December 4, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 4, 1975 |
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Close to town with country
setting. 1-year-old very nice
2-bdrm. home on large
riverfront lot. Shop and
garden. $27,500•
Well-built older home. 3
bedrooms• $16,995.
20 acres sheared Douglas
fir• 25,000 trees
p us 600-ft. creek
frontage. $28,500.
Member: Multiple Listing Service
of Mason County
JUANITA NELSON, 426-9351 --JOHN YEOMAN, 426-1755
JERRY SMITH, 426-9131
Riverfront Property
$89 down
$89 month
9% interest, 16-yr. contract
$8,950 -- full price
1918 Stevens St. Good rental
Well-built older home.
Carpeted living room ,
fireplace. Nice kitchen,
dishwasher, range, disposal•
2-car garage w/electric door. 2
patios -- large yard. Many
extras• $32,950.
Only 1 year old in
country• $23,900•
Benson Lake waterfront
home. 2 bedrooms. Large
Vi Stickley
Doug Tingvall
The world of real estate can seem very
complicated to many buyers and sellers. With new
laws being written and old ones changed it is hard for
the layman to keep pace with current real estate
That's why it is one of our basic policies at
Shelton Land & Homes to constantly study the many
changes in real estate law and financing so that we
can give you, our customers, the finest professional
As part of this program Vi Stickley and Doug
Tingvall recently attended the Graduate Realtors
Institute in Seattle. This special week-long course
deals extensively with zoning laws and other current
legislation that affects you, the property owner. Also
the course covers appraising and creative financing•
Whenever you're thinking of buying or selling
property.., or if you need advice ... think of
tegd Publications
36.82.180, t h e-~Co u n t y
Commissioners have prepared and
~laced on file the proposed
reliminary Supplemental Budget
to the County Road Fund for the
1975. Hearing thereon will be.
held at 2:30 p.m., Dec. 8, 1975,
at the office of the County
Commissioners at the Courthouse,
Shelton, Washington, for the
purpose of adopting said
Supplemental Budget.
cS/Ruth E. BOysen
lerk of the Board
RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole,
Commissioner of Public Lands
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday the 30th day of
December, 1975, commencing at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, at the South Puget
Sound Area Headquarters, located
at Enumclaw, County of King,
State of Washington, by the Area
Manager of said Area, the timber
on the following described state
land will be sold at public auction
to the highest bidder, to wit:
Application No. 38358
Pleasant Cove Thinning
located approximately 6 miles by
road west of Belfair. The sale is
Legal Publications
SALE, located within T• 22N•, .
7 and 8W., surveyed, and T. 23N.,
R. 7W., W.M.,unsurveyed. Public
notice is hereby given that
pursuant to the provisions of
Section 5 of Public Law 273,
78th Congress (58 Stat• 132-16,
U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) and the
Cooperative Agreement for the
Management of the Participating
Forest Properties, in the Shelton
Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit
entered into by and between the
United States of America and the
Simpson Timber Company, dated
December 12, 1946, an estimated
16,700 M board feet of timber
marked or otherwise designated
for cutting will be sold to Simpson
Timber Company, Seattle,
Washington, December 30, 1975.
The minimum acceptable bid per
M board feet is: Douglas-fir,
$29.78; western hemlock and
other coniferous species, $2.00;
Pacific silver fir, $2.00. The bid
rates will be subject to adjustment
during the period of sale as
provided by the quarterly
adjustment provisions of the
timber sale contract. The road
amortization allowance on this
sale is $0•00 per M board feet for
all above species. Additional
deposits required for slash
disposal is $2.04 per M board feet
for all above species. In addition
there is within the sale area an
estimated 317 acres of all species
logs subject to per-acre pricing
which will be paid for at $2.20
The u ndersig,
appointed and qu;
R e p r esentative
Persons having
deceased must serve
the undersigned, or
of record, at the
below and must file an
copy of the claim with
of the Court within
after the date of first
of this notice or
months after the date
of a copy of this
claim will be barred
~0se provisions
Date of filing copY
to creditors: November
Date of first
November 20 1975
Personal Re
c/o ROE
Attorney at Law .
