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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 4, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 4, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Episcopal Church Welcomes You ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:! 5 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday 1 !:15 a.m. Come As You Are We have Gift Certificates for Christmas Giving Tidal Wave Beauty Shop 275-2509 Serving families in this community since 1909 5303 Kitsap Way Lester M. Lewis, Sr. FUNERAL CHAPEL Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Lester M. Lewis, Jr. "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE TRUCKS" • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete Housewarming Service Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair Service Fuel Co., Inc. 1318 PARK AVE. BREMERTON 479-2772 DUMP TRUCKING HEAVY HAULING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING SEAWALLS EARTH WORK CONCRETE WORK GORST INC. 373-1514 -- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR - IALIZING IN: • Automatic transmissions • Exhaust systems 275-2128 Vz mile W. of Belfair State Park THE LARGEST SELECTION OF MOBILE HOMES IN THE NORTHWEST Come in and see Jim Yoest, AI Logan & Dave Macomber Phone 377-4461 BELFAIR HWY & GORST TRIANGLE Bay View Farm Choose-N-Cut Christmas Trees Bring the family! VICTOR 275-2275 Russ & Patti FOR QUALITY INSURANCE With personal attention and competitive prices. Over 50 years of South Shore residence Tommy Pierson and Bob Sutton '1 Insurance and Real Estate 520 Pacific Ave. Bremerton ES 7-8547 or CR 5-6120 (evenings) I r l i I~~~u~u~H~~~~uu~ Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone CR5-6680 ~lfair office open 9-5 - Wed., Thurs., Fri. LOU DONNELL ..................................... Editor CAROL WENTLANDT .............. Advertising Manager, Phone: Office Telephone CR5-6680 Eves. CR5-6259 PHhl~,;hed by 5helton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Wa#HHqt~H 99584 ; telephone 426-44 12. A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal. 1~u~~~~~u~ui~gBil~XMa Clarence Fad Veitch, 49, of Belfair died at U.S. Army Hospital, Madigan, on November 22 after a two-month illness. Born August 12, 1926 in Corsicana, Texas, he came to this area in 1964. He had been manager of the Belfalr Liquor Store for the past year. Prior to that he was a component cleaner supervisor at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard from 1965 to 1972. He served with the U.S. Navy from 1944 to ! 964. He was a member of Point Loma Lodge No. 620, F & AM, Tacoma Scottish Rite Bodies, Afifi Shrine Temple, Belfair Chamber of Commerce and of Belfair Order of Eastern Star. Surviving are his wife, Gladys, of the family home; six sons, Charles, Bruce Chris and Duane, all of the family home, Jack of Puyallup and Andrew of Belfair; his mother, Mrs. Alma Heald of Belfalr; two sisters, Mrs. Bobble Davis of San Antonio, Texas, and Vallie Kendall of Hawkins, Texas; and two grandsons. Memorial services were held last Saturday at Belfair Community Baptist Church with inurnment at Miller-Woodlawn Mausoleum. Memorials may be made to Shriners Crippled Children's Hospital in Portland. Red Cross sets winter swim dasses Winter swim classes will be held at Bangor Pool January 6 through March 13, sponsored by Kitsap-North Mason Chapter of American Red Cross. Pre-registration and payment of pool fee is required before entering classes which will be held mornings and evenings. Further inform/ation may be had by calling.' the Red Cross chapter, 377-3761. Foflowing is the schedule for classes: Tuesdays l 0:30-11:30 Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 9:00-10:30 10:30-11:30 11:30-12:00 Thursdays 9:00-10:30 Fridays 9:00-10:30 10:30-12:00 10:30-12:00 11:30-12:00 Saturdays 9:00-9:30 MORNING LESSONS 9"30-11:00 Swim & Stay Fit Adult Beginners Advanced Beginners Swim & Stay Fit Basic Rescue Parent & Child Lunchtime Swim & Stay Fit Senior Citizens Swim & Stay Fit No. 1 Swim & Stay Fit No. 2 Advanced Swimmers Lunchtime Swim & Stay Fit Beginners (6 years or older) Better Beginners (can already float) Advanced Beginners (can swim across pool) 9:00-10:00 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 l 0:00.10:45 10:30.1 l :00 11:00-11:30 11:00-11:45 11:30-12:00 Tuesday 6:30.8:00 Wednesday 6:00.8:00 Thursday 6:30.8:00 Basic Rescue & Water Safety Beginners Better Beginners Advanced Beginners Beginners Better Beginners Adult Beginners Swimmers Preschool (4 & 5-yr.-olds) Better Beginners Older Beginners (12 or older) Parent & Child (potty trained) Beginners Water Safety Aide Intermediates Parent & Child Better Beginners Advanced Beginners EVENING L ESSONS Swim & Stay Fit Advanced Lifesaving Adult and Advanced Beginners Belfaw F,replace Shop S Fireplaces and accessories 275 6165 Next to Belfair Home Center " S 6 days 10 a.m. to 5:30, Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ...................... • John & Pat's Tackle Shop OF ALLYN Member of Northwest Steelheaders Cortand Certified Fishing Pro Shop Retail & Wholesale Year-end Sale during December. 