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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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@ u 0 15 words or less -- $I .50 @ PHONE I • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of ,\~ I • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . ~ _ h.- Far SaleFor hie Far SaleUsed Cars Personal Pots, Uv tecE Help Wanted sale, $1.75 per bale. FOR SALE -- Like new BAZAAR AND Open House MOST POPULAR sizes of tires AMBASSADOR, 1972, 27,000 WE WILL not be responsible for WINTERIZE YOUR horse with PART OR full-time job, earn :12/4 blue-green sofa and Ioveseat, sponsored by United Foursquare and batteries now in stock. Call miles, excellent condition, AC,any checks numbered higherthanhot shoes. Horseshoeing, Julie extra money. No experience -- -- $195. Playpen, $10. 426-6413 Women, Thursday, December 4, Sears426-8201. $9/26ffn new tires, complete trailer 158. Thomas and Koran Dill, 426-8774. O12/4-18 needed. Call between 5 p.m.-7 SALE -- Toys, clothes, after 5 p.m; D12/4 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.-9 package, $2,650. Call 877-5845.Abercrombie. A12/4-t I ~ p.m., 426-4944. O12/4-25 items, etc. Friday and ~ p.m. F12/4" " Shelton. Fourplex on 5 city lots, 1202 Cote Street. 101975 TERRY travel trailer, 231/t, INVESTMENT PROPERTY in F12/4 ~ kittens. 426-3164. K12/4 PART-TIME HELP wanted. R12/4 fully self-contained with factory USED 6' sliding glass door, $ for expansion. $13,000 and 1966 BUICK LeSabre, very good problems in your life? Overeaters ~ 426-5826. $12/4 air conditioner, brand new. Was (.all 426-3641. G12/4 take over low interest loan. Write condition, PB, PS, very good tires, Anonymous can help you! 2 SILVER poodle puppies, ready . studded snow tires and $6,250, for only $5,400. Call 1 owner, $550. 426-1365. $12/4 Timberland Library, Tuesdays, for new home, $20 each. Had allI I~v.o,,8:,..= IIM...~..I ;0. 426-5027. M12/4-11 426-2901 until 8 p.m. H12/4-11 MAPLE TRUNDLE bed, $70. c/o Journal, Box 49. 10/23tfn 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 8:30 shots. 426-5998. E12/4tfn I =-A~UlnW ~lmEUl ! 426-8607. G12/4-25 " " 1 MEN'S 10-speed, 26", $85. 1'68 PLYMOUTH station wagon, a.m. 426-8780, 426-2751. ~--------- I General qualifications: I EP tires and wheels. CLEANINGEST CARPET cleaner HAMSTER HABITRAIL Choo girl's 5-speed, 24 , $75. Both automatic, power steering, good 426-3432. OT/10tfn T R IO OF proven fast-arowina I M i n i m u m 3 y e a r s ' I white New Zealand rabbi{s -- all I a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d I • M12/4 you ever used, so easy, too. GetChoo, new, $15 426-5736 only 5 months old. 426-9337. shape, $600. Call 426-1556. LIVING WITH a problem drinker for $12.50. 426-5120. P12/4 I management experience, ] Blue Lustre. Rent electric ~IAIR and crib, record shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast F12/4~11 ' ............ Gli/27-12/25 H12/4-11 is too much for most of us. If you ~ I preferably in social service I L29 Railroad, Friday and Store. C12/4 VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and CHRISTMAS TREES -- Choose FOR SALE-- Partially completed want h el p call AI-Anon, HORSE, HALF-ARABIAN, half I agency ; background in | G12/4 " " BEEF HALVES, 70 cents per dairy products, all your health your fir, pine or noble now. Cut1951 Ford pickup street rod. 426-3072, 426-4535, or Quarter, excellent riding horse, 15 I community development and I Desperate,must sell. 426-9072. 