125% N. 5th Street
P.O. Box 396
Shelton, WashingtOn
X8 (4607) SALE,
T. 22N., R. 5&ew.,
R. 5&ew•, W.M.,
surveyed. Public
given that pursue
provisions of Section
Terms. unit. A real handyman special, shop. View. $32,500. Shelton Land & Homes. We think of YOU! composed of all timber marked per acre. All of the Alaska yellow Law 273, 78th
$9,000. with blue paint, bounded by sale cedar determined pursuant to 132-16, U.S.C•
.... area boundary tags and propertypublic hearings to be surplus to and the Cooperative
lines in Unit No. 1 on part needs of domestic users and for the Manageme
9 ACRES, HIGHWAY 3 CABIN SLEEPER W%NWl/, of Section 2, part processors and Included TimberParticipating Forest F
10 miles north of Shelton• Lost Lake area. Lake access. Ocean Shores may be the area NEV4NEV4 of Section 3,,Townshipnot meeting Utilization the Shelton Co
Highway frontage. Excellent Needs some fixing but priced with a future• Super low down 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; all Standards, is exempted from Sustained Yield Unit
investment. $8,100• at only $10,000. payment. Lots from $4,500. timber marked with blue paint Timber Export and Substitutionby and between the U
bounded by sale area boundary Restrictions• Bidders are advised of America and the
422 North First 426-5555 tags in Unit No. 2 on part that violations of the TimberTimber Company
• TIMBERLAKES FAWN LAKE .,-DES - S%NEV4, part N%SEV4 of SectionExport and .Substitution December 12, 1946, an
Lot- from "" 500 u ~'4 n-~k~n~,,vwvn~ 34, Township 23 North, Range 2Restrictions constitute preach or 23,200 M board feet
Lots from $3,000. LO¢~ ~rum ~,*,~uu• 2-bdrm. 1%-bath, family room, REALTOR West, W.M., containing 88 acres, contract and may result in marked or otherwise
Franklin fireplace. Garage. more or less, comprising contract cancellation, refusal to for cuttina will be
EMERALD LAKE ARROWHEAD LAKE Creek frontage. Many extras, approximately 210,000 bd• ft. of award other timber sales to the Simpson ~'imber (
Lots from $6,000. Lots from $4,000. $23,500. Douglas fir, 30,000 bd• ft. of violator, and/or debarment or Seattle, Washinqton,
" Iodgepole pine, and 10,000 bd. ft. suspension from bidding on 3 0, 1 9 75. The !
~-~v-_-_~_-_-_~_-- of hardwoods, or a total of future timber sales. If requested acceptable bid per IVI~I
INVEST IN COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 250,000 bd. ft. by the State of Washington, or by is: Douglas-fir, $60.I~'
Across street from new shopping center in Belfair. Highway 3 frontage. Home, store L jal Publi~ltion$ ............ ~jal PubikAl~l)n$~____~ $18,200.00.Minimum acceptable bid: GraySor by anyHarb°rperson°r MasOndeemedCountieS,to have species,hemlock and$5.94.other "I-
Timber will be sold on a cash a reasonable interest in the amortization allowanc!
and barn now on property. $47,000. publication of this notice, or of this notice or within four or installment plan basis. Timber proposed sale, or in its terms, a sale is $34.53 per M I
~~ ~ within four months after the date months after the date of the filing must be removed prior to October public hearing will be held in the for all above species, a,
of the filing of a copy of thisof a copy of this notice or the31, 1977. office of the Forest Supervisor, adjusted pursuant to ffi
notice or the claim will be barred, claim will be barred, except under On or before December 30, Federal Building, Olympia, t he timber sale '
except under those provisions those provisions included in RCW 1975, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder Washington, on the 19th day ofAdditional deposit r~
......... . . included in RCW 11.40.011. 11.40.011. must make a minimum deposit of December 1975 at 2:00 PM, local slash disposal is $7,~
For Rut For Rut teed Publkntions Date of filing copy o.f notice Date of filing copy of notice $1,820.00 in the form of cash, time. Requests for public hearing board feet for all above