25% off on all hunting & fishing supplies except Cortland. I Bear Creek Mini Mart OLD BELFAIR HIWAY 275-6222 I FULL LINE OF SEED, HAY AND ALL LIVESTOCK NEEDS ,i • CANDLES • HANGING PLANTS • POTTERY • SHOP EARLY LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! North Shore Nursery t Gift Shop 275-2558 6 miles up N. Shore Belfair Tires, Minor Repairs, Lubes Open 6 days a week, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. lUCK'S TOWING BELFAIR TEXACO Buck and Minda Church i CR $.2077 "A UNIQUE GIFT FROM THE NORTHWEST" Packaged-Shipped Anywhere Noble Fir and Silver Fir Wreaths also available Write or phone for brochure ;ROWERS Phone 1--206---692-9081 Box 152, Silverdale, Wash. 98383 TOM LEWIS BILL NEWTON Along the ELEA.ORA FEDEN, CR 5-2774 Old Belfair Highway Dec. 15 will be the final day to sign petitions for those taking a firm stand requesting closure of portions of the lakes in Kitsap County (Mission, Tiger, Panther) to discharge of firearms. For those not already contacted in person, there is a petition for signatures at the Bear Creek Mini Mart. Where does the time go? It will be 1 976 before the Mission-Tiger-Panther Lakes Improvement Club has another meeting. Until a date is set for the semi-annual meeting, the executive board plans to meet early in the spring to hold things together. if the national Neighborhood Watch program pasty with emergency numbers is handy on the telephone, don't forget to change the Kitsap County Sheriff to the new number of 876-7100. It was a sad loss for Belfair with the passing of Mrs. Ada Miller and Mr. Clarence Veitch on the same day. Mrs. Miller was the picture of dignified personality, and had a smile that was contagious. Mr. Veitch was a true-blue Belfairite, and his friendly words were a welcomed feature several times on this column. It was a happy Thanksgiving Day for many. I met Mrs. Dorothy Spangler shopping, but her plans for the big day were to be out of the kitchen. She was looking forward to the Spangler couple sharing a first time dinner on the town (and it sounded so nice that I may borrow her idea.) Another couple the plan appealed to were Ed and Vi Cokelet, going to a restaurant for dinner with friends. With Tina and Terri Williams home from school for the holiday weekend, the family gathering was complete at the home of their parents, Floyd and Verna Williams. In the circle were grandparents Harmon and Kathryn Bland; the Washburn family of Jack and Mary, Dan, Kathy and Karen; from Port Orchard were Bob and Elaine Gilbert with Caroline and Mich aei. Tina is attending Bible school at Ecola, Cannon Beach, Oregon, and brought Pam Wooten of Kelowna, B.C., as her guest. Terri is continuing her studies at the Multnomah Bible College. A sigh of relief came with the news that Benjamin Franklin Goose is safe. The Harmons' pet white goose that likes to go begging snacks and making friendly calls on the neighbors at Tiger Lake made it through the hunting season but has been confined to the quarters of a safe pen. Kristine Nelson celebrated her 12th birthday on Nov. 20 by picking out a desired gift. It was a stuffed green turtle with a bit of personality, and about as big as they come. All is well with the green newcomer, on Kristine's bed by day and taking over the floor by night. It was a trek to th( Manchester home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall for the Herman Nelson family for their traditional sharing of dinner. They were in the count of 42 relatives that brought favorite dishes together for one big dinner. They managed to polish off two turkeys (weighing 22 pounds and 25 pounds). The holly, jolly Christmas will be in Surrey, England, for Ned and Kathy Cokelet after a home visit here with the Cokelet and Lohman families. Kathy stayed for an additional three weeks when Ned returned to England the last of October for his contracted position in ocean science. With a two-year period in the planning, the visit home was an added opportunity to pick up some of their stored possessions that can be put to good use in their home. CHRISTMAS POTLUCK Nuel Curtis Post 5372 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary will hold its annual Christmas potluck on Dec. 10 at Twanoh (;range in Belfair. Dinner starls at 6:30 p.m. and all members, their families and prospective members are welcome to attend. D & O TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 tou Dobbs TR 6-4783 TOWING LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SEP.VICE 275-2861 4 Allyn & Belfair ",~ "~ .... 426-1731 Shelton f SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR MAJOR APPLIANCES We are franchised General Electric Dealers Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms- Free Delivery We take trade-ins. 275-2020 1/2 BLOCK NORTH OF THR IFTWAY How Do You Cut Grass with Fishing Line? The Weed Eater Doesl "Yes, a fishing line" • Heavy Duty • 3/4 H.P. Permanent Magnet Motor PAT NO 3859116 OTH~RPATS PENDING Christmas Special FREE 100' CORD ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES 275-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -" Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. FIRST AID CLASS An advanced first aid and emergency care class, which will include C.P.R. and basic water rescue, will be held Tuesday and Thursday evenings from Jan. 13 through Mar. 4, 7 to 10 p.m., at Olympic College, Room 110. Bernice Asman will instruct. There is no charge for the course but a $2.50 textbook must be purchased from the Red Cross. BREAK-IN REPORT A COlnplaint was the sheriff's office Nov. break-in of the pump Bear Creek Mini nothing appeared to be ! "Hanover Shoes since 1899" The greatest shoe value on Charles R. Hoem 27 il29 e Belfair Telephone Answering Service 24-hour answering • Wake-up service • Use your phone or Mercury Sales & Service • We Winterize Bank Terms GLAS-PLY BOATS 16' to 28' LIFETIME WARRANTY SANDE'S I Distinctly Pendleton featuring patch pock- ets and 100% pure virgin wool. $27.50. 275-2033 Mary Wright Belfair e Every Wed. night "Ladies Night" in the GIo Room e Monday Night "Football Night" e Breakfast I Lunch s Dinner I Homemade Pie e Child's Plate Cocktails and Dancing WEEKEND SPECIAL Complete Dinner OPEN 7 DAYS A Plenty of free parking, lots of room for campers & trailers. 275-6226 I' ~, :' ~,, Pt,!t~e~ry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 4, 1975 9