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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Feature Writer, DANFORD really obsessed with boyfriend. 'em," I agreed. only thing you do love," I exclaimed in "I also love my love my typewriter. I I love all creatures I srnall. Present company of course." earned a dirty difficult to diagnose the dirty look, as it varies from his habitual filthy he snorted. you like to hear my I queried. him as he turned to clutched him firmly by beard as I recited: ; pedantic semantic..." , SHUT UP! You call that B a matter of fact, I don't," 'Bred, maintaining a on his hirsute facial !"But listen to this: t word • ay build a barrier the obscene iToms peer the open mind Secret places Now will you please whiskers?" just sort of clutching You're doing all the ,Pay attention. a road to that Lby good intentions, street domain rio escape the human zoo ideas." me, woman." until you've heard my poem." I just did." ~ere now exists a more recent: in decent despair, cYnicisms ,to be refuted! churns turbulence froth ~lidify mass uid lies You finished? I hope?" The muse moves the muse would move reach of my beard." Listen ! l a barricade a favored few. chatter the inquisitive of sarcasm trespassers. of every stronghold would enter search of words key." words, words!" the clod protested. "Can't in a simple and manner?" 'about this?" J asked as his beard and tweaked is love can try apple ,! Plete haircutting the entire !ily. All styles. Barbers, Jane Hatcher to IS weekdays 9too Unday & Monday ntments necessary SHOP N. of Hoodsport 877-9575 Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 will* hold its annual bazaar and lunch in the IOOF Hall over the Coast to Coast Store from 10 a.rn. until 4 p.m. on Friday. Lunch to be served from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. will consist of soup, French bread, dessert and AARP holds holiday party Sixty-five members were present at the Christmas potluck meeting of American Association of Retired Persons held Monday in the Senior Center. " Three persons joined the club. Martha Heimsath, community services chairperson, reported that the tax aide project will be finned in the near future. Counselors, to be trained by the Internal Revenue Service, are needed and anyone interested in taking the course may contact the center or Ms. Heimsath, 426-9322. Chapter members voted to hold all future meetings in the social hall of St. David's Episcopal Church at Third and West Cedar Streets. The usual potluck will be held at noon on the first Monday of each month with those attending supplying their own table service. The sum of $200 was granted the Senior Center from the AARP treasury. The 1976 officers' slate presented by the nominating committee was elected and will take over new duties upon installation on January 5. Owen Elliott, retiring president, presented to incoming president, Mary Littlejohn, an engraved gavel. Messiah read-through scheduled A Messiah read-through is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday in the lobby of the library at Evergreen State College. Singers should bring scores. Instrumental music will be on hand. Dr. Wayne liertz will direct. Soloists are Julie Eygabroad, K. L. Perrins, and Joan and Bill Winden. Jane Edge will accompany them. Listeners are welcome. If each participant will bring one dozen cookies and 15 cents to purchase coffee from the college food service, the afternoon can end with a party. Merchants' lunch slated for Friday A merchants' lunch will be served by Amaranth Laurel Court from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Friday in the Masonic Temple in Shelton. Clam chowder, pea soup, sandwiches and dessert will be on the menu. A gift table and bake .sale will be featured. Party planned Shel-T0a Guild's Christmas party will be held at 8 p.m. next Thursday in the home of Holly Pettyjohn. Co-hostesses will be Margie Knudsen, Peg Stock and Shirley Byrne. Gifts will be exchanged. --School Menu-- Menu for Shelton Elementary & High Schools MAKE SOUND LUMBER YOUR LUMBER.