to creditors: 14 November creditors: November 14, 1975. money Order or certified check•will not be considered unless addition there is withi
Date of first publication: 20 Date of first publication: Said deposit shall constitute an received in the office of the area an estimated 4217
ARTIST, WRITER or hermit -- -IMMACULATE!2-~droom. iNice-- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION November 1975. November 20, 1975. opening bid at the appriased Forest Supervisor, Federal species logs subject ~
secluded 40' trailer, furnished. On carpeting throughout. Appliances NO. 12566 FRANCES R. /s/DorothyManke price. Upon award of this sale, the Building, Olympia, Washington,pricing which will be.I
waterfront• $75 month, $25 and utilities furnished except heat IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CHRISTENSEN. DOROTHY MANKE respective deposits shall be on or before December 11, 1975. $27.55 per acre All at
damage deposit. 8 miles from and electrical. Has garage andO F T H E S T A T E O F Administratrix, Personal Representative returned to the unsuccessful The right to reject any and all yellow cedar de;mrmine
Shelton• 426-4925. E12/4 washroom. Vacant December 1st.. WASHINGTON IN AND FOR Rt. 5, Box 366, c/o ROBERTL. SNYDER bidders. On the day of sale, the bids is reserved. Full information to public hear ngs to be
$145. 426-1078, 426-6060. THE COUNTY OF MASON• Shelton, Washington 98584• Attorney at Law purchaser must pay the balance concerning the timber, the needs of domestic .~
2-BEDROOM house on Hillcrest. W11/20-12/11 E M I L Y E S T R A D A, B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, 125% N. 5th Street between the bid deposit and theconditions of sale, and submission processors and IndU~
Fireplace, large kitchen, carpet. ~ Petitioner. and ANTHONY Attorney for Estate, P.O. Box 396 full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of of bids should be obtained fromnot meeting Utl
Angle BidE•, Shelton, Shelton, Washington sale fee, or may, if the purchaser the District Ranger, Shelton Standards, is exem_P
References required. 1-898-26072-BEDROOM unfurnished M I C H AEL ESTRADA, Wash. 98584 98584 so elects at the time of sale, pay Ranger Station, Shelton, Timber Export and
after 5 p.m. B12/4 " downtown• References, deposit. Respondent. 11/20-27-12/4-3t an additional amount to bring the Washington, or the Forest Restrictions. BidderS .6
~---------- $120 monthly• 426-4702. T H E S T A T E O F 11/20-27-12/4-3t total amount of the deposit, Supervisor, Federal Building, that violations of tll
DOWNTOWN 2-bedroom house, Oll/20tfn W A S H I N G T O N t o t h e ~ exclusive of fees, to equal 10=/o of Olympia, Washington. Dated Ex port a nd sub
large• carpeted Iivin~g room, ~ respondent. Anthony Michael the full~i~id price ba~i,on theNovember 21, 1975, Wynne M. Restrictions constitute
Tireplac~ oral~S. Depo•it~no ;~P~ p(t-l~F~.-- watmlront near E$~ada.,, ~ ~ ..... NOTICE OF HEARING CALL FOR BIDS
pets• 426-8269, G12/4ffn Shelton. 2-bedroom, carpet, YO U A R E H E R E BY FINAL ACCOUNT SIMPSON HATCHERY cruise estimate, provided that Maule, Forest Supervisor, contract and maY
-- appliances: No children. $225 SUMMONED to appear within NO• 4626 APARTMENT such deposit shall not be~ess than ~ Olympic National Forest• contract cancellation,
4-B EDROOM home with month, $75 deposit. 537-1955. sixty (60) days after the date of THE SUPERIOR COURT OF INTERIORwashingtonRENOVATIONDepartment of $5,000.00.paid by personaIThis check.balanCepurchasermay be , ~11/27"12/4"11"18"4t, awardviolator,Otherand/ortimberdebaSa
fireplace. 1-, 2., 3-bedroom T11/13tfn the first publication of this WASHINGTON FOR MASON F i sh eries, 1 1 5 General must also furnish within 30 days suspension from pi
houses, furnished. Apartments- . Summons,to-wit: within sixty COUNTY
trailer spaces. 426-4420. I ..... I days after the 4th day of IN THE MATTER OF THE Administration Building, of date of sale a surety bond of Nu~Jt.P- ......... uP ~tl,-K,rr"-'"-'":D future timber sales. "
