Judge Baker sentenced
Cooper to a maximum term of 15
years in the custody of the
Department of Institutions.
Deputy Prosecutor Gary
Burleson told the court Cooper's
parole on a previous conviction in
King County had been revoked.
Cooper's attomey, James
Sawyer, told the court this was
Cooper's third felony conviction
and that all three had occurred
while Cooper was intoxicated.
He said the grand larceny
charge to which Cooper had
pleaded guilty occurred after a
seven-day drinking spree with the
woman who owned the property
which was taken.
Sawyer said Cooper was
intoxicated when he took the
items from the house and was on
his way to return them when he
was arrested.
Sawyer recommended that
any sentence which was imposed
should include alcohol
Carl Dodge, Shelton, was
sentenced to a maximum of 15
years in the custody of the
Department of Institutions on a
charge of forgery.
The court was told Dodge was
already in the corrections center
after his parole had been revoked
on a previous sentence.
Judge Baker ordered that the
sentence he imposed run
consecutively with the sentence
which had been imposed
The court was told that
Dodge cashed a check which had
been written out by someone else
and made payable to him. The
check was written on a blank
check which had been taken from
a residence in Shelton previously.
Sawyer, who represented
Dodge, told the court Dodge
admitted cashing the check in a
Shelton tavern, but did not admit
taking it from the residence where
it was taken from.
Jury verdict favors defendants
A Mason County Superior
Court jury last week found
Olympic Vista developers Guy
Beckwith and Jack Bowen had
not been negligent in constructing
or maintaining the road on which
Guilty plea
given burglary
Richard Bellisle, 17, pleaded
guilty to a charge of second
degree burglary when he appeared
before Judge Frank Baker in
Mason County Superior Court
Friday morning.
He was accused of breaking
into Saeger's Motor Shop in
Shelton September 25.
Judge Baker ordered a
pre-sentence report on Bellisle
before he is sentenced.
He had been remanded to
Superior Court on the charge
after an earlier hearing in j;ivenile
Bellisle is presently being held
in the Mason County jail.
Benefit planned
for Yates family
A benefit potluck dinner tot
the Glenn Yates family, whose
Harstine Island home burned last
week, has been scheduled for
6:30 p.m. Friday at the Harstine
Community Clubhouse.
Those attending are asked to
take their own table service.
Additional information can be
obtained by calling 426-8873.
Donations of clothing and
money to assist the burned-out
family can be left at Pioneer
School board
meets Tuesday
The Shelton School Board
will hold its regular December
meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Evergreen School Library.
Mason General Hospital
A daughter to the Reverend
Kurt and Betty Hardenbrook, 530
East Birch, November 26.
A daughter to Karl and Cathy
Miller, P.O. Box 5, Hoodsport,
November 28.
A daughter to Steven P. and
Alberta Woods, Route 3, Box
548, Deoember 1.
A daughter to Kathryn and
Gary P. Budeson, Route 3, Box
641, December I.
Velner Stevenson suffered a fall
July 4, 1970 while looking at a
lot in the development.
Stevenson had sued the
developers for damages for
injuries suffered in the fall.
Stevenson fell from the edge
of the road, the testimony
The jury had been asked to
determine first if the developers
were negligent in the construction
of the road and, second, the
amount of damages Stevenson
should receive if the developers
had been negligent.
in answering the first
question, the jurors found there
had been no negligence.
Members of the jury were
Hazel Coleman, Richard
Johnston, Shannon Carr, Billie
Baisch, Ann Goodwin, Norma
Hibler, Marguerite Madden,
Richard Loving, Marvin Biehl,
Julianna Bare, Richard Dwyer and
Dana Frint.
Duggins trial
starts Monday
The trial of Donald Duggins,
charged with manslaughter and
second degree assault in the
hunting accident death of his
nephew, Wayne Duggins, in
October, will start before a
Mason County Superior Court
jury Monday morning.
The case is scheduled as the
first one for a jury term in
Superior Court here next
New Rotary
club started
The new Rotary Club in
Sheiton is named Shelton
Skookum and meets each
Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. at
Heinie's Broiler.
Official inauguration and
charter will take place in the latter
part of January.
Presently the board and
members are meeting each
Wednesday morning, establishing
programs and projects which will
be of benefit to the community.
Some of the Skookum
members joined with
representatives from the noon
Rotary Club to soundly defeat a
Kiwanis Club team in flag football
last week. it was difficult to tell
which players belonged to what
team on the muddy field.
Amazing Proof!
These lmazing, unretouched photos
show how old boots can be
k4borato(y studies
Drove it's cheaper to have
boots repaired than to
buy new ones!
Before After
Shelton Third & Grove
RUSSELL BASKIN, left, and Carl Bernert from Mason
County PUD 3 won the pole rescue competition at the recent
Governor's Safety Conference in Olympia. This was the
second year in a row the PUD 3 team placed first in the
Donations to the 40 and
8-Journal Christmas Fund, which
provides Christmas baskets tbr
needy families in Mason County,
have started coming in.
Two donations of $10 each
have been received in the past
week to bring the total to $30.
The fund last year raised more
than $1,500 to provide the
Christmas baske ts.
The Journal handles the
fund-raising efforts for the project
and the 40 and 8 takes care of
obtaining the material for the
baskets, seeing that they are
packed and distributed.
Contributions can be brought
to the Journal oMce at Third and
Cota or mailed to Post Office Box
430, Shelton.