426-2551. P6/26tfn years old. 426-8693 after 3:30 I social service delivery; I ~LARINET, $50. Large pound. Phone 426-6046. J12/4 food needs. Old Healthy's Natural later. Lost Lake Road, 426-5343.$12/4 p.m. R12/4-25 I knowledge of funding sources I Ighted outdoor nativity~ Foods, First and Railroad, H10/16ffn SHELTON FAMILY Planning ~ I and elements of funding I iry, Joseph. baby, 26 MEN'S 3-speed bike, like 426-5158. O4/17tfn " CHR ISTMAS AUCTION -- condition, $825. Phone class held 2rid Wednesday, 7p.m.Registered 3/4 Arab colt, terms or I inancial management. Ability I |, sheep, $;~0. New new. 2-seater fun cart. Merchant 1966 TOYOTA sedan, good Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, SHELTIES FEMALE pups. I ~iroposals; knowledge of | Intle Coleman lantern, mechanical calculator. Phone CEDAR FENCING. Call Gigantic toy, gift and tool 426-3212. Y12/4 Call 426-4407, Mason County trade. Registered ½ Arab mare for I to deal with local, state andI • 1117. V12/4 426-1773. N12/4 Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550,auction, all new merchandise, Health Department, for lease. Call 426-6152. F11/20tfnI federal agencies. Ability to I ~ for free estimates. E5/16tfn door prizes, gifts, fun for all. LOVING V a Welsh, ½ Morgan I effectively with wide variety of I ; -- MISCELLANEOUS FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer p.m., December 7. Regular condition, best offer. Phone GEORGE V~ALrEY Furniture black mare, excellent shape. Great I people. Specific qualifications I le, 1725 Stewart Street,to Robert Dally, 523 South 13th,CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptiona~ Don't miss this sale Sunday, 1 FOR SALE: 1966 Ford LTD, fair appointment. S4/3ffn ~ I c om m u n icate and work I 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn auction every Saturday, 7 p.m. 426-2482. S12/4 and Appliance -- the best night Christmas gift. $150 includes 1I and applications available at I or 426-9941. J12/4 Mt. View. A12/4 ~ McCleary Auction, Col. Virgil spot in town -- Sealy mattresses, t o n h a y . 426 - 5507. I Mason-Thurston Community I ~ SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, Reading, Auctioneer. Phone '71 DODGE Coronet 4-door, 318 3/14tfn Mc11/20-12/11 / Action Council, 5826 Pacific I 2-bbl., auto., 21+ MPG, recent ~ / Avenue, Lacey. Applications | !EASURES, trinkets and A CHRISTMAS gift! Easy on the carpet cleaning our specialty. 495-354I. Rll/13-12/4 complete tune-up w/wires. New: PUD Auditorium, 10 budget and easy to mail "PassingPhone426-t~936. S11/30tfn GLORIOUS RAINBOW tinted I cioseDecember 8, 1975, at 5 I ,m., December 12. 10 Fancies," a book of verse orose ~ MUST SELL -- Antique oak U-joints, shocks (heavy-duty), NOTICE male peacock, 1½ years old. Will I p:m~. Salary, $14,500 to | 13th. $12/4 and photos by Jan DanforcI.Only FOR SALE -~ Antique Edison d tosser a nd oa k-trimmed carburetor, 40,000 mile steel belt Unauthorized persons caught consider female in trade or $150. I ~l/,uuu per annum, u.u.L~. . I a tew available at the Journal and Call Jodie, 426-8971. I 12/4 ! hand-cranK Pnlonograph, $200. matching mirror. Price reduced radials, battery. Excellent using the facilities of Colony ksw)gen engine, bookstores at $1.95. D12/4-25 See at Sheltonurniture Repair $10 -- now selling for $90. Call condition. $1,950. 426-8421 or Surf Club, Inc. will be $11/13-12/4 bZZ/4~Tn ~ K11/13tfn ........ "--" 426-4915. No Friday night or 426-3448. $11/27-12/4 prosecuted to the maximum ATTENTION SANTAw Fuii limit of the law. All roads and CALVES FOR sale. e ~le. Houseno!d 10:speed bicycle with Dia-Comp'e MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Saturday calls, please.Pll/9tfn1963 FORD ~b-ton pickup with facilities are Private Property. 426-6874. $11/20-12/11 ~-~~-=~-=-=-----=~ Does and enos. ca~iDers, brand-new condition, Elaine s Beauty Salon, 6th and SEWING MACHINES. Parts and canopy, good condition, $725. No hunting is permitted within ' " ,= Work Wanted /, December 6, 7,130. AM F 500 yards of the Colony Surf ........ $ . / M stereo-phonocolor Laurel, phone426-4582. 11/gtfn repairs for all makes. Central 1964 Chevelle wagon, rare, JI ~¢Iau- :~:reet. LLZ/4 TV console, beautiful wood Sales, 877-5798. Cll/20-12/11 2-door, body Mane Special, needsBoundaries. Board of Trustees, Faro htering cabinet, good condition, $200. TRADE IN your old furniture at paint, $350. 426-8870. Colony Surf Club, Inc. 426-5217. B12/4-11 Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. REEL to reel professional model, 4 p.m., 426-9479. JAY'S MEATS Meat Processing) FARM cutting, wrapping freezing. Hams and CUred. Locker beef available. 482-2203 6/19-tfn Rock Gravel for P rking Lots 10123 tfn 426-4889 OR 426-6326 Ill today for EST I M AT E Call hOrm Bunko Guoronteed Money Back AND CO. Square Norm ~ing 426-8201 Ik s * Sand & Gravel * Crushed Rock * Reedy Mix I3Ay POURS WELCOME blSPATcHED IX TRUCKS )NE 4'x8' POOL table, like new, $250. 426-3839. M12/4 GUN CASES, 52" and 46", never been used. For particulars, phone 426-1073. P12/4-11 TIRES 2 studded tires, 8.25x15, never used, mounted on Ford wheels, all for $60. Phone 426-8856 12/4tf n SAVE $20 on 5-cycle dryer with automatic cycles. Colors $5 extra. Was 189.95... nOw 169.95" Gas dryer $30 extra. *Plus transportation MONTGOMERY WARD Catalog Sales Open evenings until 8:30 till Christmas 417 W. Railroad 426-2691 CB 2-WAY RADIOS SPECIAL PRICES Midlands best seller Model 862, 23-channel. Regular price $159.95, now $110.00. Midland Model 882, 23-channel, N.L./D.T., S/RFO meter. Regular price $179.95, now $149.95. installation extra Cobra -" Sharp -- SBE -- Turner -- Antenna Specialists -- Minerva Beach Radio Potlatch 877-5560 1, 1/13tfn Call Norm for fast quotes on continuous aluminum guttering. Satisladion Guaranteed or Your Money Back I Sears] SEALS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Evergreen Square Call Norm 24-Hour Shopping 426-8201 SAND AND For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL ARE WELCOME J l .......... _ ............. LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/13tfn 4/16tfn FOR SALE -- Like new floral sofa and ' Ioveseat, $250. 426-2102. M11/27-12/4 SONY CAR cassette player, excellent condition, evenings 866-2891. D9/18tfn The Herculite Jungle Manufacturer of Boat Tops • Patio Curtains • Greenhouses. 15 years experience. 426-2321 Rt. 4, Box 312 Shelton, WA 98584 tfn METAL BUILDINGS (Pole type) Will consider pickups, boats or what have you in trade. BUILDINGS UNLTD. ~Phone 503-256-2550, Ext. 37 Collect. 12/4-25 TREASURES, TRINKETS, TREATS Ceramics, toys, dolls, knit and crochet goods, dried flower arrangements, plants, baked goods, candy, tole, beads. Buy them at PUD Auditorium December 12-13. Starts 10 a.m. 12/4-11 TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truckload anywhere. After 5:00 P.