W12/4tfn I une aria lWO t~oroom I December, 1975, and defend the ESTATE OF SAMUEL DEAN Olympia, Washington, 98504, will $1,000.00 to guarantee ¢~,=~¢ ,=~=EtTA.rE by the State of Washi~
IApartments, with carpet, drapes I above entitled action in the MOORE,,Deceased. accept sealed bids till 2:00 p.m. compliancebill of sale.withAll allchecks,terms money°f the o TATMErvU %. w~H/~l~OsNs, ~'~ ~'~" "~-- "~"-~% "= "%" orGraySby anyHarb°rperson°r MaSO-deenl
SECLUDED 2-bedroom mobile | & appliances, no pets• I above-entitled Court, and answer NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Pacific Standard Time, December b ~ ~,,~.. v, "" , =" a reasonable inter~,,
home on Arcadia Road. 426-6660 I I the Petition of the Petitioner, and Final Account and Petition For9, 1975 for a general contractorderS,nayable toetC'thearecommissionert° e madeot .,,¢ucD'c='c ~=c,P¢ ,~_~,,, ..~..~,..,._,%=. _ . oP~/iecpr°p'°sho~ ~neg ~iol e~~'ed sale, or in=!j
evenings and weekends. J12/4 I • ft _ =__L_ I serve a copy of your answer upon Distribution has been filed with involving carpentry, floor ~ublic Lands By VIH/Ub. Ul" uecreeor
IJAl'l' lr JBl l lrlT e I the attorneys undersigned tar the the Clerk of the above Court and finishing, paneling, carpeting, and A r. ~- "~ ¢ c R ~ A r~ Foreclosure andOrder of Sale a
F O R R ENT -- Furnished Iw~ ......... T--W I petitioner at their office below the personal representative seeks limited plumbing and heating gp~/'~=~/=~tu~ p"~l~n. '~,ROt3"t3" to issued out of the Honorable Court Federal Building,,~
3-bedroom ra nch• Large I ~:~29 Jefferson St I stated; and in case of your failure settlement of the account, relocation for the Simpson [:~-n'=;v~'-~'nda"~ o'fs'ale" ~'- ..... of the State of Washington forWashington, on the J,~
..... ~hil,fv. vi~ nublic and Mason County, on the 17th day December 1975 at '~
playroom, residential area, I -- • . " I so to •do, judgment will be distribution of the estate, andHatchery Buildingapartment. ~" .... ~ "
Sunrise Hill, Hoodsport• $200 per I Mgr. Apt. ;' or "l rendered against you according to discharge, which matters have Pre-bid conference at site De,~='r'~"ot;-i~lat~'ral,'Resources of October, 1975, by the Clerklocal time Requests '
month plus utilities. 877-5501. I 426-1916 ._ .... f I the demand of the Petition, which been set for hea, ring on January 2, December 5, 1975. Site 26 milesacc~s's ........ Thereof, in the case of Capital . : i
Mc12/4 U ,/=zz n Ihas been filed with the Clerk of 1976, at 9:30 o clock A.M•, in the frOmMatlock,Shelton,washington;SOUthnorthout out°f ---~-,~.o m p,eze .... contract and- wSavings ....... and Loan Association, aunlesshearlngreceivedW'll nOtin theo~be,
......... d at asnington corporation, vs ~uuen Forest Supervisor-.,
L ...... , this Court• Courtroom of the above-entitledof Satsop, Washington on East speciTicaz,ons may De examm¢ J " ......."" "" -'~' ~'-•"~=~ - a w
2-BEDROOM waterfront home, ! ' i The object of this action isto Court. South Puget Sound A . -. Building, Olympi ,=.,
Picketing Pass• Range and I J~lIT VII=~L/ I obtain a dissolution of marriage• /s/JOHN C• RAGAN Fork Satsop River ........ d at and to me, as Sheriff, directed on or before Decemp="
refrigerator, fireplace, doubleI ~'~'' --='-v~ I /s/PAUL R. LICKER JOHN C. RAGAN Call for plans at 753-6610 or ~eaoquar[ers ,ocatu .......
" or's ~ ap_9__o~Lvereo: The right to reject a=
garage. $170 month plus deposit. I __ . ___ I PAUL R•LICKER Attorney far Estate pick up at 6015 Capitol Blvd., Enumclaw, County Aud,t - .,^.~.~.; ;-.~;.,. ........
-,~; .... -~ .-~, ....f the ,-~uH~- ,~ r~r_~r_uY ~lV~_l~ bids is reserved. Full !~.
Angle Agency, 426-8272. A12/4 I 4~J~,,.~.~f ~J~.~_,~,,. I Attorney for Petitioner JOHNC. RAGAN Tumwater, Washington 98501. ~ ..... ., . .... ~. .L,. .= ,,. %__~. that I will proceed to sell atconcerning the ~,
~-ommlssloner OT I~UD,ICL