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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II i KRAFT 2-lb. NALLEYS 30 oz. HEINZ KEG-O 32 oz. TOWN HOUSE ives Large Pitted 6 oz. GOLD MEDAL SKIPPY 28 oz. LUCERNE Ice Gal. COLDBROOK rgar,ne Ibs. Prices effective Wed-- nesdoy December 3rd thru Saturday Decem- ber 6, |975, Sales in retail quantities only WAL A Cut Green Beans . ,,.so,. 32¢ WALLA Walla Walla Asparagus Spears., Whale, I4.Soz. 79¢ WALLA WA*LA Cut Asparagus.. s,.o,,,,o.s.,. 4 5 ¢ Bite Size Spinach .. ,,,,,,,o,,..,,o,. 26¢ WALLA WALLA Peas & Carrots ..... ,,o,. 35¢ TOWN .ous, Instant Potatoes ... 4 so,. $1 Mrs. Butterworth's... ,,ru,, ,4 0,. $1 IS TOWN .ous, Blackeye Peas... 2 iso,. 45¢ TOWN .OUSE Large Lima Beans.• 4 ,SUE• Sl Red Kidney Beans.• ,own,o-- 9¢ or Dk. Red, 15oz. 2 Nissin Top Ramen • .ood,es4 ,o, $1 KRAFT OELUX, Macaroni ..... ,CheeseD,nn.,,,,o,. 69¢ Appian Way Pizza ... ,,.. ,,.so,. 55¢ A-1 Steak Sauce ........ so,. 50¢ Kraft Dressing .... I000 Island or French 5¢ (Roka | oz. 69'), 16 oz. 9 Busy Baker Puffs ........ 140z. 6 Sunshine Hydrox .... Coak,.,.,,.,. 75¢ Mandarin Oranges,o.,.u,. 3 ,,.,. s 1 Cranberry Cocktail oc..n s23q • . . Spray, Gal. Mandarin Oranges Jade Temple 4 !1 oz. Purina Cat Chow ..... Origi~l, 4-1b. s I ,s Pam Dry Fry ,,.z. $111 xers Crag- taunt 32 OZ. Walla Walla 17 oz. Kraft Mayonnaise ...... ,o,. $117 BeI-Air Frozen 10.75 oz. Lucerne 8 OZ. Instant Town House 14.5 oz. Friskies Sauce Cubes• Meal, 2S-lb. Cat Food 6 oz. ~COPYRIGH-1 1960 SAF[WAY STORES, INCORPORATED Loin End lb. Safewat, Refrigerated Foods Second Nature Egg Sub .... ,.o,. 93¢ Sunnybank Margarine R.o, r • . 39¢ Saffola Cube Margarine .... 65¢ IMO Dressing ............ 49¢ Kraft Grated Parmesan . . . ,.,. S149 Great Eating Guaranteed! d,,-- aChaice¢~ 59 Beef Top Sirloin oTeaK,b ";Z Beef Flank Steak Choic.,b $198 Pork Rib Chops ........ ,b. $1 s9 Country Spareribs .... s 1,9 Beef Chuck Steak.. Cha,c..Ban'"",b. $1 Beef Liver, Sliced ..... ,h• 59¢ Canned Ham. Salewa, $899 • . . Boneless 5 lb. Can Safeway lb. SAFEWAY Old tC World 15 oz. MRS. WRIGHTS C'NNA,ON Butterhorns. •. ,,s 98 Bacon, Sliced.. (2-'b. S3.I7),OurFJnes|,l-lb. Sl s9 Bar S Wieners ........ ,k,,.b. 99¢ U.S.D.A. Grade A 69¢ Game Hens ...... Checkerboard, Frozen, Ib• Pork Link Sausage u,.w°y ,b $1 S9 Fresh Oysters ..... ,.d,u. ,,,.. ,0 ... $119 Greenland Turbot ........ ,b• 89¢ Fish Sticks ......... Breaded&Cooked, lb. 89¢ Sliced Beef, Ham .... Sn,ewny,,oz. 39¢ U.S.D.A. Choice lb. Safewa Frozen Foods/ Jena's Combination Pizza.. . o.,u..23.., sI , Jena's Sausage Pizza . . . o., .... s17 THREE cou,. Beef Dinner ....... , ...... , ,,o,. 99¢ THREE cou,,, Chicken Dinner .... , ...... ,,,,, o,. 79¢ THIEE couR, Turkey Dinner ..... E ...... ,,, ,6 o,. 79¢ neless U.S.D.A. Choice lb. Safewa Delicatessen Section Hormel Sausage . v.,.,c .... """"'-$1 *q mar, OSH Thuringer, I I ox. All Beef Bologna ...... ,.,...,.,0.. 85¢ Sliced Thuringer ...... • ..... ,,,4... 6q¢ Danola Sliced Ham ........ ,... Oberto Polish Rings ...... ,, o,. Sl Northern Bath Tissue ,,, 73¢ Viva Towels ..........,,,,. 55¢ Fiesta Towels ........ ,,,,. 55¢ Northern Napkins .. ,40r,. 42¢ Kitchen Refills ....0,,,e,'"" s,..,00 ,,. 9 7¢ All 0"" WASHER Detergent..•,,.,. 94¢ Lux Liquid Detergent 72¢ Liquid Dish Crystal White .... D.t.rg.o, 4,0, 74¢ Dynamo Liquid ..a.0u,, $143 • . Detergent, 48oz. Cold Power ...... 0.,.,gant.°z 99¢ Red Delicious• Starh,., 7 Ih. gag $1 Wash. Fancy Yellow, Onions .... 1 OEaglb" $129 TATER coy Potatoes ... 35¢ Birdseye Orange Plus "'"",,a,. 5 9¢ frozan GREEN G,ANT Peas /Butter Sauce i00,43¢ GREEN Niblets Corn ,roE.n 43¢ GIANT . . in gutter Sc., 10 oz. MORNING STAR Strips FraE.,, .,,o ,,,,., BREAKFAST • • Patties or Links, 5.2Saz. 8 9¢ Mild Medium Sharp 2-lb. 2-1b, 2-1b, Safeway Variety Department Alka Seltzer Tablets .... 4 • .... Revlon Flex Shampoo.. .... ...... , ..... ::.,,, .... Ban Roll-On IB i : 4 Way Nasal Spray 6 :i ;,,~:~: ~:~ ....... i :~ ~ ~, .... .5o~. . ..... ~: New Crop Nuts ........ ,b. 59¢ > Stayfree MEn! .Pads .... Sl" Balsam Conditioner .... ,.0.. 90¢ Select Carrots ..... 2 ,bPk, 29¢ , 2 Bathroom Cleaner . ' Woolite Rug Cleaner. ,o.. sI " . . ~2 ~. Wash. Grown Russet Gems 0 lb. Bag Green Onions ..... 2 ,,h,. 29¢ Bunch Radishes .... 2 ,,ks. 29¢ Rutabagas .......... 2 ,h,. 29¢ White Turnips ...... 2 ,bs. 29 Pitted Dates ....... ,.,h. Pk0. 89¢ Orange Juice ..... Pa,.. ,., 0.,. $109 "" Oven Cleaner,..... ', ''': 6 OFF . . . Vaseline ,,,Ro-Jelly LIUM ____ • . , . • 3.75 OZ ! Now Open Weekdays 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Assorted Each ii Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 4, 1975