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden. 9/1 ltfn Phone 426-1500 after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County I • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing Gravel P.O. Box 37 Grapeview WA 98546 2-17 Cubic Foot Refrigerators 1 Gold 1 White Reg. each $339.88 $52.00 off NOW $287.80 SAVE $40 on 8-Cycle washer with 5 wash/rinse temp. combinations. Was 279.95... now 239.88* Color $5 more *Plus transportation MONTGOMERY WARD Catalog Sales Open evenings until 8:30 till Christmas 417 W. Railroad 426-269 i & Park Street 2/1 ltfn SNOW TIRES -- H78-15, Dll/27-12/4 11/2o-12/4 Dynaglas XFT, like new, $45 pair. F78-14 on wheels, $25 pair. Zt261974 DODGEion4X4'4mag wheels'12o~. 426-9474. Dll/13-1214 qood. condit miles. ~~-=--~=:~---~-~-- 5247 or' Used =rs -5846. FIREWOOD -- FIR, green. You D11/13tfn haul=311/20otfrn we haul. 426-6350. ~YMOUTH Fury III '69 FORD Galaxie, A.T., P.S., ....~,, 4-door, nice car, $750. 877-9332. asking$500. 426-5638 after 5:30 197419 Glasply boat with 1975 Pll/20-12/11 p.m. D12/4tfn 115 h.p. Johnson, excellent condition, $4,500. 1-898-3813. W 11/20-12/11 SINGER SLANT needle portable, like new condition, $59. Terms available. Central Sales, 877-5798. Cll/20-12/11 27" CAMPUS green Schwinn 10-speed, new tires, accessories, $75. 1973 CL175 Honda, $400. Call 426-6245 after 5 p.m. Bll/27-12/18 ALFALFA~ HAY for sale, Shelton, $4 per bale. 426-1446. J 11/20-12/11 ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/lOtfn FOR SALE -- 1"972 CL70 Honda, $225. 426-6785. DlO/2tfn GAS DRYER, like new, $125. 4-piece bedroom set with mattresses, $125. Call 426-4823. Bt1/13tfn WHEELCHAIR, DETACHABLE -- swing away, leg rests, used six times, $125. Phone 898-2594 after 4 p.m. Rll/27-12/4 1964 24' Owens cabin cruiser, 1972 225 h.p. engine, depth, trim tabs, excellent condition. $6,000 firm. 426-5919. H11/27-12/18 SHEARED TREES -- second road to right past city limits on Lost Lake Road. $4-$5. TOm Coleman, 426-8688. C11/27-12/18 FRESH GEODUCK, 50 cents lb. Less for quantity. Delivered. Phone 426-2998 evenings. E11/27-12/18 FIREWOOD, SPLIT and delivered. $17.50 half cord, immediate delivery. 426-4184. W11/27-12/18 SET OF 4 Semperit M266 steel-belted radials, 175/70x13, $160. 426-8262; after 5:30 p.m; 426-6245. B11/27-12/18 21' CRUISER. Call after 3 p.m. 426-5435. H7/3 ltfn HONDA MINI-BIKE. used Volkswagen, 8-20x25 heavy-duty truck cl~ams, used tires and rims. Call 426-8522 after 6 p.m. or before 9 a.m. R11/27-12/18 Mobile Homes I i__: -~--%%%%%%%%%%%%% CASH FOR your mobile home, naid for or not. Olympia Mobile ~omes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. O11/14tfn 1969 12x60 mobile home with 80x92 lot. Nice garden area. Lake Nahwatzel beach access- $10,500. 426-8323. L9/') r~ff, ROBINHOOD TRAILER Village, 15 minutes from Shelton, beautiful Hood Canal, $45 monthly including water, garbage. 1-898-2163. R 10/9fin 8x40 2-bedroom LaSalle mobile home. Phone 426-5876 or 426-9462. N 12/4-11 TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, jacks, brakes The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacev Blvd. 491-6150. Hll/28tfn - LARGE STOCK of used mobile homes from $2,495, easy terms. Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. Oll/14tfn 1972 STARLIGHT mobile home, 48x20, 3-bedroom, condition ~Ood, $9,025. Call 426-1976 after :30 p.m. H11/27tfn COMPACT CAR ~;PECIALS 1975 Pinto wagon Squire model, only 5,900 miles ........ WAS $3995 Now $3925 1974 Mustang, 2-cir. 21.700 m,es .................. WAS $3595 NOW $3495 1974 Pinto runabout With mags .......................... WAS $2995 NOW $2950 1974 Comet 2