The two donations received
this week were Veterans of
Foreign Wars Post 1694, $10, and
Mrs. Edith Wakefield, $10.
Fire which damaged
truck investigated
Shelton police and Shelton
fire department officials are
continuing their investigation of a
fire which damaged a truck which
was parked in front of the Jack
Sylsberry residence, 510 Oak
Street, early Monday morning.
Officers believe the fire was
set intentionally, using some kind
of flammable liquid.
Two tires on the truck, owned
by Sylsberry's brother, Melvin
Sylsberry, Lacey, were damaged
by the flames.
Jack Sylsberry is a Shelton
police patrolman.
The fire was first discovered
by Sylsberry's wife when it
started about 3:30 a.m. Monday.
She awakened her husband, who
called for help and had the blaze
under control by the time police
and firemen arrived.
Fire Chief Allan Nevitt said a
representative of the State Fire
Marshal's Office was expected to
be in Shelton Thursday to aid in
the investigation.
The Shelton Jaycees and the
Mason-Thurston Community
Action Council are participating
in a project to winterize homes
for senior citizens and low incx me
A group of Jaycees has
volunteered to provide manpower
for the project with a work party
Saturday- Material is provided by
the community action council.
Work which will be done
includes storm windows, caulking,
weatherstripping and minor home
repairs. The objective of the
project is to improve the homes
of senior citizens on fixed
incomes and low income persons
to reduce heating costs.
Anyone interested in having
work done on their home can
contact the Mason County Senior
Center, 426-2568, or Mason
Youth Services, 426-5823.
A Mason County couple,
David and Nancy Stdplin, each
received five-year suspended
sentences and six-months' county
jail terms on drug possession
charges from Judge Frank Baker
in Mason County Superior Court
The court ordered that
Striplin start his six-month
county jail term January 1, and
that Mrs. Striplin start hers July 1
after her husband's release. Judge
Baker said he was ordering the
sentences served that way so that
one of the couple would be at
home to take care of their three
Stdplin also received a 90-day
jail sentence, to be served
concurrently with his six-month
sentence, on a misdemeanor
charge of possession of less than
40 grams of marijuana.
The suspended sentence he
received was on a previous charge
on which he had been given a
deferred sentence.
Judge Baker revoked the
earlier deferral of sentence after a
hearing which preceded the
sentencings Friday.
The court was told that
officers had gone to the Striplin
home in the Lost Lake area April
25 with a search warrant for
Detective Brian Schoening
told the court at rite parole
revocation hearing that a quantity
of amphetamines had been found
in Mrs. Stdplin's purse and that
marijuana and marijuana seeds
had been found in other areas of
the house. He also testified that
drug paraphernalia had been
found in the house at the time
Schoening also stated there
were three rifles found in the
house which David Striplin
admitted were his.
Mrs. Striplin testified at the
parole revocation hearing that her
husband had been gone for several
days before April 25. He had left,
she said, after they had had a
quarrel and decided to try a
separation. He had been home
about four hours when the
officers arrived with the search
warrant. Mrs. Striplin said the
amphetamines which had been
found in her purse were hers and
that she had purchased them after
her husband had left and that he
did not know anything about
She also testified that a vanity
in which part of the marijuana
and paraphernalia were found was
one in which she kept her things.
Striplin testified that he used
the guns which were found tor
hunting and that he had not been
told when he had been placed on
parole previously that he was not
supposed to have any guns in his
possession. He said the guns were
on a gun rack in the living room
in plain sight.
126 Cota St.
Opening Display of
Limited Editions
Artist will be
The judge also ordered the
case be brought back before him
for review after one year.
Dec. 5 & 6- 12-3
I i i .s
1 Dance ;
Register now for new Classes
Starting January at our Shelton studio
BALLET - pre-school to adults - beginners to
For information dial 352-9693 or 401-5380
Write: P.O. Box
613, Olympia 98507
i Our Teachers are members of DEA and
Model 574
SAVE $15.00 ON
• 318" Chuck capacity accepts most popular
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• Reversible speed control adjusts from 0-800
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• Three-way action -- drill, hammer-drill
hammer - chisel by adjusting collar-ring
~ Regularly priced at $54.99"
New Anti-Vibrati0n Chain
• 7-1/4" circular saw
• Cuts 2-318" at 90 degrees, 1-7/8 at 45
• 1-3/4 hp burnout-protected motor
Safety swltch and safety guard stop
Regularly priced at $39.99*
Model 457
• 318" drill with reversible adjustable variable
• Double insulated for extra operator protection
• 1/5 hp burnout protected motor
• Speed adjusts from 0-1,300 rpm
Regularly priced at $41.99"
Model 1616
16" Cutting Bar
, Vibration dampened front and rear handles
= Centrifugal Clutch, as on professional models
= Automatic oiler with manual over-ride
= Sprocket nose cutting bar improves efficiency and 19
e All-position carburetor for peak performance at anY
e 2.2 CU. in. engine
Many features of regular Skil chainsaws in an economy
• Vibration dampened rear handle
• Centrifugal clutch
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• 2.1 cu. in engine
8KII.SHOI= Model 1712
12" Cutting Bar
bainbrid ;e, lynnwood, shelton
first & pine 426.2611
MON.- FRi. 8-5:30 SAT. 8-4.30 SUN. 10-4:30
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 4, 1975