= Week of December 8-12 Monday: Barbecued beef on confetti rice, fresh fruit and vegetable tray, ginger cookies and milk. Tuesday: Hamburger on bun with relishes, potato salad, canned fruit and milk. Wednesday: Turkey noodle casserole, glazed carrots, vegetable and cheese tray, hot rolls with butter, and milk. Thursday: Pizza, tossed salad, jello cubes and milk. Friday: Fishsticks with tartar, French fries, vegetable and fruit tray, cookies and milk. LUMBER INC. 426-4282 I mile South on Hwy. 101 annual zaar coffee or tea. There will be many gift items and baked goods at the bazaar. Funds are used to maintain a home at Walla WaHa for members and orphans of deceased members. The home includes a large infirmary with a registered nurse and practical nurses on duty at all times. A Shelton lady now lives there, and local men have resided there in the past. The public is welcome to visit this home. Each year the order gives a $4,000 scholarship to a student in a project started more than 20 years ago. The order finances an eye bank and research center for the eyes and promotes a program to offer glasses to needy children. More information on this program can be had through the grand secretary's office in Tacoma. Members may join a camper club, which holds many outings in Washington and Oregon during the year. A park on Camano Island is used by members and their friends. Campsites for trailers are available. On December 14 an annual Christmas party will be held for Rebekahs and Odd Fellows and their families. Turkey will be furnished by the lodges, but members are asked to bring vegetables, salads, rolls and desserts. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. with a program and visit from Santa to follow at 3 p.m. Those bringing gifts for the, children should have names clearly marked on packages. U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS WITH GREAT FLAVOR BEEF WEINERS SAR-S GUARANTEED IN WRITING ................ LB. BAR-S BY THE PIECE .......................... 12 OZ. PKG. FRESH MEDIUM SIZE .............................. I0 OZ. JAR REGULAR OR LB. THICK SLICED "e ,7OZ. 31Sl pARADE .............. IFIIUIT cOCKTAIL ............................ ,,oz 4151 pARADE • • " APPLESAUCE ..................... " 63 ............... 29OZ, ELBERTAS .................... pEACHES LAD* ELBEIITA ........... o..,.o°- 16 OZ. M ....... . . . - • • " " " " " ° ° pARADE QUALITY PEAS ................................................. 41Sl 16 Oz. Parade Cut ......... GBEEK BEAKS ................................... 31Sl . .12 OZ. TIN COItll GREEN GIA"T ...................... IIIBLET .................... ,,oz TINSP . . . • - pARADE .......... SPIKACH .................................... GROCERY SPECIALS FROZEN FOODS BANQUET HINX ,21.59 :IDEN'S ................. 32 OZ. RAISINS Slo29 suNMAID ................ 32 OZ. BOX SOFT'mR 79 4ESS ................... ONEGALLON ma MED, WIDE, X-WIDE ...... SOL q~l H!NHOCRACKERS 65 SU ................... 16 OZ. PKG. oNDONIITs 89 :ASHI ED .................... PKG. OTURKEY OSALISBURY STEAK ......................... II OZ. PKG. HASH BROWNS 3/s1 LYNDEN FARMS ................ 32 OZ. PKG. WAFFLES 2/29 PARADE ........................ 5 OZ. PKGS omom RINSERS 35 LONE:IDAI .............................. 7 OZ. PKG. AIS¥ FRESH" PRODUCE CRISP, SOLID HEADS... ....... HEAD NUTS ,.69 TANGERINES Y I?"; ..... LB41Sl ~:~AR.~ DELICIOUS diS1 P lmJr"~ g sv ........... LB. --TI MEDIUMS YELLOW ONIONS ...... Le2/2g COOL 'N' CRISP ,.e,,,,,e,e,,,,e,,,,,,,, EACH $2.00 off list $2.00 off list 426-4302 THIS WEEK'S 205 W. CoLa Shelton SPECIAL "Come Taste The Band" LP Album 8-track tape 98 0000 BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS U.S. CHOICE BEEF VALUE TRIMMED STEAKS ......... LB. CROSS RIB ROAST S' U,S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ROASTS ...................... LB. BONELESS BEEF STEW $ U.S. CHOICE BEEF SOLID, LEAN CHUNKS .................... LB. FRESHLY GROUND IN OUR OWN MARKET. REG.- DRIP- PERK ......................................... 3 LB. TIN • PARADE ................... 2 LB. LOAF PARADE ............................. PINT KRAFT DRESSING .................................... 16 OZ. BOTTLE OR SHOP-RITE BURGER .................... 8 COUNT OR DINNERS $ .................. 25 LB. • MAYONAISE .....QUART JAR . NESTLE'S CHOCOLATE .o.o.....,...,,o,, 12OZ. PKG. SCOTTOWELS .......o........... 140 CT. ROLL kRINE ..ONE KRAFT $A • ........... 2LB. LOAF $' PARADE oo....................... 10LB. BAG ,--'-HAROLD'S BAKERY--"~ Apple TURNOVERS 2 Chocolate 2 ECLAIRS .......... We specialize'in Decorated Cakes for all occasions. Phone 426-3377 ,,, , =,, i ..... EALTH & BEAUTY ~',~ MISS ,, p BRECK HAIR • NASAL SPRA* .......... ,,OZ 98 tXCtmm s2.34 PAIN RELIEF....I6S CT. PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 4, 5, 6, 7 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 8 Thursday, December 4, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7