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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ear am (9, October 25 in Faith lm~he,a,, Church of Shelton, Lark V~al~C tlamhn, daughter of Mr. ~ld M,.~, Ernest T. Hamlin of ~!~etto,I, became the bride of Michael W. Stebbins, whose pat ents are Wallace A. Stebbins of l acoma and Mrs. Mark Smothers ~! Ketchikan, Alaska. Tile Reverend Kenneth R~binson officiated at the 8 p.m. double-mlg ceremony in which hnest Itandin gave his daughter m me1 riage. Her white polyester crepe ~own was styled with a ~arl-edged cape collar, a high neckline, and long sleeves edged in pearls. A train was d~apeldength, and a hood was t~immed with a band of white ~,~ebuds and blue baby's breath. Light blue streamers floated l loin her colonial nosegay in which white rosebuds were ,J~cented by baby's breath in ,h~des of dark blue and light blue. Matron of honor Vicky Jansen and bridesmaid Sheri Ilaacey were attired in polyester elope d~esses of navy blue and light blue print. Bouquets and headpieces matched those of the t,J ida, Best man was Duane Bjorke, and guests were seated by Curtis Shipman, Mrs. Loui Larson was musician with sister-of-the-groom ~dr~. Woltgang Sauer as vocalist. the bride, a Shelton High School graduate, attended Western Washington State College t,~ ,lajor in art. She was graduated ~om Patficia Stevens Career ~],~.teling School in Seattle and is [in, ael ins employed as design consultant for a paint company. The groom, graduated from Franklin Pierce High School in Tacoma, attended Tacoma Community College. He completed four years of service with the U.S. Air Force and is now continuing his education in Bellevue Community College. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stebbins LDS Relief Society to meet Bazaar slated by David Ray A ('hristmas bazaar to he presented by David Ray O~thopedic Auxiliary will be held ~, lhe it,ion firehall between the hours ot |0 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Salurday. Itandnlade Christmas items :~l,t baked goods will be sold to belief it Children's Orthopedic H~,~l,ital m Seattle. The Latter Day Saints Relief Society will meet at 10 a.m. next Thursday and at 9:15 a.m. on December 14 in the church. Chris Getchman will be teacher. On the luncheon committee will be Billie Rose, Vina Blevins, Dorothy Brown, Cheryl Vanderwal, Nancy Carey and Nova Nelson. The family health lesson "Diet During Illness" will help each woman to modify the diet of the family member who is ill. Mini-courses will be offered on Thursday. Sewing, dothing repair and darning will be taught by Thelma Linn and Mable Cammack; Karen MacAlevy will demonstrate the construction of velvet poinsettias; Stella Lyons will instruct quilting; with Laura Depoe teaching toymaking, and Sandy Danford heading the homemaking class. Barbara Burgess will demonstrate the baking of Christmas bread. Luncheon will be served at noon. All women of the area are welcome to attend, and a nursery will be provided. e ....... A HOLIDAY BAZAAR to be held by SheI-Ma-Co Women's Club from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday in the PUD auditorium will include items fashioned by knitters Rosemary Bowcutt, left, and Ruth Boysen. Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 Annual Bazaar Lunch Friday, December S, 1975 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. IOOF Hall over Coast-to-coast store. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Soup, french bread, dessert, coffee, tea -- Price $1.25 Door Prize Chance with Each Lunch Gift Items and Baked Goods Available VFW to meet Mason County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 1694 and Auxiliary will hold a regular meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Plans are underway for an annual Christmas party to be held on December 19. lhe Kirby Classic Omega makes an ideal gift.., and how it lasts.., year after year it keeps on, working. Makes housecleaning a breeze. Plus it has special Shagmaster attachment that deep cleans shag rugs. Choose from new and rebuilt Kirbys f l om $69.95. Shop at homel Call today for free demonstration Shelton Sales Office now open Monday thru Friday, 1 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. Third g Cota Sales & Service 426-5191 J ' ~,;, ~ %t~eit~n-rVlasor~ County Journal - Thursday, December 4, 1975 One hundred and fifty guests attended a reception held in Shelton Elks Lodge after the ceremony. Mrs. David McMullin, sister of the bride, was in charge with Miss Denise Gardner at the guest book and Mrs. Robert Duma at the gift table. The large four-tiered wedding cake was served by Mrs. Stanley Lyman with Mrs. James Nash pouring coffee and tea, and Mrs. Carroll McMullin presiding at the punchbowl. After a wedding trip to Westport, the couple is at home in Kirkland. Club names card winners North-South winners at the Monday evening meeting of Shelton Bridge Club were Lil Updyke and Joan Rema, Howard and Dorothy Holt, Bruce Kreger and Clyde Rudddl. Winning for East-West were Ray and Ina Gustafson, Frances Sanderson and Ted Brodie, Shirley Byrne and Lynn Rust. At the November 24 meeting North-South winners were Lil Updyke and Joan Renn, Bruce Kreger and Clyde Ruddell, Doris Christy and Gusti Goldschmid. East-W st winners were Alma Rudel and Lou Laird, Shirley Byrne and Lynn Rust, Ray and Ira Gustafson. All bridge players are welcome to attend club meetings held at 7:15 p.m. each Monday in the PUD auditorium. Potluck set for Thursdays Shelton Chapter of Parents Without Partners has grown to t.he extent that a larger hall is required for meetings. Future potluck dinners will be held on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the fairgrounds hall. Divorced, widowed and separated parents, whether or not their children live with them, are welcome ~o attend. For information telephone president Omer Dion at 426-6630 or 426-3088. SheI-Ma-Co sl A holiday bazaar will be held by Shel-Ma-Co Women's Club of Shelton in the PUD auditorium on Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Proceeds will go to individual projects which in the past have included donations to Washington Elks Child Therapy Program, Crippled Children's Shoe Fund and scholarships. Handmade gifts will include stuffed toys, slippers, aprons, hangers, knit ornaments, sex dolls, Christmas tree skirts and many other items. Homemade Christmas cookies, candies and breads will be sold. Cosmetics for YOU APPLYING EYE SHADOW There are two schools of thought when it comes to applying eye shadow. Some makeup artists start at the brow and work downward - highlighter, shader, lid color. Others start on the lid and work upward. Try it both ways and see which you find easier; I it is really a matter of personal I choice. Whichever way you start, apply shadow to a clean, dry eyelid, if oils and moisture have gathered on the lid, they can interfere with smooth application, and the shadow may also darken and change color or run into creases on the lid. Nell's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 MR. AND MRS. DESS HAINES are pictured after two years of marriage with their 10-month-old son, Ernest. Christian women will meet Christmas music will be presented by the girls ensemble from Shelton High School at the Monday meeting of Christian Women's Club to be held at noon in the Timbers Restaurant banquet room. Kris Powell, co-founder of Tacoma Opera Guild and Tacoma Youth Symphony, will speak of Babysitting facilities will be available. Reservations are necessary and may be made by calling Gladys Cornelius at 426-5405. Silver Stars her experiences with young people as a foster parent and plan potluck through her involvement in Tacoma YMCA. Christmas items Silver Star Riders will meet at will be shown by Carol Mallory. The theme for the luncheon is "A Christmas Affair." Women of all faiths are welcome to attend. ESA to meet in Rice home ESA Beta Zeta Chapter will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the home of Helen Rice with Dot McNamara as co-hostess. Beta Zeta will prepare baskets of fruit for a Christmas party to be held December 17 in Exceptional Manor. The group is helping with preparation of food for the Walkathon set for Saturday to benefit retarded citizens. On December 29 ESA Beta Zeta will hold a Christmas party in the home of Bey Holland. A going-away party was given recently for vice-president Helen Casey, whose husband is being transferred to Tonasket, Washington. On November 21 the fourth floor of the new wing of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee was dedicated to ESA national sponsor of St. Jude Hospital. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the PUD auditorium for a family Christmas potluck dinner. Cards and gifts will be exchanged. Members are asked to bring garden produce or canned foods for a Christmas basket to be donated by the group. Officers for 1976 will be elected during the business meeting. A trail ride is planned for Saturday and will begin at 11 a.m. at the old county shop on Lost Lake Road just beyond the city limits. All interested riders may join the event, or may contact Ralph Bariekman. A zone banquet is scheduled for December 13 in the Brady Grange. Presentation of awards and dancing will follow the 6 p.m. potluck. Silver Star Riders received first prize trophy in the recent Christmas parade. Fourteen riders and a pony cart participated. The last meeting of the group was held on November 12 in the PUD auditorium. DPW to meet Daughters of Pioneers of Washington will meet at noon on December 4 in the Timbers Restaurant. Stocking Stuffer Spec In Choose from our wide selection of Zippo and Win cigarette lighters. Reg. $9.9.5 to $49.95. OFF Ladies' Neck Chains Many beautiful chains & pendants from Slip 'N Snip Scissors Nifty folding scissors. A great addition to any woman's purse. Hundreds of other great Christmas gifts/ BOSWELLJEWELERS years at the same h)cation' 405 Railroad 426-6182 DESS AND EDNA HAINES will celebrate theil wedding anniversary on Sunday. House for Sun Edna and Dess Haines will be honored on their 62nd wedding anniversary at an open house to be held from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Sunday in the new Union City Masonic Temple located on Highway 101 ten miles north of Shelton at the valley junction. Hosts and hostesses will be officers of the Masonic bodies meeting in the temple. Dess J. Haines was born in Union City, now called Union. Edna Frances Ahl was born in Hoodsport. They were married on December 10, 1913 in Seattle where the bride was a student in West Seattle High School. The groom had just returned from Alaska where as master of the M.S. Monagan he had served under charter to the department of US. Lighthouses. Dess Haines followed the sea for 35 years, maintaining his home in Bellingham where the couple moved soon after their m a r riage. Three born to them. Ernest Haines lives with his Betty Frances, now Anthony, and Robert Haines both reside in California. There grandchildren and: great-grandchildren. In 1935 Dess Haines sea and the couple came Canal, where they They once owned the Haines Music sold in November of Johnny Halverson. They then built and' the Haines Pancake House, now After building a second in 1966, they sold and retired. They ask their m~Y and relatives to join coming anniversary but specify that no gifts: .i!: ii i: SHOES FOR WOMEN Looks so simple, quick-changes it to go with pants, skirts, knits as though made for each, catches the eye with its shimmer and shine. No trickery about its fit and comfort • . . they're pure Miss Wonderful! / Our now i!• "The Family Shoe 107 South